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My Hero Academia: Grape Rush Christmas Special. Mineta is on the hunt to expand his harem, but before he adds a new member, his harem decides to give him a special Christmas celebration. Includes: Harem


This was the first Christmas Mineta had ever had outside of Tokyo. The city would often be wild and bustling with life as people celebrated the treasured holiday, but today, Mineta woke inside a large house in a rural part of Japan.

Far from prying eyes and rushing cars. Essentially out in the middle of nowhere, but it was heaven for the young man. Because this was also going to be the first Christmas with his harem of twelve, beautiful lovers.

Mina, Momo, Nemuri, Toga, Toru, Jiro, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Camie, and all three female members of the Wild, Wild, Pussycats.

Was there a man alive living a better life than Mineta? He doubted it.

He woke up to the feeling of Mina poking and prodding his body.

“Hey. Hey. Wake up,” she whispered. He began to stir awake, before she pinched his nose, keeping him from breathing. He groaned, gently smacking her hand away as she giggled. “Merry Christmas, handsome.”

“Morning,” he grunted, stretching his limbs out as his first slave and lover smiled back at him. He blinked, before he grinned ear to ear. “Christmas!”

“Heheh, I hope our fun last night didn’t tucker you out too much,” Mina teased, standing up and letting Mineta get off the bed. The young man was completely naked, but he was too distracted to grab some clothes.

Mina was wearing a Santa themed dress on her body, letting it wrap tightly around her body, squeezing her breasts against her torso, lifting them up slightly as she smiled with purple lipstick painted on each plump lip. She even wore candy cane themed stockings, perfect for the Christmas season, before gesturing to a small bit of mistletoe wrapped around her horn.

“What do you think of my outfit, stud?” she winked, before gasping as she felt his hand grab onto her horn, firmly squeezing it as he pulled her in for a kiss. Their lips met and soon their tongues began to wrestle and fight, pushing against one another until the door opened.

Momo frowned, watching the two make out with her arms crossed below her chest. “Ahem,” she growled, catching both of their attention.

The two broke apart, a strand of saliva linking their mouths as Mina giggled, her eyes spinning as Mineta licked the purple smudge on his lips. It had a nice fruity flavor as he smiled at Momo.

She was wearing the same kind of dress as Mina, exposing her cleavage and long, shapely legs for their Master. Her cheeks were colored a subtle shade of red as she walked over.

“You were supposed to bring him out for the party. Not keep himself to yourself.”

Mina just laughed, sticking her tongue out at Momo before Mineta hopped off his bed in his birthday suit. He walked over and placed a hand on the back of Momo’s head, pulling her down into a kiss. Her frown quickly vanished as she pressed her scarlet lips against him, moaning as his tongue slipped into her mouth and slid around, exploring it.

The two pulled apart as Mina hugged Mineta, trapping his head between their large breasts when they stood up straight. He chuckled, enjoying the feeling of their soft flesh as the two smiled.

“Ready to celebrate Christmas, handsome?” Mina grinned.

Mineta grinned ear to ear, letting the two women wrap around his arms, before they escorted him into the living room where the rest of the harem waited. The Christmas tree was up, shining with lights with several presents under it. A feast was already splayed out on the dinner table, with many of the beautiful women enjoying the food.

Speaking of which, the women all turned their heads to stare at their Master, smiling and beaming at the sight of their naked Master.

“Merry Christmas, Master!” they shouted and declared, and before Mineta knew it, he was pulled into the arms of the beautiful and gorgeous Midnight.

Nemuri pulled him close, pressing her ebony lips against his face, moaning into the kiss, before popping their lips apart. “Uh oh,” she teased, playing with his hair, letting him snuggle up between her soft tits. “Mistletoe,” she teased, brushing a finger against the small mistletoe-styled ribbon in her hair.

She then kissed him again and Mineta savored the taste of the beautiful, gorgeous superheroine’s lips. They made out, tongues dancing as his hands groped and squeezed her breasts. They pulled apart with a smile as Nemuri released Mineta, letting him mingle among his many lovers.

He walked up to Ochaco first, who blushed as she swallowed the water that was in her mouth and stood up straight. She wore the same sensual outfit the other women did, but she lacked their confidence.

“Um, h-hi. M-Master.” She wiped her mouth, smudging her pink lipstick as she pulled on the hem of her skirt, trying to cover her crotch, but exposing her breasts a bit more. “Um, m-merry Christmas! I hope I’m looking okay. I, ahh…”

Ochaco melted as she felt Mineta’s touch, pressing his hand against her crotch. Her legs trembled under her as a finger rubbed against her clit, pressed right against it.

“No panties?”

“D-didn’t want them to get i-in-eee!” Ochaco felt forward, pressing her breasts against Mineta as she moaned and writhed against him. “D-daah… The way.”

“Very considerate.” She spanked his ass, making her moan as he looked at the other women. “I think I’ll have you…” His eyes turned, glancing at Jiro as she stared at her Master, a small frown on her face. “And Jiro.”

“Huh? Me?” the woman blinked, eyes wide as the invisible Toru giggled.

“Good pick, Master! Jiro was totally worried you didn’t find her sexy enough!”

“Toru! What the hell, don’t tell him that!”

“But it’s true! You told me yesterday, remember?” the other woman teased as Mineta grinned, pulling Ochaco’s dress down as a finger slipped into her wet pussy.

She moaned loudly again, nearly falling to the ground as Mineta pulled on her. She followed him as he sat at the table, one hand still playing with her pussy as she laid her hands on him and leaned forward, barely able to support his weight.

He glanced at Jiro, who gulped, nodding her head as she quickly rushed over. Once she was close, his hand grabbed her dress and pulled on it, revealing her small breasts. Possibly the smallest of the group. She blushed as she looked away from his gaze, eyeing his cock with a trickle of drool going down her lip.

“Y-you don’t need to pity me, you know,” she huffed. “I know I’m not as sexy as the others. I-mmph!” He grabbed one of her ear-tendrils, pulling her towards him and mashing their lips together. Jiro moaned at his touch, and her hand quickly grabbed it, bouncing up and down the thick shaft as Ochaco rode Mineta’s fingers.

“I picked you cause I want you. Slut,” he teased, once the kiss was broken. One of Jiro’s tendrils stroked his cheek, before he sank to her knees, her lips pecking at his skin as she descended down to his hard cock.

Jiro leaned in close to wrap her lips, only to feel something holding her back. “Huh?” Mineta moaned as he felt the soft lips of one of his whores wrapped around his member, bobbing back and forth… but it wasn’t Jiro.

The dark-haired woman blinked, before frowning as she watched precum pool in the bottom of Toru’s mask, revealing her presence.

“Hey! Master picked me, damn it!”

“Toosh shlow!” a muffled voice replied, before she continued to bob her head up and down on the shaft, moaning at the taste as the veiny shaft throbbed inside of her. Jiro growled, before she moved down, kissing and dragging her tongue on her Master’s balls, feeling Toru’s breasts bumping into her.

Ochaco kissed her Master again, and their tongues danced as the other women began to sit at the table. Some tried to eat, but it was so hard to focus as they waited for their turn. Others, like Mina, began to openly touch themselves, shuddering as they waited for the chance to feel Mineta’s touch.

It didn’t take long for the women to mewl with pleasure, their hot breath brushing against Mineta’s body as his cock throbbed inside of Toru’s head. She felt his precum sliding down his throat, pooling in her tummy as her head moved faster. Saliva and precum clung to her face as Jiro kissed and licked Mineta’s balls, sucking on them as the cock throbbed… and the two women moved back to be coated in a thick load of cum from their Master.

The invisible woman was now covered in tits to head in cum, only to moan as Jiro began to kiss and lick her, sharing the semen between them as they made out under the table. Ochaco soon came as well, shuddering as her juices slid down her legs, her mind fried from the orgasm her Master gave her, and all without his cock even touching the brunette.

Mineta grinned, pushing Ochaco back with a finger, and she fell into Momo’s arms as she giggled weakly, a smile on her face. Before Mineta could do anything, though, a tongue shot out and wrapped around his body, pulling him over the table and into Tsuyu’s arms.

“Mmmhm, and now I get my turn, right, Master?” the woman asked, dragging a finger along his naked chest. “You’re going to turn me into your slut, right, honey?”

“H-hey!” Tsuyu stood up from her seat, glaring at her copy. “Toga! You can’t imitate me like that!”

“Hm? Why not?” The Tsu that held Mineta began to melt, revealing the ex-villain underneath. Yet her tongue was still wrapped around Mineta as she giggled. “I can copy your Quirk. Why not your face? I’ll wear whatever face my Master wants.”

“How is she talking so well with her tongue out?” Mina muttered, glaring at the ex-villain as Toga released Mineta.

“Grrr, why don’t we just share?” Tsu leaped out of her seat, landing in front of Mineta and Toga as the two smiled.


The other women cheered the two girls on as they shared Mineta between them. Mineta sat on a chair with the women kneeling at his feet, his cock snugly placed between their tits. They moved up and down, rubbing their soft flesh against him as he moaned and panted, feeling them spit and kiss the bulbous head.

Both Toga and Tsu’s tongues stretched out, wrapping around the tip of the cock as the other slaves moved closer, forming a half circle as spit and saliva coated the head of Mineta’s dick. The two happily licked the tip, moaning as their nipples pressed against one another.

Soon they were even kissing, wrapping their tongues around the other before pulling each other into a kiss. The tips of the long tongues explored the other’s mouth as Mineta’s cock throbbed, and it began to shoot out like a geyser by the two.

Cum shot out and rained down upon their heads, splattering against their hair. The two moaned loudly, panting as their hard nipples pushed into the other. The other women made good use of Mineta’s cum, holding out their cups and catching at least some of the thick cum batter in them.

The women giggled and moaned, clinking their drinks against the others as Tsu and Toga were pulled away and replaced.

And who better to replace them than the newest women to join Mineta’s harem?

“Your feline fantasies have arrived, Master!”

“Willing to give Master a helping paw!”

“Perfectly cute, cat-like girls!”

“We’re the Wild, Wild, Pussycats!” the three cheered, posing in red, white, and green colored bikinis for their Master. Midnight stood with them, struggling to find her own pose as the three beamed.

Mineta certainly appreciated the show as the three catgirls quickly surrounded him, covering him in kisses as he felt their nails gently scratching at his body.

“Meow, when am I getting that litter of kittens to call my own, Master?” Ryuko whined, before she kissed Mineta’s face with Shino.

“Be patient, Ryuko. Master can do what he wants, when he wants,” Shino smiled, before adding a quick telepathic message. A series of images of Master fucking her tight, wet cunt, pulling on her hair, marrying her, and raising their own litter together.

“Mmhm!” Tomoko added, already sucking on Mineta’s cock, bobbing her head up and down.


Soon the three women were sharing Mineta, all while Midnight stripped and dance for her king, showing off her beautiful body in an erotic dance. Speaking of her king, Mineta sat on a stone throne that Ryuko made for him. Momo made a soft cushion and some decorated cloth to add to it, making Mineta look like a proper king as the blonde bounced up and down on his cock.

“Ahhh! Ahhh!”

The passionate moans and screams of the women rang out throughout the large house. Tomoko was bouncing on his cock, panting as she felt the thick member penetrate and fill her pussy with just one thrust.

She rode him with a wide grin on her face as Mineta spanked her ass, letting her cheeks jiggle as Shino kneeled under her ally, feeling her pussy juices falling on her face as she kissed and licked Mineta’s balls. All the while she and Mineta shared their own personal conversation, trading sexual fantasies to the other.

Ryuko whined where she kneeled, kissing Mineta’s leg, before humping it, rubbing her pussy against the toned limb.

“Ahh! Lucky ha, ha, w-whooores! I wanted his cock!” the blonde scowled, glaring at her teammates.

“You snooze, you lose!” Tomoko replied with a snicker, before she moaned loudly as Mineta’s cock throbbed inside of her. “Ahhh! Master!” She kissed Mineta’s face, tearing his gaze away from the dancing Midnight and making him focus on her.

Their tongues met, licking and pressing against one another as Mineta came inside of Tomoko. Globs of cum came raining down on Ryuko, who moved her head up to slurp cum right out of her teammates’ cum-filled cunt.


The other women were left panting, each of them with cum inside or on them, coated onto their tits, inside their mouths, dripping out of their pussies. That left Camie, Midnight, Mina, and Momo to share their Master, each of them laying on top of one another with Midnight on the bottom and the three younger women on top of her.

“Selfie!” Camie beamed, laying on top of Midnight as she took a picture of herself.

“Please don’t post that,” Momo sighed, laying on top of Camie.

“Quit keep us waiting!” Mina huffed, and Mineta grinned as Ochaco tapped his shoulders, turning him weightless as he floated towards Mina, his first lover. He slammed his cock inside of her, listening to her loud moans as she felt his cock pounding into her.

His arms grabbed her arms, pulling them back as he fucked her, slamming into her again and again as she felt her orgasm come rushing closer. Then Mineta pulled out and pulled himself towards Momo, forcing his shaft into her, fucking her again She moaned loudly, feeling her large breasts sliding along Camie’s back as the blonde whimpered.

“My turn, my turn, my turn! Come on, Master!”

“W-wa-aah! Wait your t-turn! I was h-here before y-yooooh!” Momo came on Mineta’s cock, which caused Mina to whine.

“Ahh?! How come she got to cum!?”

Mineta ignored her whines as Mineta climbed along the tower of bimbos, coming to Camie’s face as his lips met Momo’s in a quick kiss.

“Oooh? For me? Hashtag: Blessed!” Camie beamed, pressing her plump lips against the head of the cock before she began to suck on it, feeling it pin down her tongue and slide down her throat.

She sucked on the cock, leaving pink rings on it from her lipstick as the cock pumped back and forth inside of her throat. Camie moaned loudly, feeling drool and precum dripping down her face and onto Midnight’s head, before Mineta pulled out.

“Ahh! Oh, come on! I barely got some!” she cried, wriggling under the other two women as Mineta pulled himself down and gave the slick, glistening shaft to Midnight.

The proud heroine beamed, happily taking the cock and sucking on it, pressing her black lips against the shaft as she stared up at her Master. Mineta fucked the famed hero’s face, slamming his balls against her chin as his cock pulsed inside of her mouth… and shot another load of cum out, right down the mouth of the beautiful woman.


Mineta took a deep breath and sighed as he felt Mina and Camie sharing his cock between them. He smiled as he rested his head on his hands, watching the other women lying around him, covered inside and out in his seed.

He chuckled at the sight as Mina pressed her purple lips against his cock.

“Hey!” she growled, pulling her lips off. “You’re not bored, are you?”

Mineta chuckled, petting Camie and Mina’s heads. The latter moan as his fingers brushed against her horn.

“No. Just thinking about how small my harem is.”

“Small? Aren’t there, like, twelve of us or something?” Camie asked, squeezing the shaft between her tits. “How many women do you want?”

“You really need to ask, bimbo?” Mina smiled. “He wants every sexy babe he can have.”

Mineta’s cock throbbed between them, firing his cum down onto the two whores as they moaned loudly, feeling his cum caking their faces.

“Ahh, well, you still have all of us. Just don’t forget who you picked first, okay?” Mina cooked, licking the cum off her lips as Mineta smiled.

“I won’t.” And he meant it, but a new year was on its way. New year, new beautiful women to seduce and corrupt.

Next one he added to his harem… He was thinking of someone a bit older. A MILF who would soon love him more than her own son.



Hmm… so it could be Mitsuki, Inko, or Rei? Mitsuki and Inko are hot but if he goes for Rei she can help him with Fuyumi and have a hot threesome with them!


I'm kind of leaning towards Rei, Mitsuki, Inko, and then Rei and Fuyumi, but the order might change. :)


So he completes the MILF collection then goes for Fuyumi? Haha sounds great! Looking forward to reading it when it’s time!