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If you are a $10+ patreon, your pledge was made last month, it's not declined and you haven't recived the information, send us a message and we'll send it to you.



I just upgraded to the $10 patreon, do I need to wait till the next update for codes or can I get it sooner?


Yes, patreon will process your pledges from day 1 to 5 of next month and then we'll send you the links as a reward.


So I have to wait an entire month? (Just upgraded to $10+)


Yes. When we started the patreon lots of people pledged, take the reward and then removed their pledge (maybe because we where just starting and there wasn't lot of content yet. It could be). we thought that wasn't fair for people who was actually contributing and we made it that way.


Hm.. I know that I made my pledge fairly recent... I think it was atleast a month ago, but I have not seen an email that contains the Link and pass. :\


We send a message with the debug codes, the link and a pass to access to the server with the new animation, exclusive art and things like this, day 5 or 6 of every month to the patrons with a $10+ pledge not declined from previous month (if your pledge is made on July, Patreon charge your pledge from day 1 to 5 of August, and then we send the information as a reward)

