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Marvel: Flash Thompson Ch 2. Flash continues to enjoy himself with She-Hulk and Black Widow. Afterwards though, he meets the first Wasp, an attractive MILF named Janet. The lonely, recently divorced woman is eager to get to know all about Flash. Includes: Older Woman/Younger Man, Harem, NTR(?)


MODOK had been defeated. A two pronged strike from a team of Avengers both inside and out the AIM base spelled out his defeat. The inside team was made up of She-Hulk, Agent Venom, and Black Widow while the outside team was made up of Spider-Girl, Wasp, and Captain America. The six heroes defeated MODOK and saved the day…

So why was Spider-Girl so pissed?

Oh, right. The alien symbiote she brought to Earth was riding some poor bastard, dooming him like it almost doomed her…

She still remembered being shot off to Battleworld, fighting alongside the X-men and Avengers against an alliance of villains because of the Beyonder. One ripped outfit later, and suddenly Petra Parker was wearing a skintight black suit.

A suit that nearly led to her, Eddie, and so many others nearly being killed.

The Venom Symbiote was her fault, and every terrible thing it did was on her. If that suit consumed this ‘Agent Venom’ character, that was another poor bastard she had hurt.

Her fault. Her mistake. Her responsibility.

She glared at the man as he spoke to She-Hulk and Black Widow, trying to listen in on them, only for Captain America to touch her shoulder.

“Mind helping me move some prisoners, Brooklyn?”

“Aye, aye, Captain,” Petra grumbled, nodding her head as the two walked off, leaving the other team on their own.

“Agent Venom,” Captain America called out to the young man, catching his attention.

“Yes, sir?”

“Nice work. Nathasha and Jennifer spoke highly of you.”

“T-thanks, Captain America. Sir!” Flash was beaming under the symbiote as he watched one of the greatest heroes ever walking away. Of course, that wasn’t the only person there that caught his attention.

There was Spider-Girl. The greatest hero… ever. The woman that inspired him to be the man he was today. She was so cool. He just wished he could actually talk to her. Despite all of his time as Agent Venom, he still wasn’t able to hold an actual conversation with her.

He felt the Venom Symbiote twitching against his skin. He fought the urge to lick his lips as he stared at his idol.

Spider-Girl was brave, strong, and just… spectacular, but there was something else she was. She was hot. Super hot. She had a gorgeous body with long, thick legs that led to motherly, sexy hips. Her butt was so round and perky, almost heart-shaped under her skintight outfit. Said outfit hugged her body, outlining her petite chest and slender shoulders…

Fuck, she was so hot.

“Hey, loverboy. Eyes on the prize,” She-Hulk teased, patting his butt. “Keep looking at her and we might start getting jealous.” Flash looked at the woman, watching as she licked her lips and smiled. “What you did back there… That was something else, and I don’t mean how you beat MODOK.”

She glanced at Black Widow, who looked away with a small frown. “And don’t worry about Nat. She loved what you did. She’s just shy.” The jade giantess chuckled

“I…” Natasha opened her mouth, only to seal her ruby lips. “We will talk about this later, Agent Venom.” She turned and walked away from him and She-Hulk, who chuckled again.

“Got to love that attitude of hers.” She held up a hand and gave Flash a quick salute. “I’ll see you later, Mr. Agent. Maybe we can finish what we started.”

“Heh… Y-yeah. Sure,” he replied, nodding his head as she watched She-Hulk walk after Natasha, their asses swaying back and forth together, waving goodbye to the young man.

He was so enthralled by them, he didn’t notice the pair of eyes staring at him, admiring him...


The ride back to Avengers Tower took a long while, giving Flash plenty of time to talk to his partner. He sat on their bed, watching as the Symbiote peeled off of his and sat on his lap with a pair of shapely legs.

This was a new trick of hers, but the Venom Symbiote was able to form a small body for itself as long as it kept touching Flash. So now the soldier was staring at a buxom, hourglass shaped woman sitting on him, smiling at him with a big, toothy maw.

He had never seen She-Venom in person, but he imagined this is what she would look like. He gulped, feeling her hands sliding over his bare chest.

“Mmhm, what you did to those two sluts… It was so hot.”

“What… was that, though? I’ve never felt that kind of craving before.”

“Haven’t you?” Venom pouted, her voice sounding so familiar, yet the way she growled and hissed made it hard to tell. “You used to stared at Puny Petra the same way.”

“Why the hell are you bringing up the geek?” he wondered.

“You used to stare at her fat ass… Her and her little girlfriend, Gwen Stacey. You dreamed of fucking both of them like whores…”

Flash blushed at the statement. Venom was totally right, but still… “But what was that? You made me fuck two Avengers,” he growled.

“Make you? No, no, no. You wanted to, Flash. We wanted to,” she growled. She pressed a hand against his chest and pushed him down, pinning him as her white eyes stared into his. “We loved it…” Drool dripped from her lips and teeth, dropping down on Flash’s face, before she stretched out her tongue and licked his cheek.

“You know, Flash, we’ve had a lot of hosts over the years, but you… You are definitely my favorite. The hottest, sexiest man I’ve ever bonded with. Mmmhm, I can show you things I never showed my previous hosts, Master.”

“Master?” Flash blinked. “T-that’s new.”

“But not undeserved, stud…”

Venom pinned Flash down, her legs on either side of him as her hands stroked his muscular body. She leaned in closer, dragging her tongue along his cheek as he gulped. “I feel your arousal… I know-”

A knock on the door.

“B-be there in a minute!” he shouted, before glaring at the symbiote. She rolled her eyes, before licking her teeth and melting back into his body. He felt her blend with his skin, before he got up, standing on his prosthetic legs.

He walked towards the door and opened it, finding another famous hero on the other side of his door.

The Wasp. Janet Van Dyne. One of the founders of the Avengers. Flash blinked, staring back at her as she smiled at him in her skintight black and yellow outfit.

“Getting comfortable, Mr. Venom?”

“Uh…” Flash blinked, before glancing down. Venom wasn’t covered in body, meaning he was standing in front of Wasp in his underwear. “Oh. Oh, I am so sorry!”

“Don’t worry about it. Trust me, you’re not the first man I’ve seen barely clothed. When Hank was still trying to work out the Pym Particles, clothes were a bit tricky too.”

“Uh… Y-yeah,” he muttered. “So, can I help you, ma’am?”

“No need to call me ma’am. It’s just Janet when we’re alone. And you are?” Her eyes were traveling up and down Flash’s body, clearly checking him out as he blushed.

“Eugene, I-I mean, Thompson. Flash! My name’s Flash.” There went his secret identity.

He wasn’t sure what was worse. Was it the fact that he was talking to one of the most famous superheroes in the world or the fact that he was doing so without clothes on? Or was it the fact that Janet was… super hot.

The heroine had the same hourglass figure so common among the superhero community. Full breasts, wide hips, a thin waist… Actually kind of waspish, which just made her ass and tits even bigger. She had short hazel hair that stopped just over her shoulders as she licked her ebony-colored lips, stepping forward.

And her clothes. She wore a strapless yellow dress that clung to her skin, accenting her heaving breasts and wide, motherly hips. The dress stretched down enough that it covered her crotch, with skin tight leggings being the only other thing she wore. The fabric accented her natural beauty as Flash gulped, feeling his heart racing.

Flash stepped back, blinking as she closed the door behind her.

“I wanted to talk to you. You saved my friends. That kind of thing really woos a woman.”

“Heh. Well, the Flash always knows how to show off to the ladies.” When push came to shove, Flash put up a front. Confidence. Arrogance, even. Didn’t matter. Just act cool.

“Oh? Yeah, I bet you impressed a lot of ladies growing up.”

“I was the big man on campus, baby. Still am. Star quarterback into the army, turned superhero.”

“Mmhm.” Janet placed a hand on Flash’s bare chest, gently sliding her fingers along his muscles. Flash could feel his heart racing as her hand stroked his body. “Quite the man.”

“Yeah, I, ah… Yeah.” He blinked. Was this really happening? Seriously?! Was she flirting with him?

He felt Venom’s growls in his ear. There were no words, just… a hunger.

“Um, Mrs Wasp, what-?”

“Please. Call me Janet,” she replied. “And it’s Miss now anyways.” She looked away, letting out a soft sigh. “You might have heard recently about my divorce with Hank?”

“Oh. Y-yeah. Sorry.” He had heard the rumors. They used to be one of the world’s biggest power couples, and now, well, there were plenty of rumors about what had happened.

“It’s not nearly as sensational as the tabloids say,” Janet chuckled, practically reading his mind. “Hank just has a bath time focusing. When it came down between me and his work, he picked… Well, you can guess.”

“That… that really sucks.” He mentally cursed himself. He never was good with words. “I mean, you’re so damn hot.” Janet raised her brow as Flash scratched the back of his head. “I mean, I loved you when I was young, and looking at you face to face? You’ve still got it.”


“Yeah!” Flash grinned, forming a square with his two hands. He looked at her through it, as if he had a camera. “You’re totally hot. Your hair, your br-body. Your body, a-and your legs.”

Janet giggled, posing for Flash, placing one hand behind the back of her head and the other on her hip. She blew a kiss to the young man as his face turned red.

“I bet you even made that outfit yourself.”

“I did. How’d you know?”

“I was kind of a big fan of yours when I was young. One of my favorite heroes growing up,” he explained. “You made a bunch of your own costumes. Plus you got your own fashion line. Van Dyne Designs. I, uh… like your jackets.”

“Aww. You’re sweet. A regular lady charmer, I bet.”

“Heh. Uh, t-thanks.”


Janet Van Dyne was called impulsive in the past by many people. She tended to agree with that statement, honestly, and even took pride in it. When she had come into this room to speak to the newly formed superhero, she just wanted to do some harmless flirting. Maybe ask him out for a date.

It was all just good fun. She’d ask the young stud out for a date, amaze him and make him blush, and in return she’d get to be lavished with praise and compliments. Something she had been thirsty for while married to Hank.

Hank was a good man. Despite all of his flaws and bad rumors surrounding him, he was a good man who was genuinely trying his best to get his life together. He just… wasn’t the partner Janet wanted.

She needed a more romantic man. A man who knew how to treat her, to help her see that this body of hers was still beautiful and sexy.

She wasn’t getting any younger. Yesterdayshe found a grey hair. Tomorrow she’d find a wrinkle. The day after…

But this man. Flash Thompson. Not only was he hotter than she imagined, he was a fan that clearly appreciated her for more than just her beauty. Though she was very beautiful…

Janet leaned closer, letting her breasts press against his body. “Tell me, Mr. Thompson, do you like older women?” Flash’s mouth opened, but he said nothing for a moment as he recalled a cherished memory.


A few weeks after he had turned eighteen. He had visited Petra Parker house. The little geeky girl was off hanging out with some friends, which was fine by the Flash. He had someone else he wanted to visit.

The doors opened and there she was. May Parker. Petra’s aunt and maternal figure, wearing a nightgown that barely covered her body. She smiled at him, brushing a lock of hazel hair from her eyes as she reached a hand out to him, hooking a finger on his collar.

“Hey, Mr. Thompson. I hope you still remember our deal.”

“Haven’t bothered Petra in weeks, Miss Parker.”

“Good boy, and good boys, get great rewards,” she grinned, pulling Flash into her house and pressing his lips against hers. Flash Thompson kissed back, of course, stepping into the widow’s home and rocking her world, just like he had the last few weeks.


Flash pulled Janet into a kiss and she melted into the embrace. She remembered how many times she had kissed Hank, and none of them were like this. The passion, the fire, the skill…

His tongue entered her mouth, moving along the inside and leaving her legs trembling. She moaned into the kiss, heart racing as her breasts pressed against his body. One of her legs bent at the knee as she threw her arms around him to intensify the kiss…

The two broke apart as Janet panted, staring the handsome man in the eyes. “Take me,” she whispered. “I want a real man. I want-ahhh!”

A hand pressed against her pussy, rubbing against her clit through her clothes. “With pleasure.” Black tendrils slithered out of Flash’s back and Janet gasped as they pulled at her clothes.

They didn’t rip and tear them, though. They were gentle, even petting and stroking her bare skin as she moaned quietly. The clothes, even her underwear, came off quickly and easily as Janet was stripped naked in just a few moments. The clothes were then placed on the ground and she smiled at the thoughtful man.

“My, my. What a gentleman. Well, I hope I don’t disappoint.” She posed for him, showing off her beautiful body as Flash admired every detail.

Her long legs, her large breasts, her perky, bouncy butt…

“Well, what do you think, hands-oh!” His tentacles wrapped around her, pulling her close and letting their bodies bump into one another. Her nipples pressed against his chest as she blushed. “My, you are forward.”

“Thanks.” The tentacles lifted Janet up, wrapping around her legs and arms and hoisting her off of her feet. “Whoo! Ahahah, this is a nice trick!”

“Thanks. Want to see another?” Flash’s underwear vanished, melting into a black slime and into his body.

Janet blinked, before giggling. “Are you always naked under that suit?”

“That’s for me and my partner to know and for you to find out,” he replied, before he took his hardening cock in hand, stroking his fingers over it to help it get to full length.

The tendrils pulled her legs, and Janet happily let them, spreading them apart to reveal her already wet pussy. She watched with hungry eyes as Flash’s cock grew harder, soon thick and hard and… really big.

“You… you have a nice cock,” she complimented.

“Thanks. Coming from you, that's pretty awesome.” Flash rubbed the back of his neck, a blush on his face as the tendrils bumped Janet’s pussy against his stomach. “Yeah, yeah, I hear you, partner,” the man muttered.

Flash took her hips in hand and pressed his cock against her pussy, pushing his dick inside of her and letting her moan loudly. She arched her body, wriggling in the tendrils’ grasp as her body trembled with pleasure. She moaned quietly, placing a hand over her mouth to hold back her own cries.

Flash grinned at the sight of the famous hero on his dick and without even moving his hands he began to fuck her. He pushed his hard cock deeper inside of her, listening to her moans and cries as he felt her warm and tight embrace.

The man moaned at the sensation, placing a hand on her breast and squeezing it as he pumped his hips faster. He even moved his hips, making sure his cock would press against every inch of her pussy. She screamed and moaned into her hand, drool dripping from her mouth as she felt waves of pleasure go through her.

“F-fuck! Y-you fuck. So. F-fuck-ee! Good!”

Hank had never treated her like this. Flash knew how to treat a woman. He knew how to make her feel good and when the hard tip of his cock pressed against her G-spot she nearly screamed again.

It had been so long since she felt this good. She happily bounced on his cock, eyes rolling into her head as she mewled with pleasure. She was already on the verge of cumming. She was out of practice, sure, but Flash… His cock felt so good as he fucked her faster, pounding her insides as the wet smack echoed through the room.

She flexed her muscles, tightening her pussy around his shaft. “Ahh! Ahh! Ahhh!” His entire shaft pounded her insides as her pussy squirted out their mixed precum. She let out one more muffled scream, before she came on his cock, squeezing down on it and feeling him throb inside of her.

The tendrils moved Janet closer to her, pushing her into a clumsy and messy kiss with the younger man as he came inside of her, firing jets of his cum into her pussy, letting his seed coat her insides as her body convulsed and trembled…

His tongue stretched out into her mouth, licking along her teeth before pulling back into his mouth. She felt globs of his cum clinging to her insides, even dripping out from her tight pussy as his voice growled into her ear.

“We want more, Janet… We want all of you.”

“Yes… Have it. T-take it all,” she replied, a weak giggle escaping her lips as her body began to move once more. The tendrils moved her back and forth, fucking her on his cock as her moans began again.


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