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Summary: When a young man is sent to the world of Final Fantasy 7, he tries to adapt and find his way home. Along the way, he forms a bond with Aerith. Knowing his secret, and harboring feelings for him, she tries to convince him to stay with her... Includes: Romance.


In another world, a young man stared into the night sky. He stood on a balcony, overwatching the gleaming lights of the city below. The young man couldn’t help but admire the sight.

For all the differences this world had to his own, in the middle of the night and all the way up here? The Wall Market of Sector 6 resembled his old home.

The young man wasn’t from any sector this world knew of. He lived in the busy streets of New York, just trying to survive the daily grind. One of his ways to deal with the stress was by playing games.

Games like Final Fantasy 7.

The young man combed his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath and letting out a long, exhausted sigh. How long had he been in this world? It seemed like years since he saw that car speeding towards him.

A crash, a bright light, and then here he was, in the world of the game he loved so much. It was insane, but every minute breathing in this world’s air was another reminder of what reality was for the young man.

At first, the young man panicked. Who wouldn’t? One minute he was watching a car speeding towards him, the next he’s laying in the middle of a street he didn’t recognize.

None of it made sense, but he gave up asking questions months ago. Now he was just along for the ride, doing his best to follow the path of the game. He hoped that once he reached its end, he’d be returned to his home, safe and sound.

Then again, what if this was some kind of coma? He could be laying in a hospital bed right now.

Or maybe he was dead.

That was certainly a thought he didn’t want to dwell on. The young man sighed once more, before he heard the door behind him open. He turned his head, smiling when he saw who was there.


“Robin,” the brunette replied, greeting him with that same bright smile he had adored. “Are you alright?” He nodded his head, watching as Aerith walked inside his room. “Good. I’m glad. I have some food for you. If you’d like it.”

“I’m not really hungry,” he replied with a thankful gleam in his eyes. “Thank you, though.”

“Ah. Well, I’ll just leave it here in case you do.” She held up the tray in her hands, drawing his eyes to it, before she walked over to his bed. He placed the tray onto it, before she picked up a small, purple bag. “I got you some snacks too. There's a nice little sweets shop, and I remembered you mentioning how much you like peanut butter sweets, and I-ah…”

She blushed, her face turning a faint shade of red as he walked closer. “I’m sorry. I’m blathering.” Her eyes met his, before they fell to her feet.

“No, it’s okay. I’m just surprised you remembered.”

“Of course. I can only imagine how awful it is to be trapped in another world,” she sighed. “If there’s anything I can do to help ease your pain, I want to.”

Aerith was the first person he really got to know in this world. It was so different compared to just watching her play a role in a game. Robin walked closer to the woman, watching her soft lips curving into another smile.

She cared for him when no one else did. She was there for him, and he was happy to volunteer to help her sell flowers. Of course, there was a pragmatic reason to stay by her side. Eventually she would run into Cloud, and they’d join up as one big party.

Robin integrated into the party well, even gaining a few combat skills he could never imagine having in his old life, but Aerith was still his closest friend and ally. He shared his true origins with her, and he was overjoyed to hear her comfort him.

Of course, it didn’t hurt that he might have had a slightly massive crush on her.

Still, Robin tried his best to just ignore those feelings. After all, a few shortcuts in the game’s story shouldn’t affect anything, but trying to love Aerith when she was taken by Cloud or Zack? That was nuts. Besides, he doubted she would see much in him.

“Trust me, this whole ordeal is a lot easier with you in my life,” he confessed. “I don’t know where I’d be without you.”

Aerith moved closer to him. She stood right in front of him, before her foot caught on something. She fell forward, right into his arms as he caught her.

“Whoa! I got you.”

“Oh, thank you!” she beamed, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You saved me, Robin.”

“Heh, no problem.” She squeezed him tighter, pressing her breasts against his own body. He could feel her chest rubbing against him, breasts sliding through their clothes.

“You… you really… I’m thankful for you. You know that, right? Not just for  this, but for yesterday, and the day before, and these last few months. You’re always ready to protect me. Like my knight in shining armor,” the young woman smiled.

“Well, you’re one hell of a princess,” he responded, picking her up and letting her stand on her own two feet. He tried pulling away, only to find her hands were still wrapped around him. One of her hands slid down his chest, admiring his body with a glimmer in her eyes.

Robin wasn’t sure what to say as he felt her hand on him. She stroked his body with a tender hand, sliding it along his muscles through his clothes.

“Thank you.” She moved closer, almost like she was falling into his arms. He caught her once more, keeping their bodies apart as a burning blush consumed his face.

Robin had always had a thing for Aerith, there was no doubt there, but no matter how things seemed, she wasn’t his to have. He shouldn’t even try. Not when she had feelings for Cloud, or Zack.

So he pulled away, leaving her at arm’s length as he scratched the back of his head. “Are we ready to go yet?”

The brunette woman didn’t say anything at first, staring at him blankly for a long moment, before she slipped a smile on for him. “Soon. Tifa’s finishing Cloud’s dress off,” Aerith chuckled.

“Can’t wait to see him in the dress. Glad I don’t have to wear it,” Robin snickered. He knew how this was meant to go. Cloud would be taken to Don Corneo’s room, Tifa and Aerith would arrive to back him up, and then Robin would save them from being dumped in the sewer.

Aerith suddenly wrapped her arms around him, smiling at him as her bare arms brushed against his body. “Well, I hope you like how I look in my dress too.”

“Trust me, I know you’ll be wearing yours better.”


The mission went off without a hitch, and the group returned to their hideout together high on their triumph. Cloud was eager to get out of his dress and to hopefully end the barrage of compliments the others were giving him, while Tifa followed behind him.

Aerith and Robin lagged behind slightly, slipping into the small inn they were using as a base together. Her arms were wrapped around his, clutching onto him and even laying her head on his shoulder.

Despite this, when they reached the door to his room, he still expected her to pull away and for them to go their separate ways.

She did not. She clung to his arm as he unlocked his door.

“Um, it’s getting late. We should probably get some rest,” he commented, glancing down at the woman.

She smiled back at him, her fingers gently stroking his arm. “You know, you never did tell me how you felt about my dress?”

“Your dress? Y-your dress,” he repeated, feeling his face burning up again. It was easy not to comment on it, because he knew if he did he’d make a fool of himself. “Um, you look good.”

“How can you say that? You’re not even looking at me,” she commented, placing a hand on his cheek and gently turning his head to face her. “There. What do you think now?”

His eyes slipped down, and he glanced at her cleavage. Her breasts were on display, unlike her usual clothes, and Robin could feel sweat dripping down his brow as he stared at her. Her hands stroked his cheek as her ruby lips smiled at him.

“Well, you seem to approve, but I don’t know-”

“Um, Aerith, are… Do you… I should go,” he declared, trying to pull away, but when he did, Aerith was still holding onto him. While he was strong enough to easily break free, he didn’t, letting her hold onto him, focusing his gaze back down onto her breasts.

“Robin. I like you.”

“I like you too,” he replied, trying to turn his eyes upwards. Of course, he was distracted by her beautiful face and bright, shimmering eyes. Her soft, colorful lips. Her bewitching beauty. “Y-you’re… a… a good friend…?”

“You’re not listening. I want you.” Her hand slid down from his cheek, gliding down his shoulder and down the length of his arm before she finally reached his hand. She took it in her own hand, directing him towards her breasts and pressing his palm against her body.

He could feel her soft tit through the cloth of the dress, he could feel it moving under the pressure, shifting slightly against him.

“I want you to make love to me.” There was the barest hint of red on Aerith’s cheeks. A real blush, not one painted on by a cosmetic. Despite her direct tone, he could still hear the slightest hint of embarrassment in her voice. “I want us… to be together.”

“What?” Robin replied, shaking his head slightly as he tried to make sense of what was just said. “You want… A-are you sure? What about Cloud? Or Zack?!” he asked. “I thought you loved them.”

“I care about them, but it’s not the same as what I feel towards you,” she replied. She pressed her body against his and he stepped back, bumping his body against a wall. He gulped down spit as Aerith pressed her body against his. He could feel her supple tits against his chest, gently moving up and down as she bounced against him.

“When I first met you, I knew you were different. I could feel it, and when you protect me, I feel something between us. I think you like me as much as I like you,” she cooed, a knowing smile on her pillowy lips.

“I… I do,” he confessed, knowing that denying it now would be damn near impossible with her body against his. “But I thought you liked-”

“I like you. Do you understand?” she whispered, her tone low and seductive, stroking his mind as he felt his blood flowing down to his cock. Her legs split apart slightly, letting his knee slip in between, gently rubbing against her crotch through the dress.

She moaned quietly, a smile on her face. She looked up at him with an almost predatory desire as her hands lovingly stroked the collar of his clothes. “When you told me about your past, I promised you that I would help you find a way back to your world. I swore I would.” She kicked off her shoes, before she stood on the tips of her toes, leaning close so their lips were inches apart.

“But I’m beginning to have second thoughts… So this is me… trying to convince you to stay, and if you don’t want me, you need to tell me now.”

“Not want you? How could anyone not want you? You’re beautiful, and kind, and brave, and just… amazing,” he confessed. “When you threatened that fat pig… Fuck, you were so hot. You are hot!” he quickly corrected, blushing slightly as her own cheeks turned a lovely shade of red. “Aerith, I think you’re-mmph?”

She pulled him down to kiss her lips, in control for the moments as his eyes widened. Then he held her in his arms tightly, lifting her up as he kissed back. Her arms wrapped around his neck, wrapping tight around him as their tongues began to wrestle with one another.

Her tongue pushed into his mouth, surprising the young man with her spirit and passion, but he quickly matched it as he lifted her right off the ground. His arms were squeezing their bodies together, one hand on her back, the other on her plump rear. Her feet dangled off the ground as she bent one of her legs back at the knee, looking like a bride with her groom.

The two pulled apart, staring at one another with hungry eyes. Aerith licked her ruby lips as Robin grinned.

“Let me convince you to stay,” she requested, gently sliding a finger down his cheek. “Please, my knight in shining armor?” Her voice was low, almost a whisper again, yet hearing it gave the young man’s heart a racing beat.

He was already convinced, but why not have some fun? He carried her into the bedroom, grinning as she kissed his neck and gently suckled on his skin. He dropped her onto his bed, and she laughed as she bounced up and down on it a bit.

Robin began to pull at his clothes, tearing them off of his body as Aerith did the same. Of course, in her case, she literally tore it off her body. The sound of fabric ripping echoed throughout the room as he raised his brow.

“That can’t be cheap.”

“Cloud paid for it. Now shut up and fuck me.” He wasn’t sure if that was a plea or an order, but either way, he was all too happy to follow through.

Once his boxers came off, his cock popped free. Robin noticed the way Aerith’s eyes widened, and she seemed to lose her breath, staring at it with awe. Her hand covered her lips for a moment, before she smiled, motioning him closer as she laid down on his bed. Her hands slid onto her body, moving towards her chest.

She pulled her dress down, letting her breasts pop free as he laid on top of her. They kissed once more, lips and tongue playing with one another. It was gentler this time, slower and more loving as they tasted the other.

Aerith tore at her panties, ripping part of it off and letting it cling to her leg as she kissed her hero. She moaned against his lips, feeling him lay on her.

Her breasts pressed against his naked chest, hard nipples poking his skin as he sucked on her tongue. The two broke the kiss as Robin placed his hands on the bed and angled himself.

“Ready?” he whispered.

“More than you can imagine,” she replied, gently stroking his legs with her own. “Now fuck me.”

He pushed his cock into her, slowly, feeling her warm, wet walls squeezing his shaft. He trembled on top of her, taking long, deep breaths as her pussy was filled.

“Fuck, you’re so big… You’re-ahh, haa, haa!” she moaned loudly, holding him tightly as he pushed his cock into her again and again. The bed shifted slightly as he kissed her neck, nibbling on her soft skin. “Eee! Robin, I-ahh!”

He continued to buck his hips, pounding her pussy harder and faster, feeling her pussy juices spilling onto the bed as they coated his thick shaft. Her tight cunt was milking precum out of his shaft, and its warm embrace was just making him fuck her faster.

“I-ah, I love you, Aerith,” he confessed. “I love you. I’ve always, mmph, loved you.”

“I love you too!” she replied, kissing his head as she wrapped her limbs around him. “Keep fucking me, please. Harder. Ha, ha, haa!”

And he obeyed, shaking the bed under them as he pumped her full of his cock. Every battering blow inside of her felt like a minor quake inside of her body. Aerith had never felt this kind of pleasure before. It was going throughout her body, blowing up like a firework and then falling all the way down to her toes.

Every thrust was another bolt of lightning going through her, leaving her tingling, giggling with joy and euphoria. Aerith was drowning in pleasure, happy to lose herself to it as she felt Robin’s lips against her naked body.

The loud, wet smack of their bodies continued to fill the room as they moaned together. Their cries melded together, becoming a beautiful symphony together. Robin wrapped his arms around her, pressing their bodies even closer together as he continued to plunge his cock into her.

He could feel the tip of his dick kissing the entrance to her womb. The loud clapping of their bodies against the other grew louder as his balls smacked against her skin.

“Ah, I’m gonna cum soon,” he confessed.

“Good. Do it. In. Me!” she urged, biting her lower lip as she closed her eyes. A loud moan pressed against her sealed lips as her pussy trembled around his cock.

She came first, cum spraying onto the bed as she cried out against him. Her cunt trembled around his cock, squeezing and releasing, tightening and loosening, gripping it so tightly again and again until he was driven over the edge.

He came inside of her, shooting his seed inside of her tight cunt as she moaned loudly. Their bodies trembled against one another, shaking as they gasped and moaned. His semen filled her womb, coating the inside of her womanhood as her arms and legs went limp.

She laid on the bed, eyes staring at the roof as Robin slid his cock out of her, wiping the shimmering rod against her bare skin.

“Holy shit,” he laughed, falling beside her. “You… you were so tight.”

“And you were so big. I was like your fucking cock sheath,” she cooed, a wide smile on her face as she wiped her brow. “That was amazing.”

The young man grinned with pride at her words, before he slipped an arm under her and pulled her close. She giggled with joy, feeling his lips kiss her breast, before rising up to her neck, and then to press against her lips.

“Want to go again?”


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