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EDIT: There is a small issue with the .html file which open the previous version. We are working on it but meanwhile you can play using the .swf file inside the data folder. 
EDIT 2: Fixed.

This time on date! Fast, ask a wish!  

· Added new original soundtracks (5), by Tomas Polcic  https://soundcloud.com/tomas-polcic  
· Fixed environment sound during night.
· Fixed some issues with Tina.
· Added some SFX.
· Adjusted spirits menu.
· New influence system (You'll find a question mark button in the map screen which explains it). Now the system is more rewarding fulfilling the villagers tastes and making it more easy to advance.
· Fixed a bug in the stealing minigame.
· Fixed minor issues with the training buttons and jail.
· Removed armour bar from the spirit of envy during combat.
· Added 15 observing events in the castle.
· Added 14 observing events in the church.
· Added 7 images and 2 animations for observing events in the castle.
· Added 8 images for observing events in the church.
· Added 2 images for observing events in the forest.
· Added 2 images for observing events in the market.
· Added 2  images for observing events in the tavern.
· Added 1  image for observing events in the farms.   
· Added 3 images for night event.
· Gallery updated.
· May contain traces of nuts

Published in 2 posts because both files, .zip and .exe where too big.

.exe version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/alpha-1-3-6-of-2-15203354

(.zip attached to this post).




How do I access the gallery?


Now it's a $10+ reward. When someone becomes a $10+ patron it gains access to post with the information to go to the gallery. In future we'll add an unlockable gallery for everyone.


just became a patron to play the most updated version, but isn't this the same version that is public?


Yes, this version is already public released, but we are close to publish a new one for Patrons ^^ (probably on Friday)