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Hello you beautiful Deviants,

Some of you may be aware, some of you may not - but recently Unity has come under fire due to their egregious new pricing Model.

Unity Announcement/Update In short, Unity will be charging games based on installs once certain thresholds are reached. So whilst they claim that will only effect 10% of Unity Dev's that 10% is likely providing jobs to most the Unity Developers. It also heavily discourages wanting to succeed, and they have not proven that they have solved piracy, or fraudulent installs. Bad-willed people could set up fake installs essentially bankrupting developers.

No real surprise this has happened as the current Unity CEO is Ex-EA CEO one of the greediest men alive.

Upper Echelon does a great video about the situation here

But as of now, I will likely be moving to Godot Engine - but am exploring my options, fortunately I am early on in development, but there are a lot of Developers who are hurting right now as they are quite deep into the actual development in Unity.

Even if Unity back track, the damage has been done



Yeah unity shot themselves in the foot here for a quick buck as many games will be shutting down due to these reasons. Cult of the lamb is deleting their game, I think the creator of muck is doing the same. I wouldn't doubt it if other unity games like beatsaber does too


I'm sure folks will be okay waiting for the Godot version.


Yeah it's absolutely wild, I feel awful for all these devs and games who are going to be directly affected!