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Multiverse: Enter the Mineta-Verse Ch. 1. Mineta doesn't just survive the Goblin Slayer World, he dominates. Includes: Dom, Harem


Mineta sat inside a rustic, simple bedroom. It was a nice place. Old school, but nice. He wished he could properly appreciate it, but right now he found himself wrestling with a different problem.

Like how the hell he was going to get home.

He had no idea where he was. All he knew was that he was in some kind of fantasy world. People dressed up like they were either regular farmers and workers, or extras in a sword and sorcery movie.

The group he saved was incredibly thankful for his heroic actions, and he soaked up their thanks, as he always did, but he couldn’t avoid the major problem at hand…

He had tried calling Mina and his other sluts several times, but there was no response. Really, he should have seen that one coming…

“Maybe I can go back to that cave and see if the portal’s still there?” he thought aloud. He hoped it was, because as much fun as it was being the only Pro Hero in this world, he was also alone.

He missed Mina, and he missed Mei. Ochaco, Tsu, Jiro, and a hundred others. He missed them all! Not just because they were all sexy, top-heavy bimbos, horny for his cock, but because he loved them all like family!

And yes, because they were all sexy, top-heavy bimbos, horny for his cock, but that was beside the point. What he wouldn’t give to see Mina’s smiling face right now…?

There was a knock on the door, and Mineta took a deep breath. He shook the sadness off of him, putting on a strong face as he replied, “Yeah?”

“Uh, Mister Mineta? Can we come in?” He recognized that voice. That sounded like the Fighter from the group he saved.

“Go ahead.” He watched as Fighter opened the door, revealing herself and Wizard on the other side. The two entered the room and walked towards the man as he sat on his bed. “Hey, Wizard. You’re looking better.”

“Y-yeah. The healers were able to fix me right up.” The two women stood in front of Mineta as his eyes analyzed the two. “Course, only reason I could see them was because of you.”

Both women were very attractive. Fighter had black hair styled into a simple ponytail. Her clothes were fitted tightly, probably to keep the cloth from getting in her way when she fought. Decently sized breasts and ass, but Mineta was more impressed by her body. Fit, slender, though not as impressive as some of his more strength-focused sluts.

Wizard, on the other hand, was less muscular than her friend, but no less pretty. Short scarlet locks that caught Mineta’s eyes and glasses that dulled the light in her eyes. Her figure was more curvaceous, accented by the tight, blue dress she filled out well. It was all she wore, leaving her hat and cloak behind.

Most importantly of all, though, was the way they were looking at him. Admiration, respect, and gratitude. All ingredients for something more as Mineta felt his melancholic heart burning hot. Sadness evaporated from it as he smiled at the women.

“Well, you know, that’s just what heroes do,” he grinned, winking at the two, making them blush and nearly swoon where they stood. “I heard you needed help. Couldn’t just stand around doing nothing.”

“You really are a hero,” Fighter smiled, her eyes gleaming.

“It’s like you were destined to save us,” Wizard gasped, before she bowed her head. “I’m sorry you needed to, though. I wish we were strong enough to protect ourselves, but… still, thank you for everything.”

“We just wanted to come by and thank you again for saving us. I-I’ve never been so scared before… I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t showed up.”

Neither did Mineta. The thought of these two gorgeous women being wasted on ugly freaks like those goblins made him sick! Speaking of which, Mineta smiled as he played a role he had played plenty of times before.

He had slept with plenty of gorgeous women he had saved. Two more wouldn’t change much, even if they were from other worlds. If he was lucky, they’d give him his opening soon just like so many women before them…

“If there’s anything we can do for you, let us know, okay? We owe you our lives,” Wizard confessed, and Mineta grinned as he sank his teeth into them.

“Well, I mean… I wouldn’t mind a kiss from the two damsels I saved.” Both women gasped at the request, their eyes widening as their mouths hung low. This was the most important part now.

Remaining confident, expecting submission, expecting they’d fall into line. He had done this plenty of times before. A bit of confidence, perversion, and charm, and the women fell on their knees for him.

A second ticked by, before both women’s faces turned a bright shade of red and they avoided his eyes. “R-really? I-I mean, you want to kiss us?” Fighter asked.

“Oh, yeah. You two are super hot! I’d be happy to get a kiss from you!”


Fighter couldn’t believe what she had just heard! First Mineta showed up like an angel, saving them from the horde of goblins, and now… Now he was asking for a kiss? Should she? Should she not? Questions ran through her mind as she bit her lower lip.

Her thighs pressed together, rubbing against the other as she stared at the stranger. Mineta saved her life, and… he was so strong. She had always respected strength, and no one seemed to fight like Mineta, or as effortlessly…

He was something else, and Fighter was ashamed to find herself rather smitten by him. He was so confident in himself, almost as if he was expecting them to actually kiss him… Should she kiss him?

Of course, then the Wizard spoke up. “O-okay,” she muttered, leaving Fighter shocked.

“W-what?! ”

“He saved my life,” the redhead replied. “I owe him everything. A kiss is the least I can give him.”

“Aww, that’s the spirit, babe,” Mineta grinned, and Wizard took her glasses off, slipping them into a pocket.

“Um, I should let you know, though, I’m rather… bad at kissing? Haven’t had much time to date and-”

He placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer. She fell by his side as her cheeks turned red, now sitting beside him. “Um, I… Ah…” Her confidence evaporated as she sat by Mineta’s side, her face now inches from his. “Thank you for saving me, Mineta.”

“I’m always happy to save a damsel in distress,” he replied, pulling her down into a kiss.

Fighter watched them with a dry mouth and quivering hands. Her heart raced as her face turned red, watching their lips make contact. Wizard’s eyes widened, before they seemed unfocused. Staring off into the distance as her arms wrapped around his body.

Fighter didn’t know Wizard for long, but from what she had seen the woman was a typically stoic and rational person. To see her melt in the arms of a man, shaking slightly as Mineta’s tongue plunged into her mouth, licking the inside of her cheek, leaving her limp as she fell under his spell…

It excited Fighter beyond words. She brought a hand to her lips, her heart racing as she watched Mineta’s hands slip around Wizard’s body. One hand on the back of her head, the other on her back, holding her close as the two continued to make out with one another.

As for Wizard, she truly did feel entranced. She had heard of spells to control the mind, and part of her wondered if this was what she was feeling. It made sense, actually. Mineta seemed to be a divine being, having appeared in their hour of need.

He was strong, fast, and wise. A legend made flesh and blood. A legend of heroism… and pleasure. He pulled her close, and Wizard’s breasts pressed against his chest, leaving her trembling as her nipples poked against his body.

She wasn’t wearing a bra. She was so tired, and she was trying to rest. She didn’t think about it as Mineta’s tongue continued to explore her mouth. When the kiss was finally broken, not by her choice, mind you, she was left gasping for air and hungry for more.

“O-oh my.”

“Yeah. I get that a lot,” he chuckled, releasing her and letting her fall onto the bed, fanning herself with a limp hand. He then turned his gaze towards Fighter, and the dark-haired woman felt a shiver go down her spine. “Your turn. If you want.”

Want? Did she want to kiss him?

Yes. Yes, she did, but when she glanced at Wizard… Those feelings only grew.

“I-I’ve never kissed anyone before,” she confessed.

“Heh, you’re both a couple of virgins, huh? That’s cute,” he complimented.

“Do… do you like virgins?” Fighter asked, feeling regret as soon as the words came out of her lips. “I’m sorry, that’s stupid, I-”

He grabbed her hand and pulled her down. She gasped, falling onto him. Their lips pressed against the other and Fighter felt her breath being stolen away. Her eyes widened as she kissed Mineta, but something was different than his last kiss.

He didn’t move his mouth. He just let their lips press together, leaving her to explore him… and explore him, she happily did.

Fighter’s eyes fell shut and her tongue slipped into his mouth, happily welcomed by Mineta. Their tongues met and she gently pressed hers against his, moaning quietly as his hands laid on her body. They slid down her back, rubbing against her ass, before moving up her body and stroking her.

He was so loving. So gentle. She knew she could easily escape, but why would she? She rather liked his kiss. His touch. She gave herself to him as her hands rose up to gently stroke his cheeks.

She pulled away, only to kiss his forehead. Then cheek, this his lips again. The taste was addicting as she trembled against his chest. Her breasts weren’t as big as Wizard’s, but she still felt them rub against his body.

It was clear that she was smitten by the young man. Was this his divine power? No… This was love.

“Um, I-I’m sorry, I-” She kissed his lips again. “I-I’m being-” Another kiss. “Ahh, you taste so good.” He stuck his tongue out and she happily wrapped her lips around it, suckling on it as his hands squeezed her thick, plump rear.

“Selfish,” Wizard grunted, crossing her arms. “He said one kiss.”

“It’s okay,” Mineta chuckled, gently spanking Fighter’s ass. She moaned at the blow, feeling her ass jiggling. “I like it.”

She kissed his face once more as her mind felt lost in a fog. Or snapped apart as her more basic instincts took over. Submitting to a superior being… Mineta spanked her ass again as Wizard frowned, her hand tracing the top of her dress.

“W-well, surely I can kiss him again now,” she huffed. When Fighter only replied with more kisses on Mineta’s face, the Wizard growled.

“Ahh, I-I feel something poking me…” Fighter lifted her body up, and both women looked down to stare at Mineta’s cock. It was pressing against the inside of his pants as the short man grinned.

Both women were defeated as soon as they stepped in the room, but seeing his cock now… That left them with only one desire.

To further reward their hero.


Funny enough, Priestess had her own desire to reward the brave man who saved their lights. She was so sure that her prayers had summoned him to their side, and she was determined to thank him and her deity as much as she could.

She carried a tray of fresh food to Mineta’s room, but a strange sound gave her pause. “Mineta? Are you in there?” A muffled grunt was her only reply as she leaned closer. The door was ajar, and she looked inside the room to see if he was okay.

She almost dropped the food at what she saw.

Wizard and Fighter were inside. Their clothes laid on the floor, forgotten as they gave themselves to Mineta in fits of passion.

Wizard was bouncing up and down on a naked Mineta’s cock. Riding his member with muffled moans as her tits clapped against her chest. She was glistening with sweat, and red in the face as Mineta’s hands stroked her hips. He gave her a spank, and Priestess felt her thighs trembling.

Meanwhile, Fighter was kissing Mineta, swapping spit with him as one of his hands moved to grope her small breasts.

“Ahh, I-I hope I’m, ahh, s-satisfying, Master Mineta,” she moaned. “I-I know I’m not as-ahhh,” she shuddered, feeling his fingers pinch her nipples.

“It’s not the size of the girl’s tits. It’s their overall sex appeal. Why don’t you bounce that ass for me?”

“Yes, sir! I-I studied dance to help my fighting skills. I’m sure I can apply that to dancing for you!” Fighter turned her body, and Priestess nearly threw herself away from the door, scared she’d be seen… But Fighter had eyes only on Mineta as she aimed her ass towards him and began to dance for him, shaking her butt. “Like this?”

“Oh, yeah! That’s the stuff!” he grinned. “You’ve got some nice legs too.”

“Ahh, thank you, Master! Do you like when I do this?” she asked, raising her leg up and bringing it to her head. She formed a near perfect, straight line as she presented her glistening pussy to the man.

“Fuck, that’s good,” Mineta grinned, only to moan as Wizard’s pussy tightened aronud his cock.

“W-what about, ahh, me? Am I doing a good job, Master? My breasts are soft, aren’t they? Bigger than hers.”


“Your tits are pretty nice.” He grabbed one, digging his fingers into it and pressing his thumb against her nipple. She nearly fell onto him, shaking as waves of pleasure shot through her.

“Ahh… Fuck, I-I’m going tuh, to… ahh,” she moaned loudly, cumming his hands as Priestess brought a hand to her scarlet face.

She held back a scream as she was left… panting. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart as she watched the three. Mineta pounded Wizard’s pussy, leaving her to cry out in pleasure as she pressed a hand against her mouth, muffling her own cries.

Priestess could see her shaking, breasts quivering as she came. She was left woozy, impaled on his cock as she tried to breathe.

“Cumming without my permission? Bad girl.” He spanked her ass, before he pushed her off of his body. She fell beside him, trying to breathe as Mineta looked at Fighter. “Let’s see you do better.”

“W-wait. I-I want to cum more,” Wizard whimpered.

“You had your chance! He’s mine now!” Fighter beamed, running towards Mineta and laying on top of him. She kissed his lips as she embraced him, pushing her pussy against his cock. The thick tip pressed against her clit, before she directed her pussy and his cock together.

His dick soon filled her, pumping inside of her as she moaned loudly. She lifted her ass up and down, impaling herself over and over again on his cock as she made out with him. Wizard groaned, crawling over and pushing Fighter’s face back. She kissed Mineta as the two women fought over him, leaving Priestess to watch with a fire burning in her loins.

She placed a hand on her own, small breast, gently rubbing it as she breathed in Mineta’s scent. She trembled at the sensation as their love making grew more intense, shaking the bed under them as Priestess lifted up her hand…

And closed the door.

She wanted to give the three some privacy, yet she found her head pressing against the door, listening to the sounds coming from within. Somehow just hearing their lewd cries was even more arousing to the young holy woman.

She listened to the groan of the bed’ springs, the wet smack of Fighter’s pussy against Mineta’s cock, the moans and panting cries from the two women as he drove Fighter closer and closer to an orgasm.

“Mah, Master, I-I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna, ahh… Please, cum in me! Cum in me!”

“Please, fuck me again, Master. I can’t wait. I want your cock. I-mmmph!” Wizard’s mouth was filled with Mineta’s tongue, before he broke the kiss and ordered the magic-user.

“Kiss Fighter. Sit on my face and make out with her.”

“Y-yes!” From the sounds of it, Wizard obeyed, pressing her round, plump rear against Mineta’s face and kissing the other woman. Priestess could hear their muffled moans as the two kissed, swapping spit as Priestess’ hand slid down her body, gently rubbing against her crotch.

She fell to her knees, listening to their muffled cries as Fighter came on Mineta’s cock… And there wasn’t a doubt in Priestess’ mind that Mineta had cum inside of her.

“Ahh, there’s so much…”

“Can I have a taste, Master? Please?”

Priestess was left trembling against Mnieta’s door, panting quietly as she imagined the two horny women slurping up his cum, drinking it like it was a holy elixir. The young Priestess wanted the same, but… such desire was sinful.

Yet her hand continued to rub against her wet, moist cunt…


Mineta found himself trapped in this fantasy world for weeks now. He had no way out, no way in even trying to figure out a way out, but he did have two things.

Many chances to be a hero, which he did with amazing skill. Mineta might have been a pervert, but he did earn the position of Japan’s Second Top Hero. Partly from dominating the female competition, but also because he was a smart player.

He quickly learned that the Goblins were quite the problem for many of the residents of this world. Raping, killing, and hurting thousands. True, there were bigger threats to deal with, but Mineta found there was an untapped market in rescuing women from the evil Goblins.

And so he led the charge against them. It helped that Mineta was smarter than any of the Goblins, using skills and abilities they had no way of beating. Their magic couldn’t properly affect Mineta’s balls, and his tactical mind outplayed them on every turn.

They fell for his traps, and when they tried to adapt, Mineta led them into another one, and the people loved Mineta for it. He was quickly rising the ranks, known for his heroism and bravery.

And, of course, Mineta had the usual effect on women.

“Ahhh! AHH! T-thank you again for, haa, saving my team!” The Noble Knight screamed, moaning loudly as Mineta fucked her pussy. “W-we are, fuh, fuh, haa, forever in your debt!”

A party of women had tried to save some kidnapped girls from the Goblins, and from what Mineta heard, they had been doing pretty good until their members were simply overwhelmed. Too many of the Goblins for them to deal with, a lucky shot knocking their frontliner out, and just exhaustion led to their defeat.

Thankfully, Mineta was there to save them, and now the Noble Knight led her party to thanking Mineta. The monk, ranger, and wizard laid on his bed, cum squirting out of their pussies and drool still dripping from their mouths. They had been fucked silly, smiles etched onto their faces as Mineta finished off with their leader.

“Ahh! I-I’m cumming! I’m cumming! I-ahhh!” The taller woman wrapped her arms around Mineta’s body, clinging to him as she came on his cock. She felt his semen gushing inside of her until her body went limp and Mineta pulled his dick out of her.

He let out a breath of air, smiling at his handiwork as he left the woman where she laid. He left the party to sleep their fatigue off as he got up and grabbed some clothes from the floor, tossing them on.

He had gotten himself a simple, humble home as thanks to his many heroics. It served its purpose, and it was so far from any town that no one could hear the screams of the many women he brought over.

Maybe today he’d go down and flirt with that cute Guild Girl. She usually loved it when he took Goblin missions. He-

A knock on the door called out to Mineta, and he answered it to find Priestess outside the door with a very sexy guest. Mineta grinned at the sight of the sexy Witch in front of him, admiring her hourglass shaped body and large breasts.

She looked like a classic witch brought to life with long, flowing violet hair that went down her back. Her amber eyes stared at him with a smile on her painted purple lips. She swayed her wide hips this way and that, clearly liking what she was seeing.

“Mineta the Hero. I’ve heard a lot about you,” she cooed.

“Master, this young Witch asked me to introduce her to you. She says she needed some help against a Goblin horde.”

“That so?” he asked with a grin as the Witch nodded her head.

“Normally I focus on other monsters, but I’ve heard how you’ve been working against the Goblins lately. You’ve done an impressive job. I thought it’d be fun to try and join you. If you’d have me, of course,” she smiled.

Mineta grinned ear to ear, before he turned his gaze towards the Priestess. The same one he saved all those weeks ago. She smiled at him, her eyes shimmering as they met his.

He knew that look well. Someone had a crush on him, and in all the confusion, he never got around to fucking her.

Time to fix all that.


Mineta was an excellent leader to the girls. He was the man in front, being physically stronger and faster than the two. The Witch took the Goblins out from behind him with powerful spells while the Priestess used her magic to shield them from danger and heal their wounds.

During one particular fight, though, Witch was attacked from her blindspot. She was knocked to the ground, several Goblins leaping to attack her, knives in hand. Mineta slammed his foot into one’s head, before he bounced towards the others, hitting them down with quick, rapid attacks.

They hit the ground as Mineta fell, his head landing right on the Witch’s tits, cushioning his fall.

“Y-you saved me,” the Witch gasped, eyes wide as he took the moment to motorboat her tits. Just a second. He kissed her soft flesh, nibbling it, before he pulled away and smiled down at her. Her face was red as she looked up at the brave hero.

“Come on. Fight’s not over yet!”

Together, the three decimated several Goblin hideouts with ease, leaving the area for other warriors to clean up. Almost a hundred women were saved as Mineta and the two women left back to the nearest town.

“You were amazing, Master Mineta,” Priestess smiled. He blinked, turning his head to her as she noticed his confusion. “I-I’m sorry. I noticed some of the other women calling you that, and I uh… I thought that was your proper title.”

“Hey, you can call me, Master,” he grinned, winking at her as they entered the tavern and sat at a table together.

“Oh? Can I call you… Maser?” Witch asked. Every word was like a little moan, a breath of sensuality as she leaned closer to Mineta. Her breasts jiggled under her clothes as she looked down at him.

“Course you can, babe,” he grinned, earning a soft giggle from the woman.

“I’m glad…” She leaned down, her breath brushing against his ear. “Master.” He grinned widely at the sound, before he felt her lips peck at his cheek. He turned his head to face her, feeling her purple lipstick on his face as she licked her plump lips.

The Priestess watched the two, and she knew what was happening. They were going to make love, just as Master did with all the women he met… Priestess knew, because she had sacrificed so many to the perverted king.

Perhaps it was wrong, but Priestess had introduced her Master to several women. Either to team up with him, simply greeting him, or rescuing them. Any woman Master seemed to be around would fall in love with him. Desire him.

Witch was no different.


Priestess had fallen under the spell just like the others, but she knew her body was… less impressive than most. So she would happily offer sacrifices to her Master, even as he ignored her.

“Perhaps you’d like to escort me to my room, Master…?” Witch asked, holding her hand out to him. He took her hand in his, leaning downward and letting his face snuggle against her tits.

“Oh, I’d love that.” Priestess faded into the background, watching the two go. In a few minutes, she’d follow, cast a spell of silence around their room, and simply enjoy the show.


Witch had been infatuated with her teammate for months. The Spearmen was incredibly talented, strong, but he was a bit dim-witted. His head was as thick as a boulder as he refused to catch her clear affection for him.

So when she heard so many other women fawn over the ‘Legendary Hero: Mineta,’ well… She was curious.

Unlike Spearman, Mineta openly ogled her. His eyes went over her hourglass shaped body, admiring every dip, every curve, and she loved it. She loved seeing the lust in his eyes, and she was desperate for someone to help her unleash these buried feelings of lust.

At first, she thought of it simply as a chance to unwind, but when he took her to her room and smacked her ass, she felt… something.

A fire in her. A tremble under her skin as she licked her lips and leaned down. His hand continued to grope and squeeze her ass as she leaned in, kissing his lips. She placed a hand on his shoulders, shuddering as his tongue soon entered her mouth. She happily drank it in as the two made out, tongues dancing with one another, before she pulled away.

It had been years since a man’s kiss had made her feel anything close to this. Her lust burned in her chest as her pussy juices slid down her bare thigh.

“I noticed you weren’t wearing a bra,” he commented, placing a hand on her breast. He pushed down, pressing his palm against her nipple as she moaned.

“Ahh… I… didn’t feel like it. Do you… prefer this?” she asked, hooking a finger on her top and pulling it down, revealing her large tits for him. His hands felt amazing against her bare skin as he groped her chest.

Finally, the touch of a man. It left her legs shaking and her juices dripping from her pussy as she moaned out to him. She bit her lower lip as his hands kneaded her chest, before sliding down her belly and pressing against her pussy through her top.

“Strip,” he ordered, and that single word was all the command she needed as she pulled away.

She spoke a single word, and her clothes vanished off her body. They appeared on the floor, folded up into a small square as she licked her lips and placed her hands behind her head. She presented herself to him, exposing her naked, bare tits to him. She bounced them up, letting them clap against her chest.

His eyes were locked on her tits, admiring them as he pulled his pants down. His cock popped free and she gasped, her hands moving to her lips for a moment as she stared down at his thick, veiny shaft.

This cock was the talk of several towns. This cock, that several women praised as something divine, throbbed before her eyes as she tried to speak. All that came out was a quiet, airy moan as Mineta smiled at her.

“Get on the bed.”

“Y-yes,” she replied, falling back onto the bed and spreading her legs apart. She slid a hand down to her pussy, spreading her lower lips apart as she smiled at him, hearts seemingly dancing in her eyes. “Take me, Master. I’m yours. Give me the pleasure only a man like you could…”

“A man like me? What kind of man am I?” Mineta asked, climbing onto the bed and stroking her thick, smooth legs.

“Puh, powerful,” She panted. “Strong.” She eyed his cock, licking her lips. “Manly.” He grinned with every compliment as he lined his cock with her pussy, leaning over her as she stared at his face, and then down at his cock, then back again. “Handsome. W-wise. S-sex-eee!”

He thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock inside of her and listening to her loud moans. Her legs immediately wrapped around his body, pulling him in deeper as she moaned loudly in bliss. She pulled him close, stroking him with her legs and hands as he smacked his body against her, rocking the bed as he smiled down at her.

Her body felt like it was melting. The pleasure drove her mad as his dick filled her, stretching her pussy as he rammed into her again and again. The bed was shaking under them as he moved his hips faster, leaving her to squeal and groan in mad bliss.

“Ahh, ahh, ahh!” How did such a small man know how to pleasure her so… perfectly? He moved his hips, letting his cock slide against different parts of her pussy, before he hammered the tip down on her most sensitive regions. “I’m coming! I’m coming! Ahhh!”

She came on his cock, her eyes rolling into her her head as her tongue hung out of her mouth. She mewled with pleasure as Priestess watched from the open door, her fingers rubbing against her wet pussy.

Mineta turned his head to her, locking eyes with the once holy woman. “When are you going to come in and join us, Priestess?” he asked, moving his hips and hammering his cock inside of Witch once more. Globs of precum filled and leaked out of her pussy as Priestess gasped.

“You’re not the first peeping perv I’ve met,” he grinned.


The Priestess had watched Mineta tame another woman, adding her to his growing harem. She had missed the chance to watch him fuck the Female Party he had saved, but now she could watch him fuck the Witch, turning her into his newest slut.

Priestess’ hand slid under her robes as she knelt there. The threat of being caught was exciting to the once innocent woman, but she didn’t want to endanger her Master’s fun. A few spells to make her near invisible and the room nearly soundproof was all it took.

She could listen to the show, pressing her fingers against her cunt as she watched Mineta plow Witch’s brain out. Her fingers thrust inside of her, damp with her own juices as she moaned.

She pressed her other hand against her lips, holding back a moan as Witch came with a screaming cry. Just a show of utter debauchery and sin, but then something happened that left her shocked.

Mineta looked at her, and requested she step forward into the room… And she obeyed, crawling on all fours like a naughty animal, shaking as she wiped her pussy juices onto the floor.

The Master smiled at her as entered, his cock still buried inside of Witch. “Priestess, what do we do with bad girls who cum first?” The blonde didn’t say anything at first, and so Mineta spoke again. “Come on. You’ve watched me enough times to know, right?

“Y-yes,” she replied with a shudder. She looked at the floor, before she picked up Witch’s hat and walked closer with it. “B-bad girls are punished.”

“And what kind of punishment do you suggest?” Mineta grinned.

“C-cum… in her hat?” Priestess asked, and Mineta grinned as he pulled his cock out.

“Mind lending me a hand?” Priestess gasped, her face a hot shade of red as she stared at the veiny beast with mouth agape.

Witch wasn’t even able to see straight as she tried to catch her breath. She didn’t even notice Priestess staring at Mineta’s cock, before she bowed her head before it, as if it was a god.

She then placed her bare hand on it, wrapped her fingers around it to the point where the tip of her middle finger barely touched the tip of her thumb, and then she began to move her hand. Back and forth, squeezing it tightly as Mineta moaned with a smile on his face.

He didn’t command her because she knew exactly how to do it. She had learned by watching other sluts try and please their king. Priestess pumped her hand back and forth, watching globs of precum drip from the tip and fall into the hat. Then Mineta moaned and Priestess watched the cock throb… before it shot a load of cum into the hat.

Jets of semen shot out, falling into the hat or around the rim as Priestess watched with wide, hungry eyes. The ropes of cum splattered inside of the hat, building up higher and higher, until Priestess’ thumb was partially submerged in cum.

Mineta then got out of the way and Priestess looked at the Witch… before she did as her Master wanted and flipped the hat back onto Witch’s head. She slammed it onto the woman, watching as cum rained down on her head and splattered against her tits.

Her Master laughed, and so did she, giggling at the sight as her Master’s laugh infected her. Witch moaned weakly, licking the cum up as it slid down her head through tiny rivers, trying to lick and suck up what she could.

Mineta and Priestess then looked at one another and he grinned, stroking his still hard cock.

“Get on the bed.”

“M-Master? A-are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.” He snapped his fingers. “Clothes off, let’s go.”

“Y-yes, sir!” Priestess replied, nearly tearing off her holy attire, leaving it tossed onto the floor as she climbed onto the bed and onto her Master. Hwr bare, naked body laid on top of him as her face burned a hot shade of red.

“Are you sure about this, Master? I’m not as pretty as the other women, and I-ahh!” He spanked her ass, silencing her as he grinned.

“You’ve got a cute ass, nice tits, and a pretty face. Trust me, you are perfect to be my slut.”

Priestess’ lips spread into a wide smile as tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. “R-really?”

“Really. You know what to do, right?”

She nodded her head, and without his order, she slid back and took his cock in hand. She pressed the head of it against her pussy, moaning at the pleasure, before she sank her down down, fucking herself on the cock.

“Ahhh!” Pain, for a moment, but she kept at it. Moving her body up and down as she rode his cock, crying out in pleasure as he held her hips, feeling her shake the bed with the force of her bouncing.

“You okay?” he asked, stroking her leg as she stared down at him. “Want to sto-?”

“No! Please, don’t stop! I want your cock! I want your cock! I-ahhh!” Priestess shuddered, biting her lower lip as her toes curled. She fought back an orgasm as she trembled on top of her Master. “I want… this. Please.”

Mineta grinned, and he grabbed her hips, lifting her up and down as he fucked her just a little faster. A little faster. Pounding her tight pussy as she squealed in bliss, a lewd smile on her face.

“Y-you’ve corrupted my, Master. J-just being around you. I-I watched you fuck so many sluts. I-I loved it!” Priestess’ eyes rolled into her skull as Mineta groped her small chest, squeezing her nipples and pinching them between his fingers as she let out a shrill scream of bliss. “Ahhh!”

She rode his cock with a lewd smile on his face, riding him into the metaphorical sunset as the bed trembled under them. With a loud scream of pleasure, Priestess cried out in pleasurable bliss, throwing her head back as she felt his cock throbbing inside of her.

“Cum in me!” she pleaded. “Cum in me, cum in me, cuh, cuh, ahhh!” She nearly came once more, but even as tears fell from her eyes, she held it back. “I-I don’t want to cum before you, Master!”

Her loyalty was admirable. Mineta pulled her down for a kiss, and she happily gave it to him as his bulbous tip pushed deep inside of her. His cock throbbed once more, before he shot his load into her.

The holy woman trembled on his shaft with a smile on her face, melting as drool dripped down her chin and she felt his semen coating the inside of her womanhood. She moaned weakly, a drunken smile on her lips as she suckled on her Master’s tongue, her eyes rolling into her head once more.



Hours later, Mineta laid on the bed in a nice sandwich. Priestess laid on one side, asleep on his arm as Witch laid on his other, cuddled against him. The potential of his arms falling asleep was worth it to feel the women cuddling against him.

It reminded him of home, and for a moment, Mineta found himself missing Mina and the others.

“Hope they’re doing okay,” he sighed, resting his head on his pillow as he stared at the other side of the room. He missed them all. What he wouldn’t give to just find them and see their smiling, horny faces aga-

There was a flash of light. Mineta was blinded for a moment, before he found himself staring at a circular portal, with Mina’s face staring down at him and his two latest sluts through it.

“Mineta! We found you! Are you… fucking kidding me?!” Her smile turned to rage in a less than a second. She jumped through the portal, landing on the bed as she glared at Mineta. “I thought you were fucking dying! You’ve been fucking sluts this whole time?!”

Mineta blinked, before he simply shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah.”

“You are unbelievable,” Mina groaned, before she turned her head to the Witch, and then Priestess. “They are pretty hot, though.” Her eyes bounced between the three, before she sighed. “Fine, fine. Just because you asked,” Mina huffed, pulling her shirt off. “I’ll join in, but I’m still mad at you!”

Mineta laughed at his wife’s horniness, before another voice greeted them.

“Hey! Are you fucking in there?” Hatsume asked from the portal. Her eyes scanned the room, before she nodded her head. “Okay, I’ll take notes. I want to see if this affects the dimensional barrier at all.”

Priestess’ eyes slowly opened as she blinked some of the fatigue away. She stared at the pink-skinned, horned woman in front of her, before she gasped. “A-a demon!”

“No!” Mineta quickly replied. “N-not a demon. Um, this is Mina, my… friend.”

“Friend?! I was your first slut, you dick!”

“First? Oh, my. How many women have you under your thumb… Master?” Witch wondered, nuzzling her head against Mineta’s chest.

Mineta chuckled quietly, giving a sheepish smile towards Mina as his mind raced.

A way back home. He could go back and be with his harem again, but the girls in this world… Could he have both?

Could he have more?

The possibilities raced through his mind as Mina began to angrily suck on his cock, pumping his face in and out of her throat as he kissed Priestess and whispered comforting words to her.

Oh, yes… Mineta could have so much more.


The Shaman

Nice. As always, you have a gift of making each character sound authentic to who they are in their media. Well done