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Hello you wonderful deviants,

So one of the most important aspects of the game is going to be Combat, so I want to ensure it is fluid and fun. I have bee thinking how I want to categorise the abilities.

m not too sure about the logistical aspects or considerations of being able to swap out abilities (i.e you could have multiple of Ability 1's or Ability 2's) or if I will keep them set.

Nevertheless, The below is what I am thinking:

Basic Attack - 3 move combo

Ability 1 - Single Enemy Ability
These abilities have a focus on doing extra damage to a single enemy 

Ability 2 - Movement/Maneuver Ability

These abilities will be useful for doing damage to your enemies, but being able to either move around the battlefield or control enemy movement

Ability 3 - Multi Enemy Ability
These abilities will be able to deal damage to multiple enemies either in one go or very quick succession

Ability 4 - Ultimate
Your ultimate ability that can be released once your Lust meter is maxed through ongoing combat.

What do you think? Do you have any questions or suggestions?



I think that they're ultimate and one Ability is locked to the character. The remaining 2 abilities should be able to swap the around. Regardless if it is A. An attack, singel or AOE, OR movement/defensive. And you should have the ability to stack More than one type. Meaning. I could see eradically have 3 movement abilities and an ULT. Or Go all out on the attack And have 3 Attacking abilities and an ULT.

touta konoe

I think there should be a ability you cant change wich is set through the class


Appreciate the feedback, I did explain myself poorly but your basic attack and ypur ultimate will be set/locked