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DDLC: Monika deserves to be punished. She deserves to be hurt by the people she hurt. Yuri, Sayori, Natsuki, and the Player make her scream and cry for her sins... but behind the bondage and violence, lay four friends who have long forgiven her. Includes: Femdom, Dark Beginning, Romance, Polyamory


Monika opened her eyes to darkness. She was blindfolded, she quickly realized, and when she tried to move her arms, she found herself bound. Her arms were raised over her head, while her legs were spread apart.

Her body was left hanging over the ground, how high up, she wasn’t sure. She tried to move, but the binds would barely budge. She could hear the rattling of chains and her own racing heart.

Monika felt the binds digging into her wrists each time she moved her body. She trembled as the ropes cut into her, trying not to cry out in pain.

She was scared, but she wasn’t surprised. How many times had she gone through this scenario? Her lips sealed shut against one another, trying to keep herself from screaming. She was always punished for screaming.

Monika said nothing as she hung there, waiting for… for something. It was so quiet and so dark. She whimpered, hoping to be released soon, but these moments never ended with what she hoped.

It was so quiet that Monika could hear a pin drop. Then the door opened and the room was filled with a massive boom of sound. It was like a thunder clap right beside her head, and the sound  stung Monika’s ears as she trembled in her bindings.

Laughter. It took her a moment to realize what was happening. The loud boom stunned Monika for a moment, and she turned her head in a vain attempt to understand what was happening behind her blindfold.

“That movie was amazing!” Nasuki’s voice cheered. “The action was so freakin’ cool!”

“And the story was absolutely wonderful,” Yuri added. “Such a dark story about humanity’s darker desires. Absolutely wonderful.”

“I like the explosions!” Sayori added, her voice the closest as Monika felt her blindfold being pulled off of her head.

She was met with a blinding light, and Monika groaned in pain as she closed her eyes. The light was like a flame right before her eyes, and she trembled from the change. She trembled for a moment, panting as the light slowly began to dim.

Or rather, her eyes adjusted to the blistering brightness. She took long, deep breaths, feeling like a scared animal in a cage, listening to the two legged creatures around her. She might as well have been, she was an outcast as the other women ignored her, still talking amongst themselves and with him…

Him. The man she had fallen in love with. His name was given up a long time ago along with his old life. Now the girls just tended to call him ‘Player,’ a little joke considering how easily he had wooed each of them. Monika included.

“It was a pretty great movie, but you want to know my favorite part? The food,” he joked, patting his belly. “That was some good popcorn.”

“You are such a pig,” Natsuki groaned, rolling her eyes.

“Only for your cooking,” he teased, and Natsuki’s eyes widened as her face began to turn red. She crossed her eyes, quietly muttering under her breath as Natsuki and Yuri laughed. “S-stupid,” she muttered.

“Well, can you play me? What’s a man to do when he’s surrounded by the cutest widdle bombshell there is?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her and embracing her. He lifted her off the ground as Natsuki’s eyes widened further.

She kicked and thrashed in his arms, trying to break free from the hug as the other women continued to enjoy the other’s company. Monika almost felt like a ghost. Present, but unseen. Unimportant to their lives as Yuri and Sayori began to pet Natsuki’s head.

“You are kind of cute,” Yuri complimented.

“Yeah! Like a chihuahua! Or a platypus!”

“Neither of those are cute!”

“They are! In their own way. Like you!” Natsuki groaned, wondering if she could bite either of the woman’s hands off.

“So cute in fact that… Whoa! W-what’s happening?! My hand! I’m falling under-ahh-s-some kind of-ahhh! Speeell!” Player declared, his hand moving in the air, his entire arm wiggling like a snake in the air. “Natsuki! You’re so cute that my hand is attacking you! Whoa!”

He placed a hand on her breast, and despite its small size, he groped her, gently squeezing her chest as her face continued to burn a bright shade of red. She didn’t move. She didn’t even speak. She just laid in his arms, staring at his hand.

Player gave her another squeeze, before he gently kneaded her tit, pushing it against her body. No one said anything as Yuri and Sayori held back their own giggles, their faces clearly red now as Monika watched the dominoes fall.

“Player…?” she whimpered, staring at the sole man in the room.

It was like talking to a movie as he chuckled. “I’m sorry, Natsuki. You know I’m just messing with you, ri-?”

“I didn’t say stop,” she muttered. “I-I like it when you play with my breast,” she admitted.

That was the last domino. Natsuki avoided Player’s knowing gaze, but when she looked at Yuri and Sayori, they had that same smiling, teasing look. Their eyes gleamed as a similar hunger took over the other two women.

“Oh, no!” Yuri gasped suddenly. “A dark force is taking over my hand too!” she giggled, placing a hand on Natsuki’s top, slowly pulling it off of her body. “Natsuki, you siren. What are you doing to me?”

“Ooh, ooh, me too! I’m totally being corrupted and turned to evil and stuff!” Sayori beamed, before she placed her hands on Natsuki’s cheeks. She gently squeezed her head, making her pucker her lips, before she kissed the smaller woman.

Natsuki was the center of attention now. She moaned quietly as she was given a deep, passionate kiss from Saoyri. The kiss was passionate, hot and wet. Natsuki’s tongue was met with Sayori’s, and the two did battle.

The pink-haired woman felt her smaller tongue being smacked around, and she suckled on Sayori’s tongue. The kiss went on and on, with Saoyri’s tongue sliding over Natsuki’s teeth. Sayori wrapped her arms around her as Player released his tiny prisoner and Yuri fell into his arms.

“Oooh, now I think I’m falling under your dark spell, my dark prince,” Yuri giggled.

“Is that just fancy talk for saying you’re horny and you want to-?”

“So ineloquent. So blunt. There is a charm to that, though,” Yuri confessed, placing a finger on his lips.

“That’s not the only thing charming about me.” He chuckled as his lips met Yuri’s, and Monika was left nibbling on her bottom lip.

To experience that same sensation. To kiss Player’s lips. She fell in love with him first. She adored him first. She whimpered as she watched the two kiss, a much more chaste affair than the mouth fucking Natsuki was enduring from Sayori.

“Bleh!” Natsuki pushed Sayori away, dragging her sleeve against her mouth. “Enjoy tasting what I had for lunch, Sayori? Gross…”

“Mmhm! Cupcakes! Yummy!” Sayori giggled as Natsuki rolled her eyes, trying to ignore how hot her face was.

Then she saw Yuri and Player kissing one another. The young man was pulling her clothes off, peeling them off of her body. Yuri’s large breasts were freed from under his clothes as he pulled away to whisper in her ear.

“No bra? You went to see a movie with us with no bra?”

“I-it was more comfortable that way.”

“Tramp,” Natsuki teased, pulling away from Sayori and grabbing one of Yuri’s breasts, digging her nails into it. “Someone’s a dirty, dirty sluuut.”

“Natsuki! I am not!” Natsuki wrapped her arms around Yuri’s head, making her pause. “Huh?” Player grabbed the other breast, gently kneading and squeezing it, and Yuri moaned quietly, leaving her open to Natsuki’s tongue entering her mouth.

Sayori giggled, watching Natsuki kiss the purple-haired woman. The tongue moved up and down, sliding all around the inside of Yuri’s mouth as she trembled and moaned.

“Today has been amazing, Monika. We were so happy together without you. I hope you don’t mind us leaving you hanging,” she chuckled, before she began to take off her own clothes.

Natsuki, Yuri, and Player moaned together, throwing their clothes to the floor as Sayori neatly folded hers, leaving them on the ground, save for her bra. Then she held it up to Monika’s face, gently smacking her cheek with it, chuckling.

“Look! I’ve been getting bigger. Pretty sure soon I’ll be bigger than you.” Monika didn’t say anything, before she was suddenly smacked, her eyes wide as Sayori’s hand smacked against her face.

“We’re happier without you than we ever were with you on us. You were sucking us dry. Like a tick. Or a parasite.” The look in her eyes. The sharpness, the glee from watching Monika’s stinging cheek… It was nothing like the Sayori Monika knew, but this was what she had made of her.

She had gutted her friend, drowning her in her own sorrows, and now justice had finally caught up to her.

“S-Sayori, I’m sorry.”

“Oh, well, that makes everything better! Here, let me get you down!” Sayori clapped her hands, and with quick speed, she began to undo the binds around Monika’s legs and then her arms.

Monika felt her legs falling limp, before her entire body hit the ground. She slammed against the hard surface, groaning in pain as Saori’s naked body stood before her. She held her foot out to the young woman, gently poking Monika cheek with her toe.

“Thank me for helping you down.”

“T-thank you, Sayori.”

Monika held her head down. She didn’t dare look up to see the smug, malicious face of her former friend. The soft moans of Natsuki, Yuri, and Player tickled Monika’s ear, and she turned her head to look at them.

Yuri was on her knees, bobbing her head back and forth, moaning as Player’s cock filled her mouth. Natsuki was in his arms, holding him tightly as their lips met and tongues danced with one another. They moaned quietly, clinging to the other, before he gently pushed her head.

Natsuki kneeled before him, joining Yuri. Their tongues licked the shaft of their king, of the man Monika loved, and their eyes stared at her, mocking her with every lick and kiss.

“Do you wish you had this? Do you wish he wanted you like how he wants us? Heh, too bad, Monika. You’re nothing to him,” Natsuki giggled.

“After everything you did, do you really think you deserve love from him? From anyone?” Yuri asked, a genuine curiosity in her voice. “My, you truly are pathetic.”

Monika didn’t say anything. She held her head down, bowing it before the others, before Sayori grabbed by her ponytail and pulled. Monika cried out, dragged against the ground, before she was thrown towards the others, falling down right behind Natsuki.

“Kiss her ass,” Sayori ordered.

Monika obeyed, lifting her head up to kiss Natsuki’s ass, causing the pink-haired woman to giggle. “She’s actually doing it! Oh, man. How the mighty have fallen.” She pressed her lips against Player’s cock, gently suckling on it, letting his moan echo through the room as Yuri’s tongue dragged along the bulbous head of his shaft.

Monika laid another kiss on Natsuki’s ass, before she felt her hair being lifted up. She felt a collar lock around her neck, before Sayori pulled, forcing the former club president to her feet. A gentle kick to both of her legs made her spread them apart, and everyone was able to see the glistening of pussy juices between her legs.

“She’s turned on,” Sayori chuckled. “Isn’t that cute? Aww, I got M stands Masochist, huh, Monika?” The others chuckled, save for Player who didn’t even seem to notice her. His eyes were only on the other woman, specifically Sayori as the other two women continued to lick his dick.

She didn’t say anything. She just waited for this humiliation to run its course. Like a river, it just had to happen, and Sayori chuckled as she began to tie the leash she had in her hands around Monika’s neck.

Her eyes widened, before Monika gagged, feeling the leash tying around her. Sayori pulled tighter, pushing Monika down as the leash crushed Monika’s throat. Her legs kicked as she fell onto her back, her hands grabbing at the collar and instantly clawing at the rope.

“Oops, careful, Monika!” Monika gasped for air, her eyes widening as her eyes stared at Sayori’s smiling face, her blue eyes as cold as ice as the rope squeezed her throat tighter.

Her nails were scratching at the rope. A futile effort that only resulted in Monika’s fingers being hurt, almost to the point of bleeding…

“Ow!” Natsuki jumped, pulling away from Player as she glared at her former friend. Monika’s choked gasps and the tears in her eyes were nothing compared to the scratch on Natsuki’s hindquarters. “She scratched me!”

“Oh, Monika,” Sayori sighed, shaking her head. “How could you be so mean as to hurt your club members?”

“Mmmph…! Mmphrr!” she whimpered, trying to pull at the leash around her, but her strength was nothing compared to Sayori. The woman sighed, shaking her head, before looking at Natsuki.

“Are you okay, Natsuki?”


Monika’s face was turning red. She was crying, tears falling down her eyes as her lungs began to burn. Her whole body was burning. She wanted to beg for mercy, but she knew what the reaction was going to be. Apathy with a dash of mocking laughter…

“Here, Sayori. Let me.” Yuri kneeled down to the two, producing a knife from out of nowhere. Monika couldn’t even show any fear from it as her legs continued to kick at the empty air. Her hands kept clawing at the leash as she cried, pathetically begging for mercy.

With one quick move, Yuri cut the leash in Sayori’s hands, freeing Monika for a moment. She pulled at the leash and collar, giving her throat as much room as she could. She gasped for air, coughing and panting, openly crying as the others watched her.

Except Player. He was letting Natsuki suck his cock, bobbing her head back and forth. Her chin was smacking against his balls, moaning as the thick shaft was no doubt smearing precum all over the inside of her throat.

Monika wish it was her…

Yuri cut the rest of the leash, leaving Monika with just the collar, before she pushed Monika onto her back and got on top of her. “Lick,” she demanded, and Monika blinked, before Yuri’s pussy was pushed against her face. The purple-haired woman sat on her former friend, still playing with the knife between her fingers.

She dragged the blade against Monika’s thigh, making her tremble from the cool steel against her skin. “You heard me, Monika. Lick, or I choke you with my bare hands.” The blade dragged along Monika’s naked leg, slowly sliding towards her pussy. “Or I could do something that makes you wish I choke you to death.”

“Yuri, you’re so messed up,” Sayori laughed.

Monika felt her blood running cold. She did as she was ordered, pressing her tongue against Yuri’s pussy, licking it up and down, making the woman moan with pleasure.

“Ahh, terrible. You’re so, ahh, awful at licking pussy. C-can’t you do anything right?” she panted, moving her hips and pressing her wet clit against Monika’s darting tongue.

Monika did her best to lick Yuri’s pussy, and despite both of their moans and the wet smack of her tongue against the wet slit, Monika could hear Player and Natsuki still.

“Ahh, you gonna cum? My mouth tastes good, doesn’t it? So much better than that stupid bitch. Go ahead. Cum all over me. Cum on me! Ahh, yes! Yes!”

She could hear Player’s cum splattering against Natsuki’s face and even into her open mouth. She could hear the short woman moaning with cum dripping down her face, tears falling down Monika’s face as almost wished Yuri would use that knife on her.

“Ahh!” Yuri came on Monika’s face without any warning, splattering her own juices onto the former club president. Sayori helped her onto her feet as Monika laid there, watching as Natsuki approached her.

“Hey. Want a taste?” she asked, crouching down and letting Monika look at the cum clinging to her face. “He really loves my blowjobs. Like, really, really loves them.” She swiped her thumb across her cheek, catching a glob of semen and holding it over Monika’s face.

Monika stared at it, feeling her body yearning for it. Like a mad thirst for water, like her entire body was on fire, even just a drop would have been amazing… Natsuki denied her, though, licking her thumb clean.

“You’re so pathetic, Monika.” She lifted up her foot and brought it to Monika’s face. “Kiss my foot.”

Monika obeyed, forcing her neck to bend and gently kissing the bottom of Natsuki’s foot. The pink-haired woman chuckled, before slowly putting her foot down on Monika’s sore, bruised neck. The slave went still, moving her hands to stop her, only for Yuri and Sayori to catch her.

“Did you see that? She was going to attack you again!” Yuri growled.

“I can’t believe you, Monika! We forgive you, we open our arms to you, and this is what you do to repay us?” Sayori spat out each word, disgust clear in every word. “You’re awful.” They held her arms down, pinning them as Natsuki placed a foot on Monika’s throat, slowly crushing it.

Monika’s eyes widened, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. Her eyes bounced between the three, neither reacting to her pain. Somewhere deep in her heart, she knew that if she died, their reactions would be the same.


And there he was. Watching her as Natsuki slowly crushed her neck. Player sat beside her, a smile on his face as he held Sayori’s hand, gently stroking it.

“Did you really think I could ever love you?” he asked. His words weren’t cruel, snide, or mocking. Just a general confusion.

How could she ever expect him to love her?

Natsuki’s foot pressed down on her foot, squeezing it once more as Monika kicked at the ground, blood dripping as she cut herself on the stone. Her face felt… numb as she struggled to breathe once more…




Monika opened her eyes, trembling as she felt someone holding her. They weren’t pining her down, though. They were holding her in place, and she pulled against their arms, trying in vain to escape once more.

Then she felt hands on her shoulders, gently shaking her as she realized what she was staring at. Natsuki and Player again, but instead of smug, mocking smiles, she saw concern. Fear. Monika trembled as she turned her heads towards Sayori and Yuri holding her arms, more in a concerned fashion than an aggressive one.

They were… worried about her. She realized this and she broke down, feeling her body crumple and her heart shatter. Tears fell down her face as Natsuki, Player, Yuri, and Sayori embraced her, holding her in their warm arms.

“I’m sorry.”

She could still hear a quiet beep in the air. The headset she had made to put herself into an artificial reality within another reality. A game within a game.

“Monika…” Sayori kissed her cheek, wiping away a tear. “Why…?”

“I-I don’t deserve your forgiveness. You never should have forgiven me. You should have-”

“We could never hate you,” Player stated. He and the others pulled apart and Monika looked around the room.

Her room. Hers in the house she and the others had made for themselves. She was home.

“I looked at the scenario you had programmed in here,” Player sighed, staring at the device in his hand. The headset continued to beep as his eyes drifted from it to her. “You were punishing yourself again.”

Yuri placed a hand on Monika’s. She rolled up her own sleeve first, letting Monika see the scars. Monika then glanced at her own hand, finding no physical scars.

“You can’t keep doing this to yourself, Monika,” Yuri whispered.

“I… I deserve it.”

“Monika, c-come on! That’s bull crap!” Natsuki argued. “You’re our friend.”

“I killed you. I killed you,” Monika whispered, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. “I killed you.”

“That was like a year ago! C-come on, we have a life together. It’s good, right? I, I mean, I know Yuri’s cooking sucks, but…” Natsuki tried to make a joke. She tried to lighten the mood. The words didn’t even finish leaving her throat as Monika’s tears began to fall.

“I hate myself. I hate everything I did to all of you,” Monika confessed. “And I just… I should have been punished.”

“Well, we don’t want you to be punished!” Sayori shouted. She took the headset from Player, and Monika jumped as Sayori threw it at the wall, shattering the piece of metal and plastic.

It fell to the ground in tiny pieces as Sayori threw her arms around Monika.

“Please! You can’t do this to yourself! We love you! W-we can’t… You can’t…” Sayori whimpered, before she squeezed Monika tighter. “You’re my friend. I won’t let you do this to yourself.”

“I killed you,” Monika whispered.

“And you brought me, and my best friends, and the club, a-and all of us back to life! You saved us, and you’ve been making up for what you did every day!” Sayori pulled back, away from Monika, just to stare into her eyes. “And I know what it was like. I was president too, remember? I… I felt it too. How wrong everything felt. You stopped me, and we figured things out.”

Sayori turned to Player, with Monika following her gaze. The two looked at him, and he smiled at the two.

“And we were saved.”

“Hey, I just helped. Monika, you’re the one who gave us a happily ever after.”

“It isn’t enough,” Monika whispered. She shook her head, sighing. “I hurt you all. I-”

“We know,” Natsuki sighed. “We were all there for the part where you messed with our brain and stuff.”

“Natsuki!” Yuri gasped.

“No, I mean it. Monika, we were there. We were your victims, and we forgive you! Isn’t that enough?” the short woman asked, and Monika held her head between trembling fingers.

“No! It isn’t! Nothing I ever do will make up for what I did!”

Yuri placed her hands on Monika and Natsuki’s shoulders. Player quickly placed his own hands on Natsuki too, trying to calm her down as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. She wiped them away as Yuri spoke.

“Monika… We don’t want to see you hurt yourself.” Monika’s eyes glanced at Yuri’s arms, catching the scars on them. “We love you, and all we want is to help you forgive yourself. We want you to… to see how loved you are. How much we adore you.”

Monika didn’t say anything, before a pair of lips gently touched her cheek. She turned her head to find Sayori by her side, before another pair of lips kissed her other cheek. Player kissed her, and smiled at her.

Their eyes glanced from one another, before staring at Monika. “Will you let us show you?” Yuri asked, and Monika bit her lower lip, before nodding her head.

“O-only if you want to. I don’t-”

“We want to,” Player replied, squeezing Monika’s hand.


Monika laid on her bed, naked once more as she watched the four surround her. It was almost like before, but the light in their eyes told her they weren’t surrounding her. They weren’t trapping her.

They were blanketing her. Their warm bodies against her, their gentle hands stroking her skin. Sayori moved over Monika’s head, a hand gently brushing bangs from Monika’s eyes.

“Sayori, I… Thank you. I-I don’t deserve-”

“Shhh.” She gently kissed Monika’s lips, before moving aside so Player could do the same.

The kiss was soft and gentle, and it made Monika’s heart melt as she embraced the man. The catalyst for all of this. She longed for his lips, longed to be held by him and feeling his loving touch.

It was all she had ever dreamed of, and tears fell down her face as she felt him continue to kiss her. He showed her such love and grace, she became lost in the moment. She didn’t even notice the others moving towards her.

Natsuki was between her legs, and she rubbed Monika’s clit with her nose, gently poking at it as the woman moaned quietly. Her tongue slowly slid out, gently licking the sides of the entrance. Monika shuddered against Player as Yuri and Sayori rained kisses down Monika’s neck, slowly moving towards her breasts.

When they reached them, they were still ever so gentle, treating her like a treasure. Their lips kissed her nipples, gently nibbling and rubbing against the nubs. Monika moaned quietly, shaking as her legs tried to close. All she did was rub both sides of Natsuki’s head.

Natsuki spoke up, loud enough for Monika to hear over the sounds of her own moans. “It’s been a long time since we closed the club, Monika. You’ve been nothing but good to us since you brought us all back. I was… pretty pissed at you when this all started, but…”

Her tongue pressed against Monika’s pussy, pushing between the lips, licking and lapping at Monika’s insides. The taller woman moaned quietly, shuddering and shaking as jolts of pleasure electrocuted her mind. She broke the kiss with Player, moaning out a new name.


“I’ve forgiven you, and I… I like you. A lot. You’re one of my four favorite people, so don’t do anything stupid to fall off that list!” Natsuki muttered, before her lips kissed Monika’s clit, and her tongue explored Monika’s cunt.

Monika continued to moan as Sayori and Yuri kissed her breasts, sucking on her nipples to draw out more moans.

“I love you,” Sayori whispered. “I love you, Monika.”

“Y-you can’t mean-aahh!”

“I do mean it. I… You and I are the only ones to be president,” Sayori whispered, laying her head down on Monika’s breast like it was a pillow. “I know what it was like, and I know how impossible it was to resist. I have how weak I was. I-I barely lasted even a few minutes before I was threatening Player with the same thing you did. I hate myself for it.”

She nuzzled Monika’s breast, before lifting up her head to see Player nearby. He placed a hand on her bare shoulder and she leaned in, kissing him, tasting Monika’s saliva on his lips and tongue. The kiss was passionate, but quick, and she pulled away to continue.

“I don’t blame you for what happened anymore, Monika. You’ve worked so hard to make it up for us. You’ve brought us back, given us a home, you’ve done so much for us…” Sayori returned to kissing Monika’s breast, before taking her own and pressing it against the president’s, letting their nipples poke and prod one another. “And I forgive you.”

“As do I,” Yuri added, dragging her tongue from Monika’s breast down to the woman’s belly button. “Monika, I know that pain can sometimes be… that sometimes we can feel like we deserve it, and that makes it right.” Yuri placed a hand on Monika’s slim, flat stomach, gently stroking her.

“But sometimes the pain needs to stop. Sometimes you need to feel a truly loving hand, a light to warm your soul and give you peace. Let us love you. You may not feel like you deserve it, but this is a lie your mind is making up. We love you, and won’t ever leave you. We will never betray you. We can… hurt you sometimes,” she whispered, dragging a nail against Monika’s naked stomach, before moving her head back to her breast.

She wrapped her mouth around Monika’s breast again, this time biting Monika’s nipple and making her moan louder this time, a painful whimper just under her breath. Then Yuri released her and she gently kissed Monika’s breast, licking at the hard nipple.

“Let us make you feel good, because you make us feel good. Let us love you, Monika.”

“Yuri, I-ahh!” Yuri’s hand slid down to Monika’s pussy, sliding into her cunt as Natsuki frowned.

“Hey, I’m working down here!”

“You can share. Just lick around the finger,” Yuri teased, and Natsuki grumbled between Monika’s legs. She pushed her tongue against Monika’s pussy, earning more mewling cries and erotic moans as Player and Sayori both smiled down at her.

“I love you, Monika,” he whispered, kissing away the tears from her eyes.

She longed to hear those words. She felt her tears falling as he and Sayori nuzzled against her, kissing her face, showering her with affection.

“I-I… I love you too,” she replied, before moaning once more. Yuri’s fingers pumping in and out of her pussy, Natsuki’s tongue dragging along her wet cunt. She felt Sayori and Player’s hands holding her own as she continued to moan loudly.

“Ahh!” She came in their embrace, feeling waves of pleasure and euphoria rock her body, flowing through her.

Her pussy juices splattered against Natsuki’s face, who rose up and was met with Yuri, who kissed her. The two shared Monika’s cum as the brunette looked at Player.

“Would you… fuck me?”

“I would love to.”

The group moved and adjusted. Soon Monika was laying her head on Sayori’s lap as Yuri and Natsuki placed their hands on her breasts, gently playing and toying with them as Player lined his cock up with Monika’s.

She had felt the euphoric sensation before, but this was different. When he pushed his dick into her, she felt her head being pushed against Sayori’s body. She moaned loudly, panting as he began to move his hips back and forth, sliding his shaft along her insides.

Monika still felt the aftershocks of her first orgasm, and so she was already sensitive to more. Not only that, but his cock was just… It felt good inside of her. She moaned with every thrust, feeling his gentle touch as his hands stroked and touched her tits, tenderly squeezing them as Sayori moved.

Monika was no longer resting on her lap, but on her hands now as the three women surrounded her face.

They kissed her. They peppered her face with kisses and she laughed, finding it almost ticklish, before she moaned once more, trembling as his cock pushed deeper inside of her. The tip of his cock was soon pressing against her G-spot now. Every time he pushed against it, her body just screamed with pleasure.

“I love you,” she whimpered. “I love you all. I love you. I love you all!”

Their hands stroked her head, gently playing with her hair and tracing her cheek as Player kept thrusting in and out of her. Time melted around them, the universe faded away. It was just them as Monika embraced the pleasure, moaning and convulsing with every thrust as she felt another orgasm fast approaching.

She squeezed her pussy around his shaft, finally breaking his stoicism and making him moan in return. Their eyes met for a moment, and they both knew what the other wanted. He pushed his cock as deep as it would go inside of Monika, before he came, filling her insides with his seed.

His cum coated the insides of her body, even filling her womb as she came with him. She wore a proud, beaming smile on her face as she felt the man she loved fill her with his seed. The other women were happy for her, applauding her, stroking her, congratulating her…

“Aww, she’s kind of cute when she’s cumming her brain out,” Natsuki teased.

“Natsuki!” Yuri gasped.

“What? We’re all thinking it, right?”

Sayori reached a hand down, catching some semen dripping out of Monika. She let it spill onto her fingers, before she brought it back to her lips and licked her own fingers clean. Monika and Player both watched her, their faces a deep shade of red as Sayori moaned with approval.

“Mmm, yummy!”

“H-hey, can I try some too?” Natsuki pouted.

“M-me as well, please,” Yuri added.

Monika chuckled as the three fought over the smidge of cum still on Sayori’s fingers, the blue-eyed woman teasing her friends by dodging their hungry mouths. Monika shook her head, before she looked at Player with a coy smile on her lips.

“Hope you have another one in you.”

“I think I’ll manage,” he replied, before he leaned down to kiss her one more time.

It was simple, quick, but it reminded Monika of one simple fact. One she had forgotten recently.

She wasn’t alone.


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