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Scott Pilgrim: Scott learns nothing and ends up dating Knives, Ramona, and Kim at once. Things go pretty well for him as he gets all three gorgeous women to himself. Includes: Harem, Foursome, Romance


Scott Pilgrim had done it. He defeated Ramona's Seven Evil Exs, saved the soul of his band, Sex Bob-omb, and looked like a freakin’ badass while doing it. His friends loved him, his ex wanted him, the universe adored him…

Okay, so, not exactly like that, but hey, he still did a pretty good job. He was a hero, he saved the day, and got the girl…

And in most tales, this was enough. He and Ramona lived happily ever, happily ever after, three cheers for the victorious hero, etc. Of course, this was not that tale. No, in this story, Scott Pilgrim still had his demons, and funny enough, Ramona was more than willing to feed those demons.

The two were at a party with their friends, celebrating a decent show from the average band. Scott was more than happy to enjoy the moment with his girlfriend, talking to one another about where they were going forward.

But the truth was, Ramona’s eyes were on some of the other women at the party. She stared at Kim and Knives, the two talking to one another, before she looked at Scott.

He smiled at her, totally in love with her, and ready to have her be his one and only… But Ramona had not grown so much over the course of their journey.

Deep down inside, there was something in her that wanted more. That same desire for something more in the world ate at her, but there was something different about it.

No matter how big the hole in her heart, she couldn't see herself betraying Scott.

He really did change her, huh? Or, maybe she changed for him? In the end, it didn't matter. She just wanted to satiate the hunger in her body, and she wanted Scott to want the same thing.

“Hey, Scott.” His eyes turned towards her, and she smiled at him. “Have you ever thought about having a threesome?”

Scott looked like a deer, staring at a train on its way to crush him. He blinked. He stared at Ramona.

“Is… this a trap?” he slowly asked, and Ramona chuckled.

“No. It's not.”

“Is it a trick question?”


“I-I guess. I mean, all guys do. Right? Wait, was that a trick question? Did I trick myself?” he wondered aloud, eyes widening.

“Scott. It's okay,” Ramona replied, a smile on her face. “I mean it. It's alright. Why don't you go get me some more punch? I've got to go to the bathroom.”

“Uh, okay…” Scott took the red cup that seemed to be in every coming of age party story from Ramona, before stepping back. “Are… you okay, Ramona?” he asked, raising his brow, and his girlfriend just smiled back at him.

“Yep.” She then walked away from Scott, leaving the man thoroughly confused and silently wondering what mind games Ramona was playing with him. He shrugged, before he walked off to go fill up Ramona's cup…


After doing as she asked, Scott failed to find where Ramona had run off. The man frowned slightly, looking around the party for her, before a text message appeared on his phone.

‘Meet you in the bedroom.’

“Huh?” He made his way to the room, opening the door with a cup in hand. “Hey, Ramona, pretty sure we're not supposed to be in heeeeeeeeeeee….” Scott’s brain popped in his head, turning to mush as he entered the room and stared at the three women sitting on the bed.

Two of whom were making out.

Those two were Knives Chau, his last girlfriend, and Kim Pine, his high school sweetheart. They were making out. Tongues dancing, wrestling, hands all over the other. Ramona sat beside them, a smile on her face as she stared at the man.

Scott's pants felt tight. He spilled Ramona's punch, and it spilled on the floor, probably staining it. He just stared at Ramina, trying to decipher the sight before him, both of them listening to the moans and mewls coming from Kim and Knives.



“W-what is this?” he asked.

“A threesome,” Ramona replied, pulling at her clothes. She unzipped her hoodie, revealing her tight tank top. Scott gulped, unsure of what was hotter. The two women making out or Ramona's breasts coming out.

His eyes strained to mimic a chameleon's as Ramona continued to undress, a smile on her face. “It'll be a foursome if you want to come join us.”

“W-wh-wha-wha-?” Scott stopped, gulping down spit as he held up a single finger. “Are you serious?”



“No, it's not a trap.”


“Oh, just fucking make a move already, Scott!” Kim growled, shoving Knives back, making her tumble off the bed. She fell onto her bed as the redhead glared at the man, a clear frown on her face. “Make a choice, Scott. Yes or no. Beat it or get in here.”

Scott blinked, staring at his ex-girlfriend, before he tilted his head to watch as Knives stood up, staring at him.

“Say yes, Scott! Come on!”

“Wait, I thought you were over me,” Scott pointed out.

“I lied,” she replied, shrugging as Scott's eyes bounced between her, Ramona, and Kim.

“Well, Scott? Are you going to join in, or-?” Scott left scorch marks on the floor as he ran forward, throwing his clothes off in record time as he collided with his girlfriend.

Ramona's eyes widened as he tackled her down, kissing her lips and groping her breast through her bra. She blinked, before embracing him, kissing back.

“Tsk, figure's he'd pick her fi-”

Scott's free hand shot towards her crotch, rubbing against her slit through her clothes. Her eyes widened, before she shuddered in place, moaning loudly as his touch sent waves of pleasure through her body. “Ooooh!”

Kim's expression changed in an instant. Gone was her bored, stoic frown. Gone was her scowl, and uncaring shell. She squealed like a woman feeling her first orgasm, shuddering as his hand rubbed at her body, leaving her panting, wet, shaking and shuddering as his knuckle dragged against her clit.


“He always had a weak spot there,” he explained, a smile on his face.

“D-do you know my weakness?” Knives asked, appearing beside Scott and Ramona, a smile on her face. “You want to find out?” She grabbed Scott's other hand, taking it from Ramona and placing it on her own breast, squeezing and kneading her own tit with his hand. Scott blinked, before he grinned, kneading her breast harder, earning a louder moan from the woman.

She cried out in pleasure, moaning and shaking and shuddering as his palm pushed down on her nipple.

“You're not wearing a bra?” Scott realized, and she smiled down at him, nodding her head as her heart raced in her chest.

“Y-yeah. I-I was hoping you'd notice and… and leave Ramona for me.”

“Yeah, like that'll ever happen,” Ramona huffed, earning a glare from Knives.

“You know what-? Ahhh!” Scott pinched Knives’ nipple, twisting it through her clothes and earning a loud moan from her mouth. He then looked at Ramona's tits and dug his face between her breasts, kissing the skin between them and even biting the sides of her tits.


Scott was hard at work, motorboating Ramona's tits, even using his mouth so skillfully, or wildly, to rip the woman's bra off, spitting it out of his mouth. With that out of the way, the ravenous animal was free to smother himself between her tits.

Meanwhile he had one hand on Kim's crotch, ripping her panties off from under her skirt and fingering her pussy with skillful fingers. He couldn't play the bass, but he knew how to finger a woman, especially one he had broken up with before.

The three women moaned in pleasure, each of them feeling Scott on them, hitting them in the weak spots. They moaned and mewled, panting as they each fought for more of his attention. While Ramona was the only one who could feel Scott's hard cock against her body, each of the other two women could smell it in the air.

His hard dick. His precum stained his boxers. They all wanted a taste, either for the first time or once more. Kim had never been able to fully give up on him. Knives had the same issue. She loved him as a teenager, and she loved him as a grown woman.

She was madly, hopelessly in love with him, just as Kim was for the man. Scott's own evil exes… and Ramona had nipped them in the bud, turning both of them into her fellow sluts for Scott's cock.

“Oh, Scott! I-I love you! I love your h-ha-haaa!” Knives moaned loudly, ripping her top off to reveal her naked breast, giving Scott free access to both of them.. “I love these hands on my body,” she whispered.

And Knives’ voice sent waves through Scott's body, hearing her moans, her absolute devotion to him. Her every moan sent shivers down his dick as he humped Ramona's body, grinding his cock against her.

“I want you, Scott. I want you to fuck me first, to make me cum like a dirty whore. I'm so wet for you. I-I touched myself to you,” she moaned, rubbing her wet pussy, panting as she stared down at Scott and Ramona. “E-even when you were with that fat ass.”

“Ahh, right here,” Ramona growled, glaring at Knives.

“Yeah, you are.”

“Scott, ignore them! Pay attention to me, damn it!” Knives pouted.

“Alright, alright, hold on,” he growled, and each women felt their pussies quiver between their legs. “Let's go,” he panted, taking a deep breath as he pulled away from Ramona.

And the other women gasped, moaning in pleasure as his hands tore at their clothes, ripping whatever they had left off to expose their bodies. Soon, all four were left naked and eager, and they gasped as Scott threw each one onto the bed.

His cock was hard, burning with a bright, dark blue energy, almost like a fire was burning all around it. Scott's hair waved in an invisible wind as he grinned, his eyes burning hot with lust as he looked at each of the gorgeous women.

And oh, what a sight it was. Three of some of the three most gorgeous women he knew. Knives, with her short, black hair and adorable smile, her breasts the smallest of the group, yet still so soft and supple. She gave one a squeeze as she looked up at him with a smile. Kim, beautiful, with probably the largest breasts of the group, glaring at him with a scarlet blush on her face, and his own girlfriend, Ramona, staring up at him with an eager smile between the other two.

Scott felt the fire burning in him, his cock hard and throbbing. He shot down, right on top of Ramona, forcing his lips on hers as her naked tits pressed against his chest. He moaned into her mouth, pushing his shaft inside of her.

Her legs wrapped around him immediately, holding on tight to him as his dick sank into her, pounding her inside as she mewled with muffled glee. His cock filled her body, shaking the bed as cracks formed against the wall behind them.

His thrusts were powerful, shaking the bedroom with each thrust as his hands lunged at Knives and Kim, groping and squeezing their tits, kneading the soft flesh as they moaned and mewled at his touch. His fingers pinched and twisted their nipples as they moaned, their hands moving down to touch their own wet cunts.

They stared at Ramona, jealous of the woman as she was fucked by the man they wanted. Their jealousy was somewhat tamed as Scott pulled his body back, standing up and forcing Ramona's legs to release him. His hands moved down Knives and Kim's bodies, fingering both women now as two of his fingers pushed into them each, earning more moans from both of them.

“Ahhh, I love you, Scott Pilgrim!” Knives squealed as her pussy squeezed his fingers, cumming all over the bed as Kim’s hands dug into the sheets, pushing her own body against his, panting as his fingers fucked her body.

Just like she dreamed of. Just like he hoped she dreamed of. Scott glanced at her, smiling as he stared at her face. “I remember that look. You gonna cum, slut?” he teased, and she glared at him, even as her naked body glistened with sweat.

“F-fuck you!”

“No, fuck you!”

“R-real clever, S-Scott?!” she gasped, watching as he pulled out of Ramona. He grabbed Kim’s legs, pulling her close and impaling her on his shaft, burying his cock as she squealed loudly, arching her back as his cock pounded her insides. She screamed, and she screamed, and she fucking screamed as his cock slammed into her.

And Kim hated him for it. Why did such an asshole have to be so fucking good at sex?! Why did he have to make her cum like a screaming, mewling slut with just a few thrusts, which he did to her utter humiliation.

“No one makes you cum as good as I do, huh?” he grinned.

“F-fuc-kuh, y-yo-oooh!” Scott's hand grabbed at Kim's breast, kneading the soft flesh as she moaned again, louder than before as tears fell down her face. Her eyes rolled into her head as she panted, her pussy squeezing his shaft, milking it of precum to coat the inside of her body.

Kim felt another orgasm coming. Had the first one ended yet? She wasn't sure. She just knew that-that… Scott was a freakin’ dick,

Scott pulled out. He gave her a smug smile, leaving her on the edge as he went over to Ramona, slamming his cock inside of her instead. Ramona gave Kim a similarly smug smile, before she moaned loudly, panting as Scott fucked her tight cunt.

She moaned loudly, panting as she touched her own tits, wrapping her legs around Scott again as she felt his cock throb. She grinned, tightening her own cunt, squeezing his dick just like how he loved it.

“Cum for me,” she moaned. “Cum for me, cum for me, c-cuh, cuh-ahhh!” she screamed, shaking as she went over the edge with the man she loved, cumming all around his cock and bringing him over the edge too, letting him finish inside of her as his seed filled the inside of her womanhood.

His cum coated her as the two moaned together, drunken on the ecstasy and thrill of their little orgy. Scott didn't even waste time, pulling his dick out to shoot the last strands onto Ramona as Kim glared at him.

“Okay, fine, now fuck me again!” she ordered, and Scott smiled.

“Two seconds,” he replied with a wink, before he looked at Knives. The young woman pouted, staring at him with needy eyes. He reached out to her, stroking her cheek, before bringing her to his cock.

She smiled at him, parting her lips and taking the shaft into her mouth, sucking on it and bobbing her head back and forth, slurping on the member as she tasted the cum of both of her older friends. Her head slid back and forth, her tongue sliding all over the member as Scott moaned in bliss.

And Kim frownd, glaring at him as he sounded off. “Mmm, wow, Knives, you suck better dick than Kim does!”

“Weally?!” she replied, her mouth filled with his shaft. She moaned loudly, bringing a hand up to rub at his balls as he slowly moved his hips, fucking her hips as Kim scowled.

“The hell she does,” she muttered, crawling over to wrap her lips around Scott's balls, sucking on them as the two women coated his shaft in their saliva together. He moaned in pleasure as they pleased his cock, letting the man enjoy their warm, wet mouths.

Scott and Ramona shared a look, both smiling at each other. They could get used to thi-

Stephen Stills opened the door, scowling as he saw two women sucking Scott's dick in his room, and Ramona's clearly creampied cunt on his bed.

“What the fuck, Scott?!”

“Ah, s-sorry! My bad, Stephen!”


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