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Once more, unto the breach, dear friends. 

I'm back at it again, with a slightly different Patreon. 

With the month about to change, a few announcement. Some I've already told you, some I haven't.

1. 10 and 15 dollar patrons will not be getting stories every month anymore. Until I can get my commissions sorted out, they will only give you a voting bonus. Once I clear out my commissions, more benefits will be installed for patrons of this tier. Make sure to change your tier accordingly, and I'll work on giving refunds if patrons demand it. 

2. Please send ideas for polls to me in a pm if there's something you want. 

3. I am moving one month from now. Patreon will probably go business as usual, but I'm just letting you all know in case next month, May, I'm quiet or a bit busy. 

4. I am truly, truly blessed to have your support. That said, if you are unhappy with my content or need to reprioritize your resources, do so. I want to do my best to please my audience, but sometimes that just isn't possible. 

5. I have two Twitters. Follow if you want. I'd appreciate it, but don't sweat it. 


https://twitter.com/LeafyDreamXXX 18plus account

6. Have questions, suggestions, or comments? Just let me know. Private messages on here or Twitter.

7. Right now my main focus is poll stories, commissions, $20 patrons, and original projects. I'm going to do my best to be my best for myself and you. I love and appreciate all of you. 


Raistlin Henninger

I’m glad to see you back and wish you good fortune in the wars to come.

Raistlin Henninger

Hey, one time I logged on and nothing was on your page? Did something happen that I missed?


Huh. I don't think anything happened to my page. Sorry, I'm not sure what happened.