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Hey, everyone. Just want to speak plainly and make sure that I am transparent. Back from my honeymoon, it was fantastic, car is still out of commission, if you can believe it. Yes, for over a month. That's my problem to deal with, but I'm going to explain some stuff real quick.

I have now moved it from one mechanic to another, and I hope this new mechanic can help with my problem. 

Because I can't work my other job, I have had to rely on commissions to make sure I can make up for payments. Thankfully, I have. This obviously can at the detriment of monthly prompts, though.

Now that I'm back, and my car will soon be given back to me, knock on wood, I am going to work my ass off to ensure everyone gets their monthly story. I want you all to know I am aware of how patient and understanding you all have been. I am so incredibly grateful, and I promise to deliver. 

Nothing else much to report. Next month, some changes to a few tiers (but monthly stories from previous months will be given at their original promised prices). Commissions will be opened again soon at the new 1.5 cents per word rate. 

But the important thing right now is to work on everyone's monthly stories and get them to you. Thank you all for your patience.



Glad you back. Kudos 👏 💐 😁.