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Heeey, everyone. Um... Japana's been great. Honeymoon's been amazing. Um, sorry for the lack of updates and everything, but I am working on stuff.

I swear that anyone who has been promised a story, will get their story. I will not allow anyone to go storyless. Even if it takes time. 

Thank you all for your patience and support. I'll make it worth it. I promise. :) 


Chainsaw Man: Makima gives up on her plans for domination and conquest to live a nice life with a smut writer. The two are happily married with one another, sharing kisses and roleplaying some sexy time as they enjoy their honeymoon in Japan together. Includes: Dom/Sub, Romance, Self insert? Maybe :D


Makima entered the hotel with the quietest of steps. She approached her husband, staring down at him as he slept on their bed. It seemed he was fast asleep.

The man was of average build, with average looks. Not ugly in any definition of the word, but certainly not particularly handsome. Perhaps cute, if one was being generous.

Makima stared at him with golden eyes, her gaze slowly turning to the ring around his finger. She smiled at the sight, before she brought her hand closer, gently pinching the gem that sat on the band. She stroked the material, feeling the metal gently press against the tips of her fingers.

A fine ring. He seemed so happy to wear it. She glanced at her own hand, staring at the ring she wore. It was meant to be a symbol of their love, apparently. She chuckled quietly, before she glanced down at the man again.

She knelt down beside their bed, placing a hand on his head. She stroked his dark hair, admiring how heavy of a sleeper. All the things she had done while he slept, with the man totally oblivious to everything happening around him.

She placed her hand on his ear, gently pinching his earlobe, feeling the soft flesh between her thumb and finger. She pulled, ever so gently, and he slept soundly.

"So adorable." Like a baby. She watched him sleep soundly, completely ignorant of the outside world. She then pinched his nose, and she watched as he struggled for a moment.

He groaned, watching his face scrunch up, before his eyes opened. Her hand released him, and her husband blinked, staring up at her. His lips then curled into a smile.

"Hey. I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep," he yawned, and she chuckled.

"It's quite alright. You should get some rest," she smiled.

"No, I… I guess I was just tired," he muttered. He glanced up at her, and she loved the way he looked at her. Desperate. Hungry.

He loved her, and it was killing him.

She took off her coat, laying it down on a nearby chair, before she sat down with him. She placed her hands on his shoulders, staring into his eyes. He stared back at her, waiting for her to speak.

He was hanging on her every word, whether or not it was spoken. She slid her hands from his shoulders, gently placing them on his neck. She then began to gently squeeze, feeling her thumbs pressing against his Adam's apple.

He didn't move, just staring at him.

"You have such a thick neck," she commented, and she watched as his lips pressed against one another. "My fingers can barely fit around your neck."

"I-is that bad?" he asked, and she smiled, shaking her head.

"No. It's cute."

Makima's husband was taller than him, just a few inches, but it was enough to amuse her. Her thumbs gently stroked his skin, massaging the soft flesh as their eyes stared longingly into one another.

"How was your call?"

"Long. Dull. I'd much rather be with you," she cooed, and she saw the way his eyes lit up.

"Well, now that they're done, maybe we can enjoy our honeymoon?"

"Mmm. Agreed."

"Would you want to go out and do some karaoke? Or maybe get something to eat? Or maybe-mmph?" She leaned in closer, kissing his lips, silencing him.

His eyes widened, before he melted into the kiss, leaning into her lips. Her hands squeezed tighter around his neck, slowly tightening her grip around it. He moaned weakly, before she broke the kiss.

"Say it."

"I love you." Three words. Words that symbolized the ultimate submission. She loved to hear it.

In another world, Makima was a woman to be feared. A Devil born out of the desire to control the wild masses. This world, though, Makima was content with the submission of one unfortunate man.

One man who loved her so much. Who would do anything for her.

Who would die without her, and one of her hands slid away from his neck, traveling along his arm so that her fingers could grab his wrist, holding it firmly.

Makima's hand tightened around his arm. His wrists still had scars on the soft flesh. Right along the veins. She felt her heart flutter at the sensation, leaning in close to whisper into his ear.

"I love you," and those words were like a spell on her husband's mind, leaving him weak against her. He leaned his head forward, resting it against her shoulder. She kissed his cheek as his lips curled into a hungry smile.

"I love you too."

The nail on her thumb stroked the underside of his wrist, feeling the blood pumping just under the surface. She took in his scent. He smelled of paper and vanilla, a scent she told him she liked.

Makima gently kissed his neck, suckling on the soft flesh as he moaned in return. Her thiumb gently pressed against his wrist as she imagined the blood inside of him, only being pumped by the heart she helped heal.

She felt a small rush of excitement as her lips gently kissed his face once more.

"I'm hungry," she whispered.

"Oh. What did you-?"

"Not that. Something else." Her other hand slid under his shirt, stroking his chest as his smile grew to something more perverse.

"How may I serve you, my queen?" She smiled at his eagerness, gently stroking his hair with her hand.

"Mmm, why don't you wear the collar first, and if you're good… I'll wear it after."

The man grinned, nodding his head quickly, up and down. She smiled at he quickly began to take off his clothes. She did the same, moving much slower, slowly unbuttoning her white shirt.

One by one, the buttons came undone. One by one, her bra was exposed, and she caught his eyes staring at the black lace.

Once upon a time, this man worked for her at her company. Not a company of Hunters, but a company of simple desk workers and wage slaves. He was one of thousands.

But he stood out. Desperate for approval, eager to please, and just meek enough to be invited into her office for fun.

Their first date was her bouncing on his cock, whispering into his ear that if anyone found them, she would tell them he raped her. The look of fear in his eyes… there was almost none.

He was just so thankful to be loved. So eager to feel her touch.

It was beautiful.

The last button was undone, and she pulled her white shirt, revealing her black bra. She then unhooked the front of it, revealing her breasts to him. Like always, he looked at them with such devotion.

She loved it, and he reached towards his nightstand. He opened it, revealing a small box. He then opened it, revealing a dark red collar. She watched as he placed it on his neck, just as he had dozens of times before.

The woman undid her pants, sliding them down her long legs, before watching him slide down onto the floor. He kneeled before her as she moved her panties to the side, revealing the pink slit of her body.

"Be a good boy."

"Ruff," he replied. He placed his hands on the inside of her thighs, pushing them apart, before leaning his head in closer. He then pressed his lips against her crotch, kissing her pussy, before gently rubbing his nose against her body.

"I love you. I adore you. You are simply… simply perfect," he whispered.

"Mm, adorable," she replied. "Now talk dirty to me," she urged, and he nodded his head.

"I am nothing without you," he declared, and she moaned quietly at the words, before his tongue slipped out of his mouth, licking at the soft, wet flesh. His tongue brushed against her slit, and she moaned quietly in approval.

Her eyes didn't look away from him. She closed her thighs a little tighter, holding his face between her legs. She squeezed him a little tighter, earning a muffled moan. His tongue licked at her pussy again, earning a moan from him.

His tongue continued to move, licking her pussy several more times, soon tasting her pussy juices. She moaned loudly, shuddering, shaking against his body as her legs squeezed his head once more.

Her hand landed on him, gently stroking his hair as she felt his tongue probing her insides. It sent waves of pleasure through her body, earning another moan as she trembled in place.

She didn't scream. She didn't lose control. She just sat there, feeling his lips gently nibbling on her pussy, feeling his tongue sliding along her insides. She moaned quietly, grinding her pussy against his face. He let out a quiet moan, and she felt the vibrations run up her body, earning another moan.

The two enjoyed themselves. Makima slowly moved her hips, rubbing her pussy against the man's face, feeling his lips kissing and gently nibbling on her flesh. This went on and on, without rest.

He didn't come up for air, because loving her was more important. She smiled, moaning between the words. "Very, ahh, very good. Keep it up, and, ahhh, and you can fuck me."

He nodded his head, obeying her, slowly pushing her closer and closer to her climax. Yet her moans were still quiet, subdued, and in control. Even as his tongue slid along her pussy walls, she kept her voice quiet.

"Haaa, haa, good. Almost…" She pushed him away. She gasped quietly, watching as he took his first breath in over a minute.

"R-ruff?" He was so scared he did something wrong… She loved that about him.

"No. I'm just feeling nice." She undid his collar, bringing it to her own neck and easily securing the band around her neck. She stroked the leather material, nodding in approval. "How do I look?" She noticed the moment of hesitation, and she grinned. "You may speak properly."

"G-gorgeous," he replied, his mouth glistening with her juices.

"Good answer. Now then… Come lay on the bed."

He obeyed her, laying down on the bed as she got on top of him, his cock inches from her pussy.

"Command me," she whispered.

"R-ride my cock, uh, slut," he declared, and she snorted. He blushed as he laid on the bed, staring up at her as she snickered. "Was I that bad?"

"N-no. It was good. Just, very cute," she teased. He was so pathetic. She loved that about him. "Well, Master, I shall do as ordered." She placed her hands on his chest, dropping her hips and feeling his cock inside of her body.

The two moaned together. He placed his hands on her body, but her hands pushed them away. She smiled down at him, moving her hips, bouncing up and down on his cock.

His dick slid deeper inside of her body, and she soon took the entire length of his member. She moved her body quickly, riding him, watching as her tight pussy walls slid along the length of his cock. She could see his fingers digging into the bed, his mouth stretching open into a lewd grin, moaning loudly as her body bounce on top of him.

The bed groaned under them as she moved faster, feeling his cock throbbing inside of her. She had already been on the edge of orgasm. Now she could feel her orgasm fast approaching, racing closer and closer.

Her husband moaned loudly, shaking beneath her. She moaned loudly, panting, shaking as his member pulsed within her body. The poor man didn't last long, but she didn't mind.

She leaned down to kiss his forehead, only for her eyes to widen as his hands grabbed at her hips. She tried to push his hands off again, only for him to roll over.

She was under him now, and she felt his hips move, bucking quickly. His lips met her neck, and Makima moaned as his lips suckled on her soft flesh, feeling one of his hands on her breasts.

The beast was hungry, and she found herself smiling as she felt her body shake. She came under the man, feeling his cock pushing into her, sliding along her insides as she mewled in pleasure.

Her arms wrapped around him as he panted against her neck. He was a pet, a man so far beneath her, and yet… He had his moments. Moments of passion, just like their first time.

A moment of domination, where he laid on top of her, fucking her so hard that she had to put a hand on her mouth, to hide her moans of pleasure. She did so once more, closing her eyes as she felt a flare of pleasure shoot through her body.

"Slut. Whore. B-bitch," he grunted, and she giggled again. "Y-you're my slut!"

"Y-yes, I-I suppose I, ahh, ahh, a-am!"

She moaned under him as she came, her pussy quivering around his shaft, tightening around it… He came inside of her, shooting his seed into her body as body quivered. She arched her back, feeling his seed spilling along her insides, filling her…

Before she went limp, laying on the bed limply. She moaned quietly, staring at her husband as he clung to her.

His hips moved back and forth, churning the cum inside of her as she smiled.

"Good boy," she whispered, and he moaned quietly in return, staring at her with such… need.

"I love you."


Eventually, the two pulled apart. Makima was still hungry, though this time for an actual meal. She got up with her husband, taking a shower with him, before the two got dressed.

Makima watched as her husband got ready for their date. He picked up his clothes, changing into them, before he walked into the bathroom to brush his hair.

She then turned her head, staring at the hotel keycard on the wall, just where he had left it. She picked it up, before her husband walked out of the bathroom.

"Ready to go?" he asked, a smile on his face.

"I am. Do you have the keys?"

"Yeah, I…" He blinked, placing his hand on the table, as if he was looking for the tracks the key might have left behind. His mouth hung open as he looked around the table, before crouching down to look under it. "I…" He stood up, walking back towards the bed.

Makima watched him, a smile on her lips as he lifted up the blanket and whipped it in the air. She could see it in his eyes. The growing worry. The growing panic. Fear. Guilt.

She silently placed the keys on a nearby table, and after a few more seconds of desperate searching, she spoke up.

"Are these it?"

He turned to face her and he let out a sigh of relief. She picked up the keys and handed them to him, and he bowed his head to his wife.

"Oh, man, I was so worried I had lost them!"

"What would you do without me?" she asked, and she knew the simple question sent a chill of dread run down John's back.

"Heh. You're the only thing keeping me together, so uh… Not well."

"Well, you'll never have to find out." She motioned to the door and he nodded his head, walking forward to unlock it. The two then stepped out, and she watched as her husband put the key away in his pocket.

She offered her hand to him and he took it, gently kissing her knuckles, before the two made their way to the elevator.

"What did you want to do tonight?" he asked, and Makima merely smiled back at him.

"Let's just enjoy another day in paradise, my love."

"Sounds good to me… My love," Makima's husband smiled, and as they waited for the elevator to rise, she pressed her lips against his. A gentle kiss that left her man swooning.

He was totally in love with her… and that meant she had total control of him.


The Shaman

Awesome stuff and definitely in character for Makima, well done