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Hello you wonderful deviants,

As you may recall I was able to get some dedicated time off my real life job to fast track my learning.

It has been.... a lot! In the best way, and in a very challenging way. The courses I was focusing on this time were the ones covering the main fundamentals. And I'll admit I definitely had to rewatch some concepts multiple times haha.

The Next course with the knowledge I now have that I plan on tackling is


Then the below


And as much as I would love to jump straight to - The Ultimate Guide to Creating an RPG Game in Unity" I have been advised doing a Platformer first is highly recommended

My optimistic plan is that once I have finished both of these courses, we can technically be in the "production phase" which would be huge!

So as always, thank you so much for coming on this journey with me, if you have any questions about what ive learnt of the courses let me know. But you are all the best!



You are a huge motivator for me! Thank you so much. I know drawing and animation is nothing compared to what you do. But seeing your dedication is so warming. Thank you for being you!


Coding is hard, just like all of us lol!