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Summary: Daisuke was out clubbing with Mimi and Miyako. It's a fun night out together when the two women offer the young man away. A threesome between two gorgeous women and the best lover of the Digidestined... Includes: Threesome. 


Daisuke had enjoyed the quiet night in Tokyo. He had finally recovered from his battle with Omegamon, and now he was free to just enjoy the life of a normal man. Part of him felt ashamed of his defeat, but he told himself not to dwell on it.

It was a new day. Another chance to prove to himself and to the world that he wasn’t some buffon. That he wasn’t a child anymore.

He was a man, and right now, he really felt like one with Mimi and Miyako by his side.

The two lovely ladies had invited him out, and he was happy to come along. It was a night of fun out in Tokyo, walking down the dark streets together from one club to another. Honestly, Daisuke had never taken Miyako as the type to go clubbing, but after she admitted that this was her first time, Daisuke felt it was his responsibility to help her have fun.

The two might have bickered a lot, but Daisuke did care for the young woman. He was happy to be by her side, following Mimi as she led them to all the, as she called it, ‘coolest places to party’ in Tokyo.

“So, what made you want to step away from the computer and hang out?” Daisuke teased as he and Miyako stood by the bar, watching Mimi dancing with strangers.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Miyako asked, raising her brow as Daisuke fixed his glasses.

“I just always took you as the nerdy type. You know, like Koushiro. Like you’d rather check out a computer than have some fun.”

“Seriously?” she pouted. “I like computers, but I also love fashion and having fun!” she huffed, stomping her foot against the ground. “I mean, check out this outfit!” she smiled, giving Daisuke a little twirl for him.

Daisuke blushed as he stared at the outfit. The outfit was… rather cute on her. The red top hugged her body, outlining her sizable breasts and her flat, smooth belly. Her shoulders were bare, another fact that he found pretty attractive. Then there were the shorts she was wearing. Under the summer heat, Miyako left her thighs bare, and they were… they were nice too.

“Daisuke. My eyes are up here,” she teased, motioning up towards her face, and Daisuke blushed as she giggled.

“Real funny.”

“I thought so.”

“Hey!” Mimi ran over to the two, smiling at them as she embraced the two. Daisuke felt his blush burn hotter as her breasts pressed against his body, pushing against his chest.

Feeling her tits against him, it was almost hard to know who was bigger between the two women. All Daisuke could tell was that they were both on the bigger size. His blush spread down his ears and neck as Mimi pulled away and beamed.

“Quit hanging back here! Come on, let’s go have some fun!” she urged, taking their hands and pulling them towards the dance floor.

Daisuke grinned, following after her with Miyako by his side. The three soon entered the dance floor, and they moved their bodies to the beat, listening to the pounding, electronic sounds that came from the speakers.

Daisuke moved his body to the song, admiring the sight of two gorgeous women dancing by his side. They had formed their own little part of the dancefloor, and it was there that he saw Mimi begin to move her body closer to his.

At first it was just a light bump. She bumped her hips against him, winking at him. Once she had his attention, she turned around, letting him stare at her back and her swaying, hypnotizing ass. The short skirt did little to actually hide how it moved and swayed.

She bent forward, shaking her ass for him as the skirt moved, and Daisuke gulped as he actually saw a flash of Mimi’s panties under her clothes. He chuckled, unsure of what to do with the sight.

He had been with Mimi before. Sexually. He had fucked her a few times, but that wasn’t anything too crazy. Mimi was a free spirit, impossible to cage or hold down in a relationship. She had been with Yamato, Koushiro, and Taichi. Maybe more, but Daichi didn’t pry or shame. He was happy to be a part of the woman’s life.

It didn’t hurt that she was damn hot. Mimi had only grown more beautiful with age. She moved her body like a professional dancer, and when one of the straps on her shoulders fell down her arm, she gave Daisuke a teasing smile as she pulled it back into place.

She blew a kiss as Daisuke blushed, wondering if tonight would end with a happy ending with the beautiful woman. That was when a gentle hand fell on his cheek and he felt his face being turned towards Miyako.

The violet-haired woman smiled at him, and he could see a glimmer of something behind her glasses. She leaned forward, their lips nearly touching as Daisuke’s eyes widened. He didn’t move, too stunned by her sudden approach.

She didn’t say a word. She just nuzzled her nose against his, her eyes locked on his. It was like she was asking for permission to come closer, and when his hand found hers, he gave her permission. A gentle tongue, the same smile on their faces, before moving her body even closer.

Her tits were pressed against Daisuke’s chest now, and she leaned in close, her lips inches from his ear. She embraced him, and they almost seemed like lovers as her cheek brushed against his face. He felt her lips peck his cheek as his leg slipped in between hers.

His thigh pressed against her crotch, and a familiar moan slipped out of her mouth. Familiar because he had been with women before, but Miyako’s voice was… different. Something special as he took a deep whiff of her purple hair.

It smelled nice.

She began to move her body against him, and his eyes widened as she grinded against him. Her breasts were sandwiched between them as she held him, digging her fingers into his back as the music pounded and no one seemed to notice the two.

“M-Miyako, what are-mmph!” She pressed her lips against his, silencing him. Daisuke trembled as he felt her lips. How soft they were. The faint taste of her lip gloss. The gentle nibbling of her lips on his.

There was an inexperience there, he had to admit. Miyako didn’t seem to know what she was doing, moving slowly, clumsily, trying to figure out what was best, but there was passion.

There was such a fire in how she kissed him, like an inferno, a raging forest fire that didn't seem to stop growing. She thirst for an ocean, and Daisuke decided to give it to her.

He wondered, in the back of his mind. Did he just claim her first kiss? He remembered when they were young, when they would bicker and argue. Years had past and they were adults now, and now he wondered if they should have kissed one another sooner.

Thoughts raced by his mind of what ifs and what could have beens. He wondered how things could have been different. He then brushed those thoughts aside and focused on the beautiful woman in his arms, holding her tightly.

He placed his hands on her back, pulling her body tighter against his as their lips wrestled and kissed. His tongue brushed against her soft lips, and she opened her mouth, welcoming his tongue and feeling it explore her mouth.

The two kissed there in the middle of the club, their hands exploring the other’s body as Miyako rubbed against him. She pressed her pussy against him, the only thing keeping them apart was the layers of clothes, and Daisuke could only imagine how good it’d be without them in the way.

Miyako moaned against his body, her nails digging into his back. She whimpered, before pulling back and smiling at him. Her glasses were barely hanging on her face as she licked her lips, breaking the line of saliva between them.

They stared into one another’s eyes, before Daisuke was the one to moan. He glanced down, noticing his own erection as Miyako rubbed against him. Her soft, warm flesh against him as she grinned.

“You seem happy to see me, Daisuke. Still think I’m just some computer nerd?”

“I, ah… Uh…” He gulped, chuckling a bit as he felt another warm, soft body against him. Mimi was behind him, making Daisuke into a sandwich between the two beautiful women. He felt their breasts against him as their lips brushed against his skin.

“Daisuke,” Mimi whispered, her breath hot against his ear.

“Do you want us?” Miyako asked.

“Do you want to fuck. Us?”

“Because that’s what we want.”


“Mimi’s told me a lot about you,” Miyako confessed, letting Daisuke see her crimson face. “She told me all about how you fucked her. She said you’re the best she’s ever had.”

“And it’s true,” Mimi giggled, nuzzling the back of his head.

“And I’ve been wanting to… You know. Pop my cherry,” Miyako confessed, her confidence gone for a moment as she began to gently stroke Daisuke’s chest with her breasts, letting them slide and stroke his firm chest. “And I want you to do it.”

“S-seriously?” Daisuke blinked.

“Are you really surprised?” Mimi teased, kissing his neck. “You’re a hunk. The best lover in our group.” Her hand fell on Daisuke’s side, sliding down and slipping between the two bodies to gently stroke the brunette’s hard member. “Mmmh. Someone’s eager.”

Daisuke chuckled, before Miyako kissed him again, this time pushing her tongue into his mouth. His eyes widened, before he quickly began to fight her, pressing his tongue against hers. He humped her, pressing his hard member against her body as she moaned loudly. Mimi embraced the two, squeezing them together as Daisuke felt his cock throbbing.

When the kiss was broken, Miyako licked her lips again. “Will you be so kind as to take us to a hotel, Daisuke?”

“Both of you?” he blinked, and Mimi giggled in his ears.

“Yeah. You can handle us both, can’t ya?” she teased, and Daisuke’s shocked expression was replaced by a wide, eager grin.

“Hell yeah.”


Miyako felt her heart pounding as Mimi looked through the list of rooms they had a available. She wanted the best for Miyako’s first time. The violet-haired woman felt her heart pounding in her chest as Daisuke approached her, speaking up and nearly making the woman jump.



“You okay?”

“Yeah, just… a lot on my mind.”

“Care to share?” he asked, and Miyako shook her head. “If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to.”

“It’s not that. It’s just… this feels like the climax-” He snickered and Miyako gently smacked his arm. “-of years of sexual tension.”


“All the arguing? The bickering? It feels like it all led to this moment,” Miyako explained, and Daisuke smiled as he moved closer to her.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I think it’s about time to make you into a the good girl you should have been to me. To make you… respect me.” There was just the way he whispered the words, almost a growl. Miyako felt her face burn hot as he stepped forward.

Miyako stepped back, hitting the wall behind her as Daisuke’s arms laid on the sides of the woman. He grinned, leaning in closer as Miyako felt her heart pounding. One of his hands took her glasses off, and the only thing she could clearly see was his face.

His smiling, handsome face.

He grinned, before he kissed her once more. Miyako put on a strong front before, but this time there was something about the kiss that was controlling. That made her melt. Her legs buckled under her as he pushed her against the wall, a hand on her breasts as his tongue dominated her mouth.

He moved his tongue around, sliding it along her gums and teeth as she continued to moan. Then he pulled away and she was left breathless, staring at him with gleaming eyes.

“What do you want tonight?” he whispered.

“I just… I… I want to just… just let things happen,” she panted, and Daisuke grinned as he stole another kiss from her.

“Come on. Mimi has a room for us. Let’s see what happens.”

He handed her back her glasses, and she put them in a case inside her purse. He held his hand out to her and she felt her pussy quivering. She wrapped her arms around his, and Mimi returned to them, joining the two as the three made their way.

Miyako had listened to countless tales from Mimi about the different men she had been with, but Daisuke was always different. There was something about him. A raw magnetism that drew Mimi back to him again and again, that made him irresistible.


The three walked together, and Daisuke looked and felt like a king. Two gorgeous women, one on each arm, both clearly staring at him with desire, both eager to see what he had packing.

They entered the room and practically fell on the bed. Mimi kissed his lips first, pressing her pink lipstick against him as she threw herself onto him. They fell onto the bed as Mimi peppered his face with kisses, only stopping when Miyako came over.

She kissed Daisuke now, fighting his tongue with hers as Mimi began to strip. Daisuke opened his eyes to watch, but Miyako must have been jealous because she pulled their lips apart and pulled Daisuke’s face into her breasts.

He moaned quietly at the soft fabric, but it was her breasts that was the best part. He grabbed her top and pulled down, nearly ripping it off her body as he felt her naked tits against his face. He moved his head back and forth, motorboating them.

Daisuke let out a muffled moan, before he was finally free. He looked at Miyako’s smiling face, her violent hair a mess now instead of the usual brushed back style. She licked her lips, before pulling away, standing with a now topless Mimi.

The two women were a pair of hourglasses, their every curve and dip accenting their beautiful bodies. They embraced one another, pressing their tits together as they smiled at Daisuke. His cock was pushing against the inside of his pants as they kissed one another.

Their tongues met outside their mouths, gently smacking and licking the other as their hands explored the other. Their hands groped and squeezed their plump rears, before sliding up to play with the other’s tits.

Miyako leaned her head back, moaning quietly as Mimi giggled, kissing the other woman’s neck.

“Enjoying the show, Daisuke?” she teased, moaning as Miyako spanked her ass. The young man watched Mimi’s ass ripple, shaking from the blow.

“I think he is,” Miyako grinned, pointing at Daisuke’s hard cock. “Need some help?”

They moved towards them, crouching down at his feet as he sat on the bed. Their hands pulled at his zipper, sliding it down and unbuttoning his pants. Then his dick came bursting out, popping right out from the opening in his boxers.

Mimi bit her lower lip, while Miyako’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. The cock was right before her eyes, and she was left… breathless.

The cock stood over her head as Miyako rested her head on his thigh. The thick shaft twitched, the vein pulsing for a moment. The thick, bulbous head gleamed under the light, precum already fresh on it. It bobbed back and forth as Miyako took a long breath, breathing in his musk.

It was intoxicating.

“Let’s get him hard,” Mimi smled, and Miyako’s jaw dropped again.

“It isn’t already?!” The older woman giggled, glancing at Daisuke with a knowing smile. He laughed with her as Miyako huffed, her face turning red again.

Mimi then leaned forward, kissing the tip of the cock, letting her soft lips rub and press against the bulbous head. Miyako watched with a hungry look in her eyes, before she leaned forward, joining in with licking and sucking on the throbbing member.

Daisuke moaned, his cock rising to full mast as the two women worked together, giving him a double blowjob together.

The two horny and gorgeous women were lifting their heads up, both kissing the tip, before Mimi slipped it into her mouth and suckled on the shaft. Miyako watched with jealous eyes as Daisuke rested his hands on their heads, gently petting them as they switched places. Mimi freed his tip, letting Miyako wrap her lips around it. She sucked on the shaft, trying her best to match the more experienced Mimi. Her tongue darted out, licking here and there as she listened to Daisuke’s moans.

One hand each was on the shaft now, gently stroking it together, while another was on the fair woman across from them. They were groping and squeezing the other’s breast, playing with it, even pressing their thumb against the other as their quiet moans filled the room.

They kept trading the cock, going from one to the other, moaning louder as they licked up his precum, feeling the beast throbbing against their soft lips.

Soon they were both licking the bell-shaped head of his penis. They worked together, both lovestruck from the sensation was giving him. Their tongues would meet, yet neither pulled away. They just kept dragging their tongues up and down the shaft.

Then they stopped and Mimi grinned as she looked at Miyako, who almost seemed to have hearts dancing in her eyes as she stared at Daisuke’s dick.

“Ready for the main event?” the brunette asked, only for Yolei to moan a reply. “I’ll take that as a yes.”


Miyako laid on her back as Daisuke laid on top of her. The man leaned down to leave soft, electric kisses on her skin as his naked cock slipped inside of her. Her eyes widened, gasping as she felt his shaft filling her.

The man went slow, letting her adjust to his shaft as pain and euphoria ran through her figure. She whimpered quietly, only for him to kiss her. His tongue slipped into her mouth and hers met it, wrestling as her nails dug into his bare back.

Mimi sat on the large bed, watching the two as her fingers rubbed at her wet, dripping pussy. She moaned quietly, admiring the sight of Daisuke and Miyako's dirty dance.

The two broke their kiss as Daisuke moaned. The sound only added to the pleasure for Miyako. Hearing him approve of her pussy made her squeeze him tighter. His dick was coated in a warm and wet embrace from her pussy.

She held him tighter, leaning her head back to moan loudly as he chuckled.

“You’re tight.”

“T-thank y-oooh!”

The tip of his cock pressed against her G-spot, pushing against her sweet spot and earning a loud, blissful moan from her sweet lips. He pressed the head against that button, rubbing it, letting the pleasure course through every inch of Miyako’s body before he began to really fuck her.

He pulled his hips back, and she felt every inch dragging along the inside of her cunt. Miyako nearly screamed in pleasure, before he pushed back in. It felt like the entire bed was shaking as Miyako’s eyes widened and her breasts were squished between their bodies. Daisuke moved fast and hard, pounding her now as her tits rubbed against him.

“Ahh! Ahh! Ahhh!”

“How’s my cock?” he growled, and she felt a shiver run down her spine before answering.

“G-good. So good. So fucking good!” Her muscles spasmed, squeezing the hard cock, stroking it with every thrust as Daisuke moaned. “C-cum in me. Please!”

Daisuke raised his brow, but before he could speak, she urged him to fill her. “P-puh, please. W-want your cum. Put a bun in my oven. It’s all for you! Fuck, no wonder Mimi said you were the best” she giggled, teasing him as Daisuke glanced at Mimi.

It was obvious Mimi had helped Miyako on what to say.

He chuckled, pounding her pussy even faster now as her eyes rolled into her skull. She mewled with pleasure as her legs wrapped around him, holding him against her body as he pounded her. His precum filled and splattered along the insides of her pussy. Their lips met again, tongues dancing against the other.

Miyako felt her orgasm coming closer and closer. Her pussy squeezed the shaft once more, feeling it throbbing inside of her. His cock exploded with cum, spewing semen inside of the woman and coating her insides.

Mimi bit her lower lip, heart pounding in her chest as semen coated Miyako’s insides.

The cum filled Miyako, but that only slowed Daisuke down. He started fucking her again, still fast, still hard, and Miyako moaned loudly as she felt the cum churning in her.

“Oh, fuck. I-I feel your cum. I-it’s in me...  it feels so amazing!” she panted, her arms going limp as Daisuke fucked her.

Cum was spewing out of her pussy with each thrust now, spat out from Daisuke pounding thrusts. The semen splattered onto the bed, staining it as Miyako stared into his eyes. Her pussy squeezed tighter around his shaft as she licked his cheek, her tongue sliding down to his chin and the corner of his lips.

“More. I want more. Give me more creampies.”

Daisuke grinned, before he continued to pound her pussy. He fell back, and Miyako as she was lifted off the bed, now laying on top of him. Her eyes widened, before she grinned, placing her hands on his naked chest and bouncing herself on him.

Her large breasts bounced, smacking against her sweaty chest as she mewled. She rode his shaft, panting as his cock throbbed inside of her, pounding against her insides as she came closer and closer to the edge of her climax.

And then, Daisuke pushed her over, and she clung to him for dear life. A silent scream spilled out of her mouth as she quivered, trembling against him. Tears were forming in the corners of her eyes as she felt his seed gushing inside of her, her own cum meeting him in the middle.

Miyako was trembling, trying to catch her breath as she came yet again, feeling his seed filling her to the point that she almost felt… full. Then Mimi placed her hands on the woman and lifted her off of Daisuke, and laying her down on the bed.

Miyako’s head rested on a pillow as she tried catching her breath. Semen dripped from her pussy in big white globs as she smiled.

“Holy fuuuuck,” she giggled, her entire body feeling like it was on fire and melting. Mimi giggled, placing a hand on her tit and rubbing it. “I-I think I need a break.”

“My turn. Tag in.”

“Need me to grab a condom?” Daisuke asked, only for Mimi to kiss him. His eyes widened, before she pulled back and smiled.

“No. Fuck consequences. Put a bun in my oven too. Watching you fuck her was so damn hot…”

Daisuke blinked, before a wide grin formed on his face and he pulled Mimi onto his cock.

Miyako was still fading in and out of consciousness. Her entire body still felt like it was shaking, and the way the bed was actually moving didn’t help. She felt lost and confused for a moment, drowning in a sea of euphoria, before she noticed Daisuke and Mimi at work.

The beautiful brunette was on all fours, her hair held in Daisuke’s hand as he fucked her pussy. Her breasts swung under her as he moved his hips, the wet smack of their bodies mixing with the groaning bed springs. Miyako bit her lower lip at the sight, her hand sliding down her sweaty body to finger and touch herself.

She pushed a finger into her creampied pussy, moaning quietly as the two continued to go at it. Mimi was soon howling in pleasure as Daisuke glanced at Miyako. The look in his eyes said it all.

‘Rest up, then you’re free to join.’

The three would be at it for hours, but that is a story for another time.


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