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Hello you sexy deviants,

I'm always thinking about how i can lewd standard RPG mechanics - so in GoH to create potion you'll need certain plant based ingredients - and for weapons and armour you would need certain mining materials.

I was thinking if you came across a plant or mining rock, instead of "mining" or "harvesting" the ore/plant turns into a sexy plant or ore based item and you "interact" with it - i.e breast fondling or something, and that gives you the item.


Gavin Morrison

I would say it could work or alternatively let’s say you need a material but you have to fight someone who guards the material ie. Golems for certain ores or druids who guard a grove with a rare plant and after you beat them you can have fun with them and then retrieve the item you are in search of.

Gavin Morrison

For got to add that this gives a challenge to the player while also keeping a lewd element to the game


I like the idea of random encounters of the lewd kind for harvesting/mining, but feel it should be balanced to around 35-50% of encounters. Maybe also a scaling mechanic to set the overall lewdness of an individuals game from very minimal chances to every time. Also for the lewd encounters offering higher chances to gain more resources or a more rare resource. I would also like Gavin's idea of having sexy guards to defeat.


I love the idea of normal harvest, normal yield. Win in a fight and have you way with someone, stronger yealds. Harvesting minerals in a sexy way is going to be challenging, unless it's a Golem or guard who gives you it. I am worried if every fight can be made into a sexual encounter it might lose its charm, or feel I have to pick the sexy option because this is the most efficient way of grinding


I think you could do a good combination where you let the player choose-like if you do a quick pick up it gives you one but if you do the interaction it starts a minigame or some other, longer process that could give between like 2-4