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Here you go, folks!

Smash: Sora has finally arrived! He gets to know some of the other Smash characters, but it is Bayonetta who finds herself interested in the young man the most. She decides to corrupt him and to turn him into her little pet... only to find that she has bitten off far, far more than she can chew. Includes: Harem, Dom/sub, Femdom to Maledom


Bayonetta remembered when she was first given an invitation into Smash. She had been honored, though she had to admit it took them longer than she would have liked. Still, she was happy to participate in the tournament.

It was fun. There were so many powerful fighters, and so many innocent souls to tease and corrupt. Pit and his twin looked like a pair of especially delicious treats to eat up, but Palutena made things clear that if Bayonetta tried anything with the two beyond a standard fight, there would be hell to pay.

And as confident as Bayonetta was that she could put the naughty goddess in her place, she didn’t really want to have to deal with an entire kingdom of angels from another world. The angels of her world were more than enough.

So she played nice amongst the other Smash fighters, participating in group fights and one on one duels, even a few free for alls, and it was fun, but it wasn’t the kind of fun she really wanted. There was just something special about corrupting and dominating an innocent and pure soul, but there wasn’t much to nibble on here.

Between the Princesses being extra protective of their men around her, the men who cared more about working out than a beautiful woman like her,there just wasn’t much selection. Well, there was Kirby, but not even Bayonetta was reckless enough to tackle something that powerful.

Not to mention there was that interruption that ruined all their fun. Galeem and Dharkon had ruined the Smash tournament with their attack, but things had finally begun to calm down.

Now there were more fighters than ever, but there was only one that caught Bayonetta’s attention.

His name was Sora. Apparently he and Kirby ran into each other during the latter’s adventure and he joined in the quest to save everyone. A sweet boy, a hero, without a doubt, but one that didn’t seem to have any mentor or partner with him.

He was all alone, and Bayonetta couldn’t fight this hunger in the pit of her stomach. He was just so innocent and cute. She just wanted to sink her teeth into him…

That led her to the here and now. She and several other fighters were watching Sora fight through a large television screen. It was a free for all, with Sora facing off against Link, Lucina, Cloud, and Sephiroth.

“Man, look at them go,” Falco commented. “Almost as fast as me.”

“Like you’d last five seconds in there,” Fox laughed, elbowing his teammate. “Especially without a sword.”

“That Sora kid is in there and he’s doing fine.”

“He said it's a Keyblade,” Fox commented. “That counts, right?”

“How the hell does he cut anything?” Falco replied.

Bayonetta ignored the two’s bickering as she watched the fight continue. The fight was coming to an end soon. Link and Lucina were knocked out of bounds, leaving Sora, Cloud, and Sephiroth to fight one another.

The Umbra Witch knew that the latter two were both powerful fighters, with Sephiroth having a rather impressive power to him, but as she watched, she began to notice that Sora was… their equal.

No. He was surpassing them.

Sora was fast enough to avoid their attacks, and considering that Cloud and Sephiroth had their own grudge against one another, Sora was able to keep them fighting against one another and keep himself away from danger. Any attack they threw at him, he was able to recover from.

Then Cloud made a mistake, and he was sent flying off the stage with one strike from Sephiroth. The One Winged angel held his sword towards Sora, who smiled, resting his Keyblade on his shoulder.

He was confident. Stupid, but confident.

Sephiroth charged forward, blade in hand as Pit stomped his feet and pointed at the screen.

“B-banana! Sora’s got-”

With one quick throw, Sephiroth lost his footing and stumbled, leaving him completely open to one powerful strike from Sora’s weapon. The silver-haired man was sent flying off the stage, leaving Sora the winner.

“Way to go, Sora!” Pit shouted, cheering for his new best friend as the other fighters applauded Sora’s hard fought victory. Bayonetta quietly clapped her hands, a smile on her lips as Sora smiled for the camera.

He was such a pure and innocent soul. He practically radiated light and sunshine and puppies.

Oh, yes. He’d be very fun to break.


“Good game, Sora,” Lucina smiled, shaking Sora’s hand.

“Thanks! You too! You’ve got to show me some of your moves,” he grinned, before he shook Link’s hand. “And Link, you gotta teach me how to use that shield! I’ve never seen someone pull off moves like you did with one!”

Link smiled and nodded his head, before the brown-haired man walked over to Sephiroth and Cloud. “Hey, good fight you two. Guess that’s three times I beat you, huh, Sephiroth?”

The man growled, but he said nothing as Cloud glanced at Sora. The two locked eyes for a moment as Sora’s teeth gleamed.

“Better luck next time, Cloud.”

“Yeah. Next time.”

The fighters began to leave the stage as Bayonetta entered it, walking towards the three men. “Excuse me, boys, but mind if I steal the winner away?”

“Fine by me,” Sephiroth grunted, shoving Cloud aside as he walked away from Sora. Cloud didn’t say anything, only shaking his head as he walked after Lucina and Link.

Sora was smiling as he looked at Bayonetta, but then again, when wasn’t he smiling? Even when a woman almost a foot taller than him was standing before him, looking down at him with an almost predatory gaze, he smiled.

He kept his head craned back, respectfully staring into her eyes as she smiled.

“So, Miss Bayonetta, what did you want to talk about?”

“Please, call me Bayonetta. I’m not that old, young man.”

“Oh! Sorry,” Sora chuckled and Bayonetta waved her hand in the air.

“Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to talk to you in private.I’d love a chance to get to know you.”

“Hey, I love making new friends,” Sora beamed. “Let’s go!”


The two were walking through Radiant Garden together, walking by the simple townspeople. After Kirby and the others defeated the Lords of Light and Darkness, the worlds were healed and the people returned to their natural place. Of course, for individuals like Sora that made a hobby of traveling from one world to another, this meant little change.

Besides for the Smash Tournament the worlds were practically open borders with one another. People could come and go as they pleased, eager to explore another world.

“So you’re from a little place called Destiny Islands?”

Sora nodded his head. “Yep! After my friends and I beat Xehanort, I’ve mostly been focusing on becoming a Keyblade Master and being a normal man. Learning how to drive is a lot easier than learning how to pilot the Gummi Ship,” he joked.

“Mmhm. You’ve had quite a life.”

“Thanks,” Sora beamed, before he snapped his fingers. “Oh, hey. Do you want to see pictures of my friends?” he asked, taking out his Gummiphone. “We take a lot of selfies together,” he confessed with just a hint of red on his cheeks.

“Sure,” Bayonetta nodded her head, glancing forward as she subtly began to lead him to a more secluded part of the city.

“Here’s Donald and Goofy, Riku, Xion, oh! Here’s my girlfriend, Namine!” Sora held the picture up to Bayonetta’s face and she stared at the innocent image.

Sora was with a woman by his side, a red-haired woman that hugged his arm. Both of them were blushing as Bayonetta held back a laugh.

Oh, puppy love. How sweet. She almost felt bad for what she was about to do. It wasn’t like she was going to steal Sora from his little lover.

“Well, aren’t you two cute?”

“Thanks. She means a lot to me.” Sora came to a stop, before he looked around, noticing that the two were in a dark alley together. Not even the sun’s setting rays reached them as he glanced at Bayonetta. “Huh, it's getting dark.”

“Afraid of the dark, Sora?”

“Nah. It’s just a natural part of the world. Just like the Light,” he replied with a shrug.. “Hey, wanna see some more pictures?”

“I think we can do something besides look at pictures,” she urged, placing a hand on his phone and trying to push it away. “Something a bit more personal.”

“Oh? What? You want me to fuck you?”

Bayonetta’s mouth hung open for a moment, caught on a word that she had already forgotten as she blinked. She stared down at Sora, her brow wrinkling for a moment. He had always seemed so innocent, hearing a naughty word from him was almost… bizarre. Like a paradox. She blinked as Sora’s smile changed and he leaned back against the wall.

“I really think you should see these pictures.” He held them up and she placed a finger on the screen. She slid her finger along it, revealing images of a much… more explicit nature.

“I was eighteen when I was whisked away from my home. Kairi was missing, my best friend betrayed me, but I did get to meet a lot of beautiful women.”

Bayonetta saw Sora fucking some Arabian princess, she saw him making love to some scholar in the middle of her tent, and she saw him between a beautiful brunette and very cute dark-haired woman.

“Aerith and Yuffie are still really good friends,” he chuckled, staring at the last image. “Ooh, this is a good one.” Bayonetta was frozen for a moment, still trying to understand what she saw as he turned the phone towards her again.

A large breasted dark-haired woman was bouncing on Sora’s cock. He was smiling for the camera as his hand pawed at her breast.

“Tifa used to have a thing for Cloud. Now, well, she doesn’t,” he chuckled, shrugging with a twisted grin.

“Y-your girlfriend-”

“Kairi? Oh, she knows all about it. Honestly, she loves being my top girl.” Another picture. Kairi and Sora were smiling for the camera as two women, one blond and one with black hair, kneeling before Sora, sharing his cock. The two women looked like siblings for Sora’s girlfriend.

“You… are not what I was expecting.”

“I get that a lot,” Sora chuckled. “But that’s why you brought me here, right?”

Bayonetta stared into Sora’s eyes, before she chuckled. She brought a hand to her soft lips as she smiled down at him.

“Oh, you are going to be very fun to break.”

“Break?” Sora tilted his head.

“Oh, yes. So confident. So arrogant.” Her clothing vanished from her body, revealing her naked figure. Sora smiled, hooking his thumbs into his pants. “Let’s play, you naughty boy. Try not to get hurt.”

He pulled his pants down, revealing his hardening cock. Bayonetta blinked, her lips forming into a small circle. She widened it slightly as she realized just how big the young man’s dick was. It was throbbing, veiny, already hard from Sora’s walk down memory lane.

“Let’s go.”


Bayonetta sat on top of Sora, pinning him down with one hand on his naked chest. She dug her claws into him as she thrusted her hips down, feeling the tip of his cock against her wet slit. She took in a deep breath, cooing at the bulbous head, before she pushed herself down.

“Ahh, what an adorable cock you have, Sora. Care to try unlocking this keyhole?”

“Every bad pun you’ve thought of, someone else has already sa-aah,” Sora moaned as he felt Bayonetta’s tight pussy wrapped around his cock. She squeezed his member, slowly sliding lower down his dick.

“Mmhm, then let me make something clear. If you call me Mistress, you’ll get this kind of treatment. Every. Single. Day. If I feel like it,” she teased, dragging her sharp nails along his chest.

“Sounds nice, but if you admit to being my slut, I’ll just fuck you whether you’ve been good or not. Only question is, ahh, if you want it hard and fast, or nice and loving.”

“You’re so sweet,” Bayonetta replied. Her hair stretched down, coiling behind her and stroking against Sora’s balls. “I like sweets.”

“Ahh,” Sora grunted as he felt her soft hair stroking his balls. Her hands were stroking his bare chest now, tracing his muscles.

“I like eating sweet things like you all up, and sucking you dry.” She moved her hips faster, squeezing his shaft with her pussy.

She had to admit, Sora was… different. His cock was certainly bigger in size than most, but he lacked the skill to use it. He might have been with many women, but he didn’t have the experience that Bayonetta did.

Sora  threw his head back as she squeezed her pussy, and she laughed. “Oh, what’s wrong, darling? Going to cum for mommy?”

The brown-haired man moaned as Bayonetta took his entire shaft. She moved her hips back and forth, letting the cock explore her pussy… Before his hands suddenly grabbed her hips. She raised her brow, before her ride began to rebel against her.


What was this? Sora was lifting her up and down, pounding her pussy faster and harder than she could have expected. His dick reached down inside of her cunt, pressing against her G-spot. Bayonetta gasped, trembling around the cock as she scratched at his body.

“S-slow down!” She let it out. She hadn’t thought about it. She cursed Sora for a moment as he smiled up at her.

She hated his smug face, and without a single word, she activated Witch Time. Her speed was increased to the point that Sora might as well have been moving in slow motion. She pulled his hands off of her body, and slowly stood up on shaky legs.

“That was close… You’ve got a bit more fight to you than I thought, shortstuff… What?” She blinked, watching as Sora’s lips slowly moved. With every passing moment, she could hear Sora’s voice growing louder.


Bayonetta blinked, before she was brought down to her knees. “AHHHHH!” Pleasure hit her like an explosion. A fire inside of her that was going supernova, as she felt a wave of ecstasy overcome her entire body. Sora stood in front of her as she gasped for air, drool dripping down her lip and cum dripping from her pussy.

“W-what did you…?”

“Froze time and fucked you for a few minutes,” he replied, and Bayonetta felt cum spewing out of her cunt. She tried to stand, only to stumble and hit the wall, panting as she tried to catch her breath.


“I don’t think so. Unless you want to admit I’m superior?” he asked, raising his brow as she wiped drool from her lip.



“AHHHH! Oh, fuck, fuck, fuuuck! I-I’m cumming! I-ahhh!” Her scarlet lipstick was smeared on her face as Sora pinned her against the wall. He kissed her lips, ruining her makeup further as tears fell down her face. Her legs were bent back, bouncing beside her bobbing head. She drooled as she came once more.

She had cum several times, and Sora was just behind her. He grabbed her hair, pulling her into another bruising kiss as his hips continued to plow into her. He slammed his cock in and out of Bayonetta as her large breasts bounced on her chest.

“How many times is that? You’ve cum a dozen times? Maybe thirteen?” he chuckled, and Bayonetta replied with a loud moan. His hand grabbed her breast, squeezing it painfully, before he pinched her nipple and twisted it.

She moaned loudly, pussy quivering around his shaft as he growled. Despite his small size, Sora was crushing Bayonetta between him and the stone wall behind her. He pounded her cunt, letting his balls smack against her pussy as the older woman’s eyes rolled into her skull.

“You want my cum?” he asked, pulling harder on her hair, knocking her back into reality. “Then say it.”

Bayonetta tried to think about her pride. About how many she had left broken beneath her heel. She tried to think, but that was just impossible as Sora’s cum churned inside of her womb.

“Ma-mahh… Master!” she screamed, eyes rolling into her skull as she felt his cum filling her pussy once more.

It flowed over her insides, drowning her womb in his seed as a voice called out to her newly christened Master.


“Oh, hey, Kairi!” He greeted his girlfriend with a smile, still balls deep inside of the taller woman. The scarlet-haired woman walked over to her boyfriend, embracing him and even giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“I see you made a new friend,” she teased.

“Yeah. This is Bayonetta.”

“Well, hello there,” Kairi smiled, waving at the woman as she let out a silent moan. Kairi leaned forward, catching the corner of Bayonetta’s lips with a kiss. “I wanted to ask you what you wanted for dinner tonight.”

“Oh, hmm… Anything you had in mind?” Sora asked, leaning forward and resting his head on Bayonetta’s breasts.

“I don’t know. Maybe we can eat at that new place in Twilight Town?”

“The new place Scrooge bought?” Kairi nodded her head and Sora smiled. The two leaned closer and kissed one another, ignoring Bayonetta’s whimpers. “Sounds good.”

“Yay! Are you busy right now?”

“Nah, we can go do it now,” Sora replied, pulling his cock out and letting the woman’s body fall to the hard floor. She laid on the floor as Sora kissed Kairi’s lips again. “Just let me clean up.” He took Bayonetta by her hair and he dragged her face and hair against his shaft. Kairi chuckled at the sight as her boyfriend wiped his dick clean, leaving crimson lipstick smears on it.

“Alright, ready.” Kairi wrapped her arms around Sora’s arm, helping him put his pants back on, before the two left, leaving Bayonetta on the floor, cum trickling out of her stretched pussy.


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