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Hello you wonderful deviants,

I would love your feedback on the run animation. For those who have been around a while you understand the significance of completing this.

Ultimately a lot of core mechanics will stem from this animation. Jumping, dying, attacking, drinking potions, stopping. With this completed it marks a pretty significant stepping stone in what will lead to a playable game.



Mathew Gillette

Dang shaggy is in your game? Is he gonna get banged by Velma 😂 love it


For being running version 0.1 it looks pretty good.


The belt makes him look like he has boobs


The running looks good, but at the same time off, if that makes sense. Is it possible to have the sword arm move a bit more?

Gavin Morrison

Don’t get me wrong when I say it looks a little basic, I’ve seen this type of run (person running with weapon of choice) a lot so personally I think maybe some variation of this would draw more attention.

Rando Calrissian

Just for tits and giggles it'd be funny to have them run into a wall


If you're including other weapons it might be cool to have different walk styles and so forth. BUt the walk does need something... Because right now it looks a bit weird. No offense.

Lord Zane

It looks great! Do you know if you’re still planning on doing a futa option for the protagonist?