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So, some quick background. This was the other poll winning story. The reason is took extra long was a miscommunication between me and the patron who suggested it. It's fine now, I fixed it, but now you guys get an extra long poll winning story.

The biggest thing is that I never want to take advantage of my patrons, or your support. So yeah, that's all. Sorry for the wait. Thank you all for your support. 

Summary:  Ruby and Jaune are happy together and married, but the former isn't ready for kids just yet. Not wanting to leave Jaune high and dry, though, she's more than happy to watch Jaune and Yang go at it on her bed. Includes: Willing cuckquean, romance.


The bed springs squeaked beneath the married couple, their moans filling the small room as their sweaty bodies collided against one another. Jaune moved his hips, pumping his cock into his wife’s pussy, fucking her harder and faster as the two quickly began to reach their climax. 

Ruby shuddered under her husband, her arms and legs wrapped around his body as her sweet moans filled the air. She shuddered against him, her eyes squeezed shut as she trembled beneath him. She moaned into his ears as he pushed his dick against the entrance to her womb.

Her toes curled as she shuddered, sucking in air through her teeth as she felt her own body hitting its climax. She pressed her lips together, letting out a muffled scream as her body convulsed and shivered. 

Jaune could feel Ruby orgasming beneath him. He felt her pussy convulse, squeezing his shaft, catching it in a warm and tight embrace as he moaned. He panted, feeling his cock throbbing inside of her, before he felt her arms pushing against her chest. 

He understood what she was trying to say, because it had been the same for years now. Jaune hid his frustration as well as he could, but his teeth still ground against one another as he pulled his cock out of her. 

He shot his load onto her and the bed, and he let out a tired sigh as he fell onto his sigh. He laid beside Ruby as she tried to catch her breath, her breasts rising and falling with every gasp of air. 

It had been years since the war with Salem had ended. It had been a joyous day. The same day Jaune asked Ruby to marry her. They were married a few weeks later, and it was a wonderful celebration…

Yet here they were. Still without children. He still couldn’t cum inside of his own wife. He glanced down at the mess he had left behind on Ruby, and he sighed quietly. Ruby had explained it to him several times now, but it didn’t make the pain any better.

Ruby wasn’t ready to have to give up being a Huntress, nor was she ready to be a mother. Even when Jaune argued he’d be happy to stay at home to take care of the kids, she didn’t care. She was locked to her beliefs, and she’d leave on longer and longer missions so that he couldn’t argue with her. 

Sometimes Ren and Nora would come by to visit and keep him company. It used to help, but lately their visits involved bringing their child to visit ‘Uncle Jaune’ and those visits were… harder than he expected. 

The truth was, Jaune desperately wanted a child. So he could be a father, and because… Well, the idea of his seed knocking up a woman sent shivers of excitement down his back. He reached out to Ruby, gently rubbing his cock against her thigh, but her hand gently pressed against his chest. 

“Sorry, I’m way too wiped to go again, hon,” she chuckled, oblivious to the true, raw need of her husband. Jaune said nothing, merely nodding his head as he watched Ruby stand up and walk over to the bathroom to clean herself. 

Jaune watched her go, before he rolled back onto his back and sighed. He stared up at the ceiling as he heard his wife’s voice from the bathroom. 

“Just letting you know I’m going out on another mission tomorrow. I’ll probably be gone for a few days.”

“How long exactly?” he replied.

“Just… you know. A week or two…?”

He didn’t bring up how she had promised she’d try and spend more time with him after her last mission. He didn’t know if she forgot or hoped he did. He closed his eyes, trying to lay comfortable in his bed. 

Maybe he’d go out drinking tomorrow… Try and occupy himself while his wife ran off into danger again.


Ruby left the next day. Jaune woke up to an empty bed. Not even a kiss goodbye or a fond farewell. He sighed, before he lifted himself up and made good on his own plans. He headed out to the closest bar, disregarding just how early it was this bright morning. 

Jaune walked to the bar, his head in a thick fog as he wondered just where he’d be in the next few years. A footnote to Ruby’s legend? Honestly, he’d be fine with that. He just wanted a child. Someone to carry on his legacy. To raise and love them into a good, noble person. 

He felt himself begin to lose hope that such a thing could ever happen. He let out another sigh, before he entered the bar and went over to his usual seat. A small table in the corner that he had made his own. 

The bartender began to work on his drink as soon as he saw the blond man, but Jaune felt his feet stop when he noticed that someone was sitting at his table. Someone very familiar. 

Yang looked up from her drink, before she grinned, waving at her fellow blond. “Hey, Jaune. Funny seeing you here,” she chuckled, before she downed her drink and placed the empty mug beside two others. “Hope you don’t mind me keeping your seat work,” she chuckled, before she fidgeted where she sat, rubbing her own behind against Jaune’s chair as she chuckled. 

Jaune’s mouth opened for a moment, before he walked closer. He sat down at the chair across from Yang as a waitress brought his drink over. She handed it to Jaune as he tilted his head. 

“Yang? I didn’t know you were coming to visit.”

“That’s why it’s called a surprise, Jauney-boy.”

Jaune and Yang had only gotten closer since the end of the war. Partly because she had a bad habit of crashing at Jaune and Ruby’s place whenever she visited the small town of Patch. She tended to mooch off of them, which they accepted because she was family and good company. 

Jaune also couldn’t help but sympathize with her a bit, due to the blonde woman’s relationship with Blake. Yang and Blake had begun dating during the start of the war with Salem, before they broke up a few months later. 

Then the war ended, and they got back together again. Then they broke up a few weeks after that. Then back together again, and, well, Jaune wasn’t sure what they were right now, but he could guess. 

Blake had become the chief of Menagerie after her parents retired. She was a well liked leader, but it wasn’t exactly easy having to deal with a town of Faunus dealing with racial prejudice, not to mention small splinter cells of the White Fang. 

Yang had often complained about how focused Blake could get with her work. When the two broke up, which happened every month it seemed, she’d leave Menagerie to crash with Jaune and Ruby, before running back into Blake’s open arms. 

Sounded like a bit of a mess, but who was Jaune to say that? He just watched as Yang ordered more alcohol, downing it with a smile on her face. 

“Things rough with Blake?”

“If they weren’t, I wouldn’t be here, would I? Things rough with Ruby?” Jaune glanced at the floor as Yang chuckled. “I mean, you’re drinking in a bar at like ten in the morning. Am I wrong?” Jaune said nothing as the woman reached a hand over to him, placing it on his shoulder. “Hey. It’s cool. I get it.”

“You do?” 

“Yeah. Blake and Ruby both got important shit to do. We get that,” Yang smiled, motioning to the two of them. “But we still want some love, right? We need it.” Jaune nodded his head as Yang sighed, staring at the bottom of an empty bottle. 

“Blake said she’d make more time for me. She hasn’t, of course. She never does… I get what she’s doing is important-”

“But it’d be nice to be appreciated. Shown some love. Listened to-”

“Fucked until our backs are blown out.” Jaune choked on his drink as Yang snickered. “Sorry, that’s probably just me. My bad.”

“H-how many drinks have you had?”

“More than you, lightweight,” she replied with a laugh. 

Jaune shrugged at the comment. He took another swig, before he and Yang continued to talk. They caught up on each other’s adventures, gossip about old friends and enemies, and together they fell into a simple flow. 

It was nice. Just talking to a friend and letting the hours tick by. 

Eventually the crowd began to get more crowded, and so Jaune suggested the two go back to his place for dinner and more drinks. Yang was more than happy to accept, and together the two made their way back to his place.

They sat down together, talking about all sorts of random things. It was after dinner, as Jaune finished a plate of pasta, that Yang popped a more difficult question. 

“We’ve talked about everything except the Goliath in the room.” Yang threw her drink into the air, catching the empty bottle with ease. “How are you and Rubes doing?” 

That was where Jaune had to come clean. He confessed to Yang about all of the problems he and Ruby had been dealing with lately. Her constant leaving, his desire for kids, and everything in between. The liquor was a lubricant, making it easier for Jaune to confess his problems as Yang listened with a melancholic frown. 

“Sorry to hear that, bud,” she sighed. 

“It’s fine.” It wasn’t.

“I can’t say I’m surprised,” Yang sighed, and Jaune looked at her with a raised brow. “Ruby told me why she kept leaving on more and more missions.”

“What? Why?”

“Well, you’re too good.”


“Your dick’s too big, your thrusts are too strong, and your cum’s too… much?” Yang chuckled, her cheeks just painted an ever so slight shade of red. “You’re too good at sex. Her resolve weakens every time you fuck her.”

“S-she told you this?!”

“Took a few shots, but yeah.”

Jaune groaned loudly. He could never imagine being good at sex would be so… annoyingly detrimental for himself. He rubbed at his warm face as Yang stared at him. The two sat on the couch together, a movie playing on the TV that neither really cared for. Yang said nothing as she stared at Jaune, before she inched closer. 

Her intoxicated mind sloppily chose her next move, and she grinned as she gently poked Jaune’s arm. “Oooh. Maybe she’s cheating on you?”


“Maybe. Not saying she is, but she could be.” Her large breasts rubbed against Jaune’s arm as she leaned in closer, licking her glistening lips. “What if, though? Some guy is pounding her tight pussy. Even able to cum in her. Oooh.”

“Shut up,” Jaune grumbled, and he elbowed Yang’s breasts, earning a smile from the woman. 

“I’m not saying she’d be smart too. She’d be a dumbass to do that. You’re a real catch. She’s told me all about how hard you’ve fucked her. You’re a bucking bronco.” Yang leaned in closer, and her lips gently rubbed against his neck. 

That felt like lightning going through Jaune’s body. His eyes widened as he looked at her, blinking in confusion. 

“I bet I could show you a good time. Maybe show you what it’s like to be dom-mmph!” 

Dominated. That was the word Yang was going to utter, but instead she was left stunned by Jaune pressing his lips against hers. She didn’t move. Her eyes just remained as wide as dinner plates, before she wrapped her arms around him and kissed back.

His tongue slipped into her mouth and her own wrestled with it, fighting with it. The two made out for a moment, before their lips broke apart. They were both panting, a strand of saliva linking their mouths. 

“Last time to back out,” Jaune whispered, his voice almost like a growl as Yang felt her heart race. 

“A-are you sure about this?”

“I am. Are you?” 

She grabbed him by his collar and pulled him into another kiss. That was all the answer he needed as the two began to pull at the other’s clothes. It was easy for her to pull his clothes off, tossing them off the couch and onto the floor. It didn’t take long for Jaune to do the same, peeling the clothes off of Yang’s body. 

She moaned in joy as she felt something hard rubbing against her crotch. She moaned against the sensation, panting as it rubbed against her pussy. The only thing keeping them apart was his boxers and her panties. 

Together, the two pulled them off, as well as Yang’s bra. Jaune’s jaw dropped at the sight of Yang’s large breasts, still the biggest amongst his team. Maybe even among all the women Jaune knew.

He dove his face between her tits for a minute, motorboating the large breasts as Yang giggled. “Go ahead. Indulge yourself. Go wild. I bet Ruby never let you do that before.”

And she was right. Ruby was a soft and attentive lover, which was nice, but Yang was a beast in bed. Jaune smacked her breast, before he forced her into position. She laid on top of him, sitting over his cock as he sat back. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down, and she gasped, mewling in pleasure as his cock penetrated her. 

He moaned at how tight and warm her womanhood was, before he kept pumping her up and down. Yang moaned loudly, feeling his fingers digging into her skin. She mewled and panted, feeling every inch of his cock pump into her. It left her shaking, panting, moaning, feeling all new sensations as her mind was rocked with ecstasy beyond anything else before…

Yang had been with men and women plenty of times before, but this? This was something else. She usually found herself on top of others when it came to sex, but Jaune was a beast. He leaned closer, biting her neck as he kept pounding her pussy, earning a loud moan from her lips. 

She was shocked at this side of him, but she supposed that was what happened when her sister kept leaving the man hungry for more. 

Her loss.

Yang had her arms on Jaune’s shoulders, but he was in control. He pounded her pussy, letting their precum fall onto his body together, letting the juices mix and spill down. His precum coated the inside of her walls as her eyes rolled into her head, and her tits slapped against her chest. 

“Ahh! AHH! AHH! Oh, fuuuck! Y-you’re big, stud!” He spanked her ass, and she couldn’t stop herself from uttering that damn word. It just felt right to say… “Daddy!” Jaune didn’t stop. He didn’t even hesitate. His cock throbbed inside of Yang, and she mewled in pleasure as he seemed to fuck her only faster and harder. 

“Oh, fuuuck! Daddy, Daddy, D-daa, ahhh!” she squealed, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as her body convulsed. She couldn’t help herself.

She came on top of him, shuddering as her pussy juices coated their bodies. Jaune kept at it, pounding her like a piston, leaving her riding the waves of her orgasms. 

“Cum in me, Daddy,” she moaned. “Please. C-cum in me!” Somehow, she didn’t think he cared what she said one way or another. She felt his cum spill inside of her, shooting into her as she moaned in another body-shaking orgasm. 

It left her mind broken, her body hungry for more, and her pussy convulsing, squeezing and milking the cock for every last drop. Somehow, she knew that the toys she and Blake used wouldn’t cut it anymore…


“Are you sure you’re okay with me going on another mission?”

“T-totally,” Jaune replied, doing his best to hide his own moans. “Go on another. The people, ah, need you.”

It was the next morning. Yang wasn’t sure how many times Jaune had came inside of her. She was sure she was probably carrying his seed now, not that she cared. She just kept bobbing her head up and down on Jaune’s cock, drooling over the thick, veiny beast as he talked to her sister.

“Thanks, hon! I really appreciate your understanding!”

“M-mmhm,” Jaune grunted, holding Yang’s hair in his hand. He pulled on it, making her go all the way down on the cock. His rough treatment only added to her pleasure as her fingers pumped in and out of her creampied pussy. 

She felt his semen flowing down her throat, and she moaned in pleasure. When she was released, she slid her head back and felt his cum falling onto her hair and face. She licked her lips, looking up at him with glee. 

His cock was still hard as he put the phone down, staring at her with hungry eyes. His cock was still hard between his legs. 

"Fuck me,” Yang grinned, and Jaune chuckled as he did just that.

Part 2

At first, what Jaune and Yang experienced with one another was amazing. It was sexy, delicious, and it left both of them hot and horny. It was amazing fun, locked in passionate lovemaking with the other.

Yang’s legs would lock behind Jaune’s back, while Jaune’s hard cock would pound her insides. His hands were rough on her tits and ass, while her mouth would lovingly suck and nibble on his dick whenever she had the chance to have it in her mouth.

It was all so depraved and delicious, and wrong. So very wrong.

There was something in dating known as the Honeymoon Phase. When everything felt exciting, sexy, and new.

Jaune would slam Yang against a window, and he’d fuck her against it. Her nipples would press against the cool glass and she’d moan in pleasure, bucking her hips against him. She’d moan in pleasure, cumming on his cock again and again.

And it felt amazing.

But once they were done, and the high of sex left them, they both felt it. Guilt. Jaune was cheating on his wife, while Yang was sleeping with her sister’s husband. What was wrong with them?

“Hey, you okay?” Jaune asked, looking at Yang as they laid on the floor. The latter was still dripping cum from her tight, used pussy.

“Y-yeah. Just a bit out of breath. Man, you’ve got stamina,” she chuckled.


The two slowly rose up, and their eyes met. They saw the same melancholy behind those eyes, but neither said anything.

“So, when is Ruby coming back?” Yang inquired.

“Not for another few days.”

“Right. Well, I guess I should head back soon, huh?” Yang thought aloud. “I mean, if we got caught…” The two both felt the same twisting in their guts. They didn’t say anything, both thinking the same thing.

“Well, I mean.” Jaune was still naked, and he glanced at his half-hard dick. She looked down at it, as well, a small smile on her lips.

“What’s on your mind?”

Even if both of them felt shame and guilt for what they were doing, well, that didn’t change the fact that they lusted after the other.

“One more time?”

“Hm, well, if you insist.”


Ruby arrived back at her home with a smile on her face. She took out her Scroll and took a peek, smiling as the cameras caught Jaune and Yang going at it again.

“Man, they’re like rabbits,” she chuckled, before she entered the house and started walking up to the bedroom.

Ruby had lost count to how many times she had cum to the sight of the two going at it. Her fingers pounded her tight pussy over and over again, cumming to the sight of her husband cheating on her. It was so hot…

And now, she was finally ready to reveal her hand to the two. She was going to-


Ruby grinned. She ran up the stairs, her feet moving quietly. Her footsteps were quiet as she arrived at the bedroom, peeking inside to find Jaune and Yang at it. They were doing it in the missionary position, and Ruby beamed, moving closer with silent steps.

She found a chair to sit on as Yang moaned in pleasure. Her legs locked around Jaune, holding him close as his dick pounded her pussy. His lips met with hers, and their tongues wrestled as they continued to fuck.

Ruby watched as Jaune’s balls bounced up and down, and she licked her lips. She sat there with a smile, a hand gently rubbing at her breast. She moaned quietly as Jaune continued to fuck Yang, impaling her on his shaft.

“Ahh, ahh, haa, fuck, Jaune, more! K-keep going!”

“Like that?” Jaune grinned, moving to kiss her neck. She moaned in pleasure as Ruby did the same, rubbing her breasts a bit harder now through the thin top of her shirt. She felt her nipple harden as she pinched it between her fingers, before her hand moved down to rub at her pussy.

She slipped her hand under her skirt, panting quietly as she listened to their loud moans and screams of ecstasy. They were really going at it, and Ruby moaned quietly as her fingers pushed into her wet, tight pussy.

“Ahh…” They couldn’t hear her over the sound of their own moans, a fact that just made her happier.  “Mmm.”

Jaune and Yang went at it for several minutes. They moaned together, screaming and panting as their lips kissed one another. Yang’s pussy squeezed his dick, milking it for precum and staining the bed sheets with their combined juices.

It was a dleicious sight, and Ruby couldn’t help but moan just a bit louder than before.

Jaune’s brow furrowed, and Yang’s face mirrored the same. They realized neither had moaned at that particular moment, before-



Jaune and Yang feeling guilty about what happened but can't stop thinking about it so they have Sex again but near the end they find Ruby who was not only watching but Masturbating to it.



Another quiet moan caught their attention, and both Jaune and Yang froze in place, with Jaune’s cock half buried in Yang’s pussy. He blinked. Then she did. Then the two turned their heads to find Ruby sitting nearby on a chair, her fingers pumping in and out of her pussy.

“H-hey,” she smiled, waving at them with her free hand.


“Whoa!” Jaune pulled out, rolling off the bed and falling to floor. Yang panicked, pulling on the bedsheets to cover herself, only to remember she was on top of them. Her face was a bright shade of red as she covered herself with her hands and Jaune stood up with an equally red face.

“R-Ruby! What are you doing?!”

“T-touching myself?” she replied with a brow raised in confusion. She pulled her fingers out and held up her hand, showing off how they glistened with her juices. “What does it look like?”


“H-how long have you been watching us?” Yang squeaked, and Ruby shrugged her shoulders.

“Since you started.”


“A few days ago.”


“Mhm,” Ruby smiled, before she licked her finger clean. “I installed cameras in our place a few months ago. Helps me keep an eye on Jaune and-”

“He started it!” Yang shouted, pointing at Jaune. “He seduced me!”

“What?! YANG!”

“I-I was tricked by his big dick!”

“She leg locked me!”

“Only a few times!”

“Guys.” Ruby held up a hand and the two were silenced. “It’s okay. I knew this was going to happen. I even planned it.”

Silence. Jaune and Yang said nothing, before they both opened their mouth to utter the same word. “What?”

“I know things haven’t been very healthy with Yang and Blake. On again, off again, on again… And I knew Jaune frequents that bar a lot, so last time she crashed here, I told Yang about it. I assume you two would meet eventually, and, well, you know.”

“You planned this?!” Jaune shouted, and Ruby nodded her head with a smile.

“Yeah. It was pretty easy. This all went according to my plan.”

“Y-your plan? “Yang squeaked.

“Yep. I knew I could never give Jaune the pleasure or family he wanted, so I got you to do it, Yang.”

“That’s… insane,” Jaune commented, and Ruby shrugged.

“Is it? I love you, I really do, but I just don’t think I can have kids. I don’t want to do that… but if you got Yang pregnant, well, it works.” She then turned her silver gaze to Yang. “Plus, Yang’s always wanted kids, but Blake never wanted to adopt. She told me so.”

“T-that is true… W-wait, you were touching yourself to us fucking?!”

“Yeah. I thought it was hot,” Ruby grinned, nodding her head. “I was touching myself to it while I watched on the cameras,” she explained.

“So, you’re not mad.”


“And you’ve been touching yourself as you watched us…?”


“S-so… what do you want us to do now?” Yang inquired, and Ruby grinned. “Keep going! I won’t stop you! I’m loving the show, honestly!” Ruby beamed, licking her lips as Jaune and Yang glanced at one another.


“Are you sure about this, Rubes?”

“Of course, I am! Now come on, get to fucking!” Ruby cheered, sitting on the sidelines. She stared right at Yang’s face, who was on all fours, with Jaune on his knees behind her. “Come on, go, go, go!” Ruby beamed, pumping her hand up and down.

Jaune and Yang shared a look with one another, before Jaune obeyed. He pushed his cock into Yang, who moaned in pleasure. Ruby grinned, tearing at her clothes, ripping them off of her body and exposing her own body.

Her small breasts, her wet, dripping quim, and the rest of her beautiful, petite body. Jaune oculdn’t help but appreciate it, even as Jaune’s cock throbbed inside of Yang’s body.

“Fuck her, Jaune! Pound her pussy! Ram in there,” Ruby mewled, licking her lips.

“Oh, fuck, his cock is big,” Yang panted. “Ruby, how’d you get such a stud?” she moaend, panting as he kept pounding her pussy, only to be smacked on the ass by Jaune. She moaned loudly, shuddering as she felt his dick ramming into her.

He grabbed at her hair, pulling on it, a gesture that made Ruby gasp. “Heeheheh, like that, Yang?” Ruby grinned, before she pushed her digits into her pussy again, moaning as she watched the two go at it.

The three fell into place with one another. Jaune couldn’t believe it, almost. He had Yang’s tight pussy squeezing his dick, and the sight of his beautiful, petite wife in front of him, masturbating to the sight before her.

It was dirty, depraved, but almost oddly… romantic.

He moaned loudly, his cock throbbing inside of Yang as the blonde moaned loudly. Her arms gave out under her, fingers squeezing the sheets under her. Her eyes widened, her eyes rolling into her head as she came with him.

The two came at once as Ruby’s fingers pumped in and out of her pussy, going at it quickly, before she came right after the others. She moaned loudly, shuddering as Jaune dumped a load of cum deep into Yang’s pussy.


“Oooh!” Yang screamed in pleasure, feeling his cum flooding her insides to the point that it was dripping out of her. Ruby went limp on the chair, panting as she stared at the two. She pulled her glistening fingers out of her, licking them clean with a smile on her face. She looked at Jaune with a grin, a half-lidded gaze on her face.

She licked her lips. “That wasn’t all, right? You’ve got more to pump into her, right?”

“Haa, haa, h-hey, I’m going to need a second,” Yang panted, and Ruby pouted.

“Oh, you’re fine.” She then moved closer, climbing over Yang’s fallen body as Jaune slowly pulled his cock out of her. Yang moaned weakly, as Ruby wrapped her lips around the cum-covered dick. She suckled on the tip, earning a moan from her husband.


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