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So what originally was just meant to be the opening paragraph of the story quickly became its own chapter. Hope that's okay with ya'll. Enjoy the prologue to Grape Rush 2: Enter the Mineta Verse. Consider it a teaser of things to come. 


Mineta laid on a bed of soft flesh. Under him were dozens of moaning, quivering women.

Minoru Mineta was not a king, nor was he a god, but he was something better than all of that combined.

He was loved. He was worshiped.

To the women in his life, he was their Master, their one true love.

And what could have been better than that?

He woke up with his head snuggled between two or three pairs of tits. He felt a woman’s nipple press against his face, rubbing and poking his head, before he pulled himself free. He shook his head, staring down at Ryuko, Mirko, and Chitose laying on the bed, cuddling against one another.

He laid snugly between the three just a few minutes ago, and it was amazing. A special kind of paradise, but he needed some air. The three women were free to snuggle against one another, with Mirko even leaning a little closer, pressing her tits against Ryuko’s and pecking Chitose’s cheek.

The smell of sweat and cum was thick in the air, as well as a symphony of snoring and quiet moans. He walked away from the three and carefully walked over Kazuho Haneyama, or Pop Steps’ body. Her black hero outfit laid in tatters as he avoided her, careful not to wake her or the many other women around her.

The women that laid around him were a veritable ‘who’s who’ of the Hero world. Top Heroes like Mt. Lady and Midnight cuddled together, rubbing their bodies against the other, while Ochaco and Tsu, two rising up and comers, laid half-wrapped in Tsu’s tongue. Even people like Mei Hatsune and Melissa Shield’s laid on the floor, sleeping off their exhaustion from the massive orgy.

Dozens of women, but only one Mineta.

The memories from hours were almost like a blur, but if Mineta focused, he could remember some of it quite clearly. Toga and Ochaco making out, with the former disguised as the latter so that it was like two twins kissing one another, the three ladies of the Wild, Wild Pussycats putting on a show for Mineta, begging him to fuck them, Melissa Shield slipping bills into her bikini and dancing like some kind of cheap whore for him.

Rei Todoroki, Mitsuki Bakugo, and Inko Midoriya all eager to show the younger women that they still had it. Mineta even remembered Rei making out with her own daughter, Fuyumi, sharing liquor with her.

Debauchery and sin. That was Mineta’s life now, and it was amazing. Perfect, honestly.

But something poked and prodded his heart as he stood by the window, opening it to get some fresh air. He felt the cool breeze and he breathed it in deeply, sighing quietly.

But not quietly enough.

“Hey. Never seen someone look so down after fucking over five dozen women,” Mina chuckled, stretching her body. She walked over to the young man, naked as the day as she was born as her pink tits jiggled slightly against her chest.

“Hey, it ain’t easy being the Master to this many women,” he replied. And yet he felt that prodding in his chest again.

No, not prodding.

A squeeze. An ache in his chest.

“Oh? Trouble in paradise, Master?” she teased, leaning her back against the wall as she looked at the sleeping heroes and villains Mineta had dominated.

Mina Ashido. His first lover. His first slave. There was a good chance that without her, he wouldn’t be where he was now. She was the key to unlocking Mineta’s true potential, and becoming the… virus he was now?

That’s what it felt like sometimes, Mineta thought to himself. His charisma and depravity would lead to women becoming infected. Whether they were Pro Heroes, mothers, wives, or even villains, all fell for Mineta sooner or later.

It had gotten to the point where Mineta dominated damn near every pretty face he saw. From the most famous heroines, to regular women just working in Japan.

He was loved and worshiped, but when he felt that pain in his chest again, he found himself wondering.

Was this enough?

“Hey.” Mina poked his face and he looked up at her. Even after all these years, he had barely gotten taller. Still the shortest person in the room, though it was close with Manami Aiba. “You okay? You really do seem off.”

“A lot on my mind.”

“Not just beautiful women,” she commented. “Thinking about wanting more again?” she asked, and his eyes widened in surprise. “I’ve known you for almost a decade now. We’re practically married,” she laughed, poking his face again.

Mineta chuckled. His first slave, though, that role had clearly evolved after the last few years. He had driven Mina crazy, in a way. The same kind of crazy he was. Now she was happy to add more sluts to the harem.

Good and evil were second to their own depraved desires.

“So, is it?”

“No.” He answered quietly, and he waited for… What was he waiting for? Shock? Disbelief? Frustration?

But all he felt was her hand touch his. Each finger gently squeezed his own. He turned his gaze towards her and he found himself lost in those beautiful eyes.

“We’ve got that case with Deku next week. Once you wrap that up, why don’t we go on a road trip? Maybe across America, meeting all those sexy US sluts? I know Cathleen is eager to see you again,” Mina smiled.

Star and Stripe. Another eager slut he had collected. Top hero of America, not even in the top ten of his harem. Mineta chuckled at the thought as Mina leaned down and her lips gently pressed against his neck. He moaned quietly as she pecked and nibbled on his skin, before kissing his cheek.

“You fucked us all up, you know. Corrupted us. Turned us into your sluts… Made us so horny we’d become your personal army if you asked…”

“Do you hate me for it?” he asked.

“I might, but I’m having way too much fun,” she replied, and his fingers sank into her plump rear as she moaned in his arms. “Now? Now I just want to see how much we can fuck up the world while having fun.”

“Naughty slut,” he chuckled, leaning his head down between her tits.

“Your naughty slut.”


Mineta, despite all of his flaws, of which there were many, did want to be a hero. That hadn’t changed in years.

He wanted to be a hero. To save lives and protect the innocent.

But if he was to be completely honest? He had also wanted a harem. He wanted a bunch of sexy, gorgeous women at his beck and call. He wanted to pound their pussies and fuck their mouths and just dominate them.

A harem that numbered in dozens, maybe even hundreds. A stupidly massive harem of bimbos who loved and worshiped him, and in return, he’d love them back.

And the craziest part was that he had it all.

Mineta had done it all. He had his cake and he scarfed it down his throat. He had, to put it simply, won in everything he had aspired for.

Even if that currently meant he was getting a fist driven into his face.

Mineta was a full grown man now.He had been a Pro Hero for years now, making a name as Grape Juice. While he wasn’t the strongest or smartest hero in the field, he did well for himself. All his hard work and popularity earned him the title as Number Two, and he was more than happy with that.

And today, he was teaming up with Japan’s Number One Hero, Deku. Speaking of which, Deku caught Mineta, keeping him from making contact with a nearby wall.

“You okay?” Deku asked.

“Yeah. I’ll be fine,” Mineta groaned, rubbing his head.

The mission had been simple. Stop Armageddon. That was the name of the edgelord currently trying to destroy, or conquer, Japan.

For the better part of two years, Deku had been leading the hunt for this new criminal and now it was up to Mineta and Deku to put him away for good. Their friends were dealing with the remains of his criminal empire below them, leaving the two heroes to fight Armageddon on the top of Japan’s highest building.

The masked, armored giant laughed at the two heroes. His armor was dented, but not broken. Far from it, as it seemed to still glow like a small star.

“Fools! My weapon is nearly finished charging. With it, I will-!”

Blah, blah, blah. Mineta had heard it before. Villains loved making big dramatic speeches. Deku and Armageddon traded witty remarks with one another, the usual banter as Mineta looked around. He saw Mt. Lady stomping down some dragon-sized villain, and she caught his stare from the corner of her gaze.

She knocked the dragon down, before she blew a kiss at him. He grinned at the gesture, before Deku gently dropped him down onto the ground.

“Ready, Mineta?” Deku asked.


“Grape Rush-”

“Through Texas Smash!”

The two charged forward, and it was an epic battle. The stuff of legends, a story that could rival some of All Might’s greatest fights…

But you’re not here for that, so we’ll skip ahead.


Mineta opened his eyes, and he felt tired. Achy. Exhausted… He had experienced this feeling before plenty of times, though.

Recovery Girl had healed him of his wounds, but what the hell had happened? And what was on his crotch?

He looked down, and Mineta grinned as he found Mina Ashido sleeping on his body, drooling right over his crotch.

Mina… Mineta had a harem of over a hundred women, but Mina was special. She was the first, and that left her with a special piece of his heart. He loved her.

A super fucked up kind of love, but love nonethless.

Didn’t hurt that her presence made his dick especially hard as he watched her plump lips slowly move up and down.

Mineta looked around the room, and he soon realized he was in the UA nurse’s office. He hadn’t been here in years.

Meanwhile, feeling Mina’s soft lips and plump breasts on his body had slowly given rise to Mineta’s greatest weapon. His hard dick rubbed against her face, and for a moment, Mina seemed to instinctively kiss and nuzzle it through his hospital gown.

He moaned quietly, and Mina’s eyes slowly opened.

“Wha…? Mineta?! You’re awake!” And without warning, Mina jumped onto the bed, embracing Mineta and kissing the top of his head as her breasts suffocated him. “You stupid little grapefruit! You freakin’ scared me, you know!”

“I-mmh! What-mmmph?! Happened?” he asked, finding it hard to talk as Mina kept kissing his face or burying his face between her large breasts.

Their love was not the stuff of fairy tales. It was a special, unique kind of love. Equal parts fucked up, depravity and genuine attraction, mixed in with what used to be a proper Master and slave relationship.

Mina was his slave in bed, and his partner in life. One of many, but she was special. She was his top bitch, most of the time, at least.

The pink-skinned woman finally released Mineta, smiling at him as she noticed her purple lipstick had left a few marks on him.

“That fight with Armageddon really knocked you out. The others were worried about you, but I know you’re too stubborn to die,” Mina chuckled, though Mineta could still hear the strain in her voice.

She had been worried about him. He would have laughed if it weren’t… true. He had almost died, hadn’t he?

His hand held hers, gently squeezing it as their eyes met. She gave him a melancholic smile, before she reached into her pants.

“Here’s your phone. It’s been blowing up lately.”

Mineta took his phone and scrolled through the many messages left on it, all from heroines (and ex-villains) he had in his harem, many dripping with concern, others a bit more blatant in what they wanted.

“‘Dear Master, bottle up some of your blood when you wake up and give me a call.’ From Toga,” he chuckled.

“Some things never change,” Mina chuckled.

Ochaco, Jiro, Momo, Miruko, even ex-villains like Chitose, and the mothers of his own fellow heroes, all were eager to ride his cock when he woke up…

Deku had no idea Mineta was fucking his mom, and Shoto had no idea Mineta’s cock was fucking Rei and Fuyumi, just to name a few. Probably best that they didn’t, but even if they did, the women made it clear they’d defend Mineta from their family.

He had so many lovers in his life, and he loved so many of them, and yet… It didn’t feel like it was enough.

He wanted more. How insane was that?

One quick look revealed that Mineta was being hailed as one of Japan’s greatest heroes alongside Deku. He was a champion for good, loved by millions all over, and with women literally throwing themselves at him… and it wasn’t enough.

“You okay?”

“Huh?” He looked up, and he saw Mina’s eyes staring back at him. “Er, no. I’m fine.”

“Come on, Master,” she teased, using the title more as a pet name than anything else. “I was your slut before anyone else. There’s no one else who knows you as well as I do.”

And she was right about that.

The relationship between Mineta and Mina was… twisted, to be honest. Really, really fucked up, but there was a genuine attraction buried beneath it all.

“How long have I been out?”

“A few days.”

“And how are things?”

“After we took out Armageddon and his gang, crime’s been low. Not just in Japan, all over. It’s like everyone’s scared of the heroes kicking their butt,” Mina grinned. “It’s kind of awesome. Some people are already saying this is going to be the new ‘Golden Age.’”

A Golden Age? Mineta felt proud of himself for that, honestly, and yet he wondered about what would happen next.

“So… where do I go from here?” he muttered.

“Interviews, maybe an autobiography? Hey, maybe if we’re lucky we’ll get a movie deal,” Mina chuckled. “Course, they’ll have to tone a few things down to make it PG,” she teased, licking her lips as she eyed his obvious tent.

And yet he didn’t look at her. His eyes were staring off into the distance, and Mina’s smile fell. “Hey, you’re… really upset.”

“Guess I’m just a little scared, I mean… Where do I go from here?” He blinked, and he let out a small, bitter chuckle. “Am I going through my quarter-life crisis?”

“I mean, you’re probably one of the most successful men in the world. Life’s pretty good, right?” she asked, sitting beside him on the bed as she placed a hand on his hand, inches from his dick. She squeezed his hand as he rested his head on her breasts. “But…?”

“I guess I sound pretty stupid, huh?”

“Yeah, but what else is new?” she teased, and he pulled his lips into a smile. He gently bumped his head into her tits, making them jiggle as she smiled. “You know what you need? A big ol’ orgy! I can invite the girls, tell them the good news, you can fuck us all and pump us full of cum…”

She stroked his leg with one of her soft hands, earning a wide grin from the young man. “I’m starting to think you just want me for my body.”

Years ago, Mineta seduced Mina with gentle hands and his hard, throbbing cock. He fucked her brains out, and that single moment changed the lvies of many heroines and villains. Together they broke in Momo, dragging her down to their level, and together the three turned Himiko Toga into just another slut.

With Toga’s help, the League of Villains was stopped before they even truly began. As a reward, Mineta fucked Toga’s pussy, and the world was freed of villainy for years to come.

Sure, villains like Armageddon would pop up now and again, but they were nothing compared to All For One and his gang.

The truth is Mineta’s perverted nature saved his world, and he didn’t know it, but soon it would save many others…


Mina helped Mineta get out of his hospital gown and into actual clothes. Casual stuff, but perfectly good for walking around UA. Principal Midnight was leading the school well, especially with the help of the Support Teacher.

Mei Hatsume.

Mineta and Mina found her in her lab, and they watched as the pink-haired genius worked even now.

“You’re still working? Do you just live here or something?” Mina asked, watching the young woman turn her head towards them.

“Master! Some other lady! You’re not dead!” Mei grinned, giving Mineta a thumbs up. “Good job! Guess I won’t need to hop dimensions for that dick after all!”

“You were gonna what?” Mineta blinked, and Mei simply laughed as she walked away from her desk.

“You know, we’ve known each other for years. You could remember my na-” Mina was interrupted by Mei dashing forward, leaning in close as she pulled Mineta, her Master, into her chest.

“It’s my greatest invention yet! It's similar to a supercollider in design, but much smaller. With it I can open a hole in the dimensional barrier between worlds! A dimensional gateway!”

“Wait, really?” he asked, and she nodded her head with a wide grin.

“Yep! It's my most special baby yet!” She quickly turned her head, staring at one of the other machines behind her. “Not that mommy plays favorites!”

Mineta and Mina glanced at one another, before the latter began to talk to Mei, explaining what her and their Master had been talking about.

“Well, we were planning another orgy, and we were hoping to use your lab for it again.”

“Ooh, hot,” Mei grinned. “My babies and I would love to have Master over! And other ladies too!”

“Seriously? I’m Master’s first slut! You can’t remember me?!”

“I thought that was the rich girl?”

“Momo was not Mineta’s first! I was!”

As the two women bickered with one another, Mineta found himself drawn to the device Mei had pointed at earlier. A dimensional gateway? Sounded like something straight out of an anime, but was it so crazy compared to what they do on a daily basis?

It looked like a large ring, standing atop a small, metal base. The ring wasn’t that big. Just big enough for one average sized adult to walk through it, but Mineta’s fingers still stroked the smooth design.

It looked pretty cool. He had to hand it to Mei, she-

Mineta jumped back as the machine buzzed to life, sparks shooting out from one of the panels as a loud hum began to fill the air.


“Huh? Ah! You didn’t touch my baby, did you?! She’s sensitive! And a virgin!” Mei shouted. “Master, control yourself!”

“I-I didn’t do anything!” Mineta replied as they continued to roar to life, sparks soon becoming bolts of electricity. Lightning shot out of the machine, nearly hitting Mineta as he held his hand out to the others. “Stay back! I’ll come to you!” he ordered, but that was easier said than done.

The machine seemed to almost roar with static as a bright blue light formed within the ring. The light was stretched out, filling the ring like a pool as Mineta stared into it. He began to see something within it, something that made him hesitant to walk away.


The breasts of some woman were becoming clear through the light the machine made., and Mineta stopped to stare at them with mesmerized eyes.

“Are you kidding me?! Get the hell away from that!” Mina shouted.

“It’s not worth it, Master! There are tits in this universe too!” Mei added.

Mineta heard the two, but his eyes lingered on the bright light. Then, like he was staring through a screen, a scene began to play out.

He saw a woman dressed up like some kind of wizard through the screen. She had crimson hair and glasses, and she held up a wooden staff in her hand.

“Firebolt!” A small blast of fire shot out, and the screen seemed to ‘zoom out,’ letting Mineta watch as it burned a small…

Well, it looked like a goblin, honestly. It’d fit with the wizard he saw, at least. A small, green goblin creature with a big nose and equally big ears.

The wizard was fighting goblins, a fact that astounded Mineta. Of course, what he saw next brought his mood crashing down.

More goblins attacked the woman as Mineta realized they were in some kind of cave. They knocked the wizard down, before one grabbed her staff and snapped it in his hands with relative ease.

Another woman came to help her. Some lady in white, swinging her own staff around.

The scene reminded Mineta of that time Melissa tried getting him and some members of the harem into Dungeons and Dragons.

The woman looked like a cleric or a priestess, and she tried in vain to help her party member. Then he saw one of the goblins stab the wizard, and Mineta quickly realized this wasn’t a game. He could hear her screams now, as if carried through the portal.

His eyes widened as his heart raced. The woman howled in pain as some boy with a sword swung his sword around, trying in vain to hit one of the goblins. He was missing most of them with his clumsy attacks. Then his sword hit the roof of the cave, and Mineta knew he was fucked.

The goblins swarmed over him as other creatures, like the goblins, but much bigger, appeared from the shadows.

They attacked the priestess and some black-haired woman beside her. The wizard continued to scream in pain as Mineta’s body moved him forward.

He touched the blue light with his hand, and suddenly Mineta was falling.

He landed on his side, feeling the hard rock under him. It didn’t take him long to realize where he was or what had happened.

He was in the cave now. Just a foot away from the priestess. Trapped in it with the goblins and this small party of unfortunate fools.

It took him one moment to realize where he was, and another to realize how he had gotten here. By the time a second had passed, Mineta threw himself forward, plucking balls from his head as he shot out like a small bullet.

He shoulder tackled one goblin off of the swordsman, knocking the monster right into another goblins.

Then a swift kick to a third goblin, before he dodged the fourth’s dagger. He remembered his training with Ochaco, grabbing the goblin’s wrist and spinning him around, before slamming his face into the stone below them.

The goblins were fast, but Mineta was faster.

The boy was alive, but bleeding and bruised. “Can you get up?” he asked, and the brunette nodded his head.

“I-I think so, b-but who are-?”

A scream.

Mineta turned his head and he saw the black-haired woman from earlier. Her leg was being crushed in the hand of one of the larger goblins. Without a word, he left the goblins where they laid and threw one of his balls at it.

The balls blinded the monster, and it brought a hand to its face to try and pull them off. Of course, it couldn’t, and soon both of its hands were stuck to Mineta’s balls as it roaned in anger. The woman was freed as Mineta shot past her and he slammed his foot into the goblin’s knee.

There was a loud snap as the goblin hit the ground, howling in pain.

“Is there an exit?!” Mineta shouted, looking at the blonde-haired priestess.

“Y-yes. T-that-”

“Go! Now! Run!” he ordered, and the two women nodded their heads as they began to move.

The goblins might have been scary for the adventurers, but Mineta was unlike anything they had ever seen. He was faster, stronger, and his balls were impossible for them to break free of.

He followed the group to the exit, running behind them as he left plenty of traps behind for the goblins to fall into. He saw the light of the outside world just ahead, but there were still a few goblins in their way.

Mineta analyzed the scene in a matter of seconds. Lazy, he might be, but he was as smart as Momo when he wanted to be.

He threw several of his balls along the cave walls, before he threw one in front of him. He jumped onto it, and shot forward as he proudly declared his attack.

“Grape Rush!”

Mineta was a blur as he bounced from one ball to the other, ricocheting so quickly that the goblins couldn’t even predict his attacks. He punched one, headbutted another, before he slammed his feet into the last and kicked off of his skin, backflipping through the air…

And landing right into the arms of the priestess.

“Thanks for the catch,” he grinned, smiling at her as she held him in her arms. He could feel her small breasts against his face. Small, but perky.

“Y-you saved us!” she gasped, and Mineta just smiled.

“Keep running, I’ll cover our escape!”

He kept throwing his balls, shooting them out from over the priestess’ shoulders. The remaining goblins were trapped by his attacks as the group escaped, and Mineta grinned ear to ear.

Damn, he loved being a hero.


“What happened?!” Mina screamed, staring at Mei’s machine as it died, smoke flowing from it as it laid without power.

“Looks like the machine broke.

“Where’s Mineta?!”

“Well, the machine either worked and he’s in another universe, or it didn’t work, and he’s hopefully dead.”


“Well, either that or trapped between universes, in which case, I sure do hope he’s dead,” Mei commented aloud. “I wonder if I’ll be able to study the remains…Ack!” Mei’s eyes widened as Mina grabbed her shoulders, digging her fingers into the scientist as she leaned in close, her hot breath burning Mei’s lips.

“Bring. Him. Back!”


“Y-you saved us…” Those were the first things the black-haired fighter said to Mineta. The group was on a path now, far from the cave, surrounded by tall trees that provided shade.

Though none of the adventurers seemed comfortable with stopping, Mineta assured them they weren’t being followed. The fighter then helped the wizard lean against a nearby tree. She had stopped screaming by now. She seemed relieved to just be away from those monsters.

She and the swordsman sat on the ground as the priestess continued to hug Mineta. The fighter then moved forward, embracing their savior in a tight hug. She embraced the priestess, and Mineta, squeezing the short man between their breasts as he let out a muffled moan of contentment.

“You saved us. Thank you so much,” the fighter cried with tears in her eyes. “T-thank you.”

“We don’t even know your name.” The priestess pulled away from the other woman as Mineta smiled, still feeling their breasts against his body. “Who are you?”

“Me?” The priestess gently placed him on the ground as he grinned, pounding a hand against his chest. “The name’s Minoru Mineta, but you can just call me Mineta!”

“W-where did you come from?” the wizard groaned. “I-I saw you appear in a bright light, like-”

“You had been summoned from the heavens themselves,” the priestess gasped, eyes widening as Mineta scratched the back of his head.

“Er, well, I did hear you calling out for help, and I uh… Yeah.”

“You certainly don’t fight like anyone I’ve seen before,” the fighter commented. “How did you do… all of that?”

Mineta doubted there were Quirks in this world. He simply continued to smile at the girls, grinning toothily. “It’s a gift. Something only I can do, but don’t worry. I love using my gift to help beautiful women like yourselves.”

He saw the three women blush at his compliment, and he adored their reactions. They gave him the respect he deserved, the same kind of respect he got back home now that he-


Mineta had one hell of a poker face as he continued to smile, happily leading the group back to the town he hoped was ahead of them. He walked forward, silently wondering just how the hell he was supposed to get home.


The Shaman

Good stuff man