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 After the archivist made clear that the documents can not be taken or consulted without previous petition, Elana decides to hide in the hallway and wait until the man leaves the room.  
The archivist addresses to his two assistants, Jeena and Ron, with his usual stern tone. “Jeena, Ron, I have to leave for a moment to make some chromatographic impregnations of some scrolls, do not loiter and continue ordering the documents.”  
“Yes, Mr. Major Archivist.” They respond in unison. The man sighs in despair. “DOCTOR Major Archivist.” He corrects. The Man crosses the wooden door while muttering. “Pair of blockheads... they'd better not touch the texts of the pre-Godess era...”  
“Elana, this is our chance!” Rushes to transmit the Spirit. Elana comes out from behind the door and slips inside the room. Once inside, the fairy hears two voices coming from a corner of the room. Discreetly, Elana approaches the two voices.  
The two young assistants, Jeena and Ron are reading an ancient scroll. They seem to doubt about the meaning and context of the document. “... According to the Chronicle, the witch was imprisoned for selling potions...  potions of... Hmm...” says the young man as he tries to decipher the end of the sentence.  
The woman leans to analyze the text in more detail. “Hmm... Con... Contra... Constriction?” Says Jeena not convinced of her own deduction. “Con... Conspriction? Compression? Contraction?” Continues Ron, not quite sure of his words as well.  
Elana overhears the conversation and, gradually approaches the assistants from behind. Jeena, takes the scroll from Ron's hands, studying it carefully and begins to read aloud again.  
“... And as a result of mating, some couples of villagers went to the forest in search of the witch who, in exchange for a few coins, offered them potions of... Con-tra-cep-tion, preventing the man's seed to germinate. Kingdom laws punished such methods and, therefore, the arrest of the said witch was produced in the month of...”  
Manages to decipher Jeena. The two apprentices look puzzled. “Contraception? What does it mean? What effect could it have, that the villagers before Stallos would like to have dealings with a witch? Hmm... Perhaps it was some kind of effect that shrank them until they became small as a mouse?” Says Ron.  
Jeena keeps reading the scroll. “... Less abrupt contraceptive methods known by the villagers ranged from ejaculate on the tongue or mouth of the partner, through the penetration of other cavities or stimulation of the male's member with the use of hands and breasts to finish expelling the seed outside its natural destiny...”  

 Jeena stops reading, and turns to stare at Ron who also seems very confused by such words. “Ejaculation? In the mouth? ¿Male's member? What does this have to do with hands, breasts or seeds?” Wonder the two young apprentices. At that time, Elana decides she's heard enough to understand what the text speaks about.  

 “If you let me take a look at that note, I can tell you what's all about.” Says the fairy joining the conversation as if nothing. The two of them leap back, scared, and they turn to look at Elana. “But what...?! Who are you ?!” asks Ron.  

  In turn, Jeena adopts a distrustful expression. “No! These files are only for people well versed in the matter, it's forbidden to read them without the proper knowledge and...” Begins to explain Jeena.  

 Elana looks up staring at the ceiling while almost without moving her lips start talking with a musical tone. “But I know what ejaculation means... And also how to use the tongue, hands and tits to get the... seed.”  

 Jeena still doesn't trust the fairy's words. “Impossible! Not event the Doctor Major Archivist can understand the real meaning of these texts... And he's the most well versed scholar in these scriptures... The hell you should know about this...?” Says the girl, indignantly.  

 Ron studies the fairy from head to toes and squints. “Hmm... If you do really know what all this contraception, hands, tongues and seeds stuff means... Prove it.” Says Ron, convinced that he has discovered a liar.  

 Elana stares with desire at both apprentices at the words of Ron. “All right! I have an idea, I'll teach you both at once, you just have to do what I tell you!” The two villagers stare each other, convinced that the fairy has no idea what she's talking about and accept.  

 “Let's see, we'll do the mouth, hands and tits at the same time, yes, that will be better.” Says Elana stepping among the two and beginning to grope Ron while slipping her hand under Jeena's tunic and gently rubbing her crotch, stroking her clitoris gently through her panties.  

  The two apprentices blush at once, and they look puzzled and confused, somewhat nervous about the feeling of pleasure that is slowly flooding them. Elana smiles while gradually increasing the speed of stimulation with both hands.  

 “You see?... Relax, let yourself go, we're just starting...” says Elana with a sweet voice, almost whispering while feeling the man's member swelling and turning harder as the woman's panties and crotch turn wet.  

 Soon, the two apprentices are quite excited, carried away by the instructions of the Champion of Lust. Elana stands on her knees before Ron and grabs his tunic from below, then, slowly lifts it to remove it, but not before stopping at the height of his member, and making her lips touch it, and upon feeling it, the young man shivers in pleasure.  

 Then, the fairy turns to Jeena, who stares at her with desire, almost pleading. Elana goes behind the villager, and gently remove her robes, lifting it up, freeing the woman's breasts. Ron's penis throbs and swells even more before such a vision. Jeena's cheeks blush, and the heat and wetness that she feels become stronger.  
 “Good, now, you... Hmm...?” Says Elana to the young woman, and this says her name. “Good, Jeena, now you have to get closer to...” says the fairy. “Ron,” answers the young apprentice.  
“...Now you, Jeena, get in front of Ron, but on your knees.” Says the fairy while accompanying her words with her hands, gently pushing down Jeena from the shoulders.  
Jeena kneels in front of Ron, with his cock a few inches from her face. Then, Elana, kneels behind her and grabs her breasts underneath, lifting them to wrap Ron's hot and throbbing member. Elana starts massaging Ron's penis using Jeena's breasts and this starts moving following Elana's rhythm.  

 “Now you hold them...” whispers Elana into Jeena's ear. This obeys the fairy and Ron begins to feel a tremendous heat that runs through all his body and ends in the tip of his penis. Jeena's crotch slowly begins to drip.  

  Elana whispers again in Jeena's ear. “Good job, you're doing great. Now, I want you to, as you push down and the tip comes up, lean forward and take out your tongue... I want Ron to feel your tongue in his member, okay?” Jeena nods.  

  Jeena tightly grips her breasts to press harder on Ron's member, then, she begins to shake them, letting the tip of Ron's cock come out from her tits. Jeena sticks out her tongue, approaching it to the young apprentice's cock. Ron begins to gasp in front of such a vision.  

  A severe and shocking voice comes from the corridor, not very close to the archive room. His tone is unmistakable. It is the archivist who returns from his duties. “Jeena! Ron! You'd better not been sitting around as usual! Because if you did, you're gonna pay for it!” Shouts the man, grouchy.  

 “SHIT! By the Goddess! The grumpy old man is back! And he's quite angry!” Says Ron scared and desperate as he rushes to pick up his tunic and dress as fast as she can. Jeena also alarmed, does the same and put her robe.  

 “What do we do now?! If the old man sees you here talking with us... We'll be eating dust until our essence returns to the aether!” Says the young man alarmed, trying to hide his erection. “Hmm... Calm down, I'm good at getting into trouble and out of them, act normally...” says Elana.  

 The archivist walks through the door, enraged. “What the hell is going on?! Why are you still here?!” Elana looks back and forth, and then at her hand that holds the scroll of contraception, with all the rush, she haven't had enough time to leave it back in place. “I... Um... I came for... the manuscript...”  

  Elana furtively reads the title of the text. “...Notes on contraceptive habits of the villagers...” The two apprentices nod, following the fairy's treachery. The archivist glares at three inquisitively. “Hmm... Is that the document you are looking for? Well, if you already have it, get out of here and stop disturbing...” says the man.  

  “And you two! Get back to work!” Shouts the archivist. The two apprentices nod again and immerse into a pile of scrolls and codices while Elana quickly says goodbye and leaves. 



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