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Hey you beautiful deviants,

I feel like i'm sounding like a broken record, but I do sincerely want to express my gratitude for your ongoing support, your patience, your input, and your suggestions. You truly are wonderful!

But I also need to apologise, I feel like im not posting enough about the game. I genuinely wish I had more time to spend on it, but I also dont want to force myself to work on it and start resenting it in the little free time I actually have.

So if there's content you want, or questions you may have, please let me know, it may be ones others are thinking about, and I can make a post about it, maybe start building an FAQ

But in short, you are so wonderful, and amazing, but i completely understand if things are going slower than you want. And its your money, so please no obligations, or hard feelings if you need to step away or are not satisfied. 



Ligit your fine how are we gonna complain and your only asking for like 5 dollars for this great content like come one relax we are happy with what you provide