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Grape Rush Ch. 20. With Kendo under his dick, Mineta goes after another Class 3-B beauty. The gorgeous Setsuna Tokage, a beautiful woman who can split her body apart. And with Kendo helping train the woman, Mineta will be able to please almost every part of Setsuna. Includes: Fucking a body part not connected to the main body. Is there a word for that?


Kendo wasn't sure how long she and Mineta went at it. It felt like hours had passed. Hours of pure, raw pleasure that left her sweaty and wet. Tears fell down her face as she bounced against the man, clinging to him, holding onto his body as he drove his cock inside of her.

She had never made love before. She had only cum a few times thanks to her own fingers. It wasn't much, and she wasn't even good at it. Yet Mineta seemed to know her body better than she did.

His every touch left her trembling in pleasure. His fingers on her tits, squeezing and groping her soft flesh, kneading it like dough, pinching her nipples between his fingers. It left her shaking, gasping for air as as his cock pounded away at her.

It was big. Thick. It left her trembling as the cock just fucked her again and again and again! His entire shaft vanished inside of her wet cunt as Kendo mewled in pleasure, her eyes rolling into her head as he deposited another load of cum deep inside of her.

She felt it, like a wave. The semen filled her body, churning inside of her as he kept moving his cock back and forth. She shuddered, whimpering as the tip pressed against the entrance to her womb. Her fingers pressed into his back, holding him tightly.

She was drooling, tears falling down her face as she felt his cock twitch inside of her. She panted for air, trying to catch her breath. His hand brushed against her chest, kneading her soft breasts, playing with her tits.

Kendo loved it. She loved him. She came on his cock once more, her pussy quivering around his shaft. She came on his member, feeling that rush of pleasure hitting her again.

The ecstasy rushed through her body. Like blood running through her veins. She felt in every inch of her body. A tingle of pleasure just running through her body, making every muscle inside of her… tingle.

She giggled weakly, before the door suddenly opened. At first, Kendo didn't even notice. She just laid there, Mineta balls deep inside of her body, his cum dripping from her overfilled cunt. She laid there with a wide smile on her face.

That was when she realized there were eyes on her body. People were staring at her sweaty, glistening body. She blinked, trying to make sense of the blurry blobs laying before her. Then Mineta moved his hips, dragging his cock along the inside of her body, earning a loud moan from the woman.

“-notch on his belt.”

“She's cute. I was wondering when he's be making a slut out of her.”

“Yeah, but when do we get a turn?”

“Come on, why wait! She looks spent.”

Kendo groaned weakly, staring at several other women. Even as Mineta fucked her cunt, churning the semen inside of her body, she began to recognize the faces staring at her.

Momo, Mina, Jiro, all of the beautiful women that made up Class 3-A. They were staring at her, knowing smiles on their faces as they watched the newest slut to join their harem.

The other women giggled at the sight, staring at the orange-haired beauty as their Master moved his cock inside of her. Kendo watched as their eyes focused on the man pounding her pussy.

Momo was on one side, embracing the man, pressing her large tits against his chest. She rubbed her tits against him, smiling at the man. She leand in close, kissing his cheek, then his forehead, then his cheek again.

She covered his face in lipstick marks, only for Mina to join her, kissing the other side of Mineta.

“Master, why don't you give my tits some attention? My breasts need your touch,” she cooed.

“Hey, what about me?” Mina pouted. She dragged her tongue against Mineta's face, licking it, purring with need. “I need your big cock in me, Master…”

“W-what?” Kendo groaned, her voice left sore from all of her moaning and screaming.

“You must be pretty confused, huh?” Tsuyu commented, crouching beside her. “The truth is, Mineta's our Master. He's been fucking us for months.”

“Some of us for even longer than that,” Mina cooed, dragging a hand against Mineta's bare chest. She kissed the man again, smooching his lips this time, more than happy to wrestle her tongue with his.

“Master…” Momo leaned in, kissing Mineta with Mina, letting both women’s tongues wrestle with each other and their man.

The sight left every woman, including Kendo, shaking in place. They stared at the show as Kendo felt a hand on her tit, kneading the soft flesh.

She glanced up at who was touching her, staring at… at…

“Midnight?” she gasped.

One of the most famed heroes in Japan smiled back at her, before she pulled the top of her dress down, exposing her naked, bare tit on her flesh. There was a tatoo on her body, a simple mark… a purple circle just under her nipple.

“I marked myself for our Master. There is no greater man than him, Kendo. The fact you've joined our family means you… are very lucky. Of course, we all help our Master gain new sluts and whores… You'll be helping him too, won't you?”

Kendo blinked, staring up at Midnight. Her idol. Her teacher… and she smiled with ecstasy and glee. “Y-yes.”


Setsuna stretched left, then right, turning her body to get herself all warmed up. Her purple bodysuit clung to her body, emphasizing her curves. The confident woman bounced from one foot to the other as she looked at her training partner, Kendo.

The orange-haired woman had offered to help the other woman with some training today and Setsuna was more than happy to accept. “Alright, Kendo, what are we doing today? Hand to hand? Dodging?”

“Quirk control,” the other woman replied, keeping her arms crossed over her chest.

“Alright! No problem! What do you want me to do?” she smiled.

“It's simple.” Kendo motioned around them and Setsuna looked around, staring at the empty replica of a city the two were in. The training area was reserved just for the two of them, leaving them alone for what seemed like miles. “I want you to seperate yourself and send out the pieces all over the area. After that, we'll move onto the next part.”

“Alright! Check this out!” Setsuna's body began to split apart. Setsuna split her body apart, sending her bits and pieces all over the town. Of course, the woman had no way of knowing the city was infected with horny sluts and their perverted Master.

“I see the pieces going. I've got a thigh going towards Mina, a breast going towards Momo, and, oh! Her pussy is flying right towards Master's position!” Toru giggled. “Wow, it's like it's drawn to you, you stud.”

Setsuna fell for the trap, sending her pieces out into a city where all of Mineta's lovers were hiding. Toru kept her eyes on them as best she can, radioing each of their locations back to her fellow sluts and Master.

Soon, Setsuna was nothing more than a floating head and a pair of hands. The three pieces floated around Kendo, a smile on her toothy face.

“Okay, now what?”

“Now, we wait.”

“Wait? Wait for what?”

Her eyes widened. She felt a hand on her breast. She knew she did! She shuddered weakly, biting her lower lip.

“W-whoa! H-hey, hold on, w-what's-?”

“Oh, good. We've started,” Kendo smiled.

“Started?! Started what?! Ahh! W-what's happening to me?! W-who's touching m-ee!” she squeaked, her eyes rolling into her head as she felt a pair of fingers capturing her nipple between them.

The fingers pinched her nipple, twisting it, pulling on it through her clothes. She moaned loudly, and Setsuna bit the inside of her cheek, trying to use the pain to distract herself.

“W-what is happening?!”

“Training,” Kendo smiled, placing her hands on Setsuna's cheeks, gently pressing against the soft flesh.

“W-what are you talking about?! S-someone is touching my nipple! I-I'm calling my body parts back!”

“No! You can't!” she replied, holding tightly onto her friend. “This training session is to teach you focus. You need to be able to just endure whatever your body parts feel, understand? You wanted me to help you, this is how I'm going to do that!”


If it was anyone else, she would have called them crazy. She would have decked them in the face… But Kendo? Her best friend? Her big sister?

She trusted her… even as her heart pounded, feeling a hand stroking her thigh.

“Ahh,” she whimpered quietly, panting as a hand rubbed at her body, massaging her soft flesh.


Mina giggled as she slid her hand up and down Setsuna's thigh, stroking the skin. She looked not too far from where Momo laid, her own hands kneading and massaging one of Setsuna's tits. The two smiled at one another, before they continued to play.

The pink-skinned woman ripped a hole in Setsuna's bodysuit, before she pressed her tongue against the bare, naked flesh, licking it. She couldn't see Setsuna, but with a tongue slowly sliding up her inner thigh… Well, she had a good feeling just what Setsuna was feeling.

Momo nearby was doing the same, ripping a hole in the suit and exposing Setsuna's large breast. “Hm, hardly impressive. She looks like a mere E-cup,” she huffed quietly.

“Not everyone can be as big of a cow as you,” Mina teased, earning a glare from the other woman.

Momo ignored Mina, before she pressed a hand against Setsuna's tit, kneading the soft flesh, pressing down on it. She watched as the breast was flattened, pushed down, before her fingers caught the nipple between them, pinching it.

The dark-haired woman smiled, lifting the breast up by the nipple, before dropping it. She then captured the breast between her hands and brought the hard tip to her mouth. She parted her lips and caught nipple between her lips, sucking on it.

Momo suckled on the nipple, before she pressed her tongue against it, licking it several times, pushing her tongue into the nipple. She did everything Mineta had taught her to do to please another woman. He was an excellent teacher…


And Setsuna gasped, moaning in pleasure, panting as her eyes widened. “W-wait, w-what's happening, s-stop!” She looked at Kendo, a pleading stare thrown at her. “I-I can feel someone, s-suh…”

“Hm?” Kendo smiled at her as Setsuna bit her lower lip.

“T-this can't be training, right? R-right? I mean, I-ahhh,” she panted, her face burning a hot shade of red. She shuddered in place, panting, but the worst was wet to come. “K-Kendo, I-I don't think I can do this. I-I change my mind, I-”

“You want to be stronger, don't you?”

“O-of course, I am! B-but-ahhh!”

She felt it. A hand rubbing at her pussy… Small fingers kneading her clit through her clothes as Setsuna moaned in pleasure, panting again, faster. Kendo grabbed at her friend's face, gently squeezing her cheeks as Setsuna's hands grabbed at Kendo's arms.

“W-what's happening?”

“It feels good, doesn't it? It'll feel even better soon,” Kendo cooed, staring into Setsuna's wide, shocked eyes.

“W-what? I-ahhh!” She felt a surge of pleasure, like an explosion running through her body, earning a loud moan from her mouth, a trickle of drool even falling down her face. “AHHH!”


Mineta found Setsuna's crotch, ripping her bodysuit open and staring at the damp, wet cunt waiting for him. His cock was already out and he grabbed the pelvis before him, holding onto it and keeping it from flying away.

He pressed his hard cock against the wet pussy, rubbing against it as he imagined Setsuna's face going crazy for him and his girls.

“Slut,” he chuckled, kissing the tip of his cock against her clit, before he drove his member into her pussy, popping her cherry and filling the floating pussy with his dick.


“AHHHH!” Setsuna had never felt this pleasure before. She felt something IN her. Pounding her. Ramming into her body as her eyes rolled into her head. It hurt for a moment, but she felt hands all over her body, like there wasn't a single part of her being stroked, kissed, or fucked.

“F-fuck! Fuck!” she screamed, shaking in Kendo's hands, shuddering as her eyes rolled into her head and her tongue hung out of her mouth. She could feel it. More pounding thrusts. Cries of pleasure, she stared at Kendo with wide eyes, drooling before Kendo's eyes.

“W-w-what's happening?”

“Master is fucking you. Like how he fucked me,” Kendo cooed. She leaned in, her warm breath brushing against Setsuna's lips.

“W-what M-Mast-mph?” Their lips met in a kiss, pressing against the other. It was Setsuna's first kiss, and she moaned into her lips, feeling the other woman's tongue entering her mouth.

Their tongues met and danced with one another… as Mineta continued to pound Setsuna's pussy, ramming  into her and driving the woman to moan into Kendo's mouth.

Setsuna felt her body shaking. Her nipples were both being sucked on, by Momo and Midnight, her legs were being rubbed by Mina and Jiro, and she could even feel Tsuyu's lips kissing and licking her ass.

Not to mention the greatest pleasure of all. Mineta fucking her cunt, feeling her pussy quivering around the member, her own cunt squeezing and tighteinng around the shaft…

Setsuna came, and it was the biggest, most powerful orgasm of her life. Her skin tingled, feeling a hot flare of heat running through her veins. Kendo broke the kiss, and the two mewled in pleasure together, both of them crying out in euphoria and bliss.

The orgasm was so powerful that it left her weak in her non-existing knees. Her legs were shaking as Kendo pulled out her phone, a smile on her face as her hand held firmly onto Setsuna's had.

“Behold, the handsome stud who just put a bun in your oven.”

“W-what?” she blinked, before she gasped. Her eyes widened as she saw a familiar face.

Mineta. A smile on his face as he gave her a V for victory gesture, a proud grin on his face as he posed with her cum-filled cunt. Her mind tried to comprehend what she saw, but… but then she felt it.

Mineta's cock was back inside of her, and she mewled in pleasure with a euphoric smile on her face. Kendo giggled at the sight. She texted her Master, urging him to come and get a taste of Setsuna, right from the source…


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