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Hey, everyone. Two things. March prompts are open up, feel free to fill it out, cut off at the 15th. Avaliable for higher tiers.

Secondly, I'm working on making up everything people are waiting for. My wife bought me a steno keyboard that I'm trying to learn how to work. For those who don't know, they're a special type of keyboard that supposed to help you type as fast as you think. Really interseting invention. 

People use it to keep track of what people say in courtrooms. I'll use mine to write porn. Same, same.

Also, not going to open up Commissions this month just to help me catch up on everything that people are waiting for. Sorry for the disappointment, but I want to make up for what other people are waiting on. Hopefully open next month. 


Best wishes, ya'll. Thank you for everything. 


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