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I'm going to do my best to get you all your stories, but full disclosure, next week I'm going to have to put my dog to sleep. She's been a great pet and friend, but it's her time, I guess.

I hate to make it sound like I'm dumping my stuff on ya'll, or that I'm making excuses, but I do want to be transparent. I'll do my best to get work done still. Thank you all for your patience.



It’s all good bro! Had to put my dog down last November. He was almost 17 yrs old and I hated it but I hated seeing him in constant pain. Take the time to grieve, removed the good times, and keep moving forward! We’ll be here waiting patiently to continue supporting you.


I meant remember the good times and it will not change. Sorry!!!


Take the time to mourn. It's more tahn understandable


I had to put my dog down a few years ago. I still miss her to this day. Take as much time as you need to get through this.