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Sorry for the wait on this, folks!

Multiverse: Grape Rush 2 Ch 4. Mineta ends up in the world of Chainsaw Man, and with Denji living a totally happy life, he ends up meeting Makima and Power. Events soon follow, leading up to Mineta and Power growing close very quickly. Includes: Smut, Master/Dom, Harem


Denji enjoyed the taste of the burger with a wide smile on his mouth. Pochita sat beside him, happily digging into his own meal. 

“Mmh, this tastes so good!” 

Denji was about ready to cry as he sank his teeth into the delicious meat, bread, cheese, paradise in his hands. He savored every bite as he thought about how fortunate he was. 

He used to be a Devil Hunter for the Yakuza, before they betrayed him. Well, they tried to betray him. They would have killed him if some weird purple-haired pervert hadn’t saved him. The guy was weird, but Denji couldn’t give less a shit considering he A: Saved his and Pochita’s lives, and B: More importantly, gave Denji a check for a trillion yen. 

Some bimbo in red was with the purple-haired guy, and she wrote out the check that appeared out of her boobs. Denji thought that was weird, but again, he didn’t really care. The purple pervert was nice to Denji, clearly seeing he needed the help. 

The boob girl then suggested he go somewhere to make a proper life for himself, before giving him the check. Since then, he and Pochita had been living a life of food, warmth, and peace with Denji working a simple job of a custodian. 

Life was good for the young man, and he had no idea his role in the greater story of his universe was taken by the purple pervert…

Mei Hatsume called it the Mineta Theory. In any universe Mineta entered, things tended to just… work out for him and those close to him. He showed up twice now just in time to avert a tragedy, first in the world of goblins and adventurers, and now here.

Mineta met Makima that night, and the events of the story unfolded… differently. 


Mineta knew exactly how he had ended up in this position. Eaten by a large bat, suffocating inside its throat, trying to rescue some hot monster girl… 

He had an entire multiverse open to him, trillions of women to fuck. He spun a wheel and picked whatever it landed on, ending up in a world that seemed close to his own. Save for the Devils and Devil Hunters and such… Either way, Mineta did what he always did.

Save lives and fuck women. He saved Denji’s life that night, before he met Makima, a woman in charge of a group of Devil Hunters. A high ranking member of the Public Safety Devil Hunters, and she seemed curious about the young man and his harem of lovers. 

She soon offered him a position in her agency, seeing him as a unique tool to get what she wanted. He saw the same in her, blatantly checking out her tits and ass. She was hot, fuckable, but his experience with Toga reminded him about sticking his dick in crazy, and Mineta knew that bitch was crazy. 

The way she smiled, the way her eyes met his, he could taste the megalomania on her like it was spice, and, honestly, he loved the taste. 

He couldn’t resist. He’d walk into the maw of Hell if it meant fucking a Succubus slut. 

Mineta kept his true origins a secret, a fact that annoyed Makima ever so slightly, but the two knew they were just using the other. An alliance was more beneficial than an outright war against one another. 

Neither seemed to particularly care as long as they got what they needed. 

It’d probably end in a climax full of climaxes… But that was for later, when Mineta was ready to take the bitch down. For now, he worked for her, meeting Power and and soon helping Power with her own crap. 

Anything he wanted. That was the deal for saving her cat. 

Which led to him getting hit in the head with a hammer made of blood. Which led to his own blood being drunk by a giant bat. Which led to Power’s stupid cat being eaten. 

Mineta watched as the Bat Devil devoured the cat, cage, and all, followed by Power. He let out a sigh, before he followed, throwing himself into its mouth. The Bat Devil didn’t complain about the free meal… until Mineta started popping off his balls.

More and more until, well, pop.

When Power opened her eyes, she laid in the arms of the strange human whelp who she was assigned to. The one she tricked to give to the Bat Devil. 

She stared at him, before looking down to find her cat in her arms, untouched, and alive. Meowy meowed quietly, before Power looked at Mineta again. He was caked in blood as he smiled at her.


“Why… Why did you save me? I-”

Mineta could have replied that he was a hero and that was what heroes did. He could have talked about courage, nobility, and heroism… but he thought a more direct answer was more fitting for Power. 

“I want to fuck you until you call me Master. Until you can’t even live without my dick pounding your tight, wet pussy.”

She blinked, looking down at her cat, and then at him again. Her face was slightly red, and it wasn’t from the blood this time. “Okay.” She pulled at her clothes, ripping her shirt a bit, but Mineta stopped her.

“Not here! We’re sitting in a pile of guts!”

“Humans are so picky…”

Mineta sighed, before he glanced at another Devil approaching them. “I’ll be right back.”

Power watched as Mineta killed the Devil… and she felt a flutter in her chest. His blood. She could smell it through his skin. Taste it through his flesh. 

She wanted it.

She’d get it.


Mineta and Power laid inside the hotel room. After Mineta had saved her, again, the two came here to avoid any prying eyes, and to wash the blood off their bodies. Meowy climbed onto a shelf full of dildos, going to sleep there with a quiet purr. 

Mineta was eager to wash the blood off of him, but Power had other ideas.

“I despise baths! They are a waste of my precious time! Simply take me now, human concubine! Make love to me so that my debt is repaid!”

“You still have bat guts in your hair,” Mineta sighed, before rubbing his chin. He had wanted to impale this slut on his cock already, but she wasn’t making it easy. Maybe he should just-

“Perhaps… Perhaps a new deal could be made? A taste of your blood, in exchange for me enduring the humiliation of a horrid bath?!” Power shouted, earning a look of surprise from the hero.

Once upon a time, Mineta would have looked at the suggestion with disgust and confusion, but enough time with Toga taught him how to deal with the crazy types. So without hesitation, Mineta bit his own thumb. 

Power’s eyes widened as Mineta pierced his own skin. He then held up his hand, waving his bleeding thumb. A pain he didn’t even feel thanks to his years of being a Hero. Power’s nose smelled the blood. Her tongue licked her sharp teeth as she ran after Mineta, only for him to dodge her. He made a run for the bathroom as Power followed, stumbling after him. 

“Give that to me, whelp! I demand it!” 

“Come and get it,” Mineta chuckled, dodging her with ease. He slipped around her, grabbing her top and yank on it. The clothes were ripped off her body, revealing her naked body. He stared at her chest, a smile on his face as he ogled the small breasts. 

“Fool! By removing my clothes, I only become faster!” Power shouted, lunging at Mineta again, only for him to dodge her again. He held one of his balls in hand, pressing it against her butt, before pulling. 

A trick he had learned a long time ago. The fabric of the pants ripped as Power stumbled, falling into the bath, wearing only her panties now.

“Whoops. You okay?” Mineta asked, walking closer to find Power face planted against the smooth, white floor of the shower. He stared at her, before her legs shot up and wrapped around him, throwing him into the shower with her as he hit the wall.

“Fool! You have fallen into my trap!” Power shouted. She tore the rest of her clothes off, leaving the tattered shreds on the floor as she stared at him. “Now give me your blood before I rip it out of your lungs!”

“That’s not where… nevermind,” Mineta sighed, standing up. He turned the water on letting hot water fall upon their bodies as Power licked her lips.

Mineta admired her body for a moment with a grin. She was hot. No doubt there. What she lacked in breast size, she made up for with other assets. Wide hips, a slender body, and thick, long legs. The manic grin on her face just seemed to add to her beauty as Mineta grinned. 

He licked his thumb, cleaning it of blood, and Power screeched, slamming him into the wall as water fell onto their bodies. She scowled as he saw his blood on her tongue, and without a single word, she smashed her lips into his. 

A kiss, perhaps the first kiss Power ever had. Not that it mattered, as her tongue dove into his mouth, wriggling around and sliding along the inside of his cheek. Mineta wasn’t to be beaten, though. His tongue fought against Power’s, wrestling with hers as Power’s eyes widened. 

She tasted his blood, and it was delicious, but then she tasted… something else. “Hm? Hmm!” She intensified the kiss, wriggling her tongue against his as she lifted him off of the floor. The hot water meant nothing to her as it washed her body clean. She was too focused on Mineta, making out with him as she tried to determine what it was that tasted better than blood. 

He broke the kiss and she hissed, trying to kiss him again, even biting his lower lip with her sharp teeth. “More!” she demanded. Perhaps she should just rip him apart and-

Mineta shocked her as he suddenly grabbed her horn with one hand, and her neck with the other. Her eyes widened, before he spat in her mouth, and she tasted his saliva. She smacked her lips, blinking, before she licked her teeth.

“More, whelp! Now!” 

Power smashed her face into Mineta’s. It was like a headbutt, but more affectionate. The two kissed intensely, with Power practically trying to suck his tongue out of his mouth at one point. Painful, but he grabbed her horns and pulled them apart when it began to hurt. 

“Hey. Do you want this? Then you have to obey me!”


“No buts.” He stared into her eyes and Power felt something stir in her chest. She ground her teeth for a moment, before nodding her head. 

“Very well.”

“Good.” He groped her small breast, and she moaned as his palm pressed down on her nipple. 

Pleasure. She moaned at his touch, before gasping as his finger pinched her nipple. He twisted it as she looked at him, a hungry smile on her teeth. “More! D-do more of that, whelp!”


“What?” His hands moved away from her body and he broke free of her grasp. She hissed, lunging at him again, but he held her back with a single hand. “You want what I got? You got to be a good sl-”

“Fine! Whatever! Now give Power what she demands!” Power hissed, and Mineta mentally wondered who was crazier. This chick or Toga. He shrugged, before he suddenly slammed her against the wall.

Power was shocked at his strength, and her pussy quivered between her legs as hot water fell down Mineta’s back. Her eyes widened, before he grabbed his own clothes and ripped them off. He was naked in an instant, a talent he had learned thanks to his harem. 

Power wasn’t sure why she felt her heart race, pumping blood through her body faster and faster. She licked her lips as she stared at Mineta, unsure of how this tiny whelp was able to make her body burn like this. 

Then her eyes saw his cock, and her jaw dropped. Blood. His blood went down to his dick, making it hard, and thick, and her pussy was dripping the more she stared at it. Her brain failed her for a moment, not that she had much in that department.

He smiled at her reaction, before he placed his hand on his cock and bobbed it up and down. “You want this?” She knelt down and lunged forward, nearly biting his cock. Mineta was barely able to dodge her maw, before he grabbed her horns. 

“Hey! Careful!” He slammed his cock down her throat, making her eyes widen as she felt the shaft slide inside of her. She moaned around it, trying to talk, before her tongue licked the rod.

“Mmm!” She moaned with approval, and she began to seal her lips tightly around it, licking at the shaft with her tongue.

“There we go. No biting. Just lips and tongues. Mmm, you’ve got a tight mouth,” he moaned with approval, pumping his hips back and forth. Power moaned in agreement, finding this taste deliciously savory! 

Her hands grabbed his hips, stroking his skin as he held onto her horns, using them as handles to continue to fuck her face. He pressed his cock against the inside of her cheek, before pumping it down her throat, choking her for a moment.

She moaned in approval, sliding her tongue all over the shaft. She was dripping drool down onto her legs as she tasted his precum. It was delicious! She wanted more, and she got more when she smacked her tongue against the shaft. 

She moaned around it, letting the vibrations please Mineta. She tried to move her head down his cock, suckling on it, letting the member slide down her throat. She moaned in bliss, drinking in more of his precum as her pussy quivered between her legs. 

It was dripping. She moved a hand down, rubbing at it, and the pleasure was divine. She had touched herself before in the past, after all, but now? Feeling this kind of pleasure while choking on this man’s dick… It was a delicious recipe, and she moved her head faster on his cock, pumping it for more yummy nectar!

Mineta moaned in pleasure, and he decided to give her what she wanted. His cock throbbed, before he came down her throat, emptying his semen into her waiting maw. She felt his cum coating the inside of her mouth and down her throat, like a flood! Her eyes rolled into her skull as she trembled, fingers pistoning in and out of her cunt as she drank in his semen. 

She was choking on it, and yet she couldn’t stop. She wanted all of his cum, and she slurped it up with reckless abandon, before he forced her head off. Her head slid back, cum dribbling from her lips as some fell onto the ground, carried away by the water.

“Hey, come back!” Power pouted, catching the cum with her fingers and bringing it to her lips to slurp up. A droplet of cum nearly spilled out, but she sucked it up, swallowing the delicious cream. She let out a content sigh, before her eyes widened. 

“Brrrp,” she burped from the delicious meal, giggling at its scent as Mineta stared in a mix of admiration, lust, and disgust. 

This lady was something else. 

“More!” Power got up and put her hands against the wall, spanking her ass. “Fuck me now, wh-Master!” The manic look in her eyes, the insane giggle, the desire for depravity. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, or I’ll kill you!”

Mineta placed his hands on her hips, leaning over her. He gave her ear a nipple, a gesture that made her shudder, before he slammed his cock inside of her. Her eyes widened, before she began to move her hips with him, helping him slam his cock into her as she screamed in pleasure.

“Yes, yes, YEEES! Fuck me, little Master!” 

Mineta grinned, gripping her hair with one hand, before pulling it back, making her arch her back as his dick slammed into her. He rammed into her like a beast, leaving her giggling and moaning. His hands grabbed at her horns, holding them like handles again as he fucked her.

His thrusts were strong enough to leave her ass flesh rippling, and her pussy squeezed tightly around his shaft as she mewled in pleasure. She slammed a hand against the wall, cracking it as she moaned. 

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! Make me a whore! A harlot! I want to cu-cuuum!” And she did, already horny and wet from her own fingers. Mineta gave her the finishing blow, and she came on his cock, trembling as her orgasm rippled through her body. 

It wasn’t the only orgasm she felt. Her pussy was convulsing around his dick, and she came once more, squeezing the member with each climax. Mineta felt her womanhood spasming around his dick and he groaned, emptying a load of semen into her. 

She felt the cum filling her insides as she moaned in pleasure, giggling with glee as the thick cream flooded her insides. She let out a tired sigh, leaning her head against the wall as she glanced at Mineta. 

“Now that we are clean, I shall let you fuck me to pay back my dept! T-three more orgasms! That is all!” 

Mineta raised his brow, before shrugging. He resumed pounding her pussy, listening to her moans and cries… He couldn’t wait to fuck more of this world’s sluts. 


William Nguyen

Curious what would happen if he tried to enslave makima