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Hello you sexy deviants,

I wanted to give the merchant a tent that has a portal, that ends up being bigger on the inside, I thought a tent makes more sense as you will discover this character conveniently at any village you are.

But I need your help! I dont know what knickknacks to put out the front (these are just for show, these arent items to buy - that would be inside the tent). Maybe I can put easter eggs, but I wouldnt want to put any exact recognisable items.

What do you think would look good?




I can think of a few things. If they change based on the biome of the area maybe the item right in front of the tent can be a cage with an animal inside that resides in the area? Like a crab for a beach or lizard for a desert area. And for the other kinds of dpots for items on the strings I can think of banners or posters of some kind, maybe advertisements for locations or points of interests or maybe even hints or riddles to find powerful items or something


I know you said no particularly recognizable items, but I think a poster or something of a tardis would be a fun nod to Doctor Who bc it's "bigger on the inside." Someone else said hints - I'm not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but there could be a guy passed out in ecstacy with his member pointing whichever direction you need to go