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  • Hi you beautiful pixel deviants,

    Starting this Journey to create a X-rated Waifu centric RPG is going to be something.

    The reality is that there is a lot of planning and research I still need to do, as ive asked a lot of the game community what they wish they had done differently, and so many said prepare better. But regardless I did want to share some brief updates:
  • I was starting to look to create the game in Unity, but will now be using Construct 3 - https://www.construct.net/ 
  • Because of all your wonderful support, I was able to afford a graphics tablet, this is going to make concept art work, landscape work and just the process so much easier - THANK YOU SO MUCH
  • Thank you for voting - the game will look to start with at least 40 waifus (I will need your help on deducing who will make the initial cut)
  •  For now, the game mechaincs will consist of different classes - but not different elemental affinities - The plan is to initially simply some of the core mechanics, but refine them in a way that allows for a lot of flexibility

August Plan/Goal - Mapping out Story + begin shortlisting waifus

Finally, all I want to say is that it is still very early days, and I have plenty to learn - I cant stress how grateful l am that you supporting me along this, but if for what ever reason you wanted or expected more for what you paid, please message me and I will be happy to provide a refund.



I don’t mind waiting and watching the Process. Can’t wait go see the growth over time and see things begin to blossom. 🥹🥹💜💜

Benn Daniels

We know you're new to this dude and it's gonna take some time to get a hang of. Go at your own pace

Carson Tullo

Can we still expect normal content here and there while the game is in development? So excited for this!