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Hey, everyone. As you've probably noticed, I've been late on poll stories this month. There's no excuse. You pay for a service, you should get the service. I won't make excuses. I'll just be quick and transparent. 

I'm going to take July off to get my act together, catch up on some stories, and post some original content, including one or two of the popular poll stories you've seen on the poll. I will still work on Coms, to those waiting for them. 

I'll also be taking October off due to some personal events going on at that day. Again, I'll work on Commissions I have during that month off. 

Once again, I want to apologize for the wait on content. I'll do my best to deliver the content you all deserve. Thank you, and stay safe. 



Thank you for the heads up. And make sure to take care of yourself. We’ll be here for yah :)


No worries, your mental health and personal being should always take precedent. Take your time, we'll still be here when you're ready to return. :)