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During next week we'll publish the final version of chapter 1. After that, we'll open a period of two months for every patron who has pledged in any  $20+ tier to send us the message to be added next to your names us a supporter. Then we'll publish again with the credits and, if necessary, last fixes.

If you  are (or use to be) in one of this tiers, send us a private message with the text you want to include. In case you don't say anything during this two months period you'll be listed as a supporter with your current name on Patreon. Also the patrons and the messages on this list will  be included in future chapters.

Please, to help us avoid some extra work, don't send us messages about this matter If you were not in any $20+ tier.

EDIT: Patrons from other tiers, who's support is above the 100$, can ask to be in the credits too. Please if you do it, let us know in which tier you are.


Brad Cooper

What if i donated 10 dollars for 11 months? Lol


well, it's not on the tier but since is a huge amount and we understand it could be listed as a special supporter. We'll do this then, since maybe not everyone from the other tiers would want to be on the credits and because it was not a feature of the other tiers, everyone who has supported a total amount above 100$ will be able to ask to be on the credits too.

Brad Cooper

I was just curious. I only donate, you folks do the work. I dont need credited or thanked. Im thanked everytime I play a new version ;). Mrboejangle91 would be funny as an easter egg in some random event tho hahaha


How can I see how much I donated in the past?

Inceton games

Best would be to just ask the creator, every creator has the whole donation history :)