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Hello you delicious deviants,

Each follow of different elements, practices a slightly different sexual philosophy:

Fire (Seductive Passion): Fire embodies intense desire and seductive passion. Those who follow the element of fire involve embracing the fiery, alluring aspects of desire and exploring sensual pleasures with enthusiasm and intensity.

Water (Sensual Connection): Water represents sensuality and the deep connection between partners. Those who follow the element of water priortise exploring each other's bodies with grace and fluidity, creating an environment where sensuality flows naturally, and body's become one.

Earth (Physical Presence): Earth signifies physical presence and intimate sensations. An earth follower believes grounding the experience in the physical realm, savoring touch, and focusing on the sensory aspects of pleasure and intimacy is what is most important.

Twilight (Mystery and Fantasy): Twilight is a time of mystery and transition, making it ideal for fantasy and exploration. Twilight followers encourage partners to embrace the allure of the unknown, exploring fantasies, role-playing, and experimenting with new experiences.

Light (Unseen Connection): Light represents clarity and understanding, embracing the unseen, emotional connection. For light followers believe fostering emotional closeness and understanding between partners, encouraging the vulnerability and deepening the connection while exploring desires.

Would love to hear your feedback, what do you think?



What about another element focused on the more wild/extreme enjoyment of sensations like whipping, BDSM, sadism, masochism, etc. Something like “chaos” maybe.

Happy Man

Great idea every game will be different which will give more content

dea noctifer

For Light, I just wanna say, seeing something that feels demisexual coded is really awesome to see in a game like this, it makes me really happy. The idea of an entire sexual element in the game being tied to emotional connection is amazing, and like i said, great demi-representation.