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Hello you delicious deviants,

I think its important to discuss aspects you like of videogames, but also aspects of games you dont like, some examples are like, Fetch Quests, Timed quests, Poor Inventory management, certain things about combat, dialogue that annoys you - it can be whatever, just would love to know. And if I notice some common trends I may do a wider poll including these.

Just follow the link below :)

Link: https://forms.gle/pcNEJC2NiCuH2gvs6

UPDATE: Thank you for all the input and feedback this is really great stuff!


Cobalt Doragon

The grind when you hit the point where grinding provides little Exp to continue, but you get bodied in the higher level areas that would provide more xp


Feeling rushed, or being unable to complete a game in a single playthrough. I don’t mind minor timed events like escaping before a bomb goes off, but having quests with time limits is disheartening to me when I want to complete every quest I receive.


I know exactly what you mean. You get to a new area and it's like "this mission abandoned or failed" great point!

Erik Larson

Maps made bigger with little to no content in between just for the sake of saying its bigger.


One of the worst things that can happen in my opinion is having too much skill tree progression or not enough in some aspects I shouldn't be 3/4 of the way through the game before my build even starts working