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So in the game, I think it will be more interesting if your party share certain components (I was especially thinking of Health/HP) - I believe it will add healthy dose of difficulty when encountering enemies or bosses. As it will be more about who you choose in certain situations rather than just dwindling enemies etc down by quantity of health.

Here is the lore of why this would be:
Hedone's Chain:  In the beginning Hedone granted the Miadens with a special power known as "Hedone's Chain". The Maidens possess the ability to form a bond with others they trust. This bond would connect their souls, ensuring that the health and fate of one maiden was connected to the health and fate of all in the party. Activating the Hedone's Chain amplifies the strength of each individual Hedonai (inhabitants of Hedonia) by sharing their power. However, activating this bond is a choice and not a decision to make lightly. It is said that those who form the Hedone's Chain and trust each other fully will be able to defend their world against any threat.

Do you like this idea, or would you prefer individual health bars/HP for your party members.


Cobalt Doragon

Well there's a level up concept that can work both ways, forming bonds increases a maidens connection and skill But treat them wrong and it might break trust, or the other maidens might not be willing to travel with you

Rando Calrissian

You could also use the Hedone's chain for wombo combo attacks