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Hi there,

We've been talking to a business agent (I dont know if it is the right name, someone who helps with, taxes, contracts, things like that), and it seems our milestone goals were too optimistic and we must change it.

We prefer to be honest now instead reaching it and not be able to acomplish it.

However first milestone goal "Focus on project" stays the same.

Hope you understand.



The art and concept for this game are amazing, I have seen several things on here getting way more than 12k a month, that aren't nearly as good as this promises to be! Hope it works out and you meet all your goals!

Blorken Shfeel

I played a demo of your game on Newgrounds and I have to say that this is the game that I am MOST excited about. I've been following another popular game for a while now, but this one is my absolute favorite. It has the most unique storyline and gameplay and I just officially became a patron to help you guys see it through! I can't wait to play and I'm more than happy to contribute!