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My Hero Academia: Grape Rush Ch. 19. Mineta begins to go after the girls from Class 1-B, starting with the mom of the group, Itsuka Kendo. She finds Mineta under the mistletoe, and things quickly escalate from there as she finds the man surprisingly charming. Includes: Dom/Sub, Harem


It was Christmas time, and Momo Yaoyarozu had invited many of her friends to come celebrate the holiday with her. Her parents were away for the holiday season, leaving her many guests to make themselves at home at her mansion.

That included her Master, of course, Minoru Mineta. The young man smiled as he moved his hips, fucking Momo into hed bed, making her mewl moan and mewl into her pillow. She had it pressed against her face, muffling herself as she coated the cushion with her drool, her pussy juices spilling out of her cunt and onto the bed.

“Hope your maid gets paid well,” Mina teased, watching as Mineta pounded the woman's cunt, ramming into her again and again. There were footsteps, before Mina turned her head to the door, watching as it opened and closed.

It didn't surprise to hear a familiar voice greet the group. “H-hey, Kendo's here! She's here!” Toru's voice declared, and Mineta grinned, before he smacked Momo's ass, listening to the loud clap.

“You're going to go run after her, aren't you?” Mina sighed, and Mineta chuckled, slamming his hard cock against Momo's insides, driving the woman to mewl in pleasure, trembling as she came on her Master's cock once more.

And after a few more thrusts, he pushed his cock deeper inside of her, shooting his load deep inside of her cunt, coating the inside of her pussy with his thick seed.

He moaned in pleasure, before sighing, pulling his dick out of her body with a grin. Mina was quick to catch the cock in her hand, gently stroking the member off as she brought her lips to the cock, kissing the tip, before dragging her tongue along it, licking up his and Momo's cum.

“You dick,” Mina giggled, before she wrapped her lips around the shaft, sucking on it, and dragging her lips back, popping them from the shaft. “You said you'd fuck me next…”

“I promise I'll make it up to you,” he replied, placing a hand on her head, pressing the shaft against her cheek as she took a deep whiff of the member.

“Yeah, yeah. Heard that before,” she chuckled, before the kissed the side of the shaft. “Fine. Go and break in another slut. I'll be waiting.”

He grinned ear to ear, before he gently rubbed Mina's horns, earning a quiet shudder from her, before he pulled away and got dressed.

“Come on, Toru!”


Mina watched her Master go, closing the door behind him. She shook her head with a content sigh, before she glanced at Momo. The party's host was drooling onto the pillow, quivering in pleasure as her eyes seemed unfocused and dizzy.

Mina chuckled, before she moved her head down between the other woman's legs, licking up the cum and earning a loud moan from the rich slut.


Itsuka Kendo was enjoying the festivies. Rarely did she ever get to go to parties like this. There was fine food, music, and more, and a staff seemingly at her beck and call. She thanked a butler as she took some food from his tray, before returning her attention to Ochako, who smiled at her as they sat on the couch together.

“So, how have things been with you?” Itsuka asked, and the brunette smiled back at her.

“Good. Really good, actually.”

“Really? Is that because you've finally told Midoriya how you felt?” she teased, a smile on her face as Ochako blinked. “I heard from some of the other girls that you were talking to him a lot lately.”

“Oh. Um, n-no. Not exactly. He and I just… don't really click like that.”

“Oh.” That surprised the other woman. She paused, unsure of how to respond. She used to think the pair were close and that dating one another was inevitable. She opened her mouth to apologize for the misunderstanding, before she noticed something off about Ochako. The other woman was blushing, a smile on her face as she turned her gaze away.

“But I have met someone. Someone very special to me. Someone I… I love.”

“Oh! W-well, that's wonderful! Who is it?” she smiled, tilting her head as Ochako smiled back at her.

“He's, ahh… A classmate of mine.”

“Really? Todoroki? Bakugo?” she asked, and Ochako shook his head.

“No, um, actually-”

“Hey, Ochako!”

Kendo was surprised to see Mineta approach the two, and so casually. He waved at them and Ochako stood up, walking over to gret the man. Itsuka was a bit disappointed, but she smiled politely. From what she had heard, Mineta had actually been pretty nice lately. She followed behind Ochako, waving politely at the young man.

“Itsuka, hey, didn't see you there!”

“Hey, Mineta. Uh, happy holidays. What's up?”

“Not much, just wanted to say high to Ochako,” he smiled, and Itsuka was surprised by the sight of Ochako embracing the young man, hugging him tightly, and due to the size difference, pulling him into her breasts, letting him snuggle up between the two supple orbs.

Itsuka was sure it was just an accident, though why Ochako was hugging Mineta was beyond her… Wait, were they dating? Was that the special someone Ochako met?! That was crazy! But… Maybe? Itsuka felt her face turn red as she watched the two hug, before they parted and Ochako smiled at the young man.

For a short amount of time, the three talked. Nothing major, just small talk, polite conversation, though Itsuka began to feel very aware of where the two were looking. Mineta’s eyes moved between Ochako's breasts, her hips, and her beautiful face. Ochako smiled back at him, her hand ocassionally rising up to stroke his arm, or her hips swaying to gently rub against him.

W-were they flirting? Right in front of Itsuka? The orange-haired woman wasn't much of a dating expert. She had never had a boyfriend before, focused on her studies and friends, but… Should she say something? Ask them to stop? Excuse herself so the two could have some privacy?

“Well, don't you all look like you're having fun,” a voice greeted, and Itsuka turned her head to find Midnight walking over, the famed heroine smiling at the three younger heroes. Her eyes bounced between Mineta and Ochako, only to stop at the third member of the little trio. “Itsuka Kendo, correct?”

“Um, y-yes, ma'am.”

“Ma'am? Please, no need to be so formal. It's a party,” she chuckled. “Just think of me as another guest. You can all be my students next year,” she teased. “Mineta, I expect you to come talk to me once you're done with these… girls,” the older woman cooed, her eyes locked on Mineta. “We have business opportunities to discuss.”

“Opportunities?” Itsuka blinked.

“Midnight's helping me get set up with her agency,” Mineta grinned. “Just for some field practice and stuff. Meet some famous heroes. Maybe even travel a bit,” he explained.

“My star pupil,” Midnight smiled, reaching forward to caress Mineta's cheek.

“I have a good teacher.”

“And such a sweet talker. I couldn't be prouder,” she purred, licking her lips as she painted a new image of Mineta within Itsuka's head. “Ochako, would you mind coming with me? I need to talk to you about your opportunities, and your time isn't as valuable as Mineta's.”

It was a two pronged attack. It helped Mineta set up Itsuka for the kill, and it reminded Ochako of her place. Below the older heroine. Ochako pouted for a moment, biting her lower lip, before she forced a smile on her face and nodded.

Together, the two walked off, bidding farewell to Mineta and Itsuka, leaving the two alone. Itsuka wasn't sure what to think of Mineta considering everything she had seen and heard. Even Midnight seemed smitten with the short man, which was… really, really weird to her.

The strange moment didn't last long, though, as Midnight paused and pointed at something over the two's heads. A bit of mistletoe hung over them, surprising the young woman.

“Wha-? When did-?”

“Oh, my. Looks like you two are going to have to kiss. Christmas tradition and all that.”


“Hey, it's okay,” Mineta smiled. “Don't worry about it.” Itsuka blinked, staring at Mineta. He seemed so calm. So… honest. He really didn't care about kissing her or not.

Had Itsuka gone insane? Woken up in another world? What the hell happened? This Mineta was nothing like the one she knew. Granted, she only knew of him from a few interactions, but this was… this was weird.

And his dismissal of her only bothered her further. He flirted with other women. Even a woman practically twice his age.

“No. It's okay.” And with that, Itsuka Kendo sealed her fate. “Just a kiss on the cheek, okay? Not like it's gonna mean anything.” Her cheeks were red, her eyes staring just past him, unable to meet him in the eye.

Mineta grinned, before he nodded his head and she moved closer. He offered his cheek to her, and she steeled herself.

Slowly, Kendo leaned in to peck Mineta's cheek. Her lips neared his skin, only for him to turn at the last moment. Instead of kissing his cheek, Kendo kissed his lips, and when she realized her mistake, she felt something pressing against her back, keeping her from pulling away.

Her eyes widened as an invisible force pressed her body forward, firmly keeping her lips against Mineta's. That wasn't the worst part, though. No, the worst part was when she realized she could feel Mineta's tongue plunging inside of her mouth, his tongue sliding past her lips to infest her mouth.

She moaned quietly in shock, trying to push Mineta away, but his arms wrapped around her body, holding her close. The force on her back pushed harder, and Kendo moaned quietly at her tits pressed against the other man's body. They were sandwiched between the two bodies, earning a groan from her muffled lips.

Kendo continued to try and push him back, but her heart was pounding, racing as she felt his tongue exploring her mouth. Their tongues met, and electricity ran through her body. Flowing through her as she felt her nipples harden against his body.

It felt good. She hated it. She tried to push him away, but his hand grabbed at her body. In the middle of the party, stared at by several women, each of them with a knowing smile on their lips, Itsuka's first kiss was claimed.

And it sent waves through her body as their lips continued to wrestle with one another. His tongue penetrated her mouth, leaving her woozy as her breasts rubbed against his body. Then he broke the kiss, staring into her eyes with a knowing smile.

She stared at him, watching the line of saliva slowly falling from between their lips. She tried to say something. She tried to speak. Nothing came out, though, as her blush spread from her cheeks to her ears and down her neck.

Mineta's hand stroked her fingers, a devilish grin on his face. He had spent the last few minutes metaphorically showing her how big his dick was. Time to take things to the next level.

“Come with me.” He pulled on her hand, and she couldn't think of an argument not to.


Kendo couldn't believe what she was doing. Her hands were on Mineta's bare naked chest. The two had ran off together into a closet, and she felt his hand groping and squeezing her ass, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh. His shirt laid somewhere on the floor, forgotten as her fingers traced his naked body.

She was panting, her lips being assaulted by his, tongue diving down into her mouth and sliding along the inside of it. She moaned against him, shudder as her tits were squeezed between their bodies.

His hand smacked her ass, earning another moan from her.

Mineta was so short. She had to lean her head down, bending her body over his to kiss him properly, but she couldn't deny the jolt of electricity running through their bodies.

And she could feel something hard rubbing against her thigh, leaving her panting, moaning in his arms as he had his way with her… It was not small, nor was it short. It was big on a man twice her size. On Mineta… It was so much worse for her.

She sucked on his tongue, before breaking the kiss, panting as she stared into his eyes. He grinned, before he grabbed her body in his hands, turning her around and pushing her to the door.

Her hands caught her body, pressed against the door as his hands worked her body. He parted her dress, lifting up the skirt to reveal her dark blue panties. His fingers stroked the material, while his other hand slid down her thigh, admiring how her dark stockings accented her leg.

Itsuka bit her lower lip. She didn't think anyone would ever be touching her… there. Least of all tonight. Maybe she should have listened to Uwabami…? She gasped, feeling his hand stroked her slit through her panties.

Her legs pressed together, capturing his hand for a moment, pressing it against her crotch. He chuckled, rubbing his hand against her pussy, earning a quiet moan from her as waves of pleasure rushed through her body.

Mineta chuckled, before he peeled her panties down her legs. She gasped, feeling her crotch exposed to the air, before she gasped again, louder than before, feeling Mineta's breath on her pussy. Cold shivers shot through her body, and she quivered in place, before she felt something wet press against her womanhood.

It was his tongue. His tongue slid against her pussy, dragging along her wet folds, before sliding back into his mouth. The tongue had only rubbed against her for a few moments, but she was still left shaking, panting, her fingers digging into the wooden door.

“You're really wet. I won't keep you waiting,” Mineta promised, and he smacked her ass once more, making her body tremble again. A moan spilled out her mouth, before she heard a zipper coming down.

Then she felt a long, thick shaft rubbing against her pussy. It rubbed against her body, before the bulbous head pressed against her entrance, earning another moan from her. He pushed his hips forward, sliding his cock deeper inside of her, earning a loud moan from the orange-haired beauty.

She felt the cock sliding deeper into her, pushing along her insides, splitting her body open as she mewled in pleasure. She panted loudly, scratching at the door as Mineta's cock pushed deeper inside of her.

And so, the beautiful Big Sister of Class 3-B was fucked. She felt the cock impaling her insides, ramming inside of her wet cunt, slowly splitting her apart as her hips struggled to move, feeling the thick fleshy, rod pounding her womanhood.

His cock slid along the inside of her pussy, pressed against her insides as she mewled and moaned in pleasure. She was panting, even drooling as sweat clung to her body. Her dress felt so hot on her skin, she grabbed at it with a free hand, ripping it to expose her tits.

And Mineta grabbed at them, squeezing and kneading her soft flesh as she moaned in his hands. His hands alternated between spanking her ass, making her cheeks clap, or groping and squeezing her tits, kneading the soft flesh and earning her loud, mewling cries.

Itsuka couldn't resist the pleasure, soon cumming on the cock pounding her insides. She gasped, arching her back as Mineta's hand grabbed her hair, pulling on it and bending her body further as his cock impaled her body. He kept moving his hips, pounding her tight cunt, driving her to mewl louder and louder

Her body felt the full length of his cock sinking inside of her, his balls slapping against her body as she slowly slid to the ground, falling on her arms and chest as she felt his cock thrusting into her, a blur against her body, juices spraying out onto the floor.

“Ahh, scream for me, slut,” he panted, her ass shaking with each thrust. “I'm owning this fat ass! And your classmates, ahh, are next!” he proudly declared, and Itsuka wished she had the strength to argue with him.

Instead, all she could do was scream in pleasure as she felt his cock throbbing and his seed spilled forth inside of her, a wave of semen filling her insides and drowning out all reason and morals she had left…

Mineta grinned, spanking her ass once more, before squeezing her tits, pressing them together.

With Itsuka under his thumb, he'd be able to claim a whole new class of sluts…



There is only 1 thing I wish you added. Since it appeared to be Kendo, Mineta, and his already obtained girls during the kiss scene. It would have been great if Mineta had taken Kendo out of the closet and continued in the middle of the party with his girls watching Kendo give in.


Grape Rush, my beloved series