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Due to the increasing difficult to match the events suggested with the main story, not all singular will be allowed to be included on the events submitted. The characters who should not be used are: Rala, Tina, Kaeryn, Loola and Jane.

This post is for voting  the events to be included to the game and to submit events for future polls. This month we attach a document with the descriptions of the events winners.

Here is a little explanation of how it works and it's rules.


Vote your favourite event to be included to the game. The two options with more votes will be included as events to the game.

If there is a draw with a third or more options, we'll use the ancestral technique of flipping a coin to decide which one is the winner.

You'll find a .pdf attached to this post with the info of the events you'll find in the poll. The numbers you see after the options of the polls, corresponds to the number of the page of the .pdf where you'll find  the description of the event and the relevant comments made for us, the original poster or other patrons.

All events submitted will stay for 3 months on the polls but after this time we'll remove them unless someone post it again in the next event submission post.



Leave a comment on this post with a title and your idea. You can add links for references if you want.


Title: Night party.
Description: Elana has invited some friends to a party at the forest. They do a bonfire, play the guitar and drink fanta all night long.

Note: All events submitted must have a title. If the comment with the event doesn't have a title it will not be submitted to the next poll.


· The events can be long but can't meant to be a chain of events or multiple events and only a single image will be done for that event.
· The events will no involve new mechanics, items... (For example, Elana can not find a seller in the woods who sells her a dress which double her skills to influence. If you want something like this, seduce us and convince us to implement it but not with an event here).
· The event must be following a little bit the theme and the mood of the game but you can be creative. Just have a little common sense, you know... No kids, no animals, no death... You know what I mean. If you doubt, ask us first, and if the events are incompatible with the main story or we think something will not work with it, we'll answer your comment to talk with you and find a better way.


As simple as answer the comment of the event, like if the comment was a minitopic of a forum. Just be sure you are answering the comment and not leaving an unnconected comment.

All relevant comments will be added to the .pdf we'll attach every month with the info of the events submitted to the polls but the opinion of the patron who submitted the event will be the one we'll consider. If you want to change the event and the original comment of the event is not yours, you'll have to convince the one who originally commented it



Another one I would like to change is "Not their Smartest Idea" "Not their Smartest Idea" would be renamed "Pirates have the best Booty" and would take place on the beach at night. A patrol of Guards wander down to the beach and happen to catch Leela and a few of her crew loading some cargo. The guards demand a bribe or they threaten to take all the pirates to jail and confiscate their cargo. Leela's crew gets angry and starts to draw weapons but Leela calms them down and offers a much better bribe in the form of a drunken orgy between her crew and the guards. If possible, one of Leela's crew should be Root's tattoo'd girl in the Lunch battle sketch in <a href="http://knotgames.tumblr.com/image/163168840805" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://knotgames.tumblr.com/image/163168840805</a>


Another one I want to change is "Not so Wet Dreams" since that was made in the days of SFW events and those don't have much chance to win anymore. Since the main character of the event is Jane and she isn't an allowable choice anymore, I'd be fine with any character prominent in the temple replacing her. The event title would change from "Not so Wet Dreams" to "Holy Water Wet-T shirt contest" This event would take place at night as Elana and Jane (or whoever) are dreaming in bed. The two of them would be sharing a dream/Elana dream walked into her dream and is corrupting it. The image would be Elana wearing the lust strap-on and an acolyte's robe riding the animated (and very happy) statue of Stallos doggystyle. Surrounding them are acolytes in soaked see-through robes and holding empty bowls used to hold the holy water. In the corners outside of the dream, Elana is grinning in her sleep, Jane (or whoever) is aroused but pissed.