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I would love to get your thoughts on this brief overview of the Protagonist's background:

The Protagonist grew up in the village which was founded many generations ago by a group of people in a time of great turmoil where they could live without the ruling of Hedone (Side note - the is lore I can explain a different time - "The History of Hedonia"). The village was isolated and self-sufficient, with the blacksmith's family passing down the trade of blacksmithing from generation to generation.

As the blacksmith grew older, they became known for their skill at forging weapons and tools. Despite the village's isolation, they occasionally traded with travelers who came through, but the villagers largely kept to themselves.

The blacksmith lived a simple but fulfilling life, until one day, a group of religious zealots came to the village, determined to convert the non-believers or force them to leave. The blacksmith, along with other members of the village, fought to defend their home and their way of life.

After a fierce battle, the religious zealots were defeated, but the village was left scarred and shaken. The blacksmith, determined to protect their home and community, began forging weapons and armor for the villagers to defend themselves in case the zealots returned. From that day on, the blacksmith was known as the village's protector, yet the protagonist has many questions as to who ordered the attack, and why?

What do you think?



Holy wall of text, give me a moment to read it all


Ohhhh sounds interesting, now I def wanna know more!


Sound great so far. Part 2 of ... please.


Maybe the protagonist can work at the church, reasoning for how he can summon all the waifus


Oh dont you worry, ive actually got the summoning lore sorted ;) - just cant reveal too much yet


I'm looking forward to the games launch. I would love to get a copy of this.