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According to legend, the maidens are not mortal beings, but are instead the physical manifestation of Hedone's powers and essence. When a maiden dies, her physical body disappears, but her spirit and powers are reborn in a new body, in a new time and place. This belief in the immortality of the maidens has led many to view them as sacred and untouchable, and they are often treated with great reverence and respect within their communities.  

The maidens are seen as powerful protectors of the community, using their elemental powers to defend against threats and maintain balance within the world. Many communities see the presence of a maiden as a sign of good fortune and prosperity, and will go to great lengths to protect and support their local maiden.  

As such, the maidens hold a special place in the pantheon of gods and goddesses, and are revered by many for their connection to Hedone. They are often consulted for their wisdom and guidance, and are respected for their ability to channel the goddess's powers.  The maidens themselves hold Hedone in great reverence, and see themselves as her chosen daughters.

What do you think of their background? - If you don't like it, I would love to know why, and feel free to either comment or send me a message :)



This is amazing!!


Holy wall of text. Give me a moment to read it all, and more lore the better


This is fantastic. Please keep up the good work.