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 We think the game mechanics (influence the villagers with new skills) has reached a cap where it could start to be boring, and because of the events from the story ending of chapter 2 and the beginning of chapter 3, (which we'll not explain now to avoid spoilers :P) that bring us the chance to make a dramatic global change while still following the main story and plot, we are thinking on taking a new direction on chapter 3.
(Note that this doesn't mean Elana will stop to influence/teach new things to the villagers.)

We think that it could be a good thing for the project, but we don't want to go against the players desires so, we are opening a poll for the vote power tiers (5$+) to decide if we follow the old system or we change to the new system on the next chapter.

We already said this but, since the program we are using to develop the game, Adobe flash, it's starting to be obsolete and, in the following couple of years, the internet browsers will stop working with it, for chapter 3 we'll use a new platform.

Before we start to explain the changes:

· This are raw concepts and they could be adjusted.
· It could seem a ton of work, but it would be something similar to the chapter 1 (we think chapter 2 have ended up with too much content and it slowed a lot the development of the main story).
· It could look like everything is random and out of nowhere, but it actually fits with the main story and it will make sense.
· Keep in mind that we're trying to do a detailed explanation avoiding possible spoilers.
· The sketches doesn't necessarily match with the final concepts that would appear in the game. They are meant to help understanding this changes
· Sorry about the crappy sketches, we don't have much time lately, but we think they are necessary to help introducing, explaining and asking you about this. 


· New reality, a world of small worlds: 

 Due to the final events of the chapter 2 and the beginning of chapter 3, most of the inhabitants and, even the buildings of the island, would be transported to another world, the Spiritual world, actually this is the one where the spirits of luck live (same beings like the creatures that appear in the image of the tier one patreons).

This small world will be created and shaped, by friendly beings and and not so friendly beings, the latter will try to corrupt it, forming thematic worlds like a happy world, a dystopia, oneiric world...

Elana will have to travel to this worlds and fix/cleanse them to get more resources and advance through the story.

· A more immersive system: 

 In this world, Elana would move through to the different areas as if walking through them (instead of always have to go back to the map). We might even do an animation of Elana walking (if Root is able to make it look good enough).

The system would change into more point and click/management game, and we'd most likely remove combats.

 · All characters will be "singular" characters:

 We would do standing images for all the characters like we did for Rala, Tina, Kaeryn... With different facial expressions to accompany the text (no sure if they will be animated because it will be lot of them). We would use a more classic RPG dialogue system, which will help us to shorten the texts and also show almost always images in the screen, making the texts parts less tedious and more fluid.

When Elana approaches the other characters, she could trigger an event, or just have a plain conversation (“Hello!”), in this case, Elana would have options to interact with them as well. 

· More linear development: 

 When Elana completes an area, she'll be able to go to next one (or the couple next ones), straightening the development of the story. This will mean less freedom (to roam around) in exchange for more consistency in the story, and, also for the game's development, meaning that there would be more chances to release more playable updates and save/load games through versions.

This areas would, most likely, have a special minigame at the end, in order to complete them. 

· Sex cademy: 

 There would be a sex academy, this academy would be the center of everything, the main core. Taking the place of the actions and the influence from the other two chapters, this academy would be like the management system of the tavern but extended, and the way Elana will earn the energy/points/whatever she'd needs to advance through the story.

Every time Elana completes a world, she'll earn a new teacher, as well as students to fill and manage this academy .


 Well... That's it for the glossary. Hope you'll like the idea.

Even if you are not into one of the voting tiers, we would love to know your thoughts about this ideas so, we encourage you to leave us a comment and let us know what do you think about it.

Have a great day! 



Uhm, i don't know... For me i like the logic ''Team that is winning, doesn't Change''. The chapter 1 is amazing. And i already played a little of the chapter 2 and it appears to be more amazing, i cannot wait to play it full. But i have fear that if you change much of the game in chapter 3, it will lose it ''essence'' and consequently be less cool than the others chapters.


We had to think on something because there was not a lot of room for Elana to learn more skill to perform with the villagers. We already did a step back on this matter at the beginning of chapter 2 and we are not sure if it was a good idea. In any case, if it wins on option or the other, we'll do our best to keep the essence.

Aaron south

Just an idea for chapter 3, I know I'm not one of the larger contributors but I thought I'd put a suggestion in since you asked for thoughts. It doesn't seem like you've fully utilized Jane or the church of stallos, they've been there as the last bastion against you and it seemed like you were building up to Elena facing Jane but it's never really happened or explained why Jane was immune. Why not use this by making Jane to stallos what Elena is to the lust spirit? Have Jane be a much older version of Elena who was champion to stallos, the spirit of control. She conquered the land and set up the church of stallos, who grew more powerful through the worship of the people and ascended, leaving Jane to handle things as an immortal. Since by the end of the second game Elena's pretty much won over the entire island, why not make it that stallos senses shes losing her worshipers and comes back from heaven (stallos's spirit world) to deal with it. She briefly punishes Jane for her failure but then superchargers her, enabling Jane to take on Elena and defeat her, making her lose her powers. Stallos and Jane take over (mind controls) the city and Elena's friends, to ensure stallos stays in power. Elena had survived the battle, saved by a few members of her own cult who escaped and so has to take back the island. This would all be within the intro story. She regains her powers far quicker then before and has to regain influence over areas as before, although this time she loses influence very quickly (again something that never really happened before and could be useful here). To help prevent losing influence Elena can recruit followers from her cult to 'guard' areas Elena has influenced, and as Elena trains them and they level up they can prevent losing influence at all. The interface can be similar to how you use the pub and ties in the beginnings of the cult you set up in chapter 2. This can tie in the 'sex academy' elements you mentioned before and acts as a use for Elena's xp after she regains her own abilities, as well as give interesting animations for the cult followers as they learn new moves through training with Elena and their 'teachers' (more in a moment). Elena's main friends (rala, loola etc) can be made as minibosses who are being mind controlled and who move from area to area and act as 'super pieces' who can defeat normal cult followers, causing influence to drop dramatically. Elena has to fight them to snap them out of it and they then join her, acting as 'teachers' in her own cult to teach her followers new moves and make them more effective. They can also be used to guard their own 'areas' and prevent loss of influence or even increase influence themselves. Alternatively you could have stallos take control of the spirits (rage, envy, pride etc) and they possess each of Elena's friends (rage possesses Tina, sloth for loyola etc) sealing their souls in their own worlds while they control the body. To free them Elena has to travel to that spirits world and beat it into submission, making it release that friends soul back to their body and side with Elena themselves, become teachers etc etc. Or possibly they don't become teachers and you can train them, making them super pieces who work for you to guard areas, replacing the less effective cult followers. To beat Jane and stallos once and for all Elena must take control of the whole island again and face off against Jane and stallos in 'stallos's heaven'. Once they are beaten/converted/subdued, your preference, Elena and the lust spirit win for good and set up their own religion in place of the church of stallos and you win the game. I know it places a lot more emphasis on combat but I thought it would be an interesting direction to go that ties up all the lose ends. If you do go this way could you do a combat screen more similar to chapter 1? I felt it worked and looked much better then the one for chapter 2. Also maybe add an item that let's you rewind time in an area, allowing you to view older scenes again? It seems a waste to have them disappear so quickly and not be used again. Again this was just a few ideas I had. If you wanna use them then great, if not dw no big deal. I know it's a lot for someone who doesn't know all the technical details and work involved to suggest but thought you might be interested and it seems like it would be keeping more in spirit with the previous 2 chapters


Just wanted to say you're really talented :)


Thanks for this great ideas! Actually soon we'll release some more of Jane and she'll have a main role in the coming events. Some of the ideas you tell us can't be done because are not compatible with the main story (and this is our fault because we haven't shown yet the main story of the island... We'll do it soon though ^^) but others like some acts of Jane, roles of some characters and the spirits are surprisingly close to what we are planning for chapter 3 (with different context though). In any case we'll keep in mind what you told us and I'm sure sooner or later it will be useful for the development ^^