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Hi Everyone,

Unfortunately I have had to remove the "Master Document" due to the fake games and scams people are doing, I do not feel safe having everything in a single place as such.

However that being said, I have tidied up the excel document with all the links to the posts, to make it easier to navigate.

The below was content in that document that did not have a separate post - so please do not continue reading if you don't want any story spoilers

The Beginning - Part 1

The Beginning of Hedonia

In this world, there are multiple realms, each governed by a different deity. Each realm is said to be a reflection of the god's personality and power, and it is said that they are able to manipulate and shape their realm as they please. The realms are only accessible to the specific gods & goddesses that originally created them, and are protected by powerful enchantments that prevent others from interfering.

Hedone is a Powerful Goddess of pleasure, it was believed that her powers and ability to maintain prosperous and fruitful lands were fueled by the love and pleasure that her subjects experienced in their daily lives.

However, as time passed, the people of Hedonia began to take their happiness for granted and lost sight of the true purpose of Hedonia. The love and pleasure that once flowed through the land began to fade, and Hedone's powers began to wane.

In an attempt to stop Hedonia from falling into complete ruin, Hedone created the Maidens in to help the people of Hedonia rediscover the true purpose of their land and to live their lives filled with joy once again. She hoped that, with time, they would come to understand the importance of their happiness and the role it played in keeping Hedonia and its goddess alive.

Unfortunately, this was not enough, and the land still fell into dark times.

The Beginning - Part 2

Hedonia’s Downfall

Upon the creation of the Maiden’s, Hedone assigned certain magical affinities to the four different villages, and the one Kingdom based on the surrounding environment. Hedone believed that the different communities would work together and rely on one another. However, each village began to construct their own stories with their own beliefs and traditions with each passing generation. This resulted in villages being constantly at odds with one another, and they fought for control of the kingdom and its resources.

Each village believed that they were the chosen ones of Hedone, and that they were entitled to rule the kingdom. They believed that their abilities with the elements made them superior to the other villages, and they sought to impose their will on the rest of the kingdom.

The wars between the villages were brutal and devastating, and they left the kingdom in ruin and chaos. The people suffered and suffered, and many lost their lives in the conflict.

The Beginning - Part 3

How will Hedonia find peace?

Hedone, In her desperation to save Hedonia, sought out the Oracle of Delphi to see how she could prevent her Realms destruction. Unfortunately in order for the Oracle to help, Hedone must sacrifice some of her Powers to create the visions. The visions however, cannot provide a complete story, but just pivotal moments in the timeline she seeked - Hedone saw herself meet with the god (Malphaesia), saw her meeting with the Queen of Hedonia, and saw a strange person (The Protagonist)

Hedone met with (Malphaesia) - Malphaesia was a revered Blacksmith god, and agreed to

Help Hedone create one final Maiden, a maiden who would be directly imbued with all aspects of Hedone’s essence, not just one, like the other Maidens. The idea was for Hedone to temporarily create a corporeal form to directly engage with the real world. So Malphaesia would create Hedone, an amulet that, once worn, would allow her to temporarily do so, but at the cost of draining her power whilst wearing it.

She hoped that the final Maiden, imbued with her powers, would be able to bring love and happiness back to Hedonia and break the cycle of war and violence that had consumed the land.

However, the deal with Malphaesia was not without consequences. Malphaesia, who had long coveted Hedone's powers, would not easily give up the advantage it had gained. And so, the story of Hedone and Hedonia became a tale of sacrifice, and the struggle against evil, as the final Maiden sought to restore happiness to her land and outwit the evil god.

The Beginning - Part 4

The Creation of the Final Maiden

Hedone ultimately knew how risky this would be, and had to be careful about where the final maiden would appear, and grow up. But there was one individual who made sense - The Queen - Isadora

Hedone Met with the Queen one quiet night when she was at the Church by herself:

"My child, I have come to you with a great burden and a heavy heart. My land of Hedonia is in peril, and I have been forced to make a difficult decision to save it, so that I may bless your womb and give you a child who will become the final maiden, the hope of our people.

And yes… Hedone & the Queen are going to have sex

This child (The Princess - Eudora) will have powers beyond what any mortal has ever known, and will be tasked with restoring peace to our land. But she must remain protected at all times, for there will surely be those who will seek to use her powers for evil.

I know this is a heavy burden to bear, but I have faith in you and your love for our people. You must keep this secret and protect the child, no matter what may come. And know that I will be watching over you both, always."

The Beginning - Part 5

Hedonia begins to Heal

As Eudora grew up, she showed an unusual affinity for the powers granted to the Maidens. People began to take notice, and rumours began to spread about her being the final Maiden created by Hedone.

However, many were sceptical and thought that Eudora was just a mere mortal. To prove her divine heritage, Eudora began to perform miraculous feats that no mortal could accomplish. She controlled the elements with ease and brought life to the barren lands. She spoke with the creatures of the land, and they listened to her every word.

Eudora's actions inspired the people, and they began to flock to her, eager to hear her message. She told them of her divine heritage, and how Hedone had intended for the different communities to work together and rely on one another. She spoke of the wars that had torn the kingdom apart, and how they had left the people suffering and in chaos.

With her words and her actions, Eudora began to bring people together. She showed them that they were all part of a greater whole, and that their differences were meaningless in the face of their shared heritage and the power of Hedone. Slowly but surely, the people of the kingdom began to put aside their differences, and they worked together to rebuild their shattered homes and communities.

Eudora's charisma and her unwavering determination to bring peace to the kingdom inspired the people, and she soon became known as the Princess of Peace. Under her leadership, the kingdom was once again united, and it flourished as never before. People from all over the world came to Hedonia to witness the power of Hedone and the wisdom of Eudora, and they left inspired and changed forever.

Eudora’s powers once coming of age were a significant increase, and on her 18th Birthday, she heard the voice of Hedone directly. Hedone went on to praise the amazing work she had been doing, and she told her one other thing she did not mention to her mother on the night she met her. That there is a person they must meet, but she doesn't know why, but believes it to be crucial for Hedonia’s survival. All she can provide is a description of the village.

The Beginning - Part 6

Malphaesia’s betrayal

Little did Hedonia and Eudora know, Malphaesia was listening, and he knew it was finally time to act.

The stone used in Malphaesia’s jewellery whilst it does drain power, it actually stores and drains the power into a larger crystal they control, and he finally has enough power to be able to make a connection via dreams to the King, and they begin to corrupt the king.

The king will be convinced that their child is not their own, they will ultimately murder their wife the queen, and be convinced that their daughter is actually a false prophet of Hedone, their to bring destruction, and it is on them to restore the balance of Hedonia.

Ultimately, they would use the king to strengthen their connection to have more and more control over the world. They will teach them how to create a crown that will make Malphaesia and the King’s connection no longer just in dreams.

He will choose chosen established strong maidens and give them a ring, crown, amulet, bracelet, earrings etc - to help Malphaesia strengthen himself - his own powers will flood into them, but in turn their power will begin to give him a stronger and stronger connection to Hedonia, these maidens will act as conduits for their certain affinities causing imbalances in the environment

When he becomes very strong, traps Hedone whilst the imbalance begins - ultimately Malphaesia wants to turn her realm into an extension of theirs

He then instructs the King to find this “threat” “the protagonist” and assassinate them. The princess overhears and realises who they are talking about, on that same night it will be the night the king murders the queen and attempts to murder the princess.


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