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Summary: The cold wind blows outside. Snow falls all over a quiet city. And inside a humble home, Yu and Naoto enjoy the warm bath and each other's sweet company. Includes: Romance, wholesome smut.


Yu took a slow, deep breath. He could feel the warm air traveling down his nostrils, sliding down into his lungs, before swirling inside of him. He held his breath, before exhaling, letting it all out with a content sigh as he laid in the apartment’s bath.

It was hard to find the right words to describe how happy and at peace he was, how perfectly the cards had fallen into place for the young man. Life was good, and sometimes he still couldn’t believe it himself.

As he laid in the hot, steamy water, his mind walked down memory lane. Years ago, he was just a quiet, stoic young man sent to live with his uncle for a year.

In his mind, he imagined a snowball. A small, round ball of icy frost. It rolled down the hill it was on, building, growing, turning into a massive boulder.

That was a good metaphor for the insane adventure he experienced in Inaba, and all the turmoil, danger, and stress that adventure entailed. Of course, if one were to ask Yu if it had all been worth it, his answer was always the same.


Yu would risk his life a dozen times, a hundred times! He’d face off against Adachi and Izanami again and again, so long as he always got what he did out of it. The greatest friends he could possibly hope for, so close that they were honestly more like family. Yosuke, Chie, Rise, and all the rest managed to fill a hole in his life he’d never even realized was there. And of course his own flesh and blood family. His uncle Dojima had pretty much become a second father to him, and Nanako was his little sister in all but name, one whom he would unhesitantly die for should it be needed.

And of course there was her, the one who held a very special place in his heart. Naoto Shirogane. The Detective Prince, who ironically stole his heart.

The young man fell for her almost instantly. Course, he didn’t know she was a she, but honestly, her gender wouldn’t have changed much between them. He loved Naoto for who she was on the inside first and foremost.

She was brave, smart, determined, with a strong sense of justice.

Course, he’d be lying if he said her body didn’t make him weak…

Yu chuckled to himself, taking another deep breath. Needless to say, that giant snowball that his life became involved telling Naoto how he felt, and while it hadn’t been a straight forward road, the point was that the journey so far had been nearly perfect.

He and Naoto had been dating for years now, and recently they had even been living together. The two had shared an apartment for the last few years, and it was the kind of domestic bliss that Yu had dreamed about once upon a time.

He imagined his beautiful girlfriend before him, staring at him with brilliant sapphires, moving closer to touch his face, blushing as he pulled her closer, wrapping an arm around her body. He would give her a big, toothy grin as she melted in his arms.

They’d kiss, and the universe would melt away from the white-hot fire of their love.

The fantasy was just the reprieve he needed considering the state of the city outside. The entire town seemed consumed by a winter storm, the very thought of which sent his stomach into a twist.

For Yu, personally, he almost always preferred the heat to the cold. Give him some time on the beach instead of snow blowing all over the city. It made driving a pain, not to mention the mess it made everywhere afterwards.

Yu sank into the water for a moment, a frown on his face as he thought of the snow storm outside. He pushed it aside, trying to free his mind of it as he sighed. Let the snow fall. He was enjoying a nice steamy bath. Where could be better?

He focused his mind on the warm embrace of the water, laying in it with a smile on his face. He closed his eyes, letting his mind wander for a moment. He thought of the world outside his apartment again, but not in regards to the snow or cold.

No, he thought of his darling girlfriend. Naoto was still out there, and he wanted so badly to see her again. He wasn’t really worried about her. She was a brilliant young woman, as clever as she was kind. He knew she would be fine in almost any circumstance, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t have felt better knowing she was safe and out of this horrible weather.

That was when he heard the door open, and he wondered two things before opening his eyes.

One: This was the worst time for someone to break into their apartment, and Yu was going to beat them senseless for intruding on him. Two: If it was Naoto, he was going to love her, kiss her, and treat her like his Detective Queen for the rest of the night.

He opened his eyes, relieved to find the latter possibility was actually a reality.

“Naoto!” He grinned widely at the sight of the love of his life, only for his smile to falter for a moment as he realized just how cold she must have been.

It was clear she had just walked out of the storm outside. Her cheeks were scarlet, matching her equally crimson nose and red ears. Bits of snow still clung to her dark-blue locks, but they were thankfully melting away under the light and heat of the bathroom.

Naoto opened her mouth, before her scarlet cheeks became an even darker shade of red. Her eyes continued to widen, taking in every detail of the sight in front of her as Yu raised his brow. That was when he began to realize just what was going through her brilliant mind.

His loving detective was staring at her naked boyfriend, just lounging the day away in their tub. Naked. Completely, totally naked.

It was probably quite the shock as she finally tore her eyes away from him, blushing as red as a tomato as she avoided his silver gaze. “H-hello, Narukami-senpai,” she squeaked, staring at the ground as Yu leaned his head back and began to laugh.

“Heheh, h-hey,” he snickered, trying to contain his laughter. He hid the last few chuckles with a cough, before he smiled at her more gently. “Didn’t hear you come in.”

“I c-called out to you,” she mumbled, eyes burrowing into the ground.

“Sorry. I was probably daydreaming. Thinking about snowballs and beaches and stuff,” he chuckled, and she didn’t even seem to want to bother asking about his thoughts. He shrugged as his shy lover looked up to the ceiling.

“It’s fine.”

“So, how was your day, gorgeous?” he asked, and Naoto’s groan could be heard quietly slipping out of her lips.

“P-please don’t ask me such things like that when you’re… like this, Senpai.” She lifted up a hand and waved it in the air, trying to motion towards him while avoiding his body at all costs. “I-I’m just going to go lay down in the bedroom. O-or maybe prepare a snack in the kitchen. Yes, I’ll do that.”

“Naoto, wait.” Even as awkward as she might have felt, she still waited when he called out to her. “Join me.” He caught the way she seemed to bristle at the suggestion.

“Senpai! T-that is not appropriate!” He sensed some hesitation in the back of her voice, but he ignored it to focus on the situation at hand.

“Naoto, I don’t mean it that way. I just mean, well-” Even Yu, the mighty and confidant Fool that he was, couldn’t help but blush as his girlfriend tried not to stare at him. “This isn’t about wanting to see you naked. N-not that I ever have a problem with that.”

Naoto’s face turned even redder at that statement.

“I mean, I’ve seen that a million times.”

And even redder still. “Senpai,” she growled, trying to use her anger to hide her embarrassment. It was far from a perfect cover, though.

“You’re cold. You should warm yourself up. That’s all,” he told her, holding up his hands as he looked at her. His own blush was crawling up his ears as Naoto stared at him, cheeks slightly puffy.

There was a long silence, before Naoto finally muttered something quietly. “Very well.”

“R-really?” His eyes widened, before he grinned proudly. He mentally cheered as he did his best to contain his excitement. “Well then, you better get undressed.”

“F-fine, but you shouldn’t look!” she declared.

Yu raised his brow at that. “Naoto, I’ve seen you naked. We’ve had sex.”

“Don’t talk about it like that!”

“Like what?”

“S-so blatantly!”

“Okay. Well, you investigated my genitalia, just like how I’ve been all over yours,” he teased, earning a loud groan from his crimson-faced lover. “It was a real ‘Study in Scarlet,’ he joked, earning another groan from the woman.

“J-just turn around,” she demanded, and Yu obeyed, turning his head away as Naoto began to slowly take off her clothes.

Yu glanced over his shoulder, watching his girlfriend as her clothes slowly fell to the floor. She wasn’t making a show of it, not intentionally, but that didn’t change how beautiful she was to him. She was just so bashful, almost timid as she stripped her clothes off.

She pulled her pants down, frowning as her clothes were caught on her rather wide hips. She began to shake her hips back and forth, fidgeting to get herself out of the clothes.

“Having a problem there, hon?”

“N-no! I! Am not!” She finally got her butt out of her pants, sighing as she kicked the clothes away. “These fit perfectly fine a year ago.”

“You really put the ‘max’ in gluteus maxi-”

Her glare silenced him, and that glare only grew as she quietly growled, “You’re supposed to not be looking.”

“Sorry, sorry.” Yu didn’t want to anger or annoy his girlfriend, not really, but he did like pushing her boundaries. He loved teasing her, getting her all riled up, because she was just so damn cute when she was glaring at him with those ruby cheeks.

They said that the difference between a child and an adult was that an adult would stop poking and prodding right before their target got really upset. Yu liked to think he was a master of that as he smiled sheepishly.



“You’ve… seen me naked before. M-many times.” He nodded his head, chin brushing against the water. “Y-you may look… Just don’t stare.”

Hard not to, he thought to himself as he turned to look at Naoto, watching her slowly undo her buttons. Every button helped free her breasts a little more as Yu’s cheeks began to turn red. He immediately failed at what he promised, staring at her tits as the large breasts slowly pushed against her clothes.

The rest of her clothes fell to the ground, leaving her in her bra and panties as Naoto’s eyes met his. She didn’t say anything, pulling her clothes off as her panties slid to her feet and her bra was unhooked.

Her breasts were finally free as Yu’s smile grew, watching her tits bounce slightly. They jiggled before his eyes as he felt blood rushing down between his legs. She was so beautiful, so sexy, and he melted a bit as she blushed.

“You’re so fucking hot,” he whispered, and Naoto said nothing, but her smile told him she heard. He hoped she knew. He told her nearly every day.

Once naked, she sat down in front of the tub on a small stool. She was in front of the washing stations, and she began to rinse herself with the removable showerhead. Yu watched her, saying nothing as he watched the water cling to her fair skin, making her almost glow.

Once she was done, she grabbed some soap and began to lather herself with it. Yu watched with hungry eyes as the suds and bubbles clung to her skin. It was almost like some kind of swimsuit, covering up her most private areas as Yu watched, eating up the sight.

He gulped, watching her wash away the bubbles to reveal her naked figure again. She was positively glistening now, and he felt fortune wash over him as he thought about how lucky he was.

Naoto was so beautiful. Gorgeous, really. Her already beautiful body grew up to be curvaceous and alluring, a sexiness that was only matched by her mind and skill. Her large breasts bounced gently as she scratched at her head, cleaning it as flesh jiggled slightly.

Yu could practically feel her breasts in his hands as Naoto groped herself. She wasn’t trying to do anything perverted, she was just inspecting her tits, making sure they were properly clean, even as Yu’s heart raced. He watched her lift her tits up, before dropping them, making the large breasts bounce slightly with an obvious clap against her chest.

“You’re staring.”


“You’re staring. Quite obviously, might I add.”

“Oh, uh… S-sorry.” he mumbled, and Naoto raised her brow at him. “Am I that obvious?”

“You are, but I’m willing to forgive you this time,” she chuckled. “I’ve grown quite used to your perverted antics.”

“I’m not that bad, am I?”

“No. Though your eyes due tend to linger. Remember the first time I wore a swimsuit?” she asked, a blush on her face as she washed her body under the warm water.

“Heh. I do. You were so amazing. Like a sapphire in the middle of the desert.”

“Much you describe me in such colorful terminology?”

“You know you love it,” he replied, before he held his hand up. “‘How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth an-’”

“Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Very cute,” she chuckled, staring at him with an amused smile.

“Thank you, thank you. I know, is there anything I can’t do?” he joked, only to immediately feel an inkling of regret. He knew what was coming as he saw Naoto chuckling, recalling the recent memory.

“You are gifted in many things. Dancing, playing the bass and guitar, even singing.”

“Not to mention I’m a decent detective, and amazing with a sword.”

“Junior detective,” she corrected with a gleam in her eyes. “But I’ve seen you act in front of a camera. You were… endearing,” she chuckled.

Yu, Naoto, Kanji, and Rise had had a double date planned together a while ago. Naoto and Yu were spending time with the latter before the double date, watching the idol film a commercial for some new food. When one of the other actors failed to show up, though, Yu volunteered to play their role as a starstruck fan sharing a meal with the superstar idol.

The silver-haired man could fight shadows, hunt down criminals, even compose his own rock ballad and sing it before an audience, but when he was asked to learn his lines on the spot and perform them in front of a camera, well…

His attempts were lackluster, at best.

“If I had more time to learn those lines, I would have been great,” Yu huffed.

“I remembered how you stared at the camera like a deer in headlights. Rise kept waiting for you to say your line.”

Yu felt his cheeks turning red as he lowered his head, finding it partly in the water of the tub. He blew several bubbles as Naoto stood up a bit, trying to better look at her lover. He glanced up, staring up at her large breasts as he seared the sight into his brain.

“Playing one instrument in a band is one thing, hell, even dancing in a group was pretty easy, but there were a lot of scenes where I was up there all by myself. Things are a little harder for me alone,” he mumbled, pouting quietly as Naoto whipped her soaked hair around.

He tried not to stare at her swaying tits as she nodded her head. “I’m only teasing. You did your best, even out of your element. It was very nice of you to offer your help to Rise and her crew.”

Yu’s smile slowly formed on his face, before he bowed his head. “Next time we plan a double date with Rise and Kanji, we do our own thing before meeting them. I don’t ever want to be in front of a camera like that again. I don’t know how you do it.”

“Well, I suppose it helps that I’m not acting. Not really. I merely recite the facts that I am able to and ask any questions as best I can.”

“You make it look so easy,” he complimented. “How’s work, anyways?”

“Good. Niijima-san asked for some help next time I’m in Inaba,” she recounted. “Nothing major. A relatively small case considering what we’re used to. Oh, and Namatame sends his best.”

“Oh? I should really give him a call, check on how he’s doing.” Yu’s eyes continued to go up and down Naoto’s body, admiring her plump rear and her large, delicious rack. His cock stirred between his legs, before he noticed her eyes staring at him. He quickly looked away, blushing slightly as he knew she had caught him.

“How was work for you?” she asked, slowly raising her brow.

“Good. Finished another chapter of our book.”

“It’s not really ours. The books are hardly true to life,” she commented. “What was this one called again?”

“‘Naoto Shirogane and the Mist of Mystery,’” he answered, grinning with pride. “Corpses keep being found after a mist rolls through town, and the great Detective Prince and her sidekick go to investigate together. Exciting, right?”

“Just try and be a bit more realistic this time?” she asked. “Your last novel seemed to imply a supernatural element, which to me seems a bit-”

“Naoto, you and I have gone through TVs into a parallel world. We literally know one of the residents of that world. We’re eating lunch with him and Yukiko next week,” Yu chuckled.

“S-still. There’s a difference between that and curses.” Naoto glanced away from her boyfriend, before looking at him again. “Voodoo curses, I mean.”

Yu did his best to hold back his laugh as he shook his head. He continued to watch Naoto wash herself, lathering her body in soap, before pouring water all over herself again. He watched her, quite literally, rinse and repeat for a few minutes, just enjoying the sight of her beautiful body and her wonderful company.

Once she was done washing herself off, Yu motioned her into the tub with him. She smiled, a gleam in her eyes as she entered on the opposite end. Her knees were up, hiding her nipples as he ogled her. Her breasts even looked slightly bigger than with her knees pressed against them.

“You’re beautiful,” he repeated for perhaps the hundredth time. “And so very cute.” She avoided his gaze as he moved closer. When she finally looked at him, she made her own small remark.

“And you are… rather handsome.”

“Be still my heart. Do my virgin ears deceive me?” he joked, and Naoto giggled in reply. She moved a hand out to him, gently brushing it against his chest. Yu couldn’t help but freeze up for a moment, feeling her hand stroking his body.

“I love you… I’ve always loved you. I remember staying up late, thinking about you before bed.”

“R-really?” he stuttered.

“Yes. I… I always thought you were rather handsome. The thought of you coming to me, asking me for help, looking into your eyes as I recounted information… It was a bit of a fantasy of mine, until you started asking about Kanji.”

Yu continued to blush, feeling Naoto leaning closer as her lips nearly touched him. “I imagined you coming into my office, right out of a noir film. Cascaded in black and white as you asked for my assistance, lost, scared, desperate for help…”

Her finger gently tapped against his heart as she nuzzled against him. “And yet still so dangerous.”

Yu wasn’t sure how to reply at first, his face red as he felt Naoto’s breath against him. Then she moved, turning her head so they could stare into each other’s eyes as both of them blushed.

“Um, h-how was that?”

“T-that was amazing,” he confessed. “Did you really used to think that?”

“Y-yes. I always wanted to solve a classic Noir mystery. A-as a child I even tried to do my own narrations.”

Yu chuckled at that, and Naoto gently smacked him. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against his chest as her eyes widened. Her large breasts pressed against him, nipples prodding his chest.

The embrace lasted a few moments, before they pulled apart and Naoto caught a familiar sight from the corner of her eyes. Beneath the water, his cock was hard. Not as hard as it could be, but certainly hard.

“I always thought you were cute. Boy, girl, all I knew was that you had a cute butt,” he teased, and Naoto tried to hide her face from him.


“The honest truth,” he declared, sliding his hand down her back to give her ass a pinch.

She squeaked, pulling away as he laughed. “You’re a pervert,” she muttered.

“Maybe, but I think I’m corrupting you. I’m turning the mighty Detective Prince into a dirty little pervert, and you know what? I think you like it,” he teased, cock throbbing between his legs as his silver gaze penetrated the young woman’s mind.

Naoto’s eyes widened, recounting all the many times she had rode his cock, cumming on his member, feeling his seed fill her. There was plenty of evidence to support his statement, unfortunately.

“Wanna come here?” he asked, motioning Naoto closer to sit by his side. She hesitated for a moment, before moving closer. His hands caught her hips, though, pulling her towards his lap, where she sat.

Her face was so red as his hands wrapped around her, holding her in his warm embrace. She squeaked quietly, feeling his hands stroking her body. Not only were his hands on her, she also felt his dick pressed against her thighs. It was hardening, brushing against her body in all its glory.


Rather than draw attention to his not so little friend, Yu held her tightly, burying his face in her neck. He gently kissed her skin, and she moaned in reply, eyes falling shut as his lips did their work.

“I love you,” he whispered. “My brilliant, beautiful, amazing woman. You’re so perfect, and I can’t believe how perfect our lives are together.”

Her hands touched his, stroking his arms as his lips gently suckled on her neck. He even licked her, earning a quiet moan from the woman.

“I-I love you too.” She wished she was half the wordsmith he was, but all she could do was moan again as his lips kissed her skin, slowly rising up to peck and nibble on her ear. Meanwhile, his hands were caressing her stomach and legs under the water, making her mind and heart melt inside of her.

“I-I wish I could tell you how much I love you,” Naoto whispered. “I adore you. To say I want to spend every day together would be a-an understatement. I want to be with you forever, for all of eternity,” she confessed.

She couldn’t see it, but her words were making the suave lover blush.

“You’re all I need,” he told her. “If I have you, I could face down Izanami.”

“You did that even without me,” she corrected.

“You were in my heart. In my soul. On my mind. A life with you… That is what I fought for,” he told her, making her swoon in his arms.

Naoto turned her head, staring at her boyfriend, before she pecked his lips. He returned the kiss, before she began to move.

She turned her body in his arms, moving to face him as her hands gently touched his face. She kissed his lips and he kissed back, sliding his hands up her stomach to reach her large breasts. He placed his hands on the soft flesh, gently pushing down on them as his lips wrestled with hers.

Her tongue gently poked his lips, and he parted his, welcoming her tongue. The kiss grew more passionate as their tongues danced, and Naoto wrapped her arms tightly around her lover’s body. The two continued to kiss as their bodies laid in the hot water, skin tingling as they both began to feel the pressure build.

His arms wrapped around her body, embracing her as they continued to kiss. Naoto could feel her mind sizzling from his hands against her body, and so she returned the favor by moving a hand down to grab at his cock. Her fingers wrapped around the hard member, guiding it towards her pussy.

He slipped in easily, but despite all the sex the two had, Naoto moaned at how large her lover was. At the same time, Yu couldn’t help but moan as well, overwhelmed by how tight his detective was.

The two moaned together, basking in the euphoria of their lover as her hands grabbed onto his shoulders, slowly lifting her body up, before lowering herself down on his cock. Up and down, stroking nearly his entire cock as Yu moaned under her.

His hands dipped into the water again, grabbing her ass and sinking his fingers into her plump flesh. He savored the sensation of her soft skin against his hand, squeezing it tightly as her pussy wrapped tight around his member. Their bodies bumped against one another as Yu leaned his head back, moaning loudly.

He opened his mouth, trying to say something about how tight she was, or how much he loved her, but before he could say anything she kissed his lips. His eyes widened, before he kissed back, holding her tightly as she continued to ride him.

The two alternated between kissing one another and moaning, but neither said anything. They knew that words weren’t necessary. Water splashed and churned inside of the tub, but neither cared as the water splashed outside the tub. Besides, the drain in the middle of the floor made sure to take care of most of it.

Of course, Naoto’s clothes were a casualty of their love making, but honestly neither could care less. They just enjoyed their time together, moaning together as her tight pussy squeezed his cock, wrapping around it and milking him for his precum.

The two enjoyed the serene moment. It felt so natural to them. Love making in the truest sense of the term as they clung to one another. Eventually, though, it had to end. They could only control themselves so much as Naoto’s pussy wrapped around Yu’s girthy member.

The two still didn’t say anything. They stared at one another, before their lips met for another kiss. The kiss lasted only a moment as they broke apart, cumming together as their moans filled the bathroom.

Naoto felt her body trembling from the force of her orgasm, not to mention the sheer euphoria of being filled by her boyfriend’s seed. It spilled into her, coating the inside of her womanhood as she moaned in joy.

Her body soon went limp, falling into his arms as he embraced her once more. Neither said anything for a few moments, before Yu kissed Naoto’s cheek.

“What did I do to deserve you?” he wondered aloud.

“You did save the world.”

“I could save the world five times and I still wouldn’t deserve a woman as amazing as you,” he commented.

“Give it time. I’m sure you’ll save it a dozen times by the time you’re Dojima’s age,” she teased, and he laughed at the comment, kissing her ear again.

“I love you, Naoto. You’re my everything.” Another kiss. “Prince, princess, doesn’t matter. I love you.”

Naoto blushed red at the compliments, nuzzling against him to avoid his silver eyes. She kissed his chest as he stroked her back, taking a deep breath. “I’m yours.”

“And that’s all I’ll ever need.”

Yu continued to shower Naoto with praise and adoration, but eventually he asked her if she wanted to get out of the tub. Of course, it wasn’t just that. “Maybe we can go to the bedroom, cuddle up, make out... maybe go a few more rounds,” he teased, and Naoto’s eyes rolled in her skull.

“You’re impossible,” she admonished, smacking his chest with a light pat. “We’ll need another bath at this rate.”

“I’m fine with that.” Naoto’s face was enveloped by a scarlet blush, yet she laughed at his comment, shaking her head in amusement as he peppered her with kisses. He chuckled between kisses, before he wrapped her up in his arms and stood up.

She gasped, clinging to his soaked body as she was suddenly picked up. “Y-Yu! Be careful!”

“Don’t worry, Naoto. I’ve got you. I always will,” he swore, stepping onto a nearby rug, moving slowly and carefully as he held his navy-haired lover.

“I… I know you will.”

He slowly dropped her onto her feet the two picked up some towels, drying the other off as they stared knowingly into the other’s eyes. They could practically read the other’s mind.

The night was far from over.


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