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Persona: Yu and Naoto have been married for years now, and he surprises his wife with a visit and an outfit. Things escalate and get kinky, only for visitors to come by. The two hide, but that doesn't mean the fun has to stop. Includes: Romance, Secret Sex, Big Boobs


Naoto Shirogane took a deep breath, before she relaxed into her seat. It had been a long week, but she was hopeful she could finally have some time to rest.

The latest case she had gone through was a long ordeal, but she had finally closed it. The villain was behind bars, and the innocents were safe. The day had been saved, and the media circus was finally moving on to the next sensation.

Perhaps she would take a few days off? Normally the young woman was never very good with such an idea, but even she was rather burnt out from the latest case.

And when was the last time she spent the whole day with her husband and children? Naoto’s cheeks turned slightly red at the thought.

Not many people could say they actually married their highschool sweetheart, but she had. Yu Narukami was her first and only love, and as soon as they were of age, they married one another. They fell in love, deeper in love than Naoto could ever think possible.

And even after all that time, that love grew only stronger.

It was a one of a kind love story, it seemed, but then again, Rise and Kanji were happy together, as were Chie and Yosuke.

Perhaps love was more common in the world than she thought?

Naoto glanced at the photo on her desk. Her and her husband with their oldest daughter, a silver-haired child with a streak of blue hair dyed into her hair. Beside her was their baby boy, held by his older sister. They all looked so happy…

Perhaps she would give herself some days off to spend with them? Her daughter had been wanting to go to the theme park lately, and their son was just beginning to talk. Of course, he used those skills to ask for Aunt Nanako, but Naoto wouldn’t mind visiting the young woman.

The more she thought about it, the better it sounded. Spending time with her family, making memories of their family before her children were moving out…

Naoto Shirogane’s peaceful fantasy was interrupted from a knock on the door. She blinked, before looking up at the door, watching as a familiar face walked into her office.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Yu grinned, walking inside.


“Naoto, we’re married. Call me Yu. Or studmuffin, if you prefer.” His smile was teasing as ever as her cheeks turned a bright shade of red.

“I… I wasn’t expecting you.”

“Well, I decided to take the day off and surprise you at work. He stepped back out, and brought in two boxes, one fairly large, and the other a bit smaller. “Got a couple of surprises for you.”

“I… W-what? Are you sure?” she blinked. “Whatever for? I-it’s not a holiday, is it?” she thought aloud, fearing that she had forgotten a birthday or anniversary again.

“I don’t need a reason to see my girl, or a reason to shower her in gifts!” He grinned, placing the boxes on her desk. “Besides, you finished a big case! You deserve to relax and celebrate.”

“That’s very kind of you, Narukami,” she mumbled, a blush on her cheeks as he opened the smaller box and pulled out a couple of fine glasses and two slices of cake in a plastic box.

“You got the wine?” he asked, and Naoto rolled her eyes as she opened one of her drawers.

“You know, I should be working.”

“Working on what? I know you’re between cases right now, gorgeous,” he commented, and his simple compliment made her look away. Her blush still glowed on her cheeks as she placed the bottle on the desk.

“I got your favorite. German Chocolate Cake,” he smiled, holding the cake up.

“I do admit to having a small weakness for that particular sweet, but I am on the clock…” She glanced away, then back at the cake and wine they had on the table. She was smiling, knowing Yu was only just doing what he did best. Love and care for her… “But I suppose I have earned a reward.”

“That’s the spirit!” Yu sat in front of Naoto, smiling at her as they poured the wine into their cups. The afternoon sun peeked in through the blinds as he smiled. “I remember back when I had to twist your arm to get you to relax.”

“I… I admit I can be a bit of a workaholic,” she confessed, reaching for her hat to hide her rosy cheeks. “At times.”

“Mmm. Only sometimes.”

“Of course.”

The two enjoyed their drinks as the conversation dipped into the past. The two walked down memory lane, a beautiful walk that reminded them of many sights and sounds. Naoto felt the warm drink slide down her throat, tickling her mind as a giggle escaped her mouth.

“I-I remember when Teddie couldn’t stop making Yukiko laugh,” she giggled. “T-the jokes were so stupid, b-but she kept laughing, and then so did we, a-and then-”

“And then Yosuke started joining in, and they put together a two man comedy act,” Yu grinned. “It was great.”

Naoto nodded her head, laughing as she covered her mouth. She blinked, finally noticing something as her blue eyes traveled to the unopened box. “Narukami, what’s that?”


“The box. What’s in it?”

“Oh, I… Heh,” he chuckled, and she watched as his cheeks turned a subtle shade of red. She raised her brow, leaning forward as her breasts brushed against her desk. As she leaned closer, he sank back into his seat, trying to ignore her bright eyes.

“I-it’s just a present.”

“A present? For me?” she smiled, beaming as she reached for it. Before he could stop her, she took it in hand and began to open it.

“Hey, Naoto, you okay?” he slowly asked.

“Peachy,” she replied. She opened the box and gasped, seeing what was inside. “This dress… It’s so risque!” she commented, reaching inside to lift the dress up. “So revealing…”

“H-hey, hold on, Naoto,” Yu nervously chuckled. “I can explain. I was going to ease it into the conversation, I swear. I mean, it was going to be for later. A-and I promise, I thought you were able to hold your liquor a lot better now! I saw you at Rise’s wedding, you seemed fine.”

“I was drinking water. You were the drunk one,” Naoto corrected, and Yu cringed slightly at that.

“I… Oh.” He scratched the back of his head. “Right. Sorry about that. L-look, why don’t we just put the dress away and-”

“And I put it on?” she asked.


“I put this dress on.” She lifted it up, waving it a bit in her hands. “And you tell me what you think of it?”

“I… Naoto, you don’t have to-”

“Shhhh…” She pressed her knuckles against his lips, almost making it look like she was punching her husband’s chin. She winked at him, smiling as he stared at her.

“How drunk are you? You only had like two cups.”

“Not so drunk I don’t know what I’m doing. Drunk enough not to care,” she replied with a sly smile on her lips. She leaned forward, and Yu found himself on the defensive as she smiled at him. “Some liquid courage, and suddenly the shoe’s on the other foot, huh, Sen-pai?” she giggled.

Yu blinked, feeling his blush travel down his neck as he glanced down at the dress. Then back at Naoto. “I’m not-”

“You’re not taking advantage of me. I’m totally in control of myself. I’m just feeling a bit… lubricated,” she giggled, winking at him.



Naoto and Yu had sex before. Obviously, they had two children, but many would probably be shocked at just how often they had sex. Or how much Naoto liked it.

She posed for Yu in her dress, feeling the fabric squeeze her body like it was a second layer of skin. She gave him a twirl, letting him look at how the blue dress squeezed her body. It accented her large breasts, giving it just enough room to jiggle before she let him look at her butt. She swayed her ass side to side for him, her face as red as his as he looked at her.

Then he wrapped his arms around her, and she could feel his erection pressing against her rump. Her eyes widened, though really she should have seen this coming. Hell, she knew exactly what she was doing, but she still wasn’t used to her husband’s size.

It left her in awe every right as she felt him gently grinding against her, prodding her body with the tent in his pants.

“I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

“I love you too,” she replied. “Always.”

“Do you remember our honeymoon? Our trip to Paris?”

“Mmm, I remember stopping a couple of criminals,” she teased, before feeling his hands on her breasts, gently squeezing and pressing down on her soft flesh. Her nipples poked against the inside of her dress as they swayed in time with one another. “And the way you held me after I was nearly shot.”

“I love you,” he told her again, and she allowed that word to just fill her mind.

“Make love to me,” she quietly begged, and he nodded his head as he lifted the skirt of her dress. His hand slid along her ass cheek, and he chuckled into her ear.

“No panties?”

“Left them in the closet when I changed,” she muttered, before gasping as she heard his pants hitting the ground and his naked dick pressing against her body.

They were ready to have sex right there in the middle of her office, when the sound of footsteps filled the air. Naoto and Yu’s eyes both widened as the steps grew louder. Naoto felt her heart pounding, before her husband tried to pull away.

His feet were caught in his pants, though, and he fell, tearing a portion of the dress off of her body when he tried to catch himself. He hit the ground, holding the blue fabric as one of Naoto’s tits was suddenly exposed.

It took the young man a moment to realize what just happened, and he scowled as he looked at the fabric in his hand. “What?! I paid good money for this! How cheap was this fab-?”

“Senpai, shut up and move!” Naoto had one hand on her chest, trying to hold the remains of the dress to her body as she pushed her husband. The young man struggled to get up with his pants around his feet, and the two stumbled towards her supply closet as the footsteps stopped outside her door.

Naoto opened the door and the couple practically fell inside as it began to open. They were barely able to close the door behind them as they both came tumbling down, Yu pinned under her half naked body.

“Naoto? Huh, I thought she’d be here,” Rise’s voice commented.

“She probably took a break, or something. Maybe she went out for lunch?” her husband, Kanji, suggested.

“Why’d she leave her door unlock then?”

“I dunno. Why don’t we try calling her?”

Naoto and Yu’s eyes met, before the detective scrambled towards her pants. They laid on the floor just a foot away from her, probably less. If she just hurried… Yes! She lunged towards them, pulling out her phone and quickly silencing it before she could be called. It silently flashed, and she sighed in relief.

She felt something poke her side down, and she looked down, finding her breasts were suffocating her boyfriend. Her eyes widened, and she lifted herself up, pulling her breasts off his face.

He gulped, and Naoto’s eyes widened as she felt his dick brushing against her inner thighs. Her eyes bounced between his lower rod and his face. He shrugged, before his hands landed on her behind.

“Senpai,” she hissed quickly, frowning at him.

“What?” he replied quietly, chuckling as his fingers sank into her ass. She frowned, glaring at him, before gasping quietly as the tip of his cock poked her pussy. He raised his brow, and Naoto took a deep breath.

“Huh. No response.”

“Weird. Think we should wait for her?”

“Maybe. I’m sure she’ll be coming soon.”

“Oh, you’ll be coming soon,” Yu quietly chuckled, and Naoto’s face burned hot from the comment. Her husband gently nudged her pussy again, and she sighed in pleasure, feeling him rub against her clit.

“F-fine. Real quick,” she ordered him, and Yu nodded his head as she moved her body on top of him.

The logical, reasonable part of Naoto knew this was wrong. The rest of her told that part to shut up, before she sat on top of his cock and felt it sliding into her tight, slick pussy. Her wet walls wrapped tightly around his shaft, and she placed a hand over her lips, muffling her cries as his cock trembled inside of her.

Her husband grabbed her tits, squeezing them as she began to move back and forth, up and down atop his dick. Her hips bounced back and forth, up and down, before gyrating on top of him.

They had done this dance dozens of times before. It was embarrassing to admit, but Naoto had turned into something of a nympho in regards to her husband. She imagined he felt the same considering how she was bouncing on his cock. She moaned against her fingers, squeezing her eyes shut as his hands found her breasts.

He gave them a squeeze, playing with them, and her moans nearly grew louder as his thumbs pressed against her nipples. He knew exactly how to play with them, just like how she knew how to squeeze his cock. She tightened her pussy’s walls, stroking every inch of his member as he barely contained a moan himself.

She bounced atop him, riding his cock as his hands played with her breasts. She could already feel the pressure rising as her pussy juices coated his cock. He sat up, pressing his face into her tits as he held her. He licked and kissed her tits, gently suckling on her nipples as she wrapped her arms around him.

The Detective Prince pressed her lips against her boyfriend’s head, burying her lips in his sweet-smelling hair as she came on his cock. Her pussy juices splattered onto their bodies as she trembled atop of him like a leaf.

A moment after, he came inside of her, filling her pussy with his cum as she quietly cooed and panted. She could feel his semen surging inside of her, churning and clinging to her insides as their sweaty bodies embraced the other.

Neither said anything. They didn’t need to. She could feel his heart beating against hers as the world melted. Neither cared about the people outside, or about tomorrow. Nothing mattered more than the person they loved most.

Yu lifted his head out from between her tits and gave Naoto one last kiss, before they began to part. Thankfully the supply closet had toilet paper Naoto could use to clean up their mess, though she was curious as to why her husband wasn’t helping.

“Senpai?” she whispered, noticing him pressing his ear against the door. She moved towards him, only for her eyes to widen as she heard the sound of moaning and the wet claps of flesh on flesh.

Both Yu and Naoto listened to Rise and Kanji making love just outside the room… Right in Naoto’s office.

“Those bastards,” her husband commented, an amused smile on his face as Naoto scowled.

“Unbelievable,” she huffed, before she finished cleaning up some of her husband’s semen on the floor.



Always love the effort you take with these romance story to show the cople's relationship and how much they love eachother.