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Sorry for the wait on this, folks!

With the Harpy Ladies under his control, Weevil duels Mai, and things go in his favor as the beautiful blonde becomes his newest slave and lover. Includes: Harem, Monster Girls, NTR, Dom/Sub


Weevil Underwood was taking the Dueling World by storm. There were rumors that he had cheated, as he had in the past, but experts looking over the footage made it blatantly clear that he was the genuine article.

He had beaten Yugi, technically twice, and the world was still shaking from this news. Yet, for once, beating Yugi wasn’t the first thing on Weevil’s mind.

No, he wanted to nurture his harem. Help them grow, help them grow, and like a beautiful cocoon, his harem would evolve into a great moth and destroy his enemies.

Oh, yes. He was excited for that day, but he still had to wait. After all, he had a duel before him.

He had challenged Mai, and the blonde bimbo, still believing he had simply cheated against Yugi, agreed. It wasn’t an official match, no army of audience members watching them. Just a simple duel between enemies on an empty beach.

One that Weevil seemed to be losing.

He watched as the Insect Queen was destroyed, but Weevil felt nothing. He had a real queen now, after all, so what good did the card do him?

“If I was you, I’d lose that smirk,” Mai growled. “You’ve got no monsters to defend yourself, and I’ve got a dragon ready to turn anything you throw at me to ash.”

“Mmm, is that so? All this and you haven’t played your favorites? I’m hurt,” he pouted. “I love to watch those pretty birdies fly.”

“My Harpie Ladies? I don’t want your beady, little eyes staring at them. I’d have to wash the cards,” she replied, and Weevil chuckled.

“Jokes. How adorable.”

“What’s adorable is the little con you’ve got going on against Yugi! I don’t know how you cheated, but I know you did, and once I beat you, I’ll tell him the truth!”

“And then what? You’ll get your reward with Wheeler?” Weevil replied with a raised brow, and he could see the subtle blush on Mai’s face. “How pathetic. You like that weak, little mutt more than me? I’m hurt, Mai.”

“Joey’s more of a man than you’ll ever be. Last I checked, he beat you! Now, make your move!”

“As you wish,” Weevil sighed, pulling a new card. His lips curled into a wide smile. “Perfect. I play Cost Down. I discard a card, and now all monsters in my hand are down two levels. Meaning I don’t have to sacrifice anything to summon… Dark Magician Girl!”

“What?!” Mai’s eyes widened, before a tornado of black fire rose up from the ground. It swirled around, kicking up a small sandstorm, before a feminine figure stepped out of the fire, walking forward with a staff in hand.

The Dark Magician Girl. One of Yugi’s aces. Could it just be another copy? But Mai had never seen one before… And why else would Weevil have one if not just to mock Yugi…? But why use it against Mai?

Dark Magician Girl rolled her shoulder, spinning her staff with ease. She glared at Mai’s dragon, and without saying a word, she attacked, unleashing a blast of dark magic to tear Hypie’s Pet Dragon apart, leaving it ash on the floor.

Mai felt a shiver of fear as DMG glared at her. The monster’s eyes were an icy blue, and she licked her sharp teeth, shuddering for a moment, almost like it was feeding off of her fear… Before she gasped.

“Oh, I forgot! Master!” She turned around on her heel and smiled at Weevil. “Your Dark Magician Slut is here to help you! Sorry for the wait! You know, whenever you want to summon me, the price is always zero!”

She giggled, before running over and bending down, letting Weevil stare right down her large breasts. Her chest hung low, tits gently clapping against the other as she stroked Weevil’s head.

“Was that mean ol’ dragon bullying my sweet Master? Oh, did it kill that hussy Insect Queen?Well, I’m sure Ishizu will be happy to hear that,” DMG giggled. “Don’t worry, Master. I’ll take care of this naughty wench,” she beamed. “And then? After this? You can use my card to wipe my cum off her body!”

“W-what…?” Mai felt her heart race. She felt like she was dreaming. Was this a nightmare? She didn’t understand. She didn’t… Had she misheard?

No, stop psyching yourself out. Mai shook her head, before she put a card down. “I summon Harpie Lady.”

DMG and Weevil smiled at one another. The spellcaster blew her Master a kiss, before she stood up and returned to the field.

The red-haired Harpie Lady appeared, as Mai played a magic card. “Elegant Egotist then allows me to bring out my Harpie Lady Sisters!” One soon became three as the three sisters stood in front of the Dark Magician Girl. “But that’s not all, because next I activate… Huh?”

Mai blinked. She watched as her three monsters stepped forward, standing right in front of the DMG. They glared at the blonde bimbo, who glared right back at them.

“Are you ready to do this?” the scarlet-haired leader asked.

“Born ready for it.”

“This is gonna hurt,” the blue-haired Harpie giggled.

“I know.”

“Well, let’s not waste time, right?” the orange-haired Harpie grinned. They then stepped back… and flew past DMG, right at Weevil.

Mai felt like she was losing her mind. She had never heard her monsters talk before! It was crazy, but what was really crazy was watching all three Harpies embrace Weevil, kissing his face with loving, moaning mouths.




“We love you!” they sang together, covering his faces in three different shades of lipstick.

“We were waiting forever for that dumb whore to summon us!”

“She took sooo long!”

“We wanted to jump right out and ride your big dick in front of her, Master!”

“W-wha… What the hell is going on?!” Mai screamed, earning glares from her three monsters. “I-I am your owner, damn it! You take orders from me! N-not him!”

“Abra cadabra,” DMG smiled, waving her staff around, and a long, magical rope wrapped around Mai’s arms and legs. “Oops. Did I do that?” she giggled, walking around Mai.

“W-what…? T-these… these are real…?” Mai was shaking, staring down at the magical binds holding her limbs in place. “I-I…” Beads of sweat ran down her body as she watched her Harpie Ladies stand, staring at Mai with toothy grins.

“Hear that ladies? We take orders from her.”

“That’s a laugh.”

“Why does this loser think she can command anyone?” the scarlet-haired Harpie wondered aloud. Her claws gleamed in the light of the sun as she pulled her hand back and Mai gasped, trying to pull away.

Her legs were frozen. Her heart raced. The claws shot down… ripping right through Mai’s clothes, leaving them to fall in shreds of cloth.


“Nice one, sis.”

Mai was naked now, and Weevil was staring right at her, face to face. He placed his hand on her chin, stroking it as she shuddered. It was disgusting, of course.

“I-I don’t know what you did t-to me, or my Harpies, b-but you’re going to pay for this!?”

“Oh? Is your little boyfriend going to save you? Because clearly, you can’t save yourself,” he laughed.

“I-I-'' Mai felt afraid. Of Weevil! Her body was shaking as he held up a single card. The Harpie Sisters laughed as they stood behind their new owner, throwing their armor and clothes at Mai’s feet as Weevil uttered one word.

“Brain control.”

“Ahh…” Mai’s eyes widened, before she felt her heart skip a beat. She felt her womanhood quivering between her legs as Weevil grinned.

“Now, just lay back and keep your legs spread. I’m going to have some fun with you…”

He began to take off his clothes, and Mai couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Weevil’s dick. She was staring at his cock, and Egyptian Gods be damned, it was huge. It was massive, and her mouth was watering as she stared at it.

“Oh, I love it when girls see my dick. Tea had a similar expression.”

“T-Tea?” she squeaked, before gasping as her naked body was impaled on his cock. She threw her head back, feeling the hard member sliding into her wet, waiting pussy, feeling it sliding deep inside of her, leaving her mewling in pleasure as her eyes rolled back.

“Ooooh, fuuuck!”

Mai knew the pleasures of sex. She had a few one night stands, and she had even touched herself to what it might feel like to feel Joey’s dick. All of that meant nothing as Weevil slammed his cock inside of her, filling her with his member and ramming into her, pounding her pussy with hard, fast thrusts as she howled in pleasure.

“AHHHHH!” She felt his cock pushing deeper inside of her, showing her no mercy, leaving her with tears in the corners of her eyes as her legs came free…. and wrapped around his body.

It was only natural. Fuck, she loved that big dick. How could she ever look down on Weevil before? How could she be so foolish as to look at Joey, when a real man like Weevil was right there!

She mewled in pleasure as his hands grabbed at her tits, squeezing and groping them, pinching her nipples between his fingers as she panted, moaning in his hands as her eyes widened.

“Haa, haa, oh, fuck, puh, please, I-ahhh!”

“Yeah?” He leaned in, and he kissed her neck several times. She moaned with each gentle touch, shuddering as her eyes widened. She moved her head, letting him suckle on her soft skin, leaving pink marks on her body as her Harpies watched with lustful grins.

“What a slut!”

“Look at the whore, down where she belongs.”

“Under our Master.”

“Ma, Mah, Master!” Mai panted, before he popped his lips from her neck and leaned in close, staring into her eyes.

“Who owns you, slut?!”

“Y-you do!”

“Who owns you?!”

“W-Weevil!” she squealed, her eyes rolling into her head as her mind shattered. He took control of it, like he was wrapping his fingers around her mind, and then he squeezed, shattering her brain, leaving it as cum sliding down her legs as she came on his cock.

Her arms were free now, and they wrapped around his body as she pulled into a passionate kiss. Her tongue dove into his mouth and she felt his tongue press against hers as they made love right there on the beach.

Weevil laid on top of her body, still fucking her into the sand as the Harpies moaned in pleasure. They looked at the DMG, and they lunged at her, kissing her soft flesh, grinding their soft, wet bodies against hers as they waited for their turn.

Mai was overwhelmed. She played as good as she could, but it meant nothing to his strength. She submitted to him, feeling his cock ramming into her, feeling his precum coat her insides as she mewled in pleasure.

It was amazing, and she would do anything for this glorious sensation. She thought of Joey, and she imagined ripping up his cards, leaving them to fall upon his head as Weevil fucked her. She imagined feeling Weevil’s cock impaling her, pumping her full of cum as Joey wept.

It was beautiful.

She loved it, and it was this fantasy that ran through her mind as she came. Her pussy convulsed around his shaft, and he came inside of her, pumping his semen deep inside of her womb, pumping her full of his seed as he laughed.

He continued to kiss her, fucking her pussy, and groping her large breasts as he added another slut to his harem.


The effect of Brain Control stopped hours ago, not that there was any difference in Mai’s mind. She was rewritten, her fate burned and remade by the King of Gods. Ishizu watched them go at it, a smile on her face as she glanced at Insect Queen on the ground.

She scoffed at the card. She was the only Queen her Master would ever need. She felt a cold chill as she approached her Master.

It was cold on the beach at night, yet none of the women seemed to even notice. DMG was being pleased by the Harpie Sisters, one between her legs, licking her pussy, while another made out with her, and the third suckled on the blonde’s large breasts.

They all moaned together, panting, mewling in pleasure as her hands stroked and touched their bodies. They were all touching themselves as they pleased their fellow monster, their Master and new member mere a foot away.

Mai was on her knees, bobbing her head back and forth, loudly sucking on Weevil’s cock as the seconds ticked by. He moaned in pleasure as her lips wrapped tight around his cock, sucking it loudly, before her tongue slid out and licked at his shaft.

Rings were forming on the shaft from her lips, leaving rings of her lipstick and saliva on the shaft, only to be licked away by her eager mouth.Her drool coated the member, leaving it dripping with her saliva and shimmering in the light. She panted, before leaving in and sucking on the cock again.

“Mmm, gonna cum soon, slut,” he grinned. “Are you ready for another load of my cum?” he asked with a smile. Her pussy quivered, gushing out more of his semen onto the sand below.

“Haa, ha, y-yes, Master.”

“What about Joey?” he teased, and there was only a moment of hesitation. Her eyes widened, before they annoyed and she continued to suck Weevi’s veiny shaft.

“What about him?” she replied, letting her breasts jiggle as she bobbed her head back and forth. She had an idea, soon wrapping her tits around his dick to praise him. “He’s nothing but a loser compared to you, Master. He only won because he cheated, of course. The bastard.”

She spat at him with such hate. It was amazing! Weevil wanted to laugh at the obedient, blonde bimbo, before Ishizu poked his shoulder. He looked at her, and he saw the phone in her hand. She pointed at a single name in the contacts, and Weevil moaned, cumming all over Mai’s beautiful face and large breasts as he saw the name.

Serenity Wheeler.


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