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Hello you wonderful deviants,

I know i've done a few thank you posts over the year, and I'm sure this wont be the last.

But i wanted to say thank you again for being here, for the support, and for the kind words, comments and messages. I feel as though my exposure on social media and Patreon has really exploded in the past few months, and its so exciting and cool, but id be lying if I said it hasn't also amplified my imposter syndrome, and also increased the amount of haters. Unfortunately ignoring those things can be hard, but having such a kind and supportive community makes all the difference. You are all understanding and patient of the project I'm working on, and I don't think I could ask for a better community. So I really just wanted to stress how grateful I am, but also remind you supporting me on my social media is plenty, please don't feel you have to support on this paid platform.

Much Love,




i'm here to support good art and i like your pixel art would support it too if it wasn't nsfw keep up the good work and don't let it get you down :D


The content you’re producing is sick asf. I’m not only interested in “getting to know ;)” the characters in your game, but the game itself. Keep it up! We’re rooting for you!