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Okay. We're back! Sorry about that folks. Wedding stuff, and also my computer almost broke. Think we're okay now. :)

Yu-Gi-Oh: With Serenity now part of his harem, Weevil isn't sure who to get next. Ishizu, eager to remind him how important she is, points him in the right direction. His next target? Kaiba's Blue Eyes, or rather, the beautiful woman who lays within the dragon's soul, Kisara. Includes: Dom/Sub, Netorare


Weevil moved his hips faster, feeling Tea’s pussy squeezing his hard cock as she laid on all fours. She mewled in pleasure, panting, screaming in bliss with a smile on her face. She was panting, shaking as her Master’s cock rammed inside of her. She was dripping with cum, both hers and his, plus drool dripping from her moaning lips as Weevil enjoyed himself.

Nearby, Mai and Serenity laid, wrapping their arms around Weevil and taking turns to kiss their Master. They moaned in pleasure, letting their tongues wrestle with their Master. They were moaning with each kiss, more than happy to enjoy themselves with the handsome man.

Well, handsome to them, at least.

All three sluts had been infected with Weevil’s corruption, tainted to the point that none of them could be saved. They would betray those they loved, those they fought beside, their own families and loved ones, all for Weevil’s approval.

“Mmm, Master, please! You’ll fuck me next, won’t you?” Serenity mewled, her hand stroking his bare, naked chest.

“No, Master, fuck me,” Mai urged, rubbing her large breasts against his body. Second biggest amongst his harem.

“N-not, d-done w-with me!” Tea panted, her arms giving out under her as she laid on the bed, her face falling into a pool of cum and other sexual juices from the hard fucking Weevil had been giving them all tonight.

“You’ve had your turn!” Mai hissed, and Serenity pouted, pulling on her Master’s arm again, rubbing her small tits against his arm, letting his fingers squeeze and grope them. He chuckled as he gave her nipple a pinch, earning a loud moan from the woman.

“Ahhh! Master, fuck me! You’ve hardly fucked me compared to Tea!”

“Beat it, newbie!” Mai growled, glaring at the other woman.

Weevil just laughed, moving his hips faster to plow Tea, moaning as he neared another orgasm. He could feel it. Her pussy squeezed tighter around his shaft as Mai and Serenity continued to beg for his attention… only for a sound to catch Weevil’s ear.


The door opened, and he glanced at the open hall, finding Ishizu walking down the hall towards him, a smile on her lips as the Dark Magician Girl followed behind her. The DMG shot past Ishizu, flying towards Weevil and throwing Mai and Serenity aside with ease.

The beautiful, blonde magician then wrapped her arms around the man, embracing him and kissing his face several times.

“Master, you’re going to love me! I was so good! I did such a, mmwah, a good thing!” she panted, tearing at her clothes so that her wet pussy could rub against his leg, humping him like a mad, horny beast.

“Enough.” Ishizu’s command was a single word, but that was enough to make DMG submit. She flinched, turning to the dark-haired woman, feeling her eyes on her own curvaceous body. The blonde monster whimpered, before she parted from Weevil, leaving her juices on his leg.

Meanwhile, Weevil continued to fuck Tea, not stopping as he stared at his first slut. Ishizu turned her gaze back towards him, before her lips curled into a smile.

“Master. I have a gift for you.”

“We do! AHHH!” DMG gasped, squealing in pain and pleasure as a hand smacked her round ass, making her cheeks jiggle for a moment as she pouted. She glanced at Ishizu, who glared at her. “I-I’m sorry, Mistress.”

“AHHHH!” Tea came once more, but no one paid much attention to her as Weevil kept moving his hips.

Ishizu smiled as she reached between her tits, pulling out a card from her cleavage, a hiding spot that Weevil so loved. He soon realized that it wasn’t just one card, though. There were three there.

Three Blue Eyes White Dragons.

“You stole Kaiba’s cards?!”

“An easy feat with the power of magic, Master,” Ishizu smiled. “I thought it was prudent to remind you who your best, and first, slut was.” She moved closer, her large breasts brushing against Weevil’s naked body as he leaned in closer.

She met him in the middle, and the two kissed like lovers. Chaste. Almost innocent as their lips met.

It was true. Ishizu was the key to all of this. The only reason Weevil was able to dominate all these sluts, bring monsters to life, was because of her. Weevil knew this, and he rewarded his favorite slut with a loving kiss as he dumped another load of cum into his slut’s pussy. Tea mewled in pleasure, blacking out for a moment as pleasure overwhelmed her mind, leaving her drooling on the bed as cum dripped out of her pussy.

Ishizu soon broke the kiss, and she licked her lips as she smiled at her Master. “Now then, Master. I present to you your newest slut.”

Weevil blinked, raising his brow for a moment as he stared at the card. “I… Yeah, I guess I could fuck a dragon.”

Ishizu chuckled, shaking her head. “Apologies, Master. Let me explain.”

She then began to fill Weevil with the history of the mighty dragon, and how it once served Seto in the distant past. It was a lot to take in, but he soon understood it well enough. More importantly, he was curious to see the slut that lived within the dragon’s soul.

His cock was already getting hard again as Ishizu filled his mind with lust and depravity. She enabled him, feeding the junkie with more and more of his favorite drugs. Gorgeous women worshiping him. Power. Lust. All that he could ever want.

He owed a lot to Ishizu, and he was more than happy to kiss her once more before they made their next move together.


Soon Ishizu finished setting up a familiar ritual. The other sluts sat aside, unable to help with this unless asked to by Ishizu. They pouted, waiting with wet, dripping pussies for their next turn on their Master’s cock.

They’d have to wait a while, sadly. Ishizu gave them each a smug grin, before she stroked Weevil’s head as he held his new prize.

Weevil stared down at the three cards. The famed Blue Eyes White Dragon. Said to be one of the most powerful cards in all of Duel Monsters. He scoffed at the sight of it, but his smile grew as he watched Ishizu pick up one of the cards. She kissed it, pressing her own blue-painted lips against the card, pressing her lips firmly against the paper, before she dropped the card onto the ground.

She then picked up the next card, and did the same, kissing the paper, before she allowed her tongue to dart out, licking the simple card, dragging it along the Blue Eyes White Dragon’s neck. She then dropped the card, before picking up the last.

She held the card in one hand, concentrating for a moment as her eyes glanced down at her Master’s still hard cock. She smiled at the sight of it, knowing all too well how much of a bitch breaker that it was.

Fuck, she loved it.

That last thought opened the door, and a bright light formed in the room, ripping a hole through the dimensions. The portal had been opened and out of it fell a single woman.

A gorgeous woman with pale, white skin and long, light-blue hair that almost looked white, falling down her body. She wore a beige dress that was little more than some rags placed on her body, but even with it on, Weevil could easily see her curves fighting to escape. Large breasts straining the fabric, hips wrestling to get out. She stumbled forward, right into Weevil’s arms.

He caught her, his face stuffed between her tits as she blinked in confusion.

“W-what? W-who…?” She tried to push Weevil away, only to feel his hand on her tits, gently rubbing at her nipple. It pushed right through her dress and she gasped, her eyes widening. His fingers pinched the soft flesh as she moaned in pleasure, trembling slightly. “Ahhh!”

Her beautiful blue eyes widened. Centuries of sleep and loyally serving Seto had led her to this moment… Being groped by a man half her size. She was confused, still dazed from returning to this world. Why was she here? How? She shouldn’t-

“Ahhh!” It seemed Kisara had a stronger will than DMG or the Harpies. She felt good in Weevil’s arms. Amazing, actually. She melted at his touch, moaning and panting, shuddering as those fingers played with her soft skin.

It was amazing, but something told her it was wrong. It was just hard to think as his hands continued to molest and play with her gorgeous body. She wanted to pull away… Didn’t she? Maybe…

His other hand grabbed her ass, squeezing it, digging his fingers into her plump rear. He kneaded the soft flesh, moaning quietly as his other hand continued to grope and squeeze her tit.

“S-stop, I-I don’t-! Ahh, w-who are you?!”

“He is your Master.”

“W-what?” Kisara’s eyes widened. She felt the familiar touch of magic as hands gently stroked her neck. She felt long, slender fingers wrapping around her neck, leaving her shuddering… Before her clothes were ripped off of her body.

Ishizu and Weevil worked together, as any pair of lovers should. They tore the woman’s off, before Ishizu wrestled her onto the bed. Beautiful dark skin in contrast with beautiful, pale flesh. Ishizu’s arms restrained Kisara’s arms as her legs did the same.

Kisara was trapped, naked, breasts exposed as she laid on a bed, staring at a man she did not know. A man who… who…

The effects of the magic ritual, as well as the raw pleasure plaguing her mind left Kisara shaking. She was panting.

Then she noticed the cock presented to her. The thick, veiny shaft. The cock of a real man. No, what? Why did she…?

Gods, it was massive.

“Master Weevil is impressive, isn’t he?”

“Master?” Kisara blinked, before he pushed his hips forward, impaling her on his member and making her squeal in pleasure. Her eyes widened as pleasure, only pleasure, rocked her body. It filled her. It made her… change. It changed her as she mewled in pleasure, a wide smile on her face as the pleasure flowed through her body like a river.

Or a flood. She was struggling to comprehend what she felt, her pussy walls immediately squeezing the cock as it pounded her insides, pushing in and out of her wet cunt, filling her as she mewled and moaned in pleasure, panting as the cock pistoned into her. Back and forth. Faster.


Her lips curled into a smile as the thrusts went faster. His cock was pounding her insides, leaving her trembling as she arched her back. Her tongue licked at the empty air, only for Ishizu;s hands to grab her head… and press her forward, kissing Weevil’s mouth.

He leaned into her, fucking her right into his darling wife. They broke her together, leaving her moaning loudly as large breasts rubbed against her back and a perfect cock pounded her tight, wet pussy, leaving her juices spilling out onto the bed.

Ishizu no longer had to hold her. She embraced Weevil, clinging to him, holding him with loving arms as pleasure destroyed hundreds of years of loyalty and love.

Seto was a false prophet. A messenger. His only mission was to bring Kisara here… To her true-

“MASTER!” she screamed, breaking the kiss as her first orgasm rocked her body. First, but definitely not the last.


Ishizu sat peacefully, waiting for her turn. Her pussy juices slid down her thighs as she watched her Master work. She wanted to be rewarded, but she could wait… For now.

Meanwhile, Weevil and his latest slut were on the bed, marking the bed with their juices for hours on end,

Kisara cried out in pleasure as Weevil’s hips bounced against her body. SHe was on all fours. Doggy style, her Master said.

She was an animal. A dragon at best. A slave at worst. Both roles she loved and embraced.

He moved with such speed and ferocity, she never would have thought a man of his size was capable of such strength. He showed her his proper place. Beneath him, as all women were… The woman felt his hands grab hers, pulling them, using them almost like a leash to better control her body.

And she mewled in pleasure. She screamed in bliss. Her eyes rolled into her head as she panted and squealed, her womanhood reacting to the short man’s disproportionately big dick. She knew it was wrong to feel this man sully her boy. She swore herself to Seto, after all. Years, centuries of her life dedicated to the man who showed her such kindness.

And now Weevil was ruining it. He ruined her. He left her moaning and squealing in pleasure, gasping for air as the wet smacks of their bodies colliding filled the air. That damn sound. It was becoming the only thing she could hear as the two neared their first hour mark.

“Mmm, you’ve got such a tight pussy, slut!” he growled, fucking her pussy so fast that her ass flesh was jiggling. She lifted her head back, mewling in pleasure, whimpering, before the cock buried itself into her body, embracing her new friend and the dick trembled deep within her body.

“Oh, fuuuuck!” she sang, shaking as the cock rubbed along her insides. They came together. His cum spurting inside of her pussy, her juices coating it, him, and the bed. They came as one as Kisara happily embraced her new place in life.

As Weevil’s Dragon Slut.

She felt his seed spilling inside of her, filling her womb. He soon dropped her and she laid on the bed with a smile on her face as she looked up at him, sweat glistening on her body.

She could barely breathe as the man looked down at his new slave, so drunk and wet from her own victory…

“Master… Master Weevil…. More. M-muh, more…”

Thankfully, she’d have more moments of fun available to her. After all, she was now the proud property of this handsome man. The one who owned her. The one who took control of every ounce of her soul.


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