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Summary: Robin continues his journey, meeting Hannah, Anya's cousin. Includes: Incest and Threesome



“We’ll be arriving in the port city in the afternoon tomorrow,” Anya declared as Robin stared out the window.

“Really?” he blinked, turning his head towards her. The two had been traveling for days now, part of Robin worried they wouldn’t be arriving anytime soon. “What’s the name of this town again?”

“Harmony Harbor,” she replied. “A nice, safe town from what my cousin tells me. It has a lot of travelers going through it, both human and otherwise.”

“Otherwise, huh?” he repeated, and he glanced at the window of the carriage as his mind drifted for a moment. He thought of Silvia, the elf woman who fought by his side, who he took care of… He hoped he would see her again, that they could be together.

Maybe it was just wishful thinking. The plan had been to meet in the town closest to her sanctuary, but circumstances got out of hand, and now he was left with questions and worry.

Anya’s hand touched his shoulder and he looked at her, blinking. She gave him a sympathetic smile, before she sighed.

“I know. You miss her, don’t you…?”


“Silvia. Or Freya. You think about them both a lot, you know.”

“I… I never noticed,” he lied, a blush on his cheeks as she chuckled. 

“It’s alright. I won’t get jealous or anything. I knew I wasn’t your first when I decided to ‘ride’ you, she teased. “Still, I’m sure you’ll see them again. Just give it some time.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he muttered. “Sorry, I don’t want you to think I’m not enjoying our time together.” He glanced down, looking at the cum stains they had left on the blanket. “Because I’m really, really enjoying it.”

“Oh, trust me. I’ve noticed. Still, as much as you like me, you might like my cousin more.”

Robin lifted his brow at that, but Anya just chuckled and shook her head. “You’ll see. I don’t want to ruin the surprise.” The young man shrugged his shoulders, before glancing out the window. 

He watched a falcon flying overhead, high, high above him, but for a moment, just a moment, he thought the bird’s silhouette was a mighty dragon, flying down to meet him once more. He shook his head, deciding to change the subject.

“Are you excited?” he inquired, and this time Anya looked at him. “This is your chance to start a new life, not to mention see your cousin again?”

Anya and Robin locked eyes for a moment, and a wide smile formed on her face. He remembered her crying the first night out of her town. Not out of sadness, but joy. “You have no idea. I’ve wanted this all my life, and now I finally get to live it. And it’s all thanks to you.”

She kissed his cheek, and gave him a quick hug. “Thank you. You gave me my life back.”

“It should have always been yours.”

“Spoken like a true hero,” she teased, before giggling. “And yes. I am excited to see my cousin again. Trust me, you will love her.”


The two made a quick stop to clean any dirty laundry they had in the river close by. Of course, they also had some fun making love in the water, fucking and cumming into the stream. Robin admired the way Anya’s body shimmered from the water clinging to her skin, before the two kissed and came one last time together.

After resting and cleaning their bodies in the river together, the two kept moving, soon reaching Harmony Harbor by the afternoon, just as Anya had predicted. 

The town was quite the paradox, Robin noticed, as he stared out the window. It was dirty and run down, yet alive and rich. The town was booming with life, diversity, and vibrancy, and yet it seemed run down and decaying. Yet it was brimming with movement and people all seemed eager to be somewhere, to meet someone. 

The place had more people than he had ever seen before. This might have been the biggest city he had visited since arriving in this world. It was pretty amazing seeing so many different races talking to one another. Robin saw giants made of stone, and lizards walking on two legs like people, and even just normal humans talking to them like they were anyone else. 

He saw people of all walks of life walking around, like several different streams were all meeting here. Their carriage was like a small sailboat amongst the sea, and soon they had to park it.

“Whoa,” he commented. “This place is amazing,” he chuckled, as their carriage came to a stop.

“Want to get a closer look?” Anya asked, smiling as she opened the door. “I’ve already told the workers here to take our things to the tavern. Figured it’d be nice for us to stretch our legs.”

“Sounds good to me.”

The two stepped out together, and Robin was almost overwhelmed by the sights and sounds around them. A large multi-armed individual walked past him and Anya, carrying several items in his hands as he nearly bumped into Robin. 

The young man caught himself, though, and the bizarre creature muttered an apology as he ran past them, leaving them in his dust. 

“Come on. My cousin lives in the center of town. I think we can cut through the merchant’s district to get there quicker,” Anya stated, linking her hand with Robin’s. She gave him a firm squeeze and he smiled in thanks, before the two walked hand in hand together. 

They passed by so many different buildings and creatures, and Anya had to keep pulling her partner along when he got distracted by a passing oddity or creature. The two soon reached the merchant district, and they watched as many different people and creatures called out to them.

“Powdered centaur hooves! Powdered centaur hooves! Come and get some right here!” a centaur man yelled, holding up a small jar of the fine powder he had. “Sir, would you like some powdered centaur hooves? Straight from my feet, great aphrodisiac!” he declared, shaking the bottle as he looked at Robin.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? This place really has everything,” Anya whispered, squeezing Robin’s arm as the two walked pass the vendor.

The two kept moving, passing by another seller. This one had another strange creature staring at him. The creature had many little legs, like an insect. In fact, she resembled a caterpillar but with the top half of a human.

She was so… weird. And slightly off putting. A human face with human hair, but a pair of small antennas sticking out of her head. She crawled around her vendor, greeting random people.

The creature smiled at Robin, holding a small fruit between its tiny hands. “Rainbow Pa-pa-pa-payayayah?” the creature asked, and Robin swore his heart almost melted at the sight of the bizarre creature.

Despite her strange appearance, she was kind of endearing. 

“Papaya!” a woman yelled from the vendor behind her. “It’s papaya, ya dumb bug!” she groaned.

“Sorry!” the bug woman apologized. “Do you want a rainbow papaya, friend?” she beamed, but Robin shook his head and kept walking, only to stop as he realized Anya was rooted onto the ground. 

She had a clear grin on her face as she admired the brightly colored fruit, only to glance at the insect woman with an equally wide smile. She soon noticed Robin’s eyes on her, making her blush as she kept moving, giggling with excitement.

As the two walked away, Anya looked at her friend. She had an excited, awed smile on her face.  “I think that was a Greenworm. They’re so rare. I’ve never seen one in real life! I heard they’re the ugliest Demi in the country, but she was so cute!”

“Mithril ingots! Mithril ingots!” another man yelled nearby.

“Stewed bats!” a furry woman shouted. She motioned to several bowls of the stuff as Robin gasped, gently elbowing his friend.

“Oh, I love stewed bats!” he beamed, and Anya’s eyes widened. Robin let out a laugh, shaking his head. “I’m kidding.”

“Not funny,” Anya chuckled, elbowing him. 

“Is the stuff here even legal?” he wondered aloud, half joking. He noticed Anya’s thin smile, though, and she stayed silent as she pulled him along.

Guards and watchmen noticed their passing, but neither of the two men did anything. One yawned, and the other quietly kicked at the ground. Both men seemed oddly bored as they motioned the two past them. 

“Don’t stare, Robin. Just keep moving,” Anya quietly urged him. 

Robin watched as men in dark coats walked by, muttering to each other, sneering frowns on their faces. They walked by the ordinary, relatively speaking, citizens, seemingly ignored by everyone else.

They weren’t the only ones. There seemed to be quite a few surly, dishonest looking types moving between the more benign citizens. Robin felt a chill crawl up his spine, but he did his best to ignore it and keep moving alongside Anya.

Still, he didn’t ignore how the guardsmen didn’t seem to even be paying attention to what was going on around them. It didn’t exactly fill Robin with hope about this town, and he continued to wonder why Anya would want to live here of all places. 

Then he found himself wondering if the rest of the world was similar to this.

The two continued walking, soon passing by the docks where large, titanic boats laid on the harbor. Robin’s fears subsided for a moment as he watched the massive vehicles standing over him. He marveled at their size, having never seen anything like it in his own world, but then his attention was drawn to the passengers of the ship.

A large man with dark green skin hit the ground with a laugh, helping a pretty woman with a long snake tail in lieu of legs slither off the boat. The two beamed at one another, before the green skinned man held his fist up high.

Several other passengers stepped off the boat, each of them cheering back at the two. The group was made up of humans and oddities, but each of them were beaming with pride and triumph, though Robin didn’t miss the scars and cuts on their bodies.

One of them, a young goblin-looking fellow, had his arm amputated, but he was carried on the shoulder of a tall, amazonian woman. She seemed to compliment him, making him blush as Anya’s eyes followed Robin’s.

“Whoa… That’s Agito,” Anya beamed, beamed. “Agito and his Riders. They’re some of the greatest adventurers known to man! I’ve heard their legend a thousand times before!.”

Robin watched one of the adventurers carry a large sack, and the trinkets inside clinked and clanged against one another. “Looks like they got a good haul.”

“Of course. Agito there’s one of the best!” Anya was beaming at the sight of the heroes walking by, and Robin chuckled at how much of a fangirl she was. 

Eventually the two kept moving, slowly making their way through the town of Harmony Harbor to the tavern owned by Anya’s cousin. It looked like a nice place, bigger than the last tavern Robin had seen. It was held in decent condition in stark contrast to the rest of the town. 

Business seemed to be booming from the small crowd of people eating outside. Robin glanced at the diverse selection of customers as he and Anya walked inside. If Robin thought the outside was full of life, he hadn’t seen anything yet.

Inside was quite the mess of people enjoying their food, the band playing music, and people just moving to and fro. Robin’s eyes widened as he looked around, finding all sorts of strangers inside. Some happy and excited, others grumpy and solem, and others just enjoying the music played by the band. 

“And this is just the guest house,” Anya chuckled, having to speak up as Robin’s eyes looked around the large room. “The band is probably a traveling one. Hannah lets anyone who wants to play, play on her stage.”

“Nice of her,” he commented, raising his voice to match hers. 

“Come on. We can talk to the lupine manning the bar.” Anya squeezed Robin’s hand and he returned the gesture as they stepped forward, pushing through the crowd of people to get closer to said bar.

The man was rather lanky, but he also towered over both Anya and Robin. A pair of dog ears twitched on his head as he looked at the two, noticing Anya waving at him. He raised his brow, before he sniffed the air. 

“Hello, Adal,” she greeted. “Hannah around?”

He grunted in response, giving the two a subtle nod as he served another patron their drink. Robin was just another to ask what the hell that was supposed to mean, before a suddenly cry rang out through the bar.

The cry was enthusiastic, practically dripping with joy.

“Anya! Oh, honey, you’re finally here! About time!” they laughed, and Robin watched as a barmaid ran towards the two, pushing through the small crowd of people between her and them.

In each of her hands were large, frothy mugs of freshly poured beer and they spilled onto the ground as the woman moved forward. Robin’s eyes widened as he looked at this woman, taking in her appearance and finding her both similar, and very different to Anya. 

“Hannah!” Anya beamed, opening her arms to embrace her cousin. 

When their bodies collided in a tight, joyful embrace, Robin’s face began to turn a subtle shade of red. Their similarities and differences became even more pronounced as he looked at their two bodies pressing against one another. 

Hannah and Anya were both very pretty women, but the difference between them was the difference between a carriage and a sports car. Anya was pretty, even beautiful, but there was a rustic charm to her. She was a normal woman, not a woman with parts of a beast or an ancient elf warrior. She was the girl next door, and she was pretty, but still, normal.

The scarlet-haired Hannah was more like a movie star or a runway model. She wore the clothes of a barmaid, but her large breasts pushed against her corset, as if fighting to get out at any moment. The bright outfit seemed to match her energetic and affectionate nature as she squeezed Anya, lifting the smaller woman off of her feet for a moment. 

Robin’s eyes glanced at their tits. Hannah’s almost popped right out of the white top of her barmaid uniform. They were pressed against Anya’s slightly smaller chest, which just further accented their size and gravity-defying shape. 

His eyes glanced down, catching how the emerald green dress split apart, revealing one of her long, flawless legs. The long, slender leg stretched down, ending up on a similarly green high heel. It was just short enough to not be impractical, but long enough to help accent her curvy shape and hourglass figure.

The final piece of her ensemble was a long green bow tied in her hair, bouncing with her every moment.

Some of the frothy beers spilled onto Anya, but the two laughed it off after the parted. Robin didn’t mean to stare, but his eyes were certainly drawn to the two. Anya was pretty, of course, but now her damped clothes were clinging to her skin, accenting her figure and giving a slightly more sensual twist.

While Anya was acting, unintentionally, a bit sexier, Hannah was just… sexy. A vixen. Her long, orange-tinted hair clung to her sweaty skin as she turned her attention to Robin. She smiled at him, chest jiggling with every breath as Anya introduced them.

“Hannah, this is my friend, Robin. He helped me leave my old town. He’s a traveler.”

“A traveler. That’s exciting,” Hannah commented. “Nice to meet you, sweetie!” She held one of her hands out to Robin, only to notice the beer in her hand. She chuckled, laughing at her own mistake as she stepped forward and embraced Robin.

His eyes widened as she squeezed him. He tried not to focus on it, but he still certainly felt it. Her tits were sandwiched between them, and she wasn’t wearing a bra. No, he felt her hard nipples prodding his skin through their clothes. Hannah held the hug a little longer, before releasing him, letting him step back with scarlet cheeks.

Robin did his best to ignore the sensation, but he saw how she looked at him. The way her face was framed by a braid of sunset-colored hair… She winked at him, fluttering her light green eyes as if to silently tell him she knew exactly what he was thinking.

Most likely, he wasn’t the first to be thinking that about her that way, and she was very, very used to it. Her wink played on rewind in his head as she looked at her cousin again. “I’m so happy to see you again. And with such a handsome young man with you. Why, I wonder whatever have you two been up to?” she asked aloud, her sugary voice clearly poking at Anya’s nerves. 

The younger woman blushed and refused to actually answer back. That just seemed to amuse Hannah further, before she turned and looked at Robin. “Well, clearly the cat’s stolen your tongue, sweetie. What about you, Robin? Any dirty little secrets you want to tell me about my dear, innocent cousin?”

“I’m not going to be answering any of your questions. Least none like those,” Robin replied, shaking his head, knowing better than to play her game.

“Aww, you’re no fun. You and Anya must really be a match in heaven,” she sighed, earning another blush from Anya’s cheeks. “Well, I’m happy to have you two around, but I do ask that you help around the inn. We’re having a particularly busy season. Could you two go and check if my shipment of spice has arrived yet? It was supposed to come in on the Green Gren Gaol.”

“The Green Ge.... What?” Robin asked, raising his brow. 

“Oh, it’s a well known ship around these parts, dearie. It was due to arrive about a month-” Hannah’s hand grabbed a hand near her body, and it took Robin and Anya a moment to notice an elf had tried to grope her butt.

“Careful, knife-ears. A few more inches and I would have broken your wrist,” the scarlet-haired woman warned, releasing his hand. “Anyways, where was I?” she wondered, as if nothing had even happened.

“Uh… Green Gren Gah, something?” Robin blinked.

“Oh, yeah. It was due about a month ago, but it still hasn’t arrived. I was wondering if you could check on it?”

“Sure, we can do that,” Anya replied with a nod. She glanced at Robin, who nodded in kind, before the two watched a customer scream at the top of his lungs.

“Oy! Hannah! Where the hell are our drinks?!” an orc asked, raising his empty glass.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Hannah replied, quickly leaving the two to fulfill her task. Robin watched her leave, quickly turning his gaze away when he noticed the way Hannah’s hips would sway to and fro, accenting her hourglass figure.

“Well, back to the harbor then,” Robin muttered.

“The portmaster should have the info we need. Come on.”

It didn’t take long for the two to make it to said office. When they arrived, though, they found a peculiar sight. Well, peculiar for Robin, at least. 

There was a woman there, clearly lost as she waited inside the small office. She had pale skin, contrasted with bright, long, white hair, Robin imagined. Her hair was long, down her back, and when Robin noticed her animalistic horns, he realized this must have been some kind of sheep or ram woman.

The woman stood in front of the desk, her back to the two as her foot nervously tapped on the ground. Robin and Anya considered speaking to her, when suddenly she groaned as and stamped her foot on the ground.

“What do you mean there hasn’t been an update?! S-ships don’t just vanish! My brothers have to be out there!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am,” a voice replied. “But we don’t have any updates on the Green Gren Gaol at the moment.”

“I’m sorry, but did I hear that right? You’re looking for the Green Gren Gaol?” Anya asked, causing the sheep woman to turn to them, her dark eyes staring at the pair.

Robin’s eyes looked her over, finding her figure to be similarly curvaceous a womanly like Hannah’s, though obscured by more baggy, less scandalous clothing that helped hide her body. Still, it was difficult not the outlines of an hourglass behind her clothes. 

“Yes,” she sighed, a deep frown etched onto her lips. “My brothers are serving on it. They were supposed to return with our savings to set up our business, but…” She didn’t say anything else, but of course, she didn’t need to. Robin and Anya quickly put together the pieces, and the young man stepped forward.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he softly replied. “I’m… separated from my own family. I haven’t seen them in a while, and I know how hard it must be to not know how they are, or what they’re doing right now.”

The sheep woman blinked, before she lifted her hanging head up to stare at Robin. Their eyes met, and she leaned closer, surprising the human. Their eyes were locked for only a moment, and yet Robin could feel something about her. A kinship? A sense of sympathy? Whatever it was, it was gone when the woman turned her head away.

“I’m sorry for your loss… But my situation is only worsened by my debt.”

“Debt?” Anya repeated, all too familiar with the weight such a word could have.

“Yes, you see, my family took many loans to help set up our first place. Things didn’t work out, and my brothers tried leaving to return with some riches, but… As you can see, things didn’t work out,” she quietly mumbled. 

“Ah. I’m sorry.” Robin’s mind briefly traveled to the bag of gold he carried on himself. Possibilities and thoughts ran through his mind as his eyes fell towards his feet. In the end he said nothing of the wealth he had, but he did say, “If you ever need help, come find me. I’d be happy to help you…”

“That is very kind of you, but I don’t even know your name. We’re total strangers. You shouldn’t feel obligated to help me,” the beastwoman argued.

“Nonsense. I’m always happy to help a pretty face,” the man replied, earning a subtle blush from the sheep’s face. “My name’s Robin, by the way.”

“It’s…” She paused, yawning as Robin noticed the bags under her eyes. “It’s very nice to meet you, Robin.”


The two asked the workers at the office the same questions the sheep women did, with the same results. As much as it annoyed them, the two returned to Hannah’s establishment with the news, or lack thereof. 

“Nothing? Are you serious?” she sighed, shaking her head. “Damn it all… Without that special blend of spices, my beers are going to miss their trademark zest. That ‘zing’ is what put this place on the map. What am I supposed to do when the customers notice, and they will notice,” she lamented, rubbing her face as Robin and Anya sat in her office with her. 

It was a small, quaint room. The two sat across from Hannah as she rested her elbow on her desk, gently massaging her forehead as she tried to think. The sound of the bar could still be heard through the walls as Hannah continued to voice her woes.

“I’ve had to sell my normal stock at a discount in order to make up for the lack of our special blend, but we can’t keep that up…”

“Is business really that bad?” Anya asked, a frown on her face.

“We’re maintaining a profit, but I’ve had to work three times as hard just to get by. We’ve had to push quantity over quality, Anya, and that tears me inside. It hits me right here,” she lamented, gently tapping on her chest. 

Robin’s eyes glanced down, before darting back to avoid eyeing her cleavage. He felt bad. He wished he could have helped Hannah out, but he had no idea what to do other than to listen to her. 

“If things keep going at this rate, I’ll lose everything. My tavern, my inn, my home… Not to mention all of the good folks who will lose a place to stay. It’ll be awful. So many poor, innocent people suffering because I have to close the doors...” 

Robin raised his brow as he noticed how… dramatic her cries were beginning to come. It only took him a moment to realize just what she was doing, and his eyes widened as Anya spoke. The poor woman had bitten the bait before Robin could stop her. 

“I’m so sorry, Hannah. Is there anything I can do to help? Please, I’d do anything to help you keep your business!”

“Really? Anything?” the redhead replied, raising her brow as a wicked grin began to spread on her face. 

“I… Y-yes, of course. You’re family, after all.” Robin could hear Anya’s hesitation, but it was too late. Hannah had her, and he fought back a sigh as Hannah’s smile only grew.

“Well, I accept your help! Let’s go get a spare barmaid uniform like mine!”

“W-wait, I-”

“No time to waste, cousin!” Hannah clapped her hands, standing up and forcing the other woman to stand up with her. Anya and Robin shared a glance as the farmgirl was dragged away. 

She looked to him for help, but he just shook his head, offering a sympathetic smile as they slipped out through a door. It took a few minutes, but they did eventually return, and when they did, Robin found himself at a loss for words.

Anya was always a beautiful young woman, but this was the first time she wore anything, to Robin’s knowledge, explicitly sexy, and damn, did she look good. Her outfit was similar to Hannah’s, but smaller to better emphasize Anya’s figure. 

It still squeezed her boobs, pressing them against her chest to emphasize their size. It huffed her figure, revealing her curves and dips, accenting her wide, motherly hips and substantial bust. The short skirts and long leggings only added to her slender legs, drawing Robin’s eyes to them, before he looked at her chest, and then finally her blushing red face. 

“What do you think, Robin? How does little Anya look?” she asked, already knowing the answer from Robin’s own scarlet cheeks. “Though, I guess little is the wrong word for her, isn’t it?” she giggled. 

Hannah held up a hand and placed it on Anya’s chest, casually groping one of her breasts. Anya gasped, a squeak slipping out of her throat as Robin’s eyes widened again. He quickly looked away as Anya pushed her cousin away, berating her for such an act.

“H-Hannah, what are you doing?!”

“Oh, I’m just teasing you, Anya. Don’t worry. I’m sorry for embarrassing you in front of your boyfriend.”

“Hannah!” the younger woman growled as the redhead continued to laugh. 

“Calm down, dear. You’ve got to put a smile on your face! We’ve got a long night ahead of us!” Anya groaned, clearly regretting her decision as Robin watched Hannah wrap her arms around the farmgirl’s. 


That night, the establishment was packed with partygoers and travelers. The band played loudly, strumming their instruments as some singed along, and others ignored the band entirely. Robin was one of those individuals, not because the band wasn’t good or anything, but because of the show he was watching. 

He sat in the middle of the bar, packed between a tall, muscular lupine man and a rather buxom fox woman. He didn’t pay much attention to either of them either, though. Instead he was watching Anya waiting on several tables, walking to and fro, handing out frothy drinks and empty mugs. 

Her outfit squeezed her body, accenting her slim, well-maintained figure. Yet somehow her breasts were still jiggling, still bouncing in the top she wore. Robin gulped, blushing slightly as he watched her hips sway, listening to her occasional giggle. 

“She’s really something, huh?” a voice asked, and Robin turned his head to find Hannah sitting where the fox woman did moments before. 

“Huh?” Robin blinked, and Hannah giggled as she played with a long lock of hair.

“Don’t play dumb, Robin. Anya. She’s really something. Isn’t she?”

“Oh. Yeah. She is,” he replied with a grin, nodding his head. 

“You know, teasing you two is pretty fun, but honestly? Thank you. I’m in your debt.” Robin raised his brow as she took a sip of her own mug of beer. “You saved my favorite cousin. I always knew her situation was bad. That bastard Pavel was a piece of trash,” she growled, and her face contorted for a moment. 

It twisted with anger and rage as she sighed. “I’m glad he got what he deserved. She never told me how bad it was, but I knew she was miserable.

“Yeah, well… I’m happy to help,” Robin grinned. “I’m just glad she’s somewhere safe now.”

“Well, aren’t you sweet? You’re her hero, you know.” Hannah grinned as she held her mug to him, silently offering him some. He shook his head as she continued, “So, where do you plan on swooping my little cousin off to next? The Crystal Caves? The Rainbow Falls? I hear New Borealis is nice these days.”

He laughed it off though, knowing she wanted to see his face turn red. He shook his head with a melancholic smile on his face. “Nah. Anya is the one who brought me here, not the other way around. After this, we’re probably going to part ways. I wouldn’t want to take her from this place.”

The disappointment was not missed in his voices as Hannah nodded her head. Robin only had eyes on Anya, though, watching the flustered and busy young woman do her best to serve and wait on all the tables. 

“You know, she used to do the same work back for Pavel,” he muttered. Hannah frowned, until Robin’s voice chuckled. “But look at her now. She looks so happy. She’s got this spark to her, right?”

“Yeah, she does…”

“Maybe it’s because she finally gets to be where she wants to be. She has a choice. Maybe it’s just the fact that she has family around that loves her,” he suggested, gently elbowing Hannah. “Whatever it is, just promise me you’ll take good care of her?”

“You have to ask? I will, Robin. Trust me,” Hannah swore. “I just want her happy, wherever she goes.” Hannah held up her mug, and Robin gently tapped his against hers as she beamed. “You’ve got quite the silver tongue, you know that? I wonder what else you’ve used it for…” 

Robin rolled his eyes as Hannah laughed, good-naturedly punching his shoulder. She continued to giggle and laugh as Robin shook his head, a subtle smile on his face.


The night seemed to go on for hours, but thankfully the end came. By the time the establishment was closed, Anya was exhausted, sitting at an empty table, her head resting on the cool, wooden surface. The place was empty now, just the three humans alone in the dimly lit bar.


Robin sat beside her, patting her back. He turned his attention from her to Hannah, who was walking towards them with more mugs of beer. 

“Thank you, Anya. I really appreciate what you and your friend have done for me. As thanks, I’ve prepared up a few of my special brews for the three of us.”

“But aren’t you low on it?” Anya asked, raising her head.

“We are, but you’re both worth it. That’s family for ya. Please, have some,” she requested, placing the drinks down on the table. Robin and Anya agreed, taking their drinks in hand and sipping at them.

Both of their eyes widened as the sweet liquor touched their tongues, and they placed their drinks down with stunned expressions.

“Wow,” Robin chuckled. “That’s amazing!”

“It really is… Hannah, how’d you do this?”

“Oh, just a little Hannah magic,” the older woman replied, sipping her own drink and moaning at the sweet, sweet taste. 

The three continued to enjoy themselves, making small talk until they eventually took their fun elsewhere. They blew out the candles and left the bar, now laying inside Hannah’s room with empty mugs on the floor. 

Each of them was a bit tipsy at this point, though Robin suspected Hannah was the most intoxicated. Or maybe she was the least, and just really good at faking it. Either way, he watched her giggle and hiccup as she looked at her cousin.

“Oh, come on, Anya. You can’t tell me you came here with ‘just a friend,’” she laughed. “Look at him! He’s too handsome to be ‘just’ anything!”

“For the last time, Hannah. Robin’s just a friend!” the farmgirl groaned, clutching one of Hannah’s pillows to her scarlet face.

“You traveled all this way with ‘just a friend?” Hannah mocked. “I don’t buy it. Come on, cousin! Tell me the real story of what happened! I’m glad to see you and all, but you never really did tell me why you suddenly decided to move over here.”

Eventually Anya related the whole story to her cousin as Robin sat between them. He offered small details and side commentary, but Anya was the main storyteller. Hannah was also happy to add her own assumptions and details to the story, making it almost sound like some kind of trashy romance novels. She happily embellished the details or romanticized the events to Robin and Anya’s chagrin.

Unfortunately for Robin, it soon became obvious to him that Anya might have had too many drinks tonight. His eyes widened and his face burned hot as he heard her speak.

“Robin made love to me in the stable, and he was... “ She whistled, leaning her head back. “Amazing. His dick is huge, and he can cum like… like an animal!”


“You don’t say?” Hannah smirked, glancing at the young man. “Tell me more.”

“I could, but I can do you one better. I can tell you about the other women Robin has bed.” The human buried his face in his hands, burning with shame as she began to regale Hannah. “He fucked a dragon girl. A fucking dragon! Right on top of her horde of treasure. Oh, she’s probably flying on this way to get some more of his dick right now.”

“Never heard someone fuck a dragon in their human form before… She was in her human form, wasn’t she, Robin?” Hannah teased.

“Not just a dragon girl. An elf. A hot, sexy, older elf. He pounded her pussy after he saved her single handedly from a pack of dragons.”

“They weren’t drag-”

Hannah whistled in approval, interrupting Robin. “An elf and a dragon? Well, with victories like that, Anya must be something pretty special to you, huh? And you must be packing something special indeed, Robin…”

Hannah began to crawl on all fours, moving closer and closer to Robin. She almost resembled some kind of lioness or something as Robin stared into her eyes, only to suddenly feel Anya’s arms wrap around him, pulling him closer to her. 

“Back off, Hannah! Keep your grubby hands off my man!” she huffed, and being this close to her, he easily smelled the liquor in her breath. 

“Anya! Come on! Learn to share with your cousin!” she pouted. 

“Fine. But only if you can learn to share.”

“W-wait. What?” Robin slowly asked, eyes bouncing between the woman as his liquored mind began to realize what had just happened.

His thought process was quickly derailed by Anya smothering him in her bosom, pressing his face against her soft chest. He was buzzed and distracted, but still largely aware of his situation. That said, the two were going a mile a minute and he was struggling to just catch up.

Of course, even with his intoxicated brain, he could still read the room. If what was happening was actually about to happen then… He might want to go along with their flow.

“Are you enjoying my cousin’s chest, Robin?” Hannah asked, hooking a finger on her top. She tugged on it, drawing his eyes to her exposed cleavage. “What do you think of mine? It’s bigger than hers, isn’t it?”

She was right, of course. Anya’s breasts were soft, and amazing, and Robin loved using them as a pillow, but the fact was that in sheer size, Hannah had her beat. He ogled Hannah’s bouncing tits, before suddenly those same breasts were pressed into his face, suffocating him.


Things only got worse, or better, when Hannah pulled her top off completely, letting her naked tits smack against his hot face. They pressed against his cheeks, nipples poking his lips as his dick throbbed and hardened between his pants. 

“Hannah! That’s cheating!”

“All’s fair in love and war, Anya…”

Anya contemplated the statement, before she did the same as her cousin. She pulled her top down, exposing her breasts and letting Robin’s face press against her naked chest. He pulled away, gasping for air as a hand rose to grope and massage one of her tits.

“Ahhh… Robin, your hand feels so good!”

Robin had a grin on his face as he brought his lips to her other breast. He parted them, before wrapping his lips around her nipple. He kissed it, before he began to gently suck on it as his other hand played with her other nipple. He rolled it between his fingers as he leaned back, lifting one of her tits up by the hardening tip. 

Hannah watched with wide eyes as Robin switched sides, groping and massaging one of Anya’s tits as his lips peppered the other with kisses. He sucked on one of Anya’s breasts, feeling it prod his tongue as he suckled on it. 

Not to be ignored, Hannah hiked up her skirt, pushing it aside, before she draped her bare, slender leg over Robin’s. He stopped sucking on Anya’s tits to stare at the scarlet-haired woman, watching her grind her pussy against his thigh. She gave him a wink as his dick pulsed in his pants.

His eyes widened, before he watched her hands grab onto the top of his pants. He watched her hands unzip his pants, before one snaked itself inside. Her hand brushed against his boxers, before slipping into that, fingers rubbing against his erection.


“Like that?” Hannah teased, stroking her fingers up and down his penis, feeling the veins pulsing, the tip quivering at her touch. “Don’t answer that. I think I know,” she giggled, listening to his quiet moans.

Her fingers continued to slide up and down, gently pressing down on the sides of his dick as a single glob of precum slipped out of the tip. Not to be out done, Anya suddenly grabbed Robin’s face. She turned him towards her, and he blinked as she stared into his eyes.

“Robin…” She kissed him suddenly, pushing her tongue into his mouth as his eyes widened. He felt her tongue sliding along her teeth, along the inside of his cheeks, before it smacked his own tongue, batting it around as a trickle of drool fell down her chin.

The kiss was not gentle or chaste. It was hard, wet, and passionate. Sloppy as the drool crawled down between them. Wild as Anya sucked on his bottom lip, before pushing her tongue into his mouth again. She wrapped her arms around him, holding him as she continued to kiss him.

And just as soon as it started, Anya broke the kiss. Robin was slightly dazed as he blinked, and he thought he had gone crazy for a moment as he watched Anya grab her cousin and kiss her too. Then Robin realized he wasn’t just seeing things.

Anya was kissing Hannah with just as much wild passion as she had kissed him, and it was… breathtaking.

Robin watched the two cousins kiss. Hannah showed no shame, happily sucking on the dark-haired woman’s tongue, before wrestling it with her own. They leaned into each other, tits almost pressing into one another if not for Robin. Their tongues licked and twisted around the other, before they finally parted, panting as a line of drool bonded their mouths.

Hannah, the one to break the kiss, licked up the strand as she smiled. “I can taste Robin on your lips.”

Anya laughed, stroking her cousin’s cheek. “Go on. Taste the real thing…”

Hannah looked at Robin, and for the first time, the young man noticed the scarlet-haired woman’s equally red cheeks. She seemed shy all of a sudden, and so Robin leaned forward to help her. He kissed her lips, claiming them as his own as she moaned into the sensation. It was nowhere near as wild and passionate as Anya’s, and maybe that was for the best.

The kiss was gentle and chaste. He just pressed his lips against hers, and she gently nibbled back on them. She moaned quietly as his tongue traced her plump, sweet lips, silently asking for an opening. She reciprocated, opening her mouth so his tongue could plunge into her mouth, exploring it like Anya did his own.

Soon the gentle kiss was a wild, sloppy smooch. Their tongues danced as Anya watched, panting as she played with her own nipple. 

As the two continued to kiss, moans melding together, Anya’s hand slid down between the two. Robin jumped slightly as her hand rubbed against his dick, joining Hannah’s hand for a double hand job. 

To make things a tad easier, Robin fidgeted with his pants, letting it pop free from his clothes as he and Hannah continued to kiss. 

Robin’s cock throbbed from feeling both hands on his cock. Both women were squeezing the shaft, pumping it, milking more precum out of it. That precum trickled out, sliding down his hard cock and onto their hands. Neither woman seemed to mind, pumping his cock faster together as they found a good tempo.

Anya’s hand rubbed against his tip, pressing her palm against the bulbous head, letting his precum smear onto it. Hannah’s hand worked the base, occasionally rubbing or massaging his balls to get more of his sweet nectar.

All of this while Hannah and Robin continued to kiss, drinking and tasting the other… Eventually the two separated, more out of a physical need than a want. They panted for air as she looked down, eyeing his cock for the first time with wide, hungry eyes.

“It’s… big.”

The young man grinned at that little statement, watching a dollop of drool fall down Hannah’s lower lip. She was drooling over the size of his cock as she whispered to herself. “Anya wasn’t exaggerating… That thing could tame a dragon.”

“It did.” Anya giggled as she leaned closer to her cousin. “Thought it was going to tear me in two the first time he fucked me, but he was an utter gentleman. The pain turned into pleasure in no time, and I… loved. It,” she whispered, before dragging her tongue along Hannah’s cheek.

Hannah let out a small sound. A little whimper or squeal as she trembled with excitement. “I think that I’ll need a more intimate grasp of the size before I take it in me.”

She got down on her knees before him, dragging his pants off, leaving him only with his top as the two women took in the size and girth of his cock. His pants were tossed aside before Anya and Hannah sat him on the edge of the bed and the former sat behind him, embracing him. Hannah took her breasts in hand and wrapped them around the throbbing shaft of his cock, earning a loud moan as her soft pillows embraced his dick.

He felt his entire body shaking. He had never felt like this before. Feeling those large, soft, heavenly tits slowly moving up and down his dick, enveloped in their warmth. He could almost feel her heartbeat through her skin, leaving him moaning. 

“F-fuck,” he panted, thrusting his hips slightly to fuck her tits. The tip of his dick pressed against Hannah’s chin, earning a giggle from her as she bent her head down and pecked at the tip. 

Her tongue slipped out of her head, dragging along the head, drawing circles with her saliva as Robin moaned loudly. Suddenly Anya kissed him, silencing his cries as her tongue slipped into his mouth. Her tongue danced inside his mouth, before she suddenly broke the kiss with a pop.

She licked up the saliva between them, giggling, before she pecked his cheek. She continued to kiss him, starting at his chin, and slowly descending down his body. Robin leaned his head back, exposing his neck and letting her have her fun. His cock pulsed between Hannah’s tits as Anya kissed his neck, gently sucking on the skin to leave a crimson mark on his skin.

She kept going, moving down lower as a hand slid along his chest. She kissed his collar bone, before moving down to his pecs, his stomach and abs, before Anya slid off the bed. She joined her cousin between his legs, and Hannah moved over for her.

The two women then took their tits and wrapped them around either side of his dick, giving him a double boobjob that made Robin’s penis throb. Every inch of his cock was covered in titflesh, save for the very head of it, and soon that was covered by quick, darting licks from their tongues.

The pair of beauties worked together, soon taking turns to suck on his glans and the shaft itself. Anya and Hannah licked and kissed the dick, covering it in their saliva as Robin humped their tits. 

Eventually Anya gave Hannah a quick look. Robin didn’t even notice as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the ride, gasping quietly at their teamwork, only to moan loudly as Hannah took the entire tip of his cock into her mouth.

“Oh, fuck,” he groaned, placing a hand on Hannah’s scarlet locks. He pushed her head, pressing her into Anya’s tits. She moaned loudly, sliding her tongue along the sides of his cock, lips tightly sealed around the middle of his dick.

The sound of the cock smacking against the inside of her throat filled the air. Her tongue licked and pressed against the underside of his penis. She felt the tip pressing against the inside of her cheek, feeling it dive down her throat. She lifted her head up and down, feeling his precum drip and fill the inside of her mouth. 

She drank his precum, sucking on the cock with a loud moan. The moan traveled through his cock, making him shudder slightly as she opened an eye to look at him.

Robin stared into her eye, watching it gleam like a jewel as Anya squeezed her tits around Robin’s shaft. The feeling of her and Hannah’s tits, the tight, warm, wet seal of the redhead’s lips… 

He soon came inside of her mouth, shooting a load of semen down her throat. Hannah struggled to contain it all, soon forcing her head off of the dick to gasp for air as cum splattered against her face.

Anya quickly moved in to help, kissing her cousin again, making out with her as cum clung to their faces and lips. Robin watched the two kiss, swapping his semen between the two of them, moaning and whimpering as they made out...

The two cousins soon parted from one another, a thin strand of semen linking their mouths when Robin moved. He gently picked Hannah up, carrying her like a princess as her cum-coated face turned a bright shade of red.

“W-whoa! E-easy,” she weakly muttered, suddenly feeling exposed as her cousin’s eyes ogled her large breasts. He laid her down onto the bed, making her blush as her breasts bounced against her chest.

Anya laid beside her, stroking her cousin’s body with a smile. “Relax, cousin. I know you’re scared, but Robin’s amazing. Trust me, you’ll love it.”

“I…” Hannah showed hesitation, fear, but most of all, excitement as she looked at Robin. She nodded her head, silently giving him permission to take the lead and do what he wanted with her.

Robin smiled and did just that, kissing her neck first and slowly moving his lips down. He got to her breasts, pecking at them, licking them, and then taking the nipples into his mouth. He sucked on one of her breasts as his other hand groped and played with the other. He kneaded the one in his hand, digging his fingers into it as Hannah moaned loudly. 

He released her breasts and grabbed her hips, rubbing the tip of his cock against her pussy as Anya replaced him, kissing Hannah’s neck and soon moving down to suck on her cousin’s tits. She smacked her tongue against the hard nipples as Robin’s cock rubbed against Hannah’s pussy, slowly sliding into her and making the gorgeous redhead moan loudly.

“O-oh fuck, you’re fucking huge! Y-yes, ahh! P-please, m-more! I-I want you to break me in two!” she mewled, throwing her head back as she closed her eyes. 

Hannah’s bar maid outfit clung to her sweaty skin as Robin fucked her missionary style. Her body pressed into the bed, springs groaning under them as he thrusted in and out. Her body bounced slightly with each push, causing her tits to bounce with her. 

Anya did her best to suck on her cousin’s tit, groping the other one with her hand, pinching her nipple and even pulling on it. 

The three continued their game. Robin dug his fingers into her hips, squeezing them as he pounded her pussy. He slammed his cock into her, hitting the walls of her cunt and sending shockwaves of pleasure with every hit. She moaned, melting from the sensation of it fucking her, fingers digging into the bed sheets under her.

Her pussy juices were all over his cock and leaking onto the bed and even her dress. Every plowing thrust sent more of her juices all over the two of them. Her pussy tightened around his cock, stroking the sides of it. Every twitch of her muscle, every inch of her skin, everything about her body seemed to focus only on the pleasure he was giving her.

With the hammer of ecstasy pounding at her mind, it didn’t take long for her to cum, moaning loudly in pleasure. The orgasm was one of the biggest in her life. It made her mind melt as her toes curled and her arms and legs wrapped around his body. She pressed him deeper into her, feeling him go balls deep as his precum coated the inside of her womanhood.

Anya was still trapped between the two, almost crushed between them. Despite having a difficulty breathing, she kept sucking on her tits, licking and letting them fill in her mouth. 

Hannah screamed in pleasure as she rode the waves of her orgasm. She filled the room with her cries as her head dug against the bed, pressing into it as she felt Robin and her nectar ooze out of her, spilling and staining the bed. 

She wasn’t just cumming. It took her melted mind a moment, but she began to realize Robin was still thrusting into her. He was still fucking her pussy, and that was sending her crashing right into another orgasm. 

He just kept fucking her. Her mind couldn’t tell if she was experiencing multiple orgasms or one, insanely intense climax. Either way her throat was ran raw as her eyes glazed over, staring off into space as all she saw were globs of color.

Her senses only came back to her when she felt Anya’s teeth bite into her tit. Pain and ecstasy shot through Hannah, before she realized what was about to happen. Robin was at her ear, growling into it, letting her hear his beastly promise.

“I’m going to pump you full of my cum.”

And he was true to his word. Hannah almost felt like she was being overwhelmed and drowned from the inside out. When he finally came inside of her, his cum overflowed her womb, spilling out and onto the bed as she arched her back.

Hannah let out a silent cry of pleasure, every muscle spasming and shaking as Anya left bite marks on her tits to commemorate this moment. Hannah felt like she was losing all sense of reality… before she fell back onto the bed, a fucked silly grin on her face as her eyes stared at nothing.

She was a trembling, but ultimately satisfied mess. Anya giggled at the sight, before she climbed onto her worn out cousin. Their tits rubbed against one another, and Hannah let out a weak moan as their clits brushed against the other. Hannah could feel her cousin’s juices dripping down on her as Anya spoke.

“Fuck me, Robin. Just like you did back at Equine Plains. I want you to make me go fucking crazy with that cock of yours.”

“Y-yes… Fuck… fuck her,” Hannah panted, barely even concious anymore. 

Robin smiled at his two cheerleaders, before he grabbed Anya’s hips and did as she asked. He stuffed his slick, glistening cock into her pussy and he pounded her. He showed even less mercy than he did Hannah, savagely fucking her cunt and even delivering a harsh slap to her ass.

Anya moaned loudly, wiggling her ass side to side for him. When he smacked her ass again, she made sure to flex her muscles, tightening her cunt around his dick. He moaned at the tight seal she had on him as Hannah moaned. 

“Oh, fuck, fuck! O-our clits are, ahh, ah, fuck, yes!” Their pussies were rubbing against one another. Anya practically laid on top of the taller woman, embracing her as their tits rubbed against one another and pussies smacked into the other. 

Hannah had never had a threesome before. She joked and teased, but this… this scenario was nothing she could ever think could actually happen. It felt fucking amazing, and she hoped and prayed they could do it again as she hit a new peak of pleasure.

Her second one in the last few minutes. 

As for Anya, she made her pussy nice and tight for Robin, moaning with pleasure as she rode him. She moved her body to match every thrust, panting and crying out as the tip of his cock kissed her womb. She bit her lower lip as he painted her butt red, pushing her closer and closer to her climax.

“Yes, yes, fuck me, Robin! Ahh, your cock’s so big, and it feels so goo-oood!” she mewled, eyes rolling into her skull, her lips twitching as her muscles spasmed. Pleasure, like lightning, was coursing through her, driving her absolutely crazy.

Robin soon came inside of her. His semen shot into her pussy, filling her up with his seed. She moaned as she came with him, riding the aftershocks of bliss with a smile on her face. Hannah watched her cousin’s euphoric grin. She had just came her little brains out and Hannah was desperate to ride that same high again. 

The redhead could even feel her cousin’s pussy leaking onto her. Robin’s cum was dripping down on her thigh, leaving Hannah burning with lust for more. 

“Please, please, fuck me,” Hannah begged, lifting her arms up and digging her fingers into Anya’s scarlet ass. 

The darker-haired beauty groaned, weakly protesting the idea. “Nooo… I want another!” 

Robin just chuckled at the sight. He made sure to fuck them both for the rest of the night, staining their clothes in his cum and each other’s. They, and the bed, were a mess, but by the end of their hours of depraved fun, each of them laid exhausted on Hannah’s bed, smiles on their faces as Anya and Hannah’s tits rubbed against Robin’s sleeping face. 


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