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Digimon: Chapter 2 of Strange Love. Gatomon and Davis have been dating for weeks now. Angewomon leaves Kari's home in some of her clothes, clothes much too small for her body. She meets up with Davis, and the two have a kinky night of nearly being caught having sex in public together. Includes: Public sex, exhibitionism, monster girl, wholesome, romance


The bed groaned and squeaked under Davis and Angewomon as the latter bounced on top of her boyfriend, riding his cock and letting his hands grope and squeeze her large tits. She let out a loud moan, trembling on top of his cock as the tip of it slammed into her sensitive regions.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she panted, only to moan once more as his fingers pinched her nipples. She leaned her head back, trembling as she came once more, pussy tightening tightly around Davis’ cock.

The human felt his fingers digging into her soft tit flesh, making her moan stretch out as he came inside of her. A wave of his seed filled her insides, coating the inside of her womb and overfilling her pussy to the point where some of his cum was dripping out of her.

Davis fell limply onto his bed, trying to catch his breath  as he stared at the roof of his bedroom. He felt beads of sweat sliding down his body. He could feel his heart pounding as a beautiful woman fell onto his arm, using it as a pillow as she gasped for air too.

Angewomon laid beside him, naked, glistening in sweat as her large breasts bounced up and down. It had been weeks since the two began to date one another, though most of that dating involved a closer, seemingly platonic friendship with one another in the morning, and sneaking off for midnight rendezvous at night.

This was just one of those rendezvous as the two laid on his bed, both tired and panting from the wild fun they had together.

“That was… amazing,” she confessed. “I mean… Wow.”

“Y-yeah,” he agreed, nodding his head. “You were… amazing,” he laughed, smiling at her.

“I think you’re amazing,” she retorted, before she gently poked his face. “You’ve got a lot of stamina for a human.”

“Thanks. You’ve got a pretty face.” Angewomon chuckled at the compliment, before Davis kissed her cheek. “And you even look good without the fur.”

There was something about that compliment that resonated in the young woman. She chuckled weakly, gulping down a mix of his cum and her spit as she glanced down.

“You charmer.”

The two laid there in silence, enjoying the soft melody of the night as seconds became minutes, and minutes melted into one another. Eventually though, Angewomon spoke up. “I haven’t told Kairi yet. We… we really should.”

“Yeah…” Davis nibbled on his bottom lip as he stared at the ceiling. “We should tell everyone.”



She turned her body, nuzzling against his warm, naked body as she took a deep breath. “Are we crazy?”

“I mean, I sort of thought I was when I saw a giant lizard man shoot fire at a giant dinosaur, rhino thing. I’ve just been rolling with the punches since,” Davis joked, earning a light smack from his girlfriend.

“You’re not nearly as cute as you think you are. I mean this. Are we crazy for trying this? You’re a human, I’m a Digimon.”

“Are… are you having second thoughts?” he asked, rolling to face the beautiful woman. She stared into his eyes, and a melancholic smile pulled at her lips.

“No, but you know that’s what the others will think. They’ll think we’re crazy. Insane. Maybe even freaks. Are you ready for that?” Her hand found his, gently squeezing the soft digits as she took a deep breath. “Because honestly? I don’t know if I’m ready for Kari to look at me like that.”

“She won’t,” he retorted. “None of the others will.” Davis could feel it, though. As much as Davis loved his friends, he couldn’t deny the fact that they might try steering the two from what they thought was a mistake.”

“Can I tell you something? Something I’ve only told Kari?” Angewomon whispered, and Davis nodded his head. “When I first left Myotismon and joined the Digidestined, I expected them all to hate me. I expected them to look at me like I was a monster. I’d keep my eyes on Kari, or on whoever we were fighting, just so I didn’t have to see them glance at me, wondering, ‘Is she going to betray us? Can we trust her? What if she hurts my partner?’”

Angewomon closed her eyes, feeling Davis’ fingers slip away from hers and gently stroke my cheek. “They had every right to. I was their enemy not too long ago. They didn’t have to trust me. Didn’t even have to like me.”

“But they do trust you. They love you. You’re a part of the team.”

“I know that, but… but it’s hard to just shake that feeling off, even after all the time I spent away from Kari,” she sighed. “Even now.”

Davis could see the sadness swirling inside of his girlfriend’s eyes. He kissed her lips once more, before he moved his body to embrace her. “Hey, how about we go out on a date tomorrow? A real one. Not just you slipping into my room in the middle of the night. A real date, just you and me.”

Angewomon blinked, pulling away to give him an amused stare. “What? Like riding a little boat on a lake or whatever it is humans do?”

“I mean, if you want,” he shrugged. “I just want you to feel normal for a little bit. We don’t think we’re freaks. Let’s go out and not-be freaks together. Besides, getting ice cream together sounds like the perfect pick me up for ya,” he grinned.

Angewomon blinked, before her lips formed a wide smile as she nodded her head. “That does sound fun. I hate how we have to always hide our relationship around the others. Going out in public in a human disguise might be nice. I could even borrow some of Kari’s clothes.”

“Uh…” Davis glanced at Angewomon’s body, before turning back to her face. “Think you might be a little big for Kari’s outfits.”

“Oh, I’m sure I can find something,” the taller woman replied, waving her hand in the air before she embraced her boyfriend. “Mmm, so what do you want to do tomorrow, my tiny, little human?”


Davis stood in front of the cinema, tapping his foot on the ground as he waited for his girlfriend to arrive. He glanced down the street, before looking up at the sky.

“She knows not to fly here, right? Yeah, of course she does…” His eyes kept glancing up, though, until a voice called out to him.

“Davis! Sorry I’m late!” she apologized.

The tall woman slipped out of a small crowd of people, a grin on her face as Davis blinked. Then his face was consumed in a bright, red blush as he noticed how poorly Angewomon’s clothes seemed to fit on her body. The white, long-sleeved top was ready to burst, filled with her bountiful breasts. A cleavage window was formed, ripped open by her figure. What once were a pair of jeans were reduced to shorts, barely able to contain her thick thighs. They weren’t even buttoned as they clung to her wide hips.

“Davis? You okay?”

“Uh… T-those are Kari’s clothes?”

“Er, well, they were,” she chuckled, scratching the back of her head. She seemed to reach for her helmet, only to remember it wasn’t there as her scarlet cheeks glowed. “She hardly wears these anymore, and I thought I could actually fit in them, but, well… Y-yeah.”

Davis nodded his head, before he smiled slightly. Angewomon’s helmet always hid half her face. Since dating her, he had seen what she looked like without it, and he was lucky enough to catch all the times her cheeks turned red from his compliments.

“You look-”

“Amazing?” she teased.

“Like an angel.”

She chuckled at that, before she wrapped her arms around his, pulling him close so they were walking side by side. While Davis wasn’t a kid anymore, the young man still didn’t reach Angewomon’s height, standing just few inches then her. He didn’t mind, though, walking by her side with a grin as they entered the theater.

“So, what are we watching?”

“I got tickets for this romcom. Supposed to be really sweet.”

“Oh,” Angewomon nodded her head. “Sounds good,” she smiled, though Davis just chuckled.

“I’m kidding. There’s this action movie that just came out. Supposed to have some cool stunts.”

A sigh of relief slipped out of his date’s lips as she smiled. “Oh. Thank the Sovereigns. Your human mating rituals take so long, and the films about them are so contrived. Kari likes them, but I can’t stand them. There’s always some silly misunderstanding or something in the third act that drives the couple apart. I’ll take cars exploding almost any day.”

The blond kissed her boyfriend’s cheek, a grateful smile on her lips as he beamed with pride. Together two slipped into the theater together.


The two sat down, smiling at one another as the previews played. Of course, Davis found it hard to focus on them when something far more captivating was right next to him. Angewomon was quietly eating a candy bar, savoring the delicious food. She had no idea her boyfriend was staring at her rather large breasts.

Had they gotten bigger since they started dating? Did Digi-women tits do that? Get bigger the more sex they have? That sounded ridiculous, but how much did he know about digital biology? He hardly knew anything about human biology!

“You okay?” she asked, glancing at him.

“Y-yeah. I’m good. I-”

“Huh. Is that a digivice in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” she asked, placing a hand on his lap and feeling him jump as her fingers brushed against his hard dick, contained just under his pants.

She smiled at him, admiring his blushing face illuminated by the light of the screen.

“W-what are you doing?”

“Having some fun. Trust me,” she urged, leaning closer, letting her large breasts press against his chest, nipples poking through the cloth.

“You’re not wearing a bra?”

“What’s a bra?” Angewomon shrugged at the question, before she unzipped his pants and parted his boxers, watching his cock pop out. She grinned, licking her pink lips as Davis gulped.

He moaned as soon as her soft fingers stroked the sides of his cock, rising up, before sliding back down. He moaned quietly, panting as he felt her fingers wrap tightly around his member, moving up and down as her warm breath stroked his face.

“Like that, handsome?” she teased, giving his cheek a peck.

“We really shouldn’t do this,” he muttered.

“Say the word and I’ll stop.” Davis’ eyes looked around the filled movie theater, before he glanced at her. His girlfriend’s soft fingers continued to stroke off his cock, pumping it until a small glob of precum formed on the tip of his dick. It was promptly licked up by Angewomon, who smiled at him.

“Hmm?” She cocked one of her brows up, a knowing smile on her face.

“Keep going,” he whispered, unsure if it was a plea or an order as she giggled, continuing to pump her hand up and down his cock as the theater darkened for the main event.

Everyone’s eyes were on the screen, and loud explosions and barrages of gunfire assaulted everyone’s senses, leaving many ignorant of the fact that Angewomon’s hand was jerking Davis’ cock up and down,

He moaned quietly, a sound hidden well by the roar of an explosion. Angewomon kissed his lips, gently nibbling on his bottom lip, before she moved her head down to kiss and lick the tip of his dick. He shuddered at the touch of her soft tongue, before she watched as Angewomon sat back straight up.

She winked at him, before her hand moved faster on his dick. Davis couldn’t last long, digging his fingers into the leather arm rests. He trembled in her hand, taking a deep breath and moaning through gritted teeth.

“Hey, shut up back there,” the person in front of them growled, fidgeting in their seat.

“S-sorry, man,” Davis grunted. Angewomon snickered beside him, trying to hold back laughter as she leaned closer, rubbing her large breasts against him.

“Naughty, naughty,” the angel teased, before her other hand pulled on her shirt, letting him see her hard nipple under the light of the cinema screen.

“Y-you’re enjoying this t-too much,” he grunted, fighting back the urge to cum, but both of them knew that was a losing battle.

“Mmm. Yeah, maybe,” she agreed, before she caught a gollop of his precum with her hand, slipping it under her shirt to rub against her breast. “Maybe I like pleasuring you in public. Letting everyone know you literally get to fuck an angel.”

“N-not really literally.”

“Shh.” She pressed a finger against the top of his dick from her free hand, smearing it with his precum, never looking away for a moment. Angewomon then lifted her finger up to her hand, licking it clean with a hungry look in her eyes.  “What are you gonna do? Punish me…?” Her bright blue eyes stared at him, fluttering gently as Davis felt his dick pulsing in her warm, tight hand.

He came in her hand, shooting a load out. It splattered against the back of the seat in front of him. His body trembled, panting quietly as his face turned a bright shade of red. He glanced at Angewomon, who had her other hand on her mouth, blinking slowly. The two glanced around the theater, watching as everyone inside stared at the action-packed film.

The two then shared a look, before they smiled at one another. Angewomon slipped Davis’ hand back into his pants, before he reached over to grab some napkins and hopefully clean their little mess.


Angewomon wondered if this was what being in love was like.

She had fallen in love with Davis years ago, but being in love, and being in a loving relationship were two very different things.

When the two of them first made love, part of her had been scared that this wasn’t going to last long. Their time together would be a flicker. A moment of warmth and light, but gone in an instance.

But weeks later, and here she was, still in love with Davis. And the two had actually gone out on a date together. After the movie, they just had fun, eating out, and even playing in a nearby arcade together.

It was amazing. They were normal, and for a long while, Angewomon could just pretend to be a normal person. Not many people stared at them, and those that did weren’t doing it because she was a Digimon.

It was because humans found her beautiful in this form. It was becoming incredibly clear as she walked around with Davis. Some boys were falling for her with just a glance, but it didn’t matter. She had her man, and deep in her core, she was honestly kind of glad Kari didn’t go out with Davis.

Angewomon couldn’t imagine anyone dating Davis and not sticking with him. He was brave, and kind, and-

“What are you thinking about?” Davis asked, looking at his girlfriend as the two sat outside together. He dug his spoon into the ice cream between them, holding it out to her. She gave him a warm smile, before wrapped her lips around it and moaning at the sweet, icy treat.

She didn’t miss his blushing cheeks as she answered. “Just thinking about how good I have it.”

Davis blinked. “Why? Cause you can fly?”

“No, Davis.”

“Cause you can shoot arrows out of your hands?”


“Hey, wait, where are your wings any-mmph,” Davis was silenced with a kiss, eyes widening as her lips met his.

The kiss was quick, but it left him hungry for more as she grinned. “Because I have you, dummy.” An idea suddenly seemed to strike the woman, and she grinned, taking one last bite off of Davis’ spoon before standing up. “I’m done. You?”

“Yeah, I’m good,” he replied, taking one last bite for himself.

“Come on. I want to have some more fun.”

“Wait, what are you talking about? Fun like in the arcade, or-?”

“Fun like in the theater. There was an alley back there,” she grinned, motioning behind her as she pulled on Davis’ hand, making him fall onto her breasts. “Or we can go to the park again.”

“Oh.” His eyes widened, before he smiled at her, nodding his head as he lifted his face up from between her tits. “Someone likes public sex.”

“Only with you,” she shot back, laughing as Davis threw away their trash. “Come on.” She gave him a tug, pulling him along as the two beamed, cheeks red with excitement and lust. As much as this date started off as a romantic and innocent thing, the two just couldn't seem to help but add a bit of spice to it.


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