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Spider-Verse: An adult Peni watched as Gwen and Miles hung out despite clearly liking one another. They looked so happy, and Peni knew she should have been happy for them... But the truth was the woman was twisted. A monster laid under the surface, one that would not be denied. She'd claim Miles as her own, and she'd give him the world. Includes: Yandere Peni, Cuckquean Gwen, Big Butt Beats Big Boobs, DARK. 


The Spider-Verse was entering its Golden Era it seemed. Miles and Miguel had made their peace, the Spot was defeated, and the group focused on defeating the evil forces of various multiverse threats.

The web was safe, and everything seemed to be going well for the various Spiders of the cosmos… But then, one little Spider was having a problem.

She sat alone, talking to no one, chewing on her bottom lip as others ate around her. She stared at one man. One single man, and the harpy by his side.

Miles Morales and Gwen Stacey. Peni Parker knew both of them very well. They were her friends, and there was a time when she would have taken a bullet for both of them.

But Peni wasn’t a little girl anymore. She was eighteen now, just a bit younger than the twenty-somethings. Miles had grown into a fine young man. Handsome, strong, with a body as athletic and well built as one would expect of a Spider-man.

And Gwen… The little dancer had grown into a buxom blonde bimbo, at least in Peni’s eyes. Large breasts that would have thrown off a normal dancer, Peni imagined, and those bright blue eyes that seemed to attract Spider-men of all realities.

Peni hated her. She hated her truly, deeply, and utterly. It was a shame too. They used to be friends, and if things were different, Peni would have been happy for the two getting together.

But they didn’t get together.

They didn’t fucking get together. They had been friends for years, able to see each other for months now, and they didn’t fucking get together. It was driving Peni nuts!

She loved Miles. She adored Miles. She had studied how to break through the dimensional barriers just so she could see him again, and not being with him slowly eroded her mind. Peni NEEDED to see Miles, and when she did, oh, it was amazing…

Then Gwen ruined it. Like how she ruined everything. That prissy bitch. Peni hated her. Her fingers dug into the palm of her hands, nails digging into her skin as she felt that rage take over.

She had Miles RIGHT THERE, but she refused to fuck. Why weren’t they fucking?!

Peni watched Miles every day. Every night. She was by his bed, touching herself and dragging her wet fingers over his chest. She loved him, and she would have been okay to move on, but only if he actually picked someone, and he hadn’t. He hadn’t, he didn’t, why, why, why?!

“Peni?” Peter B called out to her, and she turned her head to glare at him. “Your hand is bleeding. Are… you okay?”

Peni turned to her hand, staring at the blood dripping from her hand. She blinked, before sighing. “Yeah. Happens all the time.”

“Okay, red flag. Do you want to go see Dr. Spider-man or Nurse Spider-man maybe?” he asked, and Peni just smiled, standing up.

“Nah, I’m good. I’ll just go bandage myself. See ya, Peter,” she smiled, walking away from the older man.

“Okay. See ya,” he replied, waving goodbye. “Huh. Wonder if that’s a red flag… Nah, it’s probably fine.”

Peni kept walking, licking up the blood from her hand. She liked the taste, honestly. Maybe this was the final straw. Maybe she should stop waiting around…? Maybe, if Gwen was too dumb to just take what was right in front of her… and that meant Peni shouldn’t feel bad for taking Miles for herself.


Peni and SP//dr helped Miles with some villains in his world. She drove a metal fist into Shocker’s face, shattering his jaw and leaving him on the ground, coughing out his own teeth. Meanwhile Sandman came out of hiding, his hands up.

“W-wait! Look, I don’t know who you are, but I’m just looking for some money for my kid! I-I surrender. I don’t want any trouble, okay?” he replied, walking forward with his hands up.

SP//dr held up her metal hand, firing a small metal pod. It flew at Sandman, before it began to hum, sucking in the sand-based villain.

“H-hey, wait, I’m surrendering! I’m sur-aaahhhh!” The metal pod fell to the ground, having sucked up every grain of the man. Peni stepped out of the mech, whistling as she picked up the device.

“Hm.” She glanced at a sewer grate. If she stopped him down there, even if he got out, he’d die almost immediately. The thought made her smile. It’d be like dumping Gwen in magma.

Oh, she shouldn’t do that. It’d be mean.

“Yo, Peni! I got mine. You good?” Miles smiled, swinging over to her, landing beside the woman, and Peni swooned slightly. Oh, he was so hot. So handsome. So strong. She bit her lower lip as she tossed the egg into SP//dr

“Sandman got away. Got Shocker, though,” she smiled, motioning to the man bleeding on the ground.

“Whoa. Yeah, you did. Um, don’t worry, Herman, we’ll get you a doctor.”

“SP//dr can make sure he gets to the police,” Peni smiled. “Do you think we can hang out? I feel like we haven’t been able to for a while,” she pouted, and Miles smiled back at her.

“Sure, sounds fun.” Peni smiled, stroking her scarred palms.


Peni gave a text to SP//dr, telling her to keep the city safe while Peni worked. She and Miles were soon at his house, and he leaned back on a couch. “So, wanna play a game or something? Some movies?” he smiled.

The young man was happy to hang out with Peni again. He was happy that everything involving Miguel and the Spot had worked out, and he was just able to hang out with his friends again. He and Peni especially hadn’t been able to hang out lately due to everything going on.

“Hmm… A movie sounds good. Maybe a horror one?”

“Sure. Never knew you liked that stuff, though,” he smiled.

“Well, there’s lots of things you don’t know about me, Miles,” she replied.

“Oh, yeah? Like what?” he asked, taking a remote and picking a streaming service for the movie.

“Hm, well, I’ve been looking for a boyfriend?” she confessed.

“Really? That’s great,” he smiled. “No luck, I’m guessing?”

“No,” she sighed with a pout. “Can you believe the last guy I talked to said my ass was too fat?”

That made Miles hesitate. He paused, mouth open, unsure of what to say. “R-really?”

“What do you think? Does this make my butt look fat?” she chuckled, turning around and lifting up her skirt.

“W-whoa!” Miles’ face burned hot with a blush as he turned his head. Still, he saw it. The horror movie was playing, but neither looked at it, Miles’ gaze aimed at the floor. He still saw it, though. Peni’s butt, covered in dark, black panties and the lace of her stockings.

“I, uhh, I-I don’t know?” he replied.

Peni giggled, laughing as she sat on the couch. “Aww, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tease you. I just… Sigh, boys have been really mean to me. All anyone cares about is big tits. No one can appreciate a good butt, you know? I just wish I was hotter,” she pouted, playing on Miles’ kind nature.

He glanced away, then at the movie. Then at her, as she leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. She looked so sad, and as Peni thanked her acting classes, Miles offered a hand, wrapping it around her body and placing it on the shoulder opposite to him.

“Hey, Peni, you’re awesome. You’re… really pretty.”

“Really? Y-you mean it?” Peni gasped, looking at him with wide eyes. Eyes that he was lost in for a moment, staring at those shimmering, dark orbs. “Y-you’re not just being nice?”

“Peni, you’re… super cute. I mean-” He felt her breasts against his shoulders, and small they might have been, they were also soft. They pressed against his body as he felt something stirring in his body. “Y-your hair is cute, a-and, I mean, you’re super smart, and-”

“You know… You never did answer my question,” she teased.

“Oh? Uh, what question?”

Peni smiled, before she stood up, pulling away from his arm… only to bend forward, forcing Miles to stare at nothing but her round, plump rear, and he hated to admit it, but… Peni’s butt was big. He quickly looked away as Peni spoke.

“Aww, don’t be scared, Miles. I just wanted to know if my ass wasn’t too fat. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“C-come on, Peni. Quit messing with me. This isn’t funny.”

“Who’s trying to be funny? I just want your eyes on me, Miles.”

“Wait. What?” he blinked, his eyes widening as she sat down, pressing her ass against his lap. His eyes widened, before she moved her body around, grinding her ass against his lap. “W-whoa, hey!”

“I mean it, Miles. I’ve liked you for… so long,” she sighed. “And I just wanted you to like me.” She moved her ass back and forth, and Miles’ hands dug into the couch beneath him. A scream was heard as some girl was murdered. He still felt it, though. Her soft, round ass grinding against him.

“W-whoa, P-Peni, I-I like you too, b-but you’re going way too fast!”

“Compared to Gwen, I guess I would be,” Peni hissed, and Miles’ eyes widened, before she sat up and turned around, staring at him face to face as she sat down on his lap.

“Peni, what-?”

“I’ve seen how you look at each other, Miles. Everyone knows you like one another, but neither of you are willing to make a move. I know why you don’t. You’re the nice, sweet, and a good boy, but what about Gwen? How long are you going to let her lead you on?”

Miles wasn’t sure what to say. He stared into her eyes as she placed her hands on his shoulders. “Miles, I love you,” she confessed. “And I’m right here. I can give you whatever you want… if you let me.” She leaned forward, gently kissing his neck.

Miles was a virgin. He didn’t know much about sex, but he was still a young man and a beautiful woman was on his lap, grinding her body against him, and he couldn’t deny how good it felt. He bit his lower lip, feeling her crotch rub against his, slowly making his cock hard.

“P-PEni, this is wrong, we-”

“No, Miles, what’s wrong is watching Gwen lead you on!” Peni hissed. “I’m right here, and while she leads you on, she’s hanging out at Hobie’s place. You and I both know what they’re doing.”

“Gwen wouldn’t-ahhh,” Miles moaned as he felt Peni’s body rubbing against him.

“She wouldn’t? Are you sure?” She reached under her shirt, pulling something out from between her small breasts, a gesture that Miles couldn’t look away from. He stared at her, watching as her hand slipped under her clothes… and pulled out a small spider-like robot.

“Where… were you hiding that?” Miles slowly asked, and Peni rolled her eyes.

“I still wear a bra, Miles. Now, I just want you to know… What I’m about to show you, I’m only showing because you have the right to know.”

The robot hopped off of her hand, crawling on the couch before it activated a projector. A hologram appeared in the air beside the two, standing in the room as if they were really there… and Miles watched as Hobie and Gwen held each other in their arms, kissing one another.

Miles looked away, and Peni embraced him, shielding him from the sight of the simple kiss. A gentle peck as the two held one another lovingly in the other’s arms.

“I know. I’m so sorry,” Peni pouted, ending the hologram. “But when I saw them kiss, I knew it wasn’t fair for you to be led on. I had to do something,” she cooed, still grinding her wet pussy against his hard cock. She moaned weakly, feeling her clit rubbing against the tip.

She felt a bit bad. After all, she made this footage up, using some of her world’s Mysterio’s tech. It was fake, of course, but it had to be done. The door was open now for Miles to finally move on from Gwen… and Peni was there, happy to help.

“So… Gwen and Hobie are…?”

“Mhm. But you have me, Miles. Right here. Right now. Ahh, I’m all yours, so please, Miles… Take your anger out on this fat, plump ass. This little slut’s all yours,” she whispered, her voice dancing in his mind, tempting him to do something that he knew was wrong.

And here was where it could all go wrong. She wasn’t sure what she’d do if Miles rejected her. Maybe kill another world’s Norman? That’d probably be fine…

But lucky for Peni, and Earth-6930’s Norman Osborn, Miles gave in.

He had loved Gwen, and he trusted Peni. His two biggest mistakes today. He trusted what his friend showed him, and when the beautiful woman rubbed her body against his, he accepted it and her offer…

Peni felt his arms wrap around her, and he nuzzled his face against her soft chest. She smiled, kissing the top of his head as the small drone turned to them and began to record the show.

“I love you, Miles… Let me show you how much.”


Gwen Stacey laid on her bed, listening to a song playing on her phone. She laid there comfortably, thinking of her friends and the recent adventures she had with them.

Then her phone buzzed and she reached for it, the same action she had done thousands of times over. She laid in bed as she opened the message, finding a video waiting for her. She raised her brow, before she noticed that the message had no number attached to it.

She wondered who sent this, before she tapped on the screen, letting the video play. A decision she quickly regretted as the sound of wet smacking filled her bedroom.

“Ahhh! AHH! AHHH!”

Peni Parker laid on her back, wrapping her legs around Miles’ body. They were on a couch, the same couch she had seen in his house plenty of times. They were both naked, with the only articles of clothing being Peni’s ripped stockings.

And she watched as Miles moved his hips, fucking the smaller woman with his bare cock.

Gwen felt her heart being crushed. She felt confused. She felt like this was a nightmare, as tears pooled in the corners of her eyes and she just… laid there, watching as the man she loved made love to another woman.

“Ahh, M-Miles!” Peni moaned.

“I-I’m not hurting you, a-am I?” he grunted, showing such love and care to her even now. He placed a hand on her soft breast, gently rubbing at Peni’s chest.

“N-not at all! K-keep going! Y-you’re just, ahh, so good!” Peni mewled, shuddering as he moved his hips, letting his cock pound her at slightly different angles. She moaned loudly, a lewd smile on her face as her tongue hung out of her mouth.

A horrible depraved and raunchy expression on the woman Gwen saw as a little sister. She watched the two go at it, shaking the couch now as Miles continued to fuck the woman.

“H-how’s my pussy today, Miles?” Peni asked. “Nice, a-and tight? Mmm, fuck, you’re stretching me out! I love you!” she squealed, leaving Miles to moan in return as her muscles tightened around the hard, veiny shaft.

“T-tight,” he grunted. It was amazing. Better than anything he had ever felt before. He loved the feeling of her pussy squeezing his shaft, embracing it in a warm hold, clinging onto it as he pulled back and pushed in.

“A-and my, ahh, chest?!” she asked, placing a hand on her own flat breasts, gently squeezing them.

“I love them,” he replied, panting. He leaned down, nearly pulling out to kiss one one of her breasts, gently wrapping his lips around them and suckling on the nipple. She moaned in reply, shuddering slightly. “I love them…”

“Mmm, thank you,” she moaned. “That makes, ahh, me so happy. Now fuck my brains out again, stud,” she cooed, and Gwen watched as Miles grabbed Peni and suddenly flipped her around.

Miles grabbed at Peni’s arms, holding them as her face and chest laid on the couch. He held Peni tightly as he began to fuck her pussy once more, staring at her round, plump rear jiggling with each thrust.

“Fuck, you’re so hot, Peni! I love you,” he panted, ramming his cock into her again and again, listening to Peni’s muffled cries.

Gwen felt tears falling down her face. That was meant to be her. She loved Miles, and now… here he was, with another woman. Why? How? By what Peni made it sound, this wasn’t their first time…

Gwen felt her heart shatter as a hand slid down her body, pressing against her own wet pussy. She gently stroked it, holding back a moan as she watched Peni’s fat ass bounce, the two cheeks clapping against the other.

“Y-you like my fat ass, Miles?It’s all yours! M-my tight pussy, a-and, ahh!” Peni moaned again, crying out in pleasure. She threw her head back as Miles fucked her faster and harder, even taking a hand to smack her ass, earning a squealing cry from the other woman.

“I love your ass, Peni. I love you,” he grunted, fucking Peni harder now, unloading his precum along her insides as Gwen’s finger pushed into her waiting cunt.

“I love you too, Miles! I love-ahhhh!” Peni squealed, her eyes widening as she came on his cock. Gwen saw it, almost as if the footage slowed down to revel in the climax.

Peni’s wide eyes, her smiling face, her glistening, petite, and nubile body shuddering from the force of her orgasm. Miles moaned with her, cumming deep inside of her waiting cunt, letting his seed coat her insides, filling her to the brim with his cum.

Gwen watched as jets of cum filled Peni’s body, filling her. Then Peni leaned in close, kissing his lips as the video ended.

And Gwen was left alone, shaking with tears in her eyes and her wet fingers pistoning in and out of her cunt. She pulled her hand out of her soaking pussy, tapping on the play button again, trying to see the evidence of the video being faked…

Only to watch as the video deleted itself.

Her music began to play again as Gwen laid on the bed, imagining Peni’s fat ass being pounded by Miles’ hard, throbbing cock.


Meanwhile, Peni and Miles laid in his bedroom. His arms were wrapped around her, his face resting on her soft chest. He gently kissed her body as she stroked his head, smiling at him.

“Good night, Miles,” she smiled, before she leaned in to gently kiss the top of his head. “I love you.”

Tomorrow Miles might have regretted the events of tonight. He might try to back out, but it was too late. He was trapped in Peni’s web, and she would never let him escape…


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