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Yugioh: Weevil's World Ch. 9. As Weevil grows more and more powerful, Ishizu's experimenting with her Millenium Item rips open a hole in time. Stumbling through it, Weevil meets a young woman named Alexis Rhodes, who is starstruck to meet such an amazing duelist. Includes: Dom/Sub, Harem


Ishizu's home, once a humble, and simple place for her to retreat to, far from the sound and cacophony of chaos the city had, was nothing like its old self. Much like its owner, it only resembled its old self on the outside.

Inside, debauchery took place. Sinful pleasure. Wild desires. The kind of thing that few would expect.

Serenity, Mai, Tea, and many more beauties laid on the floor, each of them too drunk on cum and pleasure to move. They laid on the floor with white seed dripping out of their mouths and pussies.

Mai laid on her back, Serenity on top of her, their lips meeting in a lewd kiss as cum coated both their faces. They stared at the semen with one another, swapping it between their mouths as they both moaned quietly. The two embraced one another, kissing like lovers as they shared their Master's seed.

Meanwhile Tea laid with the Dark Magician Girl, kissing the blonde and fingering the other, letting their digits push into the other's creampied cunt. Their moans melded together as the Harpie Sisters laid nearby, licking cum off of the other's light blue skin.

Each of the beautiful women laid defeated, overwhelmed by their Master, unable to keep up with the raw lust and hunger he had for their beautiful bodies.

There was only one woman who could come close to satisfying the man, and she was on the bed, on all fours, screaming in pleasure as her Master kneeled beside her, pounding her tight cunt as her body gleamed with sweat and sexual nectar.

Ishizu surrendered herself to the man, completely naked, save for the Millenium Necklace that laid around her neck. It bounced back and forth, just like her large breasts, swaying under her body as she moaned and mewled, Weevil pounding her caramel-skin. His hand grabbed at her hair as he kept moving, slamming his cock inside of her, listening to her moaning cries and mewls of bliss.

Her eyes rolled into her head as she moaned loudly, panting as she felt his cock twitching inside of her body. Soon he came inside of her, shooting his seed deep into her body. She mewled in bliss, her eyes rolling into her head as she came in pleasure, her pussy juices spilling down onto her bed.

Eventually the two parted, and they both panted for air.

“Master,” Ishizu moaned, shuddering as the smaller man's cock throbbed inside of her tight pussy. “H-how was I?”

“Amazing. You're the best slut here, no doubt,” he grinned, smacking her ass. “Ahh, your pussy is so damn tight!”

“Mmm, t-thank you, Master,” she moaned, nodding her head. She laid on the bed, panting, staring up at the man. She shuddered weakly as he slid his dick out of her body. He gave her ass a smack, making her body quiver. Her ass clapped for him as he leaned back and smiled down at her.

Ishizu moved to embrace the man, holding him and gently kissing his face. “I love you, Master… My lord.” The truth was that she wanted to serve the man with all she had, and all she was. She moved closer, pressing her large breasts against his body and kissing his cheek again. “Master…”

The world was damned by only one woman's mistake. One beauty's fall. Her corruption would send ripples through the air, and what she hadn't realized, was that it would send ripples through time. The future had already been beaten and altered by Ishizu's actions, and her Necklace began to glow as she gently rubbed at the golden metal.

Born from murdered souls, forged by sacrifice and brutality… The depravity it now bathed in was different from what had made it, but the darkness and corruption melded together. Light, darkness, love, and death, it all twisted together to create something new as Ishizu continued to cling to her Master.

“Mmm, who will you claim next, my Lord? Yugi's mother? The champion, Rebecca? Or perhaps someone else?”

Weevil hummed to himself. He wasn't sure who would be the next perfect slut to add to his harem. There were so many options. He thought of a woman with large, full tits, a Duelist, one with skill and ability…

And Ishizu's necklace fed on his desires, as corrupted as the woman who wore it… and suddenly it began to glow, burning with a bright light as Weevil’s eyes widened.

“H-hey, your necklace! W-what’s happening?!”

Ishizu's eyes widened as well, before the bright light enveloped the two, sending both of them falling into a dark rift, plucked from time and tossed down into a wild river of what ifs and could have beens.

The two fell through time, Ishizu's arms clinging to her Master. She protected him, pressing her larger body into him, holding him against her buxom figure as the two fell…

And when they opened their eyes, they were in a forest. Weevil blinked, before he pulled away from Ishizu, who looked around in confusion.

“W-what happened?! Where are we?! What happened?!” he screamed, looking around the forest, realizing he was still naked. Ishizu noticed the same as she looked around, her own pussy still dripping cum down her leg.

“Ishizu, explain! Now!”

“As you wish, Master,” she replied, bowing her head as she focused her mind. She used her Necklace to peer into the world around them, and she gasped quietly. “It seems we are several years in the future, my Lord.”

“F-fuh… future?” he squeaked. “P-puh, put us back! Put us back!”

“I will try to, Master, but there must be a reason why we are here,” Ishizu replied. “Either we were summoned here by someone else, or…” She looked around the forest again, her eyes scanning her surroundings. Her time as a cum-hungry slut had done little to rid her of her intelligence and analytical skills.

“Or? Or what?!” Weevil growled.

“Or we came here under our own power. My necklace did glow after all. Perhaps there is a reason we are here?” she suggested.

“And what reason is that?” he asked, with his arms crossed.

The question seemed to be answered as the two heard a voice. The pair followed the sound, peeking through a bush as they saw a familiar sight. A duel, though this was between two women and a third, and it was clear the third had just won with ease.

“Was that really the best you two had?” the woman asked, glaring at the brunette and dark-haired woman standing across from her.

“We're trying our best, Alexis!” the brunette pouted.

“Yeah, not our fault you're the best girl here,” the other woman sighed.

“Excuse me? I'm the best duelist, period,” Alexis growled, before she sighed quietly. “Look, Jasmine, Mindy, why don't you two practice together? I'll be back in a bit and we can duel again, okay?” she suggested, and the two women nodded their heads. “I'm going for a walk.”

And with that, Alexis turned and began to walk, leaving her friends behind to stretch her legs. Weevil and Ishizu watched her go, before the two stared at one another. They blinked, before they both glanced at the woman's necklace, and then the other.

“Are you telling me… Your 3,000 year old necklace, made from human sacrifice… sent us back in time for me to fuck these girls?”

Ishizu considered the other possibilities, before nodding her head, finding this the most logical. “Yes.”

Weevil's lips curled into a wide smile, before he chuckled. “I ever tell you, I love you, Ishizu? Come on.” All thoughts of returning back to their time were forgotten for a moment as the two ran off. “Ow! I stepped on a rock!”

“Please, Master, let me carry you.”


The two waited for Alexis to be far enough alone. Once she was alone, they watched her walk by herself, stalking their prey.

“What do you plan on doing, Master?”

“Same thing I always do. Walk over and fuck her cunt.”

“Do you believe it will be so easy?” she asked. “Perhaps you'll need to defeat her in a duel and, well…”

“I don't have my deck,” he cursed, sighing as he shook his head. The two continued to hide behind a bush, talking to one another. “Well, we could try-?”

“Hey, who's there?!”

The two jumped slightly, turning their heads to find Alexis staring at them, glaring at the two… before gasping, her eyes widening.


Alexis couldn't believe what she saw. Her eyes blinked, and her mouth hung open. She stared at the man, bringing a gloved hand to her mouth.

“Weevil? Weevil Underwood?”

“Huh?” Weevil raised his brow, turning to stare at the woman… and what a pretty woman she was!

He had a close look at her now. A gorgeous blonde with beautiful eyes, her body was shapely and beautiful, reminding him of Mai and Tea. It laid flowing down her body as her blue and white uniform hugged her body, emphasizing her large breasts. Her blue skirt squeezed her thick thighs as she stared at the man who inspired her.

“Oh my g-! It is you! Weevil Underwood, the King of Games!” she beamed, staring at the man. “I-it's an honor to meet you, sir!” she grinned, before she gasped and turned her head away. “I-I am so sorry! I-I didn't mean to interrupt you and your wife!”

“Huh? Wife?”

“Wife?” Ishizu gasped, with rosy cheeks.

“You… know me?” Weevil asked.

“I don't think there's a Duelist alive who doesn't! You're the greatest Duelist who ever lived! You inspired me and thousands of others to take up dueling. You're an idol to me, a-an inspiration! I-”

The truth soon dawned on Weevil and Ishizu. The two had been changing the future with all of their depraved fun, making love, and drowning others in their lustful fun… Meaning Yugi wasn't seen as the King of Games in the future, aka now.

Weevil Underwood had fucked the timeline like it was Ishizu's pussy, and what came out of it was a future as obssessed with him as she was. The future was doomed, and Weevil had killed it.

He blinked, staring at the woman, before his lips curled into a smile. He turned his body to the woman, crossing his arms. “So, you're a fan.”

For Alexis Rhodes, it was more than just being a fan. She was obsessed with the man. She stared at Weevil with hearts in her eyes, and it only got worse as her eyes glanced down at his naked cock, hanging down between his legs.

Everyone knew how much of a pervert Weevil was. Everyone knew how he and his wife, Ishizu Underwood, fucked like rabbits, falling into controversy after controversy. They were lovers who made their love clear, and that had changed society all around them.

It left women like Alexis, jealous of the pleasure Ishizu must have felt, eager to feel the same, listening to rumors that he had plenty of side sluts at his beck and call… and like so many girls, Alexis wanted to be one of those whores. It was why she tried so hard to be a good Duelist.

Just hoping she'd catch his attention, and she could be something more than just a good Duelist.

Her thoughts were thrown aside as his hand grabbed her collar, pulling her down into a kiss. Her eyes widened, before she kissed back, moaning quietly as their lips collided and the two made out.

This was a dream, right? There was no way she was actually kissing Weevil Underwood. She didn't care, her arms embracing the smaller man, falling onto him as he pulled her down, onto him. Her taller body laid on him as their lips wrestled, and soon his tongue wormed its way into her mouth.

She sucked on it, moaning loudly, shaking as his hands slid down to grab at her plump, fat ass, squeezing it, kneading the soft flesh. She was kissing the King of Games. She was making out with him, clinging to him as his hands groped at her chest and squeezed at her body.

They broke the kiss, a strand of saliva linking their mouths as her eyes gleamed with hearts dancing in the center. Her tongue hung out of her mouth, panting as she stared at the famed man.

“A-are we… are you really…?” She turned her head to the naked Ishizu, who merely smiled, sitting down on the ground with her fingers rubbing at her own wet pussy.

“By all means,” she smiled. “My husband is insatiable, after all.”

He grinned at the compliment as Alexis felt her pussy quivering between her legs. She nodded her head, panting, moaning quietly behind sealed lips. She then brought lips down to kiss Weevil once more, feeling his tongue entering her mouth and sliding all along her insides, leaving her drunk on his saliva.

Eventually the two broke apart once more, staring into the other's eyes. The two stared at one another, before he began to tear at her clothes. He ripped her uniform from her body, peeling the clothes off and revealing her beautiful, naked body.

Ishizu watched with a smile on her face, watching as the woman's clothes were torn off of her body. Her bra fell onto Ishizu's lap as she continued to touch herself, watching as Weevil's cock pressed against Alexis’ wet pussy, rubbing against her naked cunt as they laid on the floor together.

Alexis had wanted this for as long as she could remember. Her desires, her memories, he had corrupted it all, and he reveled in that fact as he plunged his cock inside of her beautiful body, feeling her wet pussy squeezing his cock as she mewled in pleasure. His hips bucked back and forth, pounding at her cunt, ramming into her and driving her to moan and mewl in bliss.

Whatever pain Alexis felt was washed away by a tsunami of ecstasy. Her body trembled as he laid on top of her, motorboating her tits as he moved his hips, pounding her pussy hard and fast.

Her wet juices spilled out as he rammed into her, moving fast and hard. Alexis wrapped her arms and legs around his body, mewling in pleasure as she felt the cock she had fantasized about for so long made love to her.

She leaned her head back, screaming in pleasure, panting as his cock continued to fuck her. Ishizu moaned in pleasure, moving closer and offering her own cum slick fingers against Alexis’ mouth. She wiped her fingers against the blonde's face, wiping the juices against her skin, before pushing her fingers into Alexis’ mouth.

Alexis’ eyes widened, before she happily sucked on the juices, dragging her tongue against the wet fingers. She suckled on them as Ishizu turned her head towards one of Alexis’ bouncing, slapping tits. The dark-haired woman leaned down and caught one of Alexis’ nipples between her lips, sucking on it, pinching it tightly between her lips as the three mewled in pleasure.

The three moved in sync, Weevil pounding the gorgeous blonde's pussy, fucking her faster, and faster, shaking her body with each thrust, making the breasts bounce and smack the open air as Ishizu suckled on a tit, holding the nipple between her lips. Alexis gasped, before she mewled loudly, tears running down her face as she felt her mind being overwhelmed.


Weevil bit her other breast, digging his teeth into her tit, leaving a mark on the soft, pale flesh, and she moaned again, her pussy convulsing around his shaft. Weevil moaned loudly, feeling her cunt squeezing his shaft.

His cock throbbed inside of her body. It felt her warm, tight embrace, and he lifted his head back, staring at Ishizu. She smiled at him, before firmly squeezing one of Alexis’ breasts, tightening her grip on it as she leaned in to kiss her Master. Their lips met before his seed shot out, spilling inside of the young fangirl as she moaned in pleasure.

Alexis arched her back. Her pussy quivered. Her fingers clawed at the grass as she cried out in pleasure, screaming in pleasure as his cum filled her insides, flowing all over her insides, filling her womb…

“AHHHH!” Alexis had masturbated to the thought of Weevil a few times before in the past… Now here she was, cumming to the real thing, unable to resist his charm, panting as his seed churned inside of her…

Her eyes rolled into her head, before her body went limp, a wide smile on her face. She giggled weakly, shuddering in ecstasy as electric pleasure ran through her body. A trickle of drool fell down her chin as his hands squeezed her flesh.

She moaned weakly panting as she felt the couple’s hands on her body, squeezing her plump flesh, kneading her soft tits. Her vision was blurred, before the blobs of color became Weevil and Ishizu, who stared at her with lustful eyes.

“I bet you dreamed of this day, huh, slut?” he asked, and she giggled weakly, nodding her head in approval. His fingers pinched her nipples, pulling on her tit, and lifting it up. “Say it.”

“I-I dreamed of you. Y-you were my first crush,” she admitted. She dragged her tongue over her lips as her pussy quivered around his shaft, squeezing his dick. “I-I love you, Weevil.” He squeezed her nipple, and she understood, moaning out his title. “I-I love you, Master… I love you!”

“Beg me to fuck you,” he grinned, and she nodded her head, panting as she did as asked.

“Please, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! I need more, more of your cum, I love you, I love you, I-ahhhh!” she moaned loudly as he began to move his hips, pounding her pussy and making her scream in pleasure, feeling his member pounding her body once more as her body trembled.

This was paradise for her… and she would happily drag others down to it, once her Master asked her to…

The three would continue to make love long into the day. The sun fell, and night blanketed the island of Duel Academy, but they didn't stop, kept warm by their vigorous love making. Weevil was still pounding Alexis’ cunt, doggy style, as Ishizu laid under the other woman, sucking and kissing her large breasts.

“I-I should, ahh, f-find my, ahh, f-fuh, friends!”

Weevil merely chuckled. “Those other two bimbos you were dueling? Heh… Why don't you introduce me to them, slut!?” he suggested, cumming inside of her once more and letting her ride the waves of ecstasy he gave her once more.

“AHHHH! Y-y-yea-aaaahhhh!”

Alexis came on the man's cock, a lewd smile on her face that Ishizu was happy to interrupt by kissing her, swapping spit with one another as Weevil continued to pound the gorgeous woman's tight, wet cunt.


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