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Summary: After getting a peek of Shinji's monster cock, Misato is quick to get a taste of that dick, not wasting a second to have some fun with the young man. Includes: Age Difference, Big Dick


Misato didn’t lift her head up at first when she heard Shinji crying out. She thought it was just another day, just another minor thing that shocked the EVA pilot.

A part of her felt bad. The young man shouldn’t have so much weight on his shoulders, especially considering how timid and soft-spoken he seemed, but this was the life he was stuck with. 

Misato did her best to make it easier for him. She wanted to be there for him, be his friend, his confidant, and even a maternal figure for him, but even she needed a break. 

She wanted to just enjoy her beer and the quiet Sunday night, but Shinji cried out again and she heard a door open. She looked up and she saw Shinji stumbling out towards her, shaking as his towel wrapped loosely around his hips.

“You okay, Shinji?” she asked, putting her drink down.

“Y-yeah. P-Pen Pen just scared me…”

“Aww, he’s just a harmless little penguin, nothing to be afraid-” Misato paused. She felt her mouth dry up. Her eyes widened as she saw something she had never expected.

She never would have thought that Shinji, her little Shinji, would be packing a cock like that. 

Never in her life would she think a cock’s size would leave her jaw dropped, but here she was. The towel had fallen around Shinji’s hips. It fell and fell, almost in slow motion, and yet there was still more of Shinji’s cock just behind the fabric.

When it finally hit the ground, Misato was shaking from shock and… something else. Something she hadn’t felt in a while. Something warm. Something that left her short of breath as she looked at Shinji’s dick.

It was as thick as a beer can, and as long as her arm, and it wasn’t even soft. 

Shinji was blessed with a monster of a cock, and all Misato could think of was… it. How big it was, how long it was, how it just swing between his legs like a fucking pendulm! 

“Ahh! I-I am so sorry!” Shinji screamed, knocking Misato out of her thoughts. She blinked, and she watched as the pale blur ran out of her sight, back to the bathroom. She blinked once again, and then again, before her face began to burn hot and she fell back against her couch.

Misato had never considered herself much of a ‘size queen.’ She had sex before, but it was just normal, natural sex with average penises. Her brain was becoming frazzled as her cheeks burned hotter and hotter.

She grabbed her beer and rubbed it against her forehead, trying to cool her warm face, but one glance at the can just sent her right back into thoughts of Shinji and his cock…

His cock…

Misato licked her lips as her eyes glanced at the bathroom.


Shinji was in the middle of his shower when he heard the door open. He sighed, cursing the fact that Misato had such an annoyingly intelligent pet. 

“Pen Pen, please, leave-”

The shower’s door opened, and Misato’s naked body stepped inside the bathroom, standing right across from the naked young man. He almost screamed, covering himself as he nearly fell back. 

“M-Misato!? W-what are you doing?!” She moved closer, a smile on her face and a glimmer in her eyes as he trembled in place. “What-mmmph?!”

She kissed him. The beautiful, sexy older woman was kissing him. She was kissing him, and he had no idea what to do as he felt her tongue slip into his mouth. It slid along the inside of his mouth, rubbing against his quivering tongue. 

Her hands stroked his cheeks as the shower’s water entered the empty tub. She pushed him against the wall as his arms hung uselessly on each side of his body. Her tongue continued to play with his, exploring his mouth as he found it hard to think.

She was so soft. And warm. And her tongue felt so good.

Misato broke the kiss suddenly, just as his tongue was beginning to rub against hers. His tongue actually tried to follow her, slipping out of his mouth as she pulled away.

“If you want me to stop, just say so,” she whispered, before began to sink down to her knees before him. 

Was this really happening? Was he going to let it happen? The questions were left unanswered as Misato wrapped her soft fingers around his dick, stroking it back and forth as it throbbed in her grip.

“You’re already hard. Just from a kiss.” She glanced up at him, a knowing smile on her lips. “Was that your first kiss?”

“I… I…” He gulped, unable to speak as he watched her open her mouth and take his large member into her mouth.

Shinji had always been an unconfident young man, so he never would have thought such a thing would ever happen to him. Did Misato like him like that? Did he like her that way? Or… or was this all about how she seemed to be entranced by his cock? 

Again, those questions went unanswered as he moaned, feeling her lips sliding along his shaft, getting about halfway before she was forced to stop. He could hear her choked gasps as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to take more of the beast of a cock. 

She pulled away, panting for air as she stroked it with a smile. “I fucking love how big you are, Shinji… You have such a wonderful cock, I… I want it all so badly!”

And she meant it too as she began to deepthroat his cock, letting it stuff her throat as she bobbed her head back and forth. Shinji couldn’t himself from moaning again as she began to take more of the dick, 

Soon she was deepthroating it, letting it batter the inside of her throat just to feel her nose press against his pubic hair. Her throat stretched out to take the monster as a hand fell on her hand, digging into her scalp as she slobbered all over his penis. She coated it in her saliva, until she pulled back, letting the cock slip out of her precum-drenched mouth.

“Get in the tub, Shinji.”

He didn’t hesitate to obey, sitting in the tub as she climbed in after him. The warm water cascading down her body just accented her curvy figure as she slowly kneeled down, keeping her cock hovering just over his shaft.

She was in control as she took the cock in hand and slowly slipped it into her pussy. Shinji watched her shudder, breathing slowly and deeply as the cock began to slowly fill her cunt.

“Fuck, you’re so fucking big… L-look at me, Shinji. Look me in the eyes!” she moaned, nearly screaming in pleasure as her features began to grow more… sinful. Twisted. She almost seemed like a predator suddenly, and he was her prey…

Despite what was going through Shinji’s mind, Misato felt like the animal being preyed upon. Shijnji’s cock was so fucking huge. It was beating her insides, hitting the walls of her cunt so hard that she felt like she was losing her mind with every thrust. 

“Oh, fuck!” she panted, unable to comprehend how a rod of flesh could feel this fucking good. She wasn’t even taking the whole thing yet.

It was so huge, it was making a visible bump in her belly. Her belly… The thought of bearing Shinji’s child zoomed through her mind. It intoxicated her already ecstatic mind, feeding this new side of her that Shinji’s cock had unlocked. 

Misato was losing her mind on this cock. Her inhibitions, her insecurities, it all seemed to fall apart the longer she rode the thick, girthy penis. She panted, tongue hanging out of her mouth as she felt their bodies press against one another.

“I-it’s all inside of me… Oh, fuck, it’s all in there,” she laughed, a wild grin on her face as Shinji moaned below her.

“M-Misato…” The dark-haired woman turned her head down, trying to focus her blurry vision as Shinji looked up at her. He was panting, just like her, shaking, just like her, and clearly red in the face. 

Just. Like. Her.

“Does it feel good, Shinji?” she asked, placing her hands on his naked chest, gently tracing the subtle muscles he carried. 

“Y-yes. You’re t-tight,” he muttered, panting as he closed his eyes.

She smiled at the compliment, before she tightened her pussy, squeezing Shinji’s cock and earning a loud moan from the younger man’s lips. His hands moved on their own, holding her hips, squeezing them.

Misato flexed her muscles, letting her pussy walls wrap tightly around his shaft once more. She dragged the walls up and down the rod, stroking every inch of it as her pussy juices coated him, melding with her saliva and his precum.

“M-Misato, I-I think I-I’m gonna cum soon,” Shinji confessed as her womanhood continued to embrace and tighten around his cock. 

She could feel his dick rubbing against the entrance to her womb. The older woman shuddered in place as she smiled. “Inside, Shinji. I want you to cum in me.”

“B-but what if you end up pre-” Her nails dug into his chest. It was brief, almost like it didn’t even happen, but he knew it did, and he knew what it meant. 

Their eyes met and Misato licked her lips as her hair fell around Shinji. She leaned down as close as she could as she whispered her plea.

“Please, Shinji… Cum inside me?”

That was all Shinji needed. His hands rolled into fists as he moaned, cumming under the gorgeous woman and pumping her full of his semen. His balls twitched, his cock throbbed, and his seed gushed forth, filling the woman he had begun to see as… almost like a mother. 

Shinji didn’t care, though. He liked the feeling of cumming inside of her, of pumping her full of his seed. He loved the way it made Misato mewl with pleasure, leaning her head back as she came with him and her juices sprayed onto his body. 

Misato trembled, feeling the younger man’s semen clinging to the inner walls of her womanhood. It tainted her mind and heart as she licked her lips and leaned down, kissing Shinji’s lips as cum trickled out of her tight pussy.

“Did you like that, Shinji?” He nodded, slowly, still trying to catch his breath. “Good. Because we are going to have a lot more fun, Shinji. Every moment we can, we’ll be making love. Just. Like. This.”

Misato’s heart soared when she saw the smile on the young man’s face. It was clear he was just as eager as she was.”


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